Sakura Matou
“Senpai. . . Senpai!” Sakura held Shirou close to her, burying her face into his shirt and clinging to him with a grip so tight it hurt. She didn’t like that kiss, she didn’t like that kiss one bit! “He-He kissed me! With tongue!” She quivered as she spoke, maintaining her iron grip on him for stability. She shook her head vigorously. “Mm-mm mm-mm mm-mm!”
And then he began to speak.
“I apologise for my actions, Sakura. I do indeed have my own Sakura, we came to this world from our home dimension to find our Rider, and got separated in transit. I thought I might never see her again, which would make her sad, and when you appeared I mistook you for her, hence my passionate reaction”, he said.
“Anyway, it's nice to meet you. It is good to know that you are well, and that your family is here for you”, he continued, looking in her direction with a genuine smile on his face. “Could you please remove this blindfold, though? It is somewhat discomforting to not be able to see what is happening.”
That’snotsenpaithat’snotsenpaithatsnotsenpai! She screamed to herself internally, her quivering increasing to a strong vibration, like a large bell in an old church tower. This isn’t right! This isn’t right! THIS ISN’T RIGHT! He didn’t speak right, not one bit! whywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhyWHY! She started sobbing again, she was scared. She was frightened of this prospect. A Shirou who wasn’t a Senpai. Not just not her Senpai, but not one at all. She’d never even considered the possibility of this, never never never nevernevernever ever! How could this be happening, why was he here, and what had he done to ‘his’ Sakura? Sakura was glad that she had her Senpai, and not—and not this Shirou.
So she continued crying into her Senpai, not responding to Shirou.