Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75193 times)


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"Shhh." Sakura said, putting her finger to his lips. She began to take off her skirt and panties, preparing to slide it into her.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The air was taken out of her lungs when Oren turned around, grabbing her and spinning her around. Just like that the world began to shift and shed, an ethereal dream taking it over. Left and right blurred, up and down reversed, forwards and back became the same. And then came the colors, the words shined. There was no other word for it, bright and vibrant, green became verdant and red crimson. Shimmering and glowing the world became nothing more than a dream. But a vibrant and beautifuldream.

It filled her with something. Something she did not know how to feel. It was fake, she knew it was fake, but it felt so… different. Not in a bad way, but it was something she doubted she would be able to feel again, unless she exploded the depths of the infinite Garden itself. It was like, fulfillment? Like something that wasn't there was finally present. Like she was whole, an unimaginable pleasure and warmth. It was so nice...

But there was something wrong. Something within her held her, binding it, holding it. A thorn covered vine that was wrapped around her, but it did not hurt, simply spreading warmth though her. The Dance of the Fae, intoxicating and drawing her, but something held on to her, and she in turned grabbed a hold of it.

It might not have been real, simply an illusion of her mind, a representation of her will. But she would not let her be drawn into this beautiful realm. Her bond to the Garden, to the place she entrusted herself, to the roses, to the wind, to the beasts. To all those things she let into herself, she couldn’t allow herself to be drawn away from it, to forget it. To forget what she loved, to forget what she chose.

But it was so beautiful

But then it stopped. And she pushed herself away from Oren. She immediately collapsed her body trembling, her eyes dilated and filled with a look that could only described as WRONG. But she had a smile, an odd and distorted smile, she couldn’t stop. She… she needed it again, she wanted it again… beautiful

But what was left of her functioning rationality caught up with her mind, smashing against her mind like a fright train. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.
It. Was. WRONG!

And so she did the only thing she could, she called to the Garden. And in her hands, in a barely noticeable pale green glow, a single violet berry appeared. And like that she shoved it into her mouth and swallowed, before Oren could react.

Immediately warmth filled her body. Calm. She felt its protection weaving itself though her form, guarding, shielding… correcting. Yes, that’s what it was doing. It was correcting what was wrong, correcting her, freeing her from the beautiful, no wrong, wrong.

It was wrong. She had to remember it was wrong

Yes, it was wrong. It was a lie. A dream. Slowing her eyes returned to normal and her smile faded. And with it the trembling stopped.

Then she looked up at the Fae, glaring, “Never do that again.” She told it.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2016, 03:52:59 AM by Knick »


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Grabbing the phone she brought it up to her face and looked at the picture… if one could even call it that. Its quality was quite frankly garbage; it didn’t even look like it deserved to be taken by this crappy flip phone.

But she could make out some key traits, Blond hair, a jacket, young, probably around her age, slim build, lacking much… weight at the top. Nanashi thought as she looked at it, trying to remember anyone noteworthy that looked like this. Well, there was a blond in the police that she swore to stay away from… no, that one didn’t have long hair, and one’s hair was a darker blond. She really couldn’t get too much from the picture, not even some key facial features.

In other words, “This is trash.” Ya, that’s it. She looked at the priest with a raised eyebrow and a skeptical look. “Please say you have more than this, because otherwise, well, you will never find something just from their picture.”

A general search area, any know affiliates, if they were human. Anything would really help.


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Annabeth allowed a pained hiss as she felt Ron pull back on her hair that much harder, this time arching back far enough that her chest actually left the ground, the new angle offering a whole new range of sensations for all of a few moments before he let her back down. As it was though, he started to angle his thrusts a bit, his shaft starting to scrape along her inner walls, finding that one spot that sent the Hunter's senses awash with pleasure even amidst everything else. Finally, it was proving to be too much, the pleasure finally sending Annabeth all but screaming over the edge as her inner walls clamped down hard around him, arching back against him as hard as his grip would allow for all of a few moments before falling limp, spent for the moment.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Rin stepped away, tucking a loose lock of hair behind her ears. 

"Right, I think it's preheated so you can go ahead and put those in.  How long do they have to cook?"


Corbin sighed and said, "I really don't know about the other monsters.  I deal strictly with vampires and the occasional werewolf who is said vampires Red Shirt.  As for the other Elites, I'm not exactly a team player.   I just know about Noel because she was cute and I checked her out."

"There might be some huge dragon or something though terrorizing the city."
« Last Edit: February 20, 2016, 06:09:15 AM by Elf »


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Corbin sighed and said, "I really don't know about the other monsters.  I deal strictly with vampires and the occasional werewolf who is said vampires Red Shirt.  As for the other Elites, I'm not exactly a team player.   I just know about Noel because she was cute and I checked her out."

"There might be some huge dragon or something though terrorizing the city."


"You are sure you dealt with a real child of Kamuy? They hunt in packs, bow to no other creatures, and even some gods know better than make them enraged. I hunted with them, was hunted by them and hunted them. They are my distant kin in some way." Those "werewolves" he has mentioned must have been some posers or disgraces that they not only hunted alone but also served someone else! "Oh well, the goddess of hunt will be happy if I cull those unworthy. And werewolf meat is really good to keep me in shape. But uh, thanks for the memo anyway, I haven't eaten yet an overgrown lizard."

No point to interrogating the crowboy any further. "Oi, Shinobu, let's go to the forest. Enough of a detour for me."
« Last Edit: February 20, 2016, 11:39:26 AM by Kat »


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"I don't know why are you looking for this person, but this is so... unprofessional." She commented. The priest now bugged her client and tried to rope her into some search. Unsuccessfully of course. "Hire a better stalker or detective, this photo's quality is abysmal. You will have to comb through a larger city than Edo, so give up and reconsider your life."


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Child of Kamuy? The vampire filed the term away for later, when they were alone. The description of them as pack hunters weren't that far of from how they usually behaved to her knowledge though. Rikuyo also mentioned some goddess of the hunt, looks like there was more to this than what you saw at first glance. She however was familiar with appearances being deceiving.

Rikuyo then suggested that they should go to the forest. "Sure, this place is getting tiresome." The vampire paused before grinning, "Oh and Rikuyo...If I have slayed all werewolves before you show up, it is your problem, slowpoke." With that she took of at high speed leaving the apartment, going not at her full speed but faster than any human could follow.


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"Hah, this ain't even my full speed!" She retorted, propelling herself forward a bit with chi, leaving a dent in the floor of Corbin's apartment, the gust of wind also made all small objects not firmly attached to anything scatter around. If the door to balcony wasn't open, she would have just forced herself through. She soon caught up with the vampire, keeping up with her at a steady pace. As a human she wouldn't lose easily when it came to long distance runs.


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"Shall we go inside? The shop won't soon any soon, but let's already shop around. That's why I'm here after all." Petra proposed, and crossed the treshold of the shop out of her own initiative. She would look first for more casual than fancy clothes.


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Shinobu noticed as Rikuyo caught up with her. "That's not bad...but can you keep up with this." She said as she propelled herself forward at full speed, a gust of wind blowing smaller objects out of the way. She felt her muscles aching as she pushed herself to her very limit blazing past all the cars that were moving on the road.


Archer smirked at her as he replied, "You should pay more attention Rin, I already put them in a while ago. They should be finished any minute now."
« Last Edit: February 20, 2016, 12:28:39 PM by Thedoctor »


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Tch. Better the spoils were worth burning her energy like that. She assumed a transformation to keep up with the vampire, a pair of horns forming on her forehead. Even assuming aspects of a prey rather than the hunter had its uses, after all. She picked up pace, again keeping up with Shinobu even if likely she would be heck tired after completing the race.


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Shinobu interest in Rikuyo rose when se saw the transformation the girl pulled off, after which she became faster. She couldn't really tell what she transformed to though as the only visible things were some horns on her forehead. "Most impressive I must say, to keep up with this pace." She then lowered her pace back to the original one. "There is no need to waste energy though. We will reach the forest soon anyway."


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"Damn it, now this hunt will be tad more difficult..." She complained a bit. Not that she avoided challenge, but she hold actual respect for the children of the wilds. She never held back against them if she could. The readhead shifted back to human form so this time Shinobu could have caught up. They already roamed through the countryside, which meant that the forest would be soon within their reach.


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Shinobu was surprised to hear the redhead complaining in the distance about the difficulty of what lied ahead of them. "I was under the impression you enjoyed challanges." She called out  Rikuyo as she caught up to her as they neared the forest, the edge of it in sight.