Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75190 times)


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Sempai Stunt Cock

Whiskey colored eyes widened as Sakura grabbed him and forced him down.  His breath caught as she began to ride him, and he arched back to meet her.  He bit his lip to keep from moaning, not wanting anyone to hear him.


She grinned at Greyskull and said, "Well, we can try to find you something anyway."


She stepped back and went to grab a spatula for Archer.  She handed it to him and said, "Here."


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Sakura Matou

Sakura had a wide grin on her face, almost laughing at how great this felt. It was wrong, what they were doing. Having sex in such a public place… it was completely immoral. And she loved it. The rush she was getting, having to always be on alert, on not loud.

It felt really good.

She continued to ride Shirou like Rider did a bicycle: hard and roughly. She forced her tongue into his mouth and invaded it.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial
Sempai Stunt Cock

"S-sakura," he whispered breathlessly as she road him hard.  The wet friction made it feel like lightning was cording in his spine as he felt himself swell even more inside of her.

Her lips pressed against his and her tongue slid forcefully in his mouth.  He arched forward, kissing her with the same force as he strained against her.


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Sakura Matou

Sakura rode him harder and harder, feeling his pulsing penis inside her, roiling in her heat and slickness. She touched her tongue against his, closing her eyes and enjoying the kiss. She wanted him to come soon, she wanted to make Senpai feel really good.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial
Sempai's Stunt Cock

Shirou freed his hand to slide it to where they were joined.  He nipped at Sakura's lips before starting to circle his fingers around that hard little nub.  Coming before Sakura was not an option, and with her riding him in a way that made him see stars he knew he had to do something quick.


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Annabeth gasped at his words, then yelped as he bounced her up with the force of his next thrust. Gravity brought her back down in due course, that feeling of fullness resounding all the more as his cum was stirred around inside of her, the sound bringing a fresh blush to her ears. Suddenly, his hand left her breast, covering her mouth instead as he held her close. Before she could do more than make a confused sound, she heard a banging on the door, followed by someone yelling something about it being too noisy.

White-hot annoyance flared up in Annabeth, the Hunter holding out a hand for her treasured Elephant Gun, only to find herself unable to properly marshal her thoughts to bring the gun into existence. Her annoyance flaring up further, she reached down for the revolver she always kept in her holster, only to find that, in removing her pants, Ron had also put the holster out of reach, leaving her effectively unable to deliver swift retribution to the unwanted interruption. Thusly stumped, the Hunter frowned before looking back at Ron.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Sakura Matou

Sakura giggled and moved her now free hand down to meet his, playing with herself just as he did the same. "Senpai~" she whispered at him. "You first."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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Ragna = The = Bloodedge

A numb pain set over, halfway through eating the noodles, and Ragna's sight blurred. His vision doubled as the restaurant became that rooftop again, and in the distance, the big black monstrosity fought a a... figure in the distance.

His participation was minimal. Occasionally, he'd feel a prick on his skin, and the girl behind him would pat him, mutter calming words, and he's feel sleepy again. Sometimes, he smell the burning, he'd see the figure he was fighting in the distance, but most of the time it was nothing but a numb, ever-present feeling.

It went on for who knows how long, until he was completely numb again, completely asleep, only to see the Chinese restaurant again. He blinked in thought, and noticed the girl who was mooching off of him was gone.

Not only that, he heard shit-talking.

A table next to him, some girl, noel, and what looked like a girl too old for halloween dressing as the grim reaper. As Ragna The Bloodedge.

A sudden surge of anger rose up as he heard the blond and the dressup artist talk shit, and for a moment he swore the city burned before him again. But instead of feeling numb, it just spurred him on. Heat rose up in his chest, in his face, and he felt himself move before having decided to.

"Who the hell are you talking about?!" He yelled as he got up, but before even waiting for an answer reached down, into the Darkness, and ripped out a a massive, fanged head. A Dead Spike.

It rose up and chomped at the table, and in turn all of the people sitting there.


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Stunt Cock Is Still A Nice Guy

Shirou shook his head with a gasp.  "N-no," he managed though gritted teeth, trying to focus on her and not the lightning threatening to strike from within.  He felt as if he was going to explode at any moment, that tension too much to bare.


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"Who the hell are you talking about?!" He yelled as he got up, but before even waiting for an answer reached down, into the Darkness, and ripped out a a massive, fanged head. A Dead Spike.

It rose up and chomped at the table, and in turn all of the people sitting there.


The changeling got the hell out of the way of this bizarre attack, rolling to the side of the shop. In crouching position and her eyes focused on her opponent, her hand just itched to grab the spear and stick it right up his ass. Getting arrested for the assault? Gimme a fucking break, he's targeting us now! She thought.


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Darcy Hugh

Darcy raised his arms up and objected. It would be bad if they got in the way, but it would be worse if they got hurt because of him.

"Oi, oi. Calm down there misses. I don't want anyone getting in a mess of my making. I do have a little pride yknow? If I screw up, you might get in trouble. I just need to find her general location, that would be plenty. It's my job after all. It's not a bodyguard I need, just a girlfriend or two."


The stranger sleeping up in her room was eccentric, but downright amiable to be around with in comparison. She felt like checking up on him, especially if she was about to leave with the priest. Provided the money was good enough to make it worthwhile.

"You don't need a girlfriend, but some who will make sure you won't screw up your 'job', scatterbrain. Whoever hired you must have been too desperate." No need to feign being polite about it, she purposefully expressed her true emotions on the matter. "I'm only in it for money, tell me how much you can share, or I will decline joining up with you."


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Vanguard sighed and looked at the man with confusion. Not fake confusion, but real confusion. Then, Sakura asked them to stop. Stop what? He didn't quite understand.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked the man in confusion.


This creature asked a stupid question. Of course, he was defending the two from the threat it posed. Not to mention it dared to raise its hand against his better. "Please seek shelter, Lady Emiya, I shall hold the line until the victory is achieved." He could taste his own blood welling up in his mouth, the aftereffect of the possessed sorcerous attack. But he ignored that, willing to endure any pain.


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"You have no idea how much I actually sleep" She told the redhead jokingly as they finally reached the edge of the forest. "Do not worry if you are actually in trouble I will help you!" The blond vampire said while striking an over the top pose.


She got to be careful this time. Not because she particularly feared for her life, but because it annoyed her that she kept messing up her clothes. She eyed trees for thick enough branch that would be good enough for a club. Once she found appropriate one, she climbed the tree, chopped up the branch with her bare palm, and jumped down, picking up the thick makeshift club. "That should do for now. I will just transform in a pinch."


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The saint searched through the shop for some casual yet sturdy clothes first. Fortunately, the store also sold shoes, so she would easily complete a set. She picked up clothes she needed and emerged from a dressing room. She now wore hiking boots, jeans and a black sleeveless T-shirt. She carried around a biker jacket. Her previous attire was gone as she dismissed, the scarf the only piece that remained.

She was already partly done with the shopping, so she rejoined the others. "I'm back, guys" Finally she could blend in more with more mundane citizens.

LFR Tsar

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Once, there was some clearing, a building, and a colossal army of disenfranchised militants intent on killing mercenaries that made their lives a living Hell, and once, said mercenaries were effective if especially because they were Ghouls. Among them was an East German named Sascha Bohn, and she was prepared for the inevitable death in some rundown ramshackle building, against a platoon size contingent of enemies, outgunned, and outnumbered both. Yet, for the oddest of reasons, she did not find the death that should have come at the end of a tank muzzle, when she closed her eyes and prepared for the ignoble end of being blown to many gory pieces.

What baffled her was that she found herself in a forest, but it wasn't an African one. If anything, the trees were not native to the continent, as far as she knew it, being not so out of place in the Black Forests, Latvia, or even whatever Balkan satellite states out there. Which was why Sascha Bohn was wary, with her assault rifle loaded with only half a mag, took to prowling the sea of trees slowly, cautiously, disbelievingly. Her feet sunk into the grassy knoll, and the mercenary woman sniffed the aroma in the scenery around herself for any signs of life. Oddly enough, the scent she received was... very familiar, yet very strange, if not new. Some mixture of humans... and something else. She didn't know what to make of that.