Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 74836 times)


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Sakagami Kenzo

The demon's sobs echoed trough the halls, slowly weakening as he realized the futility of his actions. She died, he killed her. She wouldn't come back. There was only one thing to do. Suddenly, he felt something touch his shoulder, and reflexively   threw himself away, his back cornered by a wall. Of all the people who had to see this, she was the one he had hoped would be the last. His face was hidden by his thick red hair, that and the bandages that slowly unwrapped and fell off.

"I... I'm fine."

With a careful glance, one could see he looked quite different from the Kenzo from earlier. His skin, now clearly visible, was much darker, a thick grey hide. His eyes were of a deeper, richer red, glowing with a fiery hue. His features were more animalistic and prominent as well, far from his usually human looking form. He looked at his blood soaked hands and raised his head and smiled gently, the same smile he always had.

"You hate me, right?"

LFR Tsar

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Pillar of Autumn:

Finally, someone to take her to the base! 'Bout time....

"Oh, the Longsword? That was one of mine - already put it away." Autumn answered the female marine's inquiry.

"Where are my manners," she began again, putting on a smile and extending her hand out, "I'm Pillar of Autumn, Halcyon-class light cruiser and nameship of the Autumn-class heavy cruisers; it's complicated. You must be a Marine the Admiral sent out, Miss...?"


Sascha raised an eyebrow to that. It seemed like the woman in the weird get up was actually affiliated with whomever sent out those aircrafts. But she did find herself doubting the girl with the twin tailed hair claiming that no doubt an expensive aircraft to be hers. The Ghoul glanced to the younger girl's hand for a brief moment, before clutching it, albeit limply with a shake. That limpness only grew tenfold to the little girl's introduction.

Sascha could not help but snort to that introduction.

"I hope my English isn't that bad, because I could have sworn you introduced yourself as a warship, Fraulein." The mercenary woman began in her German accented English, the disbelief clear in her tone as much as equal measures of amusement. "You're much too thin and not nearly as bloated to be one... and no, I am no marine, nor do I work for the Volksmarine's Generaladmirals. Let's just say that I work to anyone interested in my skills and are willing to pay for it, but that's not important right now." Sascha pauses, mulling over her next words for a brief moment, before continuing. "What I do wonder, is that whereabouts in Africa is this place? The vegetation... they're all wrong. It's not typical of the Savannah."


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The blond servant listened with interest to Sakura's, she seemed to have broad range of abilities which was the sign of a thorough education at least. Nothing stood out as truly amazing on the other hand, not that she expected that either, Sakura did after all have an abundance of prana. Jeanne thougth for a moment about what she would tell Sakura, there was a lot to cover, maybe she should just start with what she was.

"To begin with I have absolute magic resistence stemming from the fact I'm a saint, or rather the faith necessary to be a saint in the first place and The Lord rewards that faith. I also get guidance, telling me the correct way to acheive the best outcome. As for my Noble Phantasms, My main one is the battle standard: Luminosité Eternelle. It's active ability is a light that protects me and my allies from all harm. Even when not used like that, it's still strong enough to be used as a weapon."               


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Darcy Hugh

The priest shook his head and looked genuinely confused at the girl, as if expecting a punchline to a joke that never came.

"I have no idea what you could be talking about." He said simply. "I just have to deliver something, that's it. Don't believe me?"


"If you were a delivery boy you would certainly knew more about the 'target'. But you and whoever employed you are pretty in dark about this person. Admit it, you are hiding something." If he was also playing a fool to mislead people, he acted pretty well. "I'm honestly more okay with assisting in a murder of bloodsucking dead woman than a mundane citizen. So if my suspicions are true, then it's better for our cooperation, you know?"


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Darcy Hugh

The priest rubbed the back of his head in exasperation. Damn that girl was annoying, anyone would've been able to tell he didn't want to spell it out openly. What if a familiar over heard them? Either way she should've gotten how things would work by now, assuming she wasn't an idiot.

"Come on, is this really the face of a killer? Wouldn't I be more scruffy if that was the case? With a big gun, an eyepatch and scars all over, yknow? Sorry, but I'll have to disappoint you. This is just a boring dull job for a boring dull man."

Then, his arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her towards him. He smiled at her seductively and purred.

"Besides, what king of monster would lie to a hottie like you? I'd feel terrible myself! Trust me, I just need to get something delivered to someone. And no, it's not a bullet or a stake to the heart, cutie."
« Last Edit: March 05, 2016, 08:36:32 PM by francobull3 »


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Annabeth felt whatever weariness had gathered melting away in the warm bath, allowing a sigh as she felt Ron starting to work at one of her legs with some soap. After a while, though, a hint of mischief started to work its way into the Hunter's thoughts. Working her way around to his front, the Hunter thoroughly scrubbed down his chest before moving lower, fingers dancing teasingly across his belly before she continued scrubbing at whatever dirt she could find.

"It is just me or do you seem a bit...tense," Annabeth mused, hands dipping lower for brief moment before continuing.

Ron could feel his body alternating between tension and relaxation as Annabeth's rough fingers rubbed against his hairy chest, then right back to tightening when her hand drifted lower. He did his best to ignore this and kept his eyes on the bath water as it fogged up from the soap seeping into it. It didn't take long before he couldn't even see the bounty hunter's legs beneath the surface and had to go by touch to keep scrubbing at them.

He leaned forward to get at her feet, and ignored his own little shiver as she got much too close for... not comfort, but for reaching the goal of not making even more of a mess of the water. "I'm sure it's just you. Probably. Mostly."

The werewolf started cleaning between her toes.


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Annabeth found herself giggling as he started working the soap in between her toes, her toes curling up reflexively. Grinning through it, the Hunter leaned Ron a bit further back, letting his head rest on her chest. With that, Annabeth decided to escalate further, her hands slipping lower to occasionally brush against his length as if by accident.

"Hmm, seems like it might not just be me," she remarked, feigning a little surprise, barely holding back a giggle.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2016, 02:00:47 AM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Shirou Emiya

As they walked to the food court, Shirou had been thinking. He didn’t like some of the ways Sakura had seemed to have changed. She seemed far more reckless, and she’d never cared in this way about vampires before. While Sakura and Jeanne were talking, Shirou furtively tugged on Rider’s sleeve, and made some small motions that he wanted to go talk to her privately.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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As they flew through the city, the vampire knew that they needed to get to shelter quickly. Her apartment wouldn't do, and neither would some old warehouse. If nothing else, at least she'd been given the dignity of waking up in a proper bed when she was first turned. Then, out of seemingly nowhere, the vampire's gaze happened across what looked like an abandoned mansion. A rather ramshackle affair, to be perfectly honest, as it was clear the place hadn't been maintained in some time.

Even so, the vampire supposed it would have to suffice. Darting inside, Seras looked around through the rooms with her charge in tow before happening across something passable. What looked to be the master bedroom of the manor, and the least ragged of the rooms. Quickly laying Garou down on the bed, the vampire sat herself down at a nearby armchair, fidgeting around a bit as she tried to figure out how to sit.

Oh man, this is the first time I've done this sort of do I present myself? Dominant? Curious? Both? Bloody hell...

After a while, the vampire settled on curious, crossing one leg over the other as she leaned on the flesh and blood arm, elbow resting on the armrest. The shadow arm was propping up her face, eyes focused on the seemingly dead man as stray shadows flitted about behind her, the relative lack of lighting and the slight crimson luminescence of the shadows serving to frame her in them, tendrils waving lazily in the air as she watched him.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Forest sighed at Petra and shrugged.  It wasn't her fault if people didn't understand good TV or basic pop culture.  At least she didn't reference Forever Knight, now there was a cult show if there ever was one.

"Wait, what? There are human leeches running around? How did that even get started?" Lumen asked.

Forest winched, held up her hands, and made a shushing sound.  "Shush, not so loud . . ."

"That's not quite it. Think of them more as revenants, once deceased beings who need to plunder the essence of the living to make it their own, mostly trough the consumption of the soul trough the blood. Some change and tamper with their body and soul to achieve such form, while others are turned by fellow vampires. There are few who believe it would grant them longer, eternal life, greater power and prosperity. They are wrong, and in the end it will only delay the inevitable."

Greyskull's voice was grave, solemn as he gave his little speech.
"Know this, no matter what you do, you cannot escape death, nor can you cheat it. There's no point in such things, it is much better to make use of what little time you have and live however you see fit, to appreciate every passing moment for what it is. Those who cannot even accomplish that do not deserve even an extra second." He said sternly.

Forest rubbed the back of her neck, sighed and said, "I never asked to be turned.  In fact, I wasn't given much choice at all.  And Lumen, there are various forms of vampirism here in Nexus . . ."


"Of course you do.  Strenuous work-outs when your Master isn't looking," Rin said as she rolled her eyes and shook her head at him.


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It became harder to get at her toes as she pulled him back, and she was starting to get frisky again when they were in one of the worst possible places for it. Ron, of course, wasn't thinking too hard about this. He was, instead, twisting in place a bit so the side of his face was doing the resting on her chest. His soap-covered hair spread some of the suds over her skin there. He found himself reaching under Annabeth's left arm with the little sliver of soap he still had after keeping it under the water so long, and scrubbing at her there.

"You... are a terrible liar," he points out, hiding a snicker himself as he attempted to use his hair as a loofah on her.

Cherry Lover

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After purchasing the clothes for the new servant, Sakura brought them all to the food court, where they purchased whatever food they wanted and, then, sat down at a table in the corner, as far as possible away from anyone who might want to listen in to their discussion. Then, when they had taken their seat and begun to dig in to their food, Sakura began to speak.

Rider found herself somewhat peturbed by Sakura's somewhat-unhealthy emphasis on the danger of vampires, particularly given that she knew there were far more dangerous things here than simply vampires. Then, Sakura began to talk about her magic. Once again, Rider was surprised and a little concerned with her explanation, the surprise clear on her face when Sakura mentioned "bug magic". Not that she found it impossible that Sakura could learn such magic, it was, after all, part of the Matou magic that had been burnt into her body, but she was surprised that Sakura would put enough effort into learning to use such magic, or talk about it as if it was her main ability.

Then, with Sakura finished, Jeanne spoke up. Rider frowned momentarily at the mention of her obtaining her magic resistance through "faith", after all, she was highly suspicious of the gods and of anyone who had such faith in them or used them to gain power. Still, ultimately, she saw no reason to hold it against the girl. After all, as awful as the gods were, and as bad as some heroes could be, there were still many perfectly-nice heroes even in her time, and Jeanne seemed like a nice person, so she wasn't going to hold the source of her power against her. And, given that it meant she would be immune to Rider's Mystic Eyes, it was extremely helpful for their battle stategy.

Continuing, Jeanne began to explain her Noble Phantasm, a representation of her battle standard that allowed her to protect herself and her allies from harm. Again, that would be very useful, especially when coupled with Rider's ability to quickly withdraw Sakura from any dangerous situation using Pegasus. Overall, Rider was fairly impressed with Jeanne's abilities, they were certainly likely to be useful in helping her to protect Sakura.

Rider wondered if she should speak up next, to explain her abilities to Jeanne. However, before she could do so, she felt Shirou tugging on her arm, obviously trying to get her attention. Turning to him, she noticed him motioning that he wanted to go and talk to her in private. Momentarily, Rider considered whether she should go with him. After all, this was an important discussion, and she didn't want to miss something that would be useful later. Ultimately, though, she knew that, if Shirou wanted to talk to her, it was probably something to do with Sakura. And, given how she had been acting over the last few days, she suspected he wanted to discuss his concerns with her.

Sighing, Rider realised that she couldn't simply ignore him. If he had concerns about Sakura's well-being, then she needed to discuss them with him. For a moment, she considered how best to excuse herself, before realising that she had already drunk much of her drink. Taking the cup and finishing it off, she spoke up.

"Sakura, I'm just going to go and get myself another drink", she said, getting up and leaving the table.


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Darcy Hugh

The priest rubbed the back of his head in exasperation. Damn that girl was annoying, anyone would've been able to tell he didn't want to spell it out openly. What if a familiar over heard them? Either way she should've gotten how things would work by now, assuming she wasn't an idiot.

"Come on, is this really the face of a killer? Wouldn't I be more scruffy if that was the case? With a big gun, an eyepatch and scars all over, you know? Sorry, but I'll have to disappoint you. This is just a boring dull job for a boring dull man."

Then, his arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her towards him. He smiled at her seductively and purred.

"Besides, what king of monster would lie to a hottie like you? I'd feel terrible myself! Trust me, I just need to get something delivered to someone. And no, it's not a bullet or a stake to the heart,


The demon was now more and more sure that the real objective of the fake priest could have been getting into her pants. What a hopeless man. Whether a delivery boy or a vampire hunter wannabe, he didn't seem to be competent either, his brain too testosterone poisoned. That, or he fooled around on purpose, for her to lower guard around D'Arcy and not take him seriously. As if! She only trusted herself.

Still, she had to act properly in such situation. Reject him gently, without carving his face enough that he would gain some scars or bleed out. She blushed as if in embarassment. "What do you think you are doing, people are watching..." Indeed, acting in such way was bound to a shameful display, and she 'hoped' that such arguments would get to his thick skull. She would escalate her reaction further if he didn't take a hint. What she even got into, she thought as she cursed her current situation. But, if she couldn't do anything about his behavior, she could potentially exploit to her own benefit, if she played her cards right. Maybe she would offer that she would take him to cafe if he divulged his secret to her. She didn't like it when people hid anything from her, and she would be even bargain for knowledge if the price was reasonable.


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The vampire didn't lose stamina as easily as her. She would be a bit jealous about her body if not for the fact drinking blood all the time would be so limiting. Rikuyo was an omnivore incarnate. As long as something tasted decent and wasn't an anathema to her body, she would devour it without hesistation.

There was no point for her to stay transformed now. It was two on one situation now, as they dealt with Andrew's friends. That name. She had no clue foreigners could be children of Kamuy as well. Only those with the blood of bearded folk from the North could awaken to the call of the goddess. Some of Yamato people could be like that as well, but all those had some heritage from the North in their veins. The world proved to rife with unknown potential once again. The redhead became completely human now. She could still fight one of god favored tribe anyway.

"Oi, why are ya in such hurry." She exclaimed, unable to keep up with Shinobu's speed now. Maybe she would let her work for her meal now, she had scored two direct kills now. They were at the finishing line. She doubt that Andy guy would go down too easily, but more than half of their work was done. Too early to divide the food among themselves, but she would let Shinobu call dibs on the main man himself.


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Lumen seemed to have no clue about what vampires even were. One could say that her world was lucky to be without them. She didn't wish any harm to Forest and she thought the vampire was a nice person even if she sometimes talked about stuff Petra didn't have clue about, but the fact remained that some vampires were abusers and even those vampires who didn't ask for it had to struggle with their condition, and avoid the wholesome rays of sun.

Then Greyskull talked about vampires of his world. Her world's vampire sustained themselves on the physical part of the blood, so she was relieved they weren't soulsuckers as well. If she met such a vampire, she would not hesitate to end its existence. Denying Heaven to people was the worst offense imaginable. Those with their souls sucked couldn't possibly pass away, either in the trall of the vampire or their very existence destroyed for sustenance.

"It's not your fault, Forest, so don't feel guilty about it. If I was the one turned by somebody, I would probably just move on and make something out of my life. Not that there's anyone here to try that. Let me guess, you've never tried to make anyone into a vampire? I don't think you would, so I can rest at ease." Honestly, Petra pretended to be much weaker than she was on purpose. Better to keep low profile and not attract battle crazed morons. She didn't think there was any vampire who could force somebody like her to become like them.