Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 74942 times)


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Her trembling fist stayed in the air ready to respond at a moment’s notice. But her eyes were fixed, not on the monstrosity, not on the man, but the girl that stood defending the indescribable thing. “You… you know exactly what that this is. You put it in you yourself.” She was able to force out though her grit teeth. “You know just what was just let loose on the world… ”

Her vision, it made sense now, it made far too much sense now. Impossible and horrifying, it set a deep sense of revulsion deep in her core. It was something ‘else’, something that did not belong, something that would distort the world. She could see it now. It was bending space, shifting planes, crying worlds over lapping with this one. As her mother’s child, she could see it, she could feel it.

It was her duty, as one who understands what it is on some level, to stop it.

Her head tilted to the man staring at her, ready to attack at a moment’s notice, “Get out of here, that thing is dangerous. There is no telling how much damage it will cause if is allowed to go free.” Nanashi’s form lowered, one of her hand tapping against the pavement, and her focus changed back to the girl now defending the monstrosity.

“I’ll stop it here, for everyone’s sake. Cause like hell I am going to let it fuck over the Nexus, people have it hard enough. Then I will let the enforcers decide what to do with you.”  She told the girl as her scarf burned with light. The light was bright and encompassing, enveloping the alleyway in a blue glow and warmth.

Her right leg lifted off the ground slightly, before stamping onto the ground. As the black boot smacked against the pavement, fire burst to life. And with that her body glowed, the flames of her spirit awakening with their full might. Her body hunched over her eyes glowed, as her focus reached its peak. She was ready.

She was going to show this thing that you don’t get to fuck with her home. Not if she can do anything about it.


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Rin sighed and said, "Fine if you just want to fade away, I completely understand that you're a self-destructive idiot."

Then she shrugged and began to gather the dirtied dishes to the sink.

"There are ways to supply you with prana without forming a contract.  Even though you wouldn't have a link to keep you here, you'd gain at least another day for you to decide."


"Oh, come on. You'll have to wait until the night. I won't show off here in the damn food department unless some bold and foolish evildoer picks up a fight with us. Though I really don't feel like fighting now. Last time time I was hanging out in a restaurant some white haired moron with more power than brains fought me and my buddies."

The blond gritted her teeth.  She thought to herself, It's as almost as if she wants to pick a fight or something.  Bloody fannybawbag must be daft.  Completely daft . . .

"So you want to drag this 'kid' with you in the middle of the night. What a great adult you're being blondie." The girl with the Japanese accent said and Forest heard rustling of movement, she couldn't see anything because her back was turned, "You're just to afraid to do anything, that's the truth isn't it?"

Admittedly, Forest had to admire the kid's snark, even though she was potentially egging this Mordred character on.

Wait . . . this . . . that name.  Is this Saber's kid?

She inhaled deeply.  There was no trace of Saber in the area, and nothing even remotely like her either.   However Gadreel's scent was more than a little distracting.  As was his finger on her lip, which was making her stomach do those delightful nervous flip-flops that she wasn't quite sure how to respond to.

Perhaps we had best take our confections elsewhere? The company is becoming rather aggressive, if I must say so myself, Gadreel sent to her, looking towards the mall.

Then, he moved his finger from her lips and to her hand before taking it.  He grabbed his milkshake with the other as he said,  "Now then, I believe we were investigating a rather intriguing cosmetics store before..."

Forest felt another flutter as she took his hand and flashed him a somewhat nervous smile and nodded.  "I still didn't get my eyeliner," she said with a chuckle.  "Then . . . would you like to go get some real food?"

She quickly looked away and added, "If you want."

Cherry Lover

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Rider continued to pay little attention to Sakura's antics as she watched the movie intently. Unlike the ever-curious Jeanne, Rider had seen Sakura tease her beloved far too many times for it to be unusual and, with the theatre as empty as it was, all that surprised her was that they were not having sex right here. So, she simply rolled her eyes and continued to watch the movie that she was thoroughly enjoying.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2016, 01:21:06 AM by Cherry Lover »


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Tch. He should’ve known better, there was no way she’d understand. Spouting all this goody good nonsense about justice and shit, that was his idea of a perfectly happy person. That pissed him off more than anything, but it’s not like he could do anything about it.

Not because she saved him or anything mind you, but because he didn’t have much fight left in him. It just wasn’t worth the trouble, that’s all. He wasn’t feeling indebted or anything.

“Let’s just go.” He said sourly with a sprinkle of salt.


"Ah, sorry then. You're not in mood for talking about such stuff. Let's go then, shall we?" She smiled in reconciliatory manner. "Ah, let's see. The map says it's the west to our current position. Just don't dine and dash, okay? I'll pay for everything." She warned her companion in advance. She'd have no other choice then smack him in the head if he did that. Or anyone other who tried that.

And so they marched, Petra not going too fast so Garou could keep up with her. After a while they arrived at the restaurant. It was a small place, but as long as it was run by a genuine Italian, she felt confident about the quality of the establishment.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2016, 11:13:41 AM by Kat »


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Shiro glared at the idiot woman angrily. She wasn't ok with that last thing she'd just said. The bit about mugging people for money and food.

"That's wrong. You're wrong." Shiro sniffed at her. "In fact, your entire existence is wrong." The playfulness that she had been showing was now completely gone from her. "What even are you? And why should I let you roam free, if you're just going to go around and hurt someone, maybe even kill them, just because it's vaguely convenient for you?"


"Eh, I'm just a human." Rikuyo wasn't even angry about the foxgirl preaching at her. She was more puzzled why the heck she thought it was something unnatural.

"People 'take' from others. Whether it's a posh lord who relies on peasants doing everything for them, or a thief snatching gold from a mansion of that lord, the strong ones rely on using the weak ones. I'm the weak one here, so there's nothing wrong also about taking something from me. That painted woman prolly wants to show she's better than someone weaker than me, so I will just do her favor and go along with it. I honestly don't give a damn about it." She shrugged, the petals still sticked to her body.


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"So you want to drag this 'kid' with you in the middle of the night. What a great adult you're being blondie." Kuro walked around the table as she said this until she was standing next to where Mordred was sitting. She looked at the blonde with a serious expression before she continued. "You're just to afraid to do anything, that's the truth isn't it?"


The small one, charmingly dark of skin and white of hair, appeared to be some form of agitator. At this rate her companion would be provoked to disprove her statements, and this could well lead to rash behavior. It would be prudent, he thought to himself, to vacate the premises in an unassuming fashion lest they become the targets.

Perhaps we had best take our confections elsewhere? The company is becoming rather aggressive, if I must say so myselfGadreel suggested, averting his eyes toward the larger forum of the humans' mall. There it would be more difficult for such miscreants to initiate hostilities amid the crowding masses, and from the sound of them they had not the ill character necessary to cast the humans aside. This was from an admittedly small sample of their characters, but if he had faith in anything it was that human nature was essentially good.

Even with all of the awful things they did to one another.

So, the exile moved his finger aside and brought it down to one of Forest's hands, and took up what remained of his milkshake in the other. "Now then, I believe we were investigating a rather intriguing cosmetics store before..."


"Oh, come on. You'll have to wait until the night. I won't show off here in the damn food department unless some bold and foolish evildoer picks up a fight with us. Though I really don't feel like fighting now. Last time time I was hanging out in a restaurant some white haired moron with more power than brains fought me and my buddies."

The blond gritted her teeth.  She thought to herself, It's as almost as if she wants to pick a fight or something.  Bloody fannybawbag must be daft.  Completely daft . . .

"So you want to drag this 'kid' with you in the middle of the night. What a great adult you're being blondie." The girl with the Japanese accent said and Forest heard rustling of movement, she couldn't see anything because her back was turned, "You're just to afraid to do anything, that's the truth isn't it?"

Admittedly, Forest had to admire the kid's snark, even though she was potentially egging this Mordred character on.

Wait . . . this . . . that name.  Is this Saber's kid?

She inhaled deeply.  There was no trace of Saber in the area, and nothing even remotely like her either.   However Gadreel's scent was more than a little distracting.  As was his finger on her lip, which was making her stomach do those delightful nervous flip-flops that she wasn't quite sure how to respond to.

Perhaps we had best take our confections elsewhere? The company is becoming rather aggressive, if I must say so myself, Gadreel sent to her, looking towards the mall.

Then, he moved his finger from her lips and to her hand before taking it.  He grabbed his milkshake with the other as he said,  "Now then, I believe we were investigating a rather intriguing cosmetics store before..."

Forest felt another flutter as she took his hand and flashed him a somewhat nervous smile and nodded.  "I still didn't get my eyeliner," she said with a chuckle.  "Then . . . would you like to go get some real food?"

She quickly looked away and added, "If you want."


"Hell no, I'm not a moron who will just fall to your provocation and show off like an idiot, you little troll. Jesus Christ, you're really asking for trouble." Fucking kids. If she was her guardian, she'd have grounded her for such cheeky behavior. She was angry, but kept her anger under control. She could probably take on her right here and right now, but she was the more responsible person here.

"If you are being a doubting Thomas, then I will show you." Sparring with a kid would be some unbecoming of her, but she could have a fair and civilized match with someone who would agree. She would just need to ask some guy who looked stronger than her on surface. Mundane people didn't have high chances against her in a duel, but she'd limit her strength.

"Uh, sir, sorry for interrupting, but you look strong, and this kid is doubting I'm any good. Arm wrestling would be fine? It's fine if you are busy, though." She awkwardly asked the tall red haired man who was dining next to the eighties obsessed blond that looked Mord's physical age. Man, what I'm getting into it, she thought, as she feel a bit embarassed that she wanted to prove herself before a spoiled brat. But that was far better solution than just blatantly showing off her powers. What's next, the kid would want her to transform in front of everyone? Hey, I'm a half-dragon, look at me guys!
« Last Edit: April 08, 2016, 03:12:15 PM by Kat »


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Troll, did she just call her a troll? Blondie is such a meanie, she was lucky she had bought food for her or else unpleasant things would have happened. As she fumed over this the white haired girl subconciously followed Mordred to the table where she had heard people talking about the 80's. They looked like they were about to leave. Before they could do so however Mordred challanged the man to an arm wrestling contest to show off her strength or something. As she got close to them she noticed one thing, he was really tall and built too, so Blondie's planned to beat him. Like that would happened, she couldn't help but grin as she imagined the result of it. "There's no way you can beat him, just look at him, he could probably wrestle a bear." Kuro said while looking at Mordred.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2016, 03:51:30 PM by Thedoctor »


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Oka Kurosawa

"Huh? Chuck? I mean, if you like, Chuck's a decent name, in my opinion. I have a good friend named Chuck."

"Hmmm." What do you think you'll evolve him into?" She looked over Jin. "Glaceon seems your type."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"You are not creepy, you are just annoying." The kyuuketsuki delivered this Earth shattering advice in a bored monotone as she had already grown tired of the man's antics. Or was it a lack thereof? The man was so boring it was almost repulsive to experience his presence. The man then had the audacity to acquire yet another basket filled with donuts, that he then handed to her. The blonde put the basket gently on the ground as he said that he wanted them to be friends.

"Thank you~" She said overly sweetly, to a degree that was almost faked. As she did so she also jumped him and gave him a hug.


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He kept rubbing her back as he pondered her question. "Yeah I'll probably go with that then. As for the type, does glaceon have something to do with ice?" One of his hands left her back and stroked her side instead.


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Oka and Sylveon

Oka smiled as she noticed him rubbing her back, slowly creeping down to her side. "Yeah, Glaceon's an ice type. I'm not sure why, my intuition is just telling me that that might be something you'd like. They're really strong too, I've heard they can instantly freeze someone fatally, if they like. Luckily they're good and peaceful creatures." She raised herself and precariously stood on the tips of her big toes, like a ballerina. Looking at him on eye level now, she stared for a second before she pecked him on the cheek. "Maybe it's because you're so cool, Jin."

Sylveon, meanwhile, bounced around them and rubbed them, patting them on the back with his pink ribbons.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Denied. It was a touching gesture, but Theodore refused to have filthy 3D girl sweat stain his clothes. After all, only the pure waifu Alae-Chan and all her lookalikes were allowed to touch him. He moved back and couched nervously, dropping a bead of sweat. Was that girl crazy or something?

And then, an idea.

"Boring...Oh, I know how to fix that. How about we play a game?" He replied in the most fishy (the dead sort of fish) way possible.


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He smiled through her explanation, they sounded really useful and having a pet that could spray out ice might come in handy. He was surprised though for a moment when she suddenly raised herself on her toes like a ballerina and gave him a peck on his cheek.

Reacting quickly he pressed her body towards him before she had time to go down. His lips met her as he gave her a deep kiss, trying to get his tongue into her mouth. Both of his hands went down her back until they reached her butt. Grabbing hold off it he squuezed it thoroughly, kneading it between his fingers.


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"Well," the exile began with a smile, "it certainly has been too long since I had more than just a milkshake. A proper meal would be quite agreeable now."

Before he could draw Forest's arm into his and walk away, however, he was approached by the taller of the two young ladies who had been seated adjacent to them not long ago. He considered his would-be challenger and her regretfully youthful provocateur for a brief moment. On the one hand, she was rather belligerent and hostile - his current companion was even one of her preferred targets. On the other hand, it would not take a great deal of his time. The angel could simply defeat her in this contest of strength in short order and be on his way. In the event that she was more capable than she seemed, he would allow her the victory she craved so as to not reveal more than would be prudent about his own capabilities.

Gadreel looked to Forest for a moment, and nodded to her. "It shall only take a moment," he said as if to explain his concession to his challenger. "And then we may continue as we were."

He smiled and nodded to both of the young ladies, each in turn. "I accept your challenge. Before we begin, may I inquire as to the names of the fine ladies before me?"

After that it would be simply a matter of sitting down at the appropriate table and setting their arms up for this.


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He smiled through her explanation, they sounded really useful and having a pet that could spray out ice might come in handy. He was surprised though for a moment when she suddenly raised herself on her toes like a ballerina and gave him a peck on his cheek.

Reacting quickly he pressed her body towards him before she had time to go down. His lips met her as he gave her a deep kiss, trying to get his tongue into her mouth. Both of his hands went down her back until they reached her butt. Grabbing hold off it he squuezed it thoroughly, kneading it between his fingers.



Oka would have gasped as Jin kneaded her butt, her eyes widening with shock as his tongue ruthlessly invaded her mouth, leaving no part of it unconquered.

This was so wrong.

Way too lewd.

What if someone saw?

Fuck it. She concluded. She was a dirty, lewd woman, and she was enjoying every part of it.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end