Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75157 times)


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Oka's sucking on balls and the stroking of his shaft finally made him fully hard, her touch was gentle, a bit too gentle actually. "It feels better if you grasp it a bit harder." He told her, excitement showing in his eyes.


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka felt the girl bump her from behind. "We should set some limit for the competition so it doesn't go ut of hand. I do not think you would want that Medaka"  The girl said in a friendly tone.

"Ah yes, of course." Medaka responded in the most composed manner she could muster. It was the best way to hide the fact that she got caught up in the moment.  She turned to Shinobu.  "I just had a thought.  How much money do you have?"


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Oka's sucking on balls and the stroking of his shaft finally made him fully hard, her touch was gentle, a bit too gentle actually. "It feels better if you grasp it a bit harder." He told her, excitement showing in his eyes.


Oka nodded, still sucking on his balls, and gripped the shaft tightly, jerking him off with a tight grip. She soon stopped, and brought her mouth up to the head, and daintily licked the tip. She was about to swallow it whole when she heard a knock on the door.

"Hello, pizza delivery." She heard, and slowly got up with a smile. "I'll go pay for it, you seem a bit busy Jin." She teased him. She then walked over to the door and accepted the Pizzas, paying for them before closing the door on them. She walked back to Jin, holding the pizza box in one hand, and placed it next to him. She sat down on his dick and opened up the pizza box, talking out a slice.

"Say ahh~"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Maybe you're right" She told her. Wait wasn't she almost broke?

"Are you sure you can pat for it, I thought you said that you didn't have that much money on you?" If it was true then she was really nice.


"C'mon, you are even more broke than me. What kind of person I would be if I didn't help you as much as I could?" The changeling earnestly smiled. The fact remained she couldn't go overboard with the spending, but she could still buy her a set of winter clothes. Kuro was more in need than her.


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Garou raised an eyebrow. "Huh? How the hell does that work? It's not like I can tell what I want to eat without a menu."

Honestly, this lousy place looked like a huge sham. The only reason he hadn't left was that Petra hadn't, and that there was nowhere else to go.

Tonio Trussardi

"I mean, I look at my customer and decide what will suit them best." The chef explained to Garou. Then he had a bizarre request. "Please show me your left hand, signor."

(NPC only post since Petra didn't have anything to say yet).


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The demon smiled and sat in front of the girl, but too far to be within her reach. He took a spoon and chopsticks and began to dig in greedily. He would occasionally glance at the poor girl with an ominously creepy shit eating grin. 

To tempt a poor innocent girl with ramen only to take it away in front of her eyes, no matter how you looked at it that demon was a complete sadist. The type that would tear a little girl's teddy bear in front of her and damn people to eternalwalking on wet ground with your socks on hell.

"Cho, about shat osher queshion *slurping noises* Ish it a yesh or a no?


She took it back, he wasn't a decent person at all, he was just screwing with her. Goddamn, just let her taste it, you asshole.

"Only if ya let me have it, ya bastard. No food, no promise." She glared intensely at the asshole who taunted her.


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Theodore had to be impressed. If she was any easier to manipulate, he'd have simply dangled a turkey leg on a rope. Which was kind of what he was doing.

"Then itsh a deal. *slurp* "

With that, he handed her an even larger, more delicious bowl of ramen with pork, egg and vedgetables resting kingly in a sea of broth and noodles. Chopsticks were of course included.

But oops, he forgot to free her.


"Sure." He said before holding out his hand. He swore, if this was one of those silly ass magic tricks, he would-
« Last Edit: April 17, 2016, 01:00:39 AM by francobull3 »


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Maturity is an entirely subjective concern, the angel thought to her in refutation. One need merely look to the ever increasing length of human childhood to see how.

"I find that, often enough, the price and appearance of a product are not often a fair indicator of quality," Gadreel said to Forest as he began to look at some of the selection visible from the front of the establishment. "... and now I must question where they acquire their products in this city."

He frowned in consternation as the thought intruded upon him.


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Well, life spans are getting longer so it would make sense that there is the luxury of having a longer adolescence.   Admittedly, I'm sort of jealous of them, Forest sent to Gadreel.  She looked around sighed.  More than sort of jealous, more like a lot jealous.

Aloud she answered, "That's true, but the old adage of, 'You get what you pay for' holds some weight too."  Forest frowned at a display at the store's entrance of a set of lipsticks in the most boring set of pinks and neutrals she ever laid eyes on.  "As to how this place gets it's wares, it's best not to ask.  However I assume Inter-dimensional Magic plays a part in it."


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He accepted the bottle from Sakura and poured a small amount into a small shot glass.  The glass had suddenly appeared in his other hand after a flashy light show.

"I'd like to say fine but I think we can both guess that isn't really true for either us." He said before drinking the contents of the glass all at once. "So how did you meet this person?"


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"Oh yes money, another word for currency. Of all the things I have in abundance that is sadly not one of them." Not that she needed it people had this odd tendency to pay for her, and she had absolutely no idea why such a thing kept occuring.

"Since I won the race maybe you should pay!" Yes, sometimes even she had to pause in order to marvel at her own genius.


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Sakura Matou

A hole opened up in space and Sakura reached her hand in it, withdrawing a large shot glass before she picked up some hard liquor she knew Rin had pilfered last night.

"Yeah." She said with a bittersweet nostalgic smile. "I met him about a week and a half after I arrived here. It was a cold January night, and it was snowing. I was overflowing with mana, and he was disappearing. A contract seemed like the logical choice for both of us." She smiled. "It was one of the best decisions I ever made in my entire life. His name is—was Faust, the great doctor and the greatest magus I've ever met." During this entire monologue, her eyes had been fading out of focus, and she took a swig of alcohol, the sharp burn of it refocusing her eyes on Archer. "He was like the dad I never had, really. And now he's gone forever." She paused to wipe away the tears that had begun welling up in her eyes. "But Archer, how are you feeling? I don't mean to pry, but I take it something went wrong involving Rin?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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Lumen gave a curt nod at Mitsuba's question. "Of course I do. You sound fair and normal enough, and that's better than what I can say about most people in this city. Anyways, my name is Lumen." The Patchwork held out a hand towards the younger woman. "Do you want me to know your name or do you want me to refer to you with a title?"


The experienced predator admittedly looked out of place in the concrete jungle of the city but she had quickly scrambled her way on top of a roof and continued with a bit more difficulty from there. She slowed down substantially as she took her time discerning the smells from each other before she was certain that there was only one constant. The bald elf hobo was definitely the same person as the woman. Or wearing her skin. It was one or the other.

Oren stood up on two legs and shifted back into her Fae form, giving Fiona a free piggyback ride. "Your friend is also a guy. And an elf. Very suspicious, dontcha think? What should we do next? Should we interrogate him or her?"


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Lumen gave a curt nod at Mitsuba's question. "Of course I do. You sound fair and normal enough, and that's better than what I can say about most people in this city. Anyways, my name is Lumen." The Patchwork held out a hand towards the younger woman. "Do you want me to know your name or do you want me to refer to you with a title?"


Normal? Heh, if the girl knew who she was, she would change her opinion in a heartbeat. But fortunately she didn't know a thing about her true identity. And she didn't plan to change that.

"It's enough you call me Mitsuba-san." She shook Lumen's hand. Mitsuba would allow some degree of familiarity, but it should be clear for anyone around who is superior in this employer-employee relationship. Maybe local boys would respect her more if they realize she has someone far stronger than them on a proverbial leash. If she wanted such a modest job, then maybe she really wanted some money and wasn't picky, so this deal could last for a while.

"We have still some time before the bar officially opens. Do you want something to eat? It's a bar, but my fridge is fully stocked and I know how to cook." The unchained proposed to her new employee.


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She was able to see the people, pointing and seeming to be screaming at the creature, some people were vomiting and some were simply frozen. In a way it was a blessing she would not be able to hear. 

Nanashi jumped, doing to best to close the distance between her and the abomination, before the world flashed before her. She saw, she was standing on a lamp post, flame in hand as she launched it at the abomination, fire roaring with intense heat. Then, something fell on her, and darkness. 

When the world flashed back to normal she was falling, having missed the lampposts. Her hands shot out and she spun, like she was on a gymnastics bar. Then with a burst of flames she launched herself to the next one. She landed the next lamp post, and stopped jumping. 

Then, she trusted her instincts and looked up. And then her jaw dropped. 

A piano, a honest to god piano, fell out of the window, and was making its way at her. In a panic, she jumped, the flames exploding from her feet, launching her as quickly it could, only barely being able to avoid instant death, but she was able to quickly land on an awning


Julius ran, but he haven't closed the distance between those two that were escaping from the fox eared menace. And speaking of the devil, she was jumping from a lamp post to a lamp post. Once Julius noticed her she planned to catch up with her and apprehend her, but then a piano fell out of the window. It must have been an accident or a sheer bad luck. Or a sign from powers that be.

"It's no good, now maybe God tries to tell you something. Please give up and turn yourself to the city guard. You can repent and reform, Lord Jesus Christ forgives even lowlier sinners if they really mean that." He confronted the witch, his tone serious. He really considered a fight to death as the last resort he would like to avoid. Not because he couldn't kill monsters, but because he believed in giving a chance to each of them. After all, to his knowledge she has not killed yet. He wouldn't let her become a cursed soul who kills out of prejudice.