Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75191 times)


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Theodore had to be impressed. If she was any easier to manipulate, he'd have simply dangled a turkey leg on a rope. Which was kind of what he was doing.

"Then itsh a deal. *slurp* "

With that, he handed her an even larger, more delicious bowl of ramen with pork, egg and vedgetables resting kingly in a sea of broth and noodles. Chopsticks were of course included.

But oops, he forgot to free her.


Honestly, the girl actually forgot about being chained down once she received her food. She was eagerly wolfing down her portion of food, without a care for the rest for the world. Rikuyo didn't even bother to speak to the guy. She hadn't eaten since that exhausting fight after all.


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"Sure." He said before holding out his hand. He swore, if this was one of those silly ass magic tricks, he would-


Weird request indeed. She has lived in Rome for a several years, and even the War that she supervised was held in Italy, but it was the first time she had met a chef who asked for such a bizarre thing. She would though observe for now.

Meanwhile, Tonio Trussardi analyzed his customer's hand. "Infection, lack of sleep, migraines, stomach problems... You are not in the best shape, signor."


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The demon looked at the girl curiously and set down his bowl of ramen, sliding it towards the girl. He kinda lost his appetite there, so instead of letting it go to waste she could eat that bowl too.

It's not like she'd finish the first one any time soon, so he just went back to sleep.


Garou's eyes shot wide open in a white hot glare. "How the hell do you know that? Are you a wizard or something"

Honestly, that guy was starting to piss him off. He didn't like it, he didn't feel safe. It was as if he was hiding something suspicious...

« Last Edit: April 17, 2016, 02:32:14 PM by francobull3 »


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Shiro laid happily on her back and got significantly fluffier, silently begging for more.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Medaka Kurokami

All of the excitment drained from Medaka's body as she realized she had no renewable source of income.  The amount of money she now owned was whatever she brought with her when she came here.  She looked down at her new clothes, then back at Shinobu.

"It seems I have no money as well.  I am sorry, I guess we cannot continue our competition."  She said obviously disappointed.

« Last Edit: April 19, 2016, 10:59:17 PM by yinsukin »


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"If you say so Mord. You're really nice" Kuro said excitedly and then jumped off the Blonde's lap. "If you need help with anything just tell me." She said as she waited for Mordred to follow her.


She took the curved sword that was offered to her. It looked to be of high quality and she could tell it was a Noble Phantasm but there was a feeling of something being off with it. "It looks really good but it feels like it's lacking something here." She told him as she handed it back to him.

Suddenly there was a flash, when it cleared Jeanne was wearing the armor from earlier, she gave him a smile as she spoke to him. "Will you show me what you can do now Shirou?"


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"If you say so Mord. You're really nice" Kuro said excitedly and then jumped off the Blonde's lap. "If you need help with anything just tell me." She said as she waited for Mordred to follow her.


"No, I don't really need help." Mordred assured her younger companion. "But say, I'm going to apply for a job. Wanna tag along with me? I will buy you some clothes first though. I could also get into a debt a bit and buy a suit for the job interview." For a reason, she didn't think that getting back to the place where she last saw Bellitanus was a good idea, considering Kuro would likely accompany her.


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The demon looked at the girl curiously and set down his bowl of ramen, sliding it towards the girl. He kinda lost his appetite there, so instead of letting it go to waste she could eat that bowl too.

It's not like she'd finish the first one any time soon, so he just went back to sleep.


She was quite full after not only finishing her own bowl, but snatching the bowl that this bespectacled dude conspiciously left. Only now she realized that she was still chained to the wall, and that oaf was sleeping. She still had a knife on her, so she started playing around with her handcuffs, trying to free herself. She wasn't in particular hurry, as she wasn't hungry anymore, so she methodically tampered with her chains, looking for the weakest link. With time, she succeeded and broke down her chains, the handcuff still on her wrist.

If he was genuinely sleeping she could indeed stab him any time, but she let him be. There was no point to it even if he forgot to release her and she had to spend time on working to free herself.

Hence, she walked away, now looking for a place to crash. Eating that much would make anyone sleepy and bit lethargic.


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Auspicious Breeze

"Aahhh! You just get cuter and cuter!" was all the Solar could manage to say for a moment as both of her hands went to work on the increasing amounts of fluff to touch. Soon she just had to bring one of her hands to those tails and run her fingers through the fur. "Are you doing this on purpose?!"


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Now that she mentioned it again the white haired girl remembered her talking about applying for that job earlier. The Elites were probably a cool group so she wouldn't really mind giving it a look. "Of course, it sounds like a cool job. So...are we leaving now?" Kuro looked excited at the prospect of doing it, sitting around in one place for too long was boring after all.


She worked his shaft harder now, it felt good and her handling of his balls wasn't that bad either. She stopped doing that however and when she was about to go down on him there was a knock on the door and someone calling out that the pizza had arrived. Jin cursed at the bad timing as Oka went to answer, of course she couldn't stop herself from teasing him.

She then came back after having paid for the pizza and sat down on his lap, her big butt pressed against his dick as she offered him a slice of the pizza saying "Ahh." He grabbed her hips with his hands and talked to her, "Can you stop moving around so much it's hard to eat." He then bit into the slice offered to him.  The taste was rather unique and he didn't think he had tasted it on a pizza before.


"How I'm doing?" Archer gave a sigh at her question, not really sure what he was going to say but felt he needed to answer it somehow anyway.

"After you left Rin called me her Archer and essentially demanded that I should contract with her, because I should make up for my Rin to her or something along that line. I rejected that and she didn't seem to take it well."
« Last Edit: April 17, 2016, 09:17:07 PM by Thedoctor »


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Now that she mentioned it again the white haired girl remembered her talking about applying for that job earlier. The Elites were probably a cool group so she wouldn't really mind giving it a look. "Of course, it sounds like a cool job. So...are we leaving now?" Kuro looked excited at the prospect of doing it, sitting around in one place for too long was boring after all.


"You really don't want me to buy you clothes, then? A promise is a promise, we could go there right away after we're finished with shopping." The changeling proposed such course of action. She would look more professional in a suit, so she wanted to finish shopping first anyway.


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If the problem was a lack of money then the solution was simple, acquire the funds required, no matter how daunting it may be. "Do not worry Medaka, we must simply overcome this mountain that is blocking our path. Even if we must brave the farthest reaches of the world itself, we must prevail, for the sake of the competition. For the sake of donuts, we must make money!"


"That's not what I meant, of course I don't want you to spend more money than you have Mord! Really, but if you want to than that's your choice. I was just asking if we were leaving this place, ok" Kuro responded rapidly trying to clear up the misuderstanding.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2016, 09:32:57 PM by Thedoctor »


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Sakura chuckled sardonically and put her head in her hands. "Jeez..." She said quietly. "was hast du dir dabei gedacht, Rin." She paused to take a shot. "She can be a stupid, inconsiderate, insensitive woman." She told Archer flatly, with no sympathy for her sister in her voice, after making sure the soundproofed door was closed.

She smiled at Archer. "I'm really glad you're here, though."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The demon observed the girl calmly. Clever, quite clever. While it did not make her less dumb, he did appreciate someone who was quick on their feet. However...

"Wait. You forgot this." He called out. Then, he walked up to the girl and handed her a phone.

"I kinda like you. Sorry about that, I was just curious to see how you'd react. Take this, I already added you on my contacts. You can use it to call me if you are in a pinch." He said in a nonchalant monotone. "What's your name again?"


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Oka acquiesced to Jin's request and stopped grinding her ass against his hardened penis. She took a bite of the pizza herself, savoring the taste of it before she offered it back to Jin. "How is it?" She asked after she swallowed.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end