Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 82043 times)


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Kuro sighed as she heard Mordred's complaints. "I wished it was that easy, but I'm not exactly a spirit. So that way is really my only option." she told the blond calmly.

The white haired girl then turned to Corbin and leaned on his shoulders. "I know quite a bit about magecraft actually as you might have noticed just now." Her grin was back again.


Shinobu took a few steps closer as her smile somehow got even wider, baring even more of her fangs. "Then could you tell me why the wound in her arm looks deeper than it did 5 minutes ago, like someone dug around in it with a sharp object, a scalpel perhaps." She kept approaching the doctor as she spoke, ending up right in front of him by the end of it.

"For that matter what kind of medicine would induce rage? Wouldn't you be giving her anesthetics if you were following procedure? But you're not following procedure are you?" Her smile reached it's absolute zenith now, gone was every pretense of it being friendly, this was the smile of someone who had cornered their prey.


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Unlike Corbin, she had low tolerance for abnormal diets, especially those at odds with public morality, to put it mildly. She had to persuade that silly brat out of it by finding a way to not have her harass everyone like that. Damn it, who ever indoctrinated her into thinking that was the way to go? "You don't have to be a spirit to make a pact or a contract with someone. Can't you just swear a magical oath to somebody and get energy in exchange? Trust me, I know about magic as well."


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The Changeling watched him go in silence, unable to help following him with her eyes for a few moments before looking around the room one more time instead. Closing her eyes for a moment, Emily considered how this meeting could end up, not that it wasn't nice to finally catch a break from all the chaos and confusion and bad memories. A few moments of contemplation passed before she abandoned the pursuit, deciding to see how this would end up for herself, and damn the possibilities and the what-ifs.

With that in mind, Emily waited for her drink in silence, occasionally glancing over at the gorgeous man she'd soon be enjoying a drink with.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Garou, for lack of a better term, practically bust a vein. Well, it was already popping over his head for one. Even with that delicious meal, his day had been pretty shit. He chuckled as if he found the joke itself funny, but that only seemed to make him look angrier.

"Very funny, comedian. Do you have more jokes to share?"

They had just met, but he already couldn't stand her guts. Something about her look just pissed the hell out of him, and he would not take it quietly.

Theodore dess

Theodore looked almost bored by this. It wasn't that it was boring from the start, but that masked pervert was starting to be a nuisance. Anyone would have had the common sense to die by now, but he didn't. It was pretty tiring, like trying to remove chewing gum from your hair.

"Hey, is that your wife?" He asked nonchalantly, pointing at the doll.

A floating stone tile instantly appeared next to the demon just as the machine was about to reach him, which he proceeded to kick immediately. As if he was on the moon, the timed kick seemed to be enough to launch him out of the way before she could get to him. He was now flying to the other side of the room. However, he let five frag grenades behind him that now surrounded the couple.

Rather, he had already activated them the moment she began floating.

But they were not normal grenades, for he had modified them so that they would not reflect light. Once they entered their range, he had swiftly avoided her while leaving the explosives behind. Barely a second before they released their invisible sharpnel.


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Corbin tilted his head at Kuro and said, "Next time, bloody ask before you kiss a defenseless man.  Fuck."

He opened his bottle of Ale 8, sighed, and took a drink.  The delight of citrus and ginger danced on his tongue and he sighed happily.  "She might not be able to.  Rules of Dimension A don't coienside with Dimension D or whatnot."


Gabriel decided to test the waters with a Scotch Sour for both of them as he returned to their table.  He noticed that Emily looked somewhat lost in thought, yet she was watching him.  A smile flashed against his beatific features when he sat her drink in front of her.

"The old adage is, 'Liquor before beer, one is in the clear, beer before liquor, one will never be sicker'," Gabriel said as he slid back in his seat, "I hope a Scotch Sour is serviceable.  It's one of my favorites.  Plus, they come with oranges."

He pulled his garnish off his drink with a smile and bit into the ripe bit of fruit.


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Dr Bill

Dr. Bill stepped backwards and started sweating.  His thought began racing as he started to panic.

Shit! I cant hide the arm!  And she has no open wonds!  I can't poison her!

He took a deep breath.

Ok... Ok... Calm down Bill.  She could still be bluffing.  Vampires are tricksters right?  Just keep talking.  She can't attack me without invoking the authorities stationed at this hospital.  And even if shes strong enough to take them out, the elites will come.  Wait..... Shes a vampire right?!  Thats what the fangs mean right?!   What if she doesn't give a shit?! What if shes more than a vampire.  Wait.. WHAT IF SHE IS A WAREPIRE!?

"You see.  I needed to open the wound.  You see at this hospital, I am known for my abilities to invent new medicine.  You haven't heard of it because I created it.  I needed to open up her arm a bit to administer it though."

Ha! nailed it!

Relius Clover

Ignis got very close to the creature.  As soon as the tile appeared, she grabbed it.  Thinking if she didn't it would be tossed at her like the balls.  To her surprise, the creature used it to bounce away.  Ignis's hat tails were covering his torso and hips but his legs and arms were struck by the shrapnel.  Even so, there were no crys of pain, only the sound of pierced skin.  He began activating the healing ars, healing him just enough that his limb injury's do not disable him.

Ignis held the tile in one arm and struck the ceiling by stretching her other arm.  It glowed and let loose a magical explosion that left rubble crashing down into the room.  While in the air, she tracked the creature's path and threw the tile at him, aiming for his next landing.

"Why yes.  She is quite lovely no?"  He said still strapped to Ignis's back.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 02:41:17 AM by yinsukin »


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Dante couldn't help a chuckle at Oka's reply.

"Why would you, indeed," the half demon mused, "Well, that's your decision to make."

With that, he looked over the two pets curiously, Rider's question being a rather interesting one.

"Perhaps the one that looks more like a bug?" Dante noted.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Emily returned the smile as he placed the drink in front of her, unable to help some amusement at the old adage he recanted.

"It should be," Emily said, "Though I don't think I've ever tried these before."

Following his lead, Emily nibbled on the garnish for a moment before bringing the drink to her lips. The sweet-tart flavor that hit her tongue initially caught her off guard before the burn of the Scotch settled in, her eyes widening slightly at the taste. Allowing a small sigh as the warm burn trickled down her throat, Emily took another sip of the drink before setting it down.

"It's nice," Emily said with a smile, "A little bit unexpected, but nice."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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For not being a spellcaster he's pretty informed. Kuro thought as she watched Corbin. "What he's saying is true, even back in my world there were magical beings that were incompatible with certain things." Kuro said to them while squeezing his shoulders a bit. "And really, defenseless? How are you an Elite then?"


Shinobu watched the man carefully as she noticed that his heart rate went up right before he took a deep breathe and explained to her that he was some miracle doctor or something.

"Really now, admistering experimental medicine to someone who isn't fatally wounded or ill. My I wonder what your coworkers and your boss would think if they knew you experimented on patients at your whim. In short, I do not believe that story whatsoever. Because your heart rate has been really uneven ever since I started talking to you, with your medical expertise I do not think I have te enlighten you of what that usually is a sign of."


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Dr. Bill

Wait.  She can hear my heart rate?!  GODAMN IT.  Well theres only one thing to do.

"Well you see.  My abilities as a doctor go far beyond my medical expertise." He said, his voice oddly calm as he backed up farther. and reached for his trusty scalpel.   He also made a motion to have the men escort the vampire bitch out of the room.  " You see I have the power to.... Wait, what am I saying.  Im the doctor here.  GET HER! GET HER OUT OF HERE!  He shouted to the big scary men.

The men stared at him curiously.  Then, they looked at each other and shrugged.  They used their superior size as an attempt to intimidate her into leaving.  "Im sorry we have to ask you to leave.  Your clearly stressing the doctor out."

The doctor creeped up behind them, his scalpel behind his back.


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The sharpnel pierced him all over his body, causing grievous and gruesome wounds that made him bleed all over his impeccable white suit. The rubble and tile crashed where he landed, smashing the ground violently and causing the floor to crack as smoke raised all over the room. That onslaught should have killed him, but-

A pristine white coat swirled in place, clearing the smoke to reveal an unharmed Theodore. Even his prior wounds were mysteriously gone, and he seemed better than ever. He was still as expressionless as ever, but why was he wearing a creepy sleeping mask? It was red and seemed at first sight, but two crudely drawn eyes were stuck on it as if to cheaply indicate that whoever was sleeping was actually awake.

It was honestly kinda uncanny.

"Omg, i knew it!" He exclamed flatly. Then, he asked a genuine question genuinely. "Did you try having any kids so you could make them into dolls too? Your souls are synched since you are connected, so you can control her with more efficiency. Seems kind of a waste to just stop at one."


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Oka wrapped her arms around Wormy and rubbed her face against him, giving him a good cuddle session. "This is Wormy!" She said excitedly to Rider, pointedly ignoring Dante. "And if you want to pet him, you should ask him, I think."


Oka heard Sylveon's cry from underneath the table, and smiled, grabbing one of his feelers, which caused him to smile.

"And this is Sylveon. No special name for him, sorry."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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Sakagami Kenzo

Kenzo folded his arms and pouted, as if she had just done something mildly offensive like sneezing at him or not holding the door.

"Isn't that the point of getting in a place like this though? Jeez, between that masked doll freak, that tree killer and this... nothing here makes any sense!" He complained, but he seemed more annoyed than upset. He looked down for a second before letting out a tired sigh.

He was right, nothing made sense. Not even himself.

"I need a drink. Could you at least be a friend and pour me something?"
Alpha The Bloodedge

Alpha looked away from her drink again, looking at the new man with a renewed express of confusion. Was he expecting her to buy him a drink?

"I hardly even know you and I'm not even sure that I want to, I'm not going to..." she grumbled at him, until something he said sunk in. "Wait, actually, hold on. Mask doll freak. Was he wearing a full purple outfit? Called the doll his wife?"

Alpha caught herself, and begrudgingly signaled the barman to bring her another drink. For him, of course.


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Sakagami Kenzo

Kenzo gripped at the table, as if suddenly frozen. He trembled for a moment before looking at the girl with a very serious expression. It was as if his candid atmosphere had suddenly vanished in an instant to give place to a beastly oppressive aura.

"Do you know him?" He growled, an animalistic quality resonating deep within his voice. While he looked and sounded certainly calm and stern at the moment, even he could not conceal hints of rage and pearls of folly within his heartbeat. "How do you know him?"

He had been lenient thus far, but he had not forgotten. Now that he knew that yokai was somehow connected to that fiend, he could not let her go. He'd make her talk, whether it was willing or not.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 03:34:58 AM by francobull3 »

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"Not even to me? Tch, actin' all high and mighty..." She muttered under her breath. Once the puppet disappeared from her sight Rikuyo turned her attention to the white haired guy who saved her even if she wasn't too happy about it. Her not being able to fend off that doll was simply a sign of weakness. "Oh, hey, ya really didn't have to bail me out, but it couldn't be helped I guess. I need to get back into shape..." She grumbled about her state. "I'm Rikuyo, by the way. What's yer name, dude?"

Just like that, she'd left. Situation resolved, with no fighting. Somehow, it left him unsatisfied.

He heard grumbling at the side, and looked at the redhead. She growled a bit at Erica and herself, and then made an introduction.

"I'm Ragna the Bloodedge. Feel free to forget it if you want." he turned away and started walking out, only to sigh and turn back one last time. "Make sure you get yourself looked at. Don't want to see your body in some alleyway later."

With that, he headed out the door.