Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 86866 times)


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Dante met her gaze without any visible change in his own, head cocking at the harsh sentence she laid upon him. hindsight, that was probably going a bit too far. Ah well, you know what they say about hindsight.

Taking a moment to think it over, the half-demon shrugged before easing himself out of his chair. Making his way over to the janitor's closet, still within view of the girl, Dante eased the door open and grabbed a container of bleach. Making sure Oka had a clear view, the half-demon popped the top off the container and chugged a couple mouthfuls of the stuff, resisting the urge to shudder as the cleaning solution tore its way down his throat, his healing taking care of the damage as quickly as it happened.

Making his way back over to the table, Dante allowed a sigh as he picked up his beer, showing barely any ill effects despite having just drank a fair quantity of bleach. Taking a swig of the beer to wash away the taste of the bleach, the demon hunter leaned back in his seat as he considered his next words for a moment.

"Sorry about that," he said simply. Just then, the waiter finally arrived, with his and Rider's pizza in tow.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2016, 06:25:44 AM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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The demon unfortunately in the end could not keep up with his employee and had to search through the district methodically in order to find any party that she wanted to keep tabs on. Quite troublesome. On another hand, having someone such strong who was willing to do suspicious stuff merely for money backed with argumentation had its benefits, but in case she hypothetically had to turn on her bouncer, ridding of her was something she was unsure about. Something she couldn't do
without revealing her demon form at very least, assuming she had no allie- pawns who would support her. But, she had something she needed to do, there was no time for idle speculations.

Damn, where those chucklefucks are... There was no sight of them in the outskirts of Asian District. Which meant only one thing. If they were already here, they probably lined for the tower itself. She had to get there and obstruct their attempts.


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Shinobu caught up with Medaka's slow moving form quickly and hugged her tightly from behind. "Hey, you should not move so quickly in that state." The vampire said worriedly.   

She then spoke "We do need to leave rather abruptly however , The Elites may show up and I do not think I can handle them while keeping an eye on you at the same time."


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Oka Kurosawa

Oka bit her lip and trembled with rage at the sight of what Dante was doing, clenching her fists tightly enough to draw blood. Her vibrant blue eyes simple looked at him, unblinkingly, when he sat down in front of her and had the audacity to apologize. She simply stood up, and began walking away from them silently, hoping Rider would be reasonable and break up with that shitstain.

They could hear her crying quietly as she walked away, defeated, wimpering softly as she walked like an injured puppy.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2016, 02:23:43 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka felt Shinobu's body pressed agienst her as her arms tightly wrapped agienst her waist.  Medaka did not look back, instead scanning the hallway before her for a clear path.  Without looking back, she spoke in a firm but clearly worried tone.

"Yeah.  Your right.  And if they show up things could escalate rather quickly.  It always does.  But until we get into a fight don't worry about me.  I can make my body move even if most of my bones are broken.  This cut means little to me now that you have gotten ride of the poison." 

She turned around, revealing a stern calculating face.  "Come on lets go."  She said, waiting patiently for Shinobu to release her from the embrace.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2016, 02:41:42 PM by yinsukin »


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Archer & Jeanne

Archer gave the blonde servant a nod before turning to Sakura. "I'm making bourbon chicken, since I made a western dessert earlier, I thought I would change t things up and go for something different." Then Shirou closed the distance between them, fidgeting a lot as he did so. "Oh you want to help so badly, Shirou Emiya , perhaps you wish to surpass me in cooking as well."

While Archer was explaining what he was doing, Jeanne was still surprised to see that they had servant cooking for them. She then noticed that there was something odd about the servant in front of her. She couldn't get a proper read on him, despite the fact that is it was one of her privileges as Ruler. She nudged Sakura to get her attention. "Who is he? And why are they so on edge around each other?"

Sakura Matou and Shirou Emiya

Sakura nodded at Archer, and put on her own apron. "Ok, what do you want me to do to help?" She asked him. Shirou, on the other hand, glared at him with a pointed frown, and turned to face Sakura. "I'm not letting him take my place in the kitchen, where's my apron?"

"Over there." Sakura said calmly, pointing towards a drawer near the door. "I had one ready just in case!" She boasted happily.

"Oh, I thought I'd told you Jeanne. He's Shirou, but a heroic spirit! He's my senpai."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The demon's hand approached the woman's. There was a tinge of hesitation, but his eyes were as dull as ever, as if they were ripped out from a corpse and crudely stitched back in his sockets.

"Sure... Just follow me."

If one had to describe the world surrounding the two, one could not find a better word than hell itself. Fire and devastation littered the barren battlefield, countless bodies littering the entire area. But not a single one was a corpse. Nay, they had been kept alive, far from mercifully.

They barely had the strength to moan any more, countless men bitterly defeated, all opposition crushed until nothing but broken shells remained. All they could do was gaze at the two harbingers, unscathed in their white clad clothes as if to contrast this wasteland. It was almost beautiful.

Just as she was about to perform her craft, the man's hand was held before her, as if to impede her path. He still had something to do...

“Brothers and sisters!”

Gazing down at the inferno -no, the entire world-, the one eyed serpent began his speech.

“What if I told you that your entire life had been decided by fate? That victors were born for glory; that the defeated live only to serve? You live your life as it had been decided in advance, always reaching the same finale, unable to diverge, no matter what happens. What if I told you that the universe was woven from such a cruel fabric?

“If such is truly the case, then hard work, negligence, hopes and dreams and prayers are equally and completely without meaning. What if I told you that the grace of the divines, as well as the wrath of the heavens… had already been carved into stone eons before? All of you sinless lot, labeled as the devil’s offspring, were born only to be destroyed, to be downtrodden, to be raped and killed and annihilated. Nothing more… and nothing less. Such is the nature of this detestable cycle — this ghetto.

“Death brings no release, merely revival, another cycle, another beginning – the beginning of your defeats, your losses, your pain and anguish. As such, even at the end of all things, you have nothing but eternal suffering and defeat waiting for you, merely because you were born to shoulder that very fate. Nothing more, and nothing less. Do you not find this abominable? Do you not wish to turn the tables?”

His grim proclamation reached all souls residing in the battlefield, be it those of the living or the fallen.

Nothing awaits you but eternal suffering, eternal defeat. As if it was the trumpet of the final judgment, his hopelessly powerful proclamation soaked into the hearts of all who listened.

He possessed otherworldly charisma, making use of the critical situation at hand to carry out this coercive manipulation; hardly could it be called a rarity, and yet, considering the scope of all mankind, it was nothing short of abnormal, equal to dragons and magical beasts from legends of old, his voice carried a tremendously powerful magical quality that penetrated the hearts and minds of all that listened; a juggernaut of a voice causing the weak to faint, the ordinary to tremble in fear or listen in fascination.

In a word: inhuman.

The silver beast. The jet black prince. The hateful light. The one eyed serpent. Every single word that left his lips was soaked deep in sorcery.

He gave the command.

“If you agree… then fight.”

If you wish to turn the tables on life, shackled by misfortune, then offer your very soul. If the chains of destiny satisfy you not… If you long to wash your names clean of the stigma of the defeated…

“Rise to battle at my side.”

Take the pen and sign the pact with blood. Therein lies the devil’s temptation. The daemon looked down at the people crawling below him, and voiced a question.

“What do you desire?”

It was all too evident. Among all else, their souls conjured the same simple words. I want to emerge victorious.

To conjure the words of Doctor Faust, his features reflected the uncanny equilibrium of a genuine smile and a grotesque sneer, his eyes as hollow as his soul yet shining with an unknown hunger. Mephistopheles, king of the hateful light. The name of the wicked fiend that can grant man’s every wish in exchange for his living soul.

“If such is your desire… then I shall allow you to join me and become a strand of her hair, ornate my beast's claws and fangs with your essence. You have my consent.”

The very moment that absolute declaration left his lips, the unthinkable happened. All men with gun in hand took it to their mouths. All those wielding blades thrust it deep into their own chests. Those with nothing left plunged themselves into the hellfire still raging around them.

Guns roared, steel drank blood, men plunged to their death – all committing suicide without exception. Were these the final touches to complete that daemonic ritual?  All these men, all in reverence, all in devotion, longing for a savior, a redeemer, a messiah; all of them… their blood spilt on the sacrificial altar.

What followed was nothing short of unnatural.

Like a fog, or a haze, erupted multiple shimmering, opaque forms in their vicinity. At the very same time, Theodore’s senses were assaulted by low moans that made him want to cover his ears. Those were the cries of the cursed fallen, suffering and lamenting even in eternal un-death; their endless wailing causing even the seething hot air to chill.

They were the spirits of the dead. Among their swirling mass, one could almost make out the faces of the fallen, as well as the end towards which they were spiraling – straight into the daemon's fingertips. Converging into a single, homogenous shape, a swirling lollypop.

In all its grimness, all its cruelty, all its terror, it was…

"How boring."
« Last Edit: May 15, 2016, 03:08:31 PM by francobull3 »


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The vampire kept embracing the blue haired girl, even as she looked calculating. "You look cute like that Medaka." She then let go of her and took a step to the side.

"I would however appreciate it if you did not break all your bones now, it would make it quite a bit harder for me." She said as she walked past Medaka, into the hallway while looking around for the best way to go. "Follow me then" She said in a commanding tone as took off, quickly to the left, heading back roughly the same path she had taken to get there.

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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The redhead couldn't much about the fact that he just picked up her to carry around. She didn't want to be pampered, but again, she couldn't resist in such state. Looking grumpy, she retorted: "I don't know any. There was one, but he's dead. Some demon asshole got him..." Remembering Richard's death also didn't help improving her mood.

"Demons? Geez, what a town," he mumbled, as he walked off. He'd never really fought a true demon, as the rumors that the red devil was spliced with a devil were just that, rumors. "Nothing to do about it, we'll just have to wing it."

Ragna walked out of the establishment carrying the girl as if it was the most normal thing in the world, and walked off in search of a doctor's place.

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Fridge? What was that? Some kind of Oriental cellar with supplies? And wait, she didn't plan to venture alone into the wilderness just like that? He knew that the city was far away from here.

"Do you plan to go the city on your own? It could be dangerous to go through the wilderness alone. Let me escort you on the way, young lady." The nobleman insisted on following the girl. He might have been a guest, but it was also his calling to help out anyone who could be exposed to danger. So he couldn't just wait for her here doing nothing.

"Ah, no, I..." she said as a reflex, until a sinking realization hit her.

She had never left the forested area. She had no idea which direction she should even go to reach the city, much less to find a grocery store.

She fidgeted in place for a moment, and did another bow.

"P-please lend me your guidance!"


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka's face softened she let out a flustered smile.  The comment completely disarmed her, especially considering that Shinobu had been so roundabout in displaying her affections.  That combined with the hug completely destroyed her train of thought.  Although, maybe that wasn't affection.  After all, saying someone is cute is just an observation.  While she was lost in thought the vampire let go of her and walked past her.  As their bodies lined up the vampire said something that would stick in the mind of Medaka for a while.

"I would however appreciate it if you did not break all your bones now, it would make it quite a bit harder for me"

it would make it quite a bit harder for me?

The juxtaposition of affection and emotional deitachment caused Medaka to space out as the emotional part of her mind struggled to process the implications of that strange contrast.  She wasn't just using her like Toe right?  No... she saved her twice, even after she went overboard while they were sparring.

"Follow me then"  Those words lit up Medaka's mind.  She frantically caught up to Shinobu, allowing her taller figure to take point.  The shadow cast by Shinobu offered her a small amount of protection from the world around her.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2016, 04:08:59 PM by yinsukin »

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Sakagami Kenzo

The demon staggered and nearly fell over before somehow regaining balance. He gripped his forehead and let out a pained sigh, as if there was a gigantic headache he was trying to soothe with no avail.

"I don't get it." He muttered. "What am I missing? What am I doing wrong? I just wanted to share a drink normally, why can't i even do that? Why does this keep happening to me... why, why, WHY!?"

Alpha almost immediately made fun of him, but refrained when she noticed the genuine distress on his face. He must have been having a really shitty time, she reasoned, to look like that.

A real shitty time and poor stress management, she corrected herself.

Alpha sighed. A situation like this, even if she were to try speaking to him, he'd immediately just bite back. She needed to shock him into listening.

Alpha came up behind him and wrapped her arms around him, position her legs and knees properly for what she was about to attempt.


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Sakagami Kenzo

Kenzo's spirit was in the middle of breaking when suddenly, he felt something soft and warm behind him. He yelped in wide eyed surprise, but before he knew it, two arms were tightly wrapped around him. The oni's heart raced as if it was trying to burst, his legs went weak and his body trembled.

She... it had been so long since anyone held him like this. He had almost forgotten how warm it was. Something began to swell in his throat, an aching he did not feel since long ago. He would not cry. No matter what, he would not cry. But maybe if he let it out a little, it wouldn't be so bad...

"I'm sorry. *sniff* I..."

And for the smallest, most insignificant of moments, Kenzo was happy.


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"Of course, what kind of a gentleman I would be if I let anyone go alone through such treacherous wilderness. I, Count Julius Richter, promise that no harm will come to you." He made an oath, introducing himself to the young lady. He would guard her with his life, so it was only appropriate to fully introduce himself. But he also expected her name in return. "Your name, young lady?"


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Darcy Hugh

Darcy smiled thankfully and brought the cigarette to his lips, savouring the smoke like it was oxygen to him. Only it wasn't. Smoking isn't cool kids, don't do it. Like, actually. Besides, if you're going to use DARCY as a role model, you're like messed up.

But aside that, the priest was deeply rooted in tought. On one hand, a child might be in danger, but he iddn't NEED to help her anymore. It would be nice, but she wasn't his kid. Girls die every day, whatever happens to her wouldn't change his life one bit. He had gotten the information he needed from Shirou, so he didn't quite need him alive anymore either. If he helped him until now, it was only to not attract suspicion from his end.

Now, while the man could prove useful, there was a dragon in front of him at the moment. One could fly and scout for her location, another could not. Also, one was a dragon. You couldn't really blame him for his choice now could you? He was friendly enough, so getting him to help shouldn't be too difficult.

One always had to choose his friends, but also his enemies. From the beginning, he had planned to take both under his sleeve. The man's information and the dragon's aid would both prove useful, so why should he have to choose?

Things had gone exactly according to plan. He distracted the dragon long enough, but he had noticed Calico slipping through one of the windows. The priest now looked concerned and pointed to the window the man had just gone into.

"Hey, did you see that?"