Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 78229 times)


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Oka thought for a while, trying to recall today's events. So much had happened though! She'd flown here, then she'd landed and met that crazy vampire-wannabe slut, then…

"Wait..." She murmered. Then she remembered something important.

Pointing at Kenzo, she yelled, "You're the awkward giant from the hot springs!"


"Er, yeah, I remember you now." She said timidly, blushing at her social ineptitude.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Sakagami Kenzo

Kenzo scratched his head timidly, blushing awkwardly as well. Didn’t she know? He was sure she did, unless she was trying to play a prank on him.

“Um, yeah… I guess I am.” He mumbled shyly. Now what? Honestly, he wasn’t sure what to do or say. He just stood there inaptly, unsure of where to go. Then, he smiled gently. Yeah, that was it.

“Um, you’re strong right?” He asked nicely.


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The white haired girl pouted as Corbin said that it wasn't the place to share his secret techniques, Mordred seemed to be agreeing with him. Do they have to be so serious and boring? Have some fun. She grabbedCorbin's arm while looking up at him. "And I wanted to hear cool vampire stories, oh I see, your secret speciality is that you run away." She teased him as she kept clinging to his arm. As she was doing so she heard him mutter something about "sparkling cunts". Not really sure what it was she asked him. "Sparkling cunts?" She used the same word as him despite a young girl.


Medaka suddenly started thanking her, right after the lecture she had given the girl, and as if that wasn't enough, the girl had to sneak up behind her and give her a big hug. She felt Medaka's really big breasts press against her back. "I think as punishment for losing, you should take me to the hospital."  She said teasingly.  "We can go to the one I was at yesterday.  They probably still have my information from the last time I was there."

Hah, like I would agree to something like that, you are a hundred years too early to be demanding things from me. She thought as she listened to Medaka's words. Despite her thoughts, she leaned forward allowing Medaka to hung on to her back better, she then reached down with her hands and grabbed the blue haired girl's thighs, giving her a piggyback ride. "Hold on then, Medaka." She looked back at the girl. "You will have to show me the way, I do not know where that hospital is."


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Relius Clover

As Relius kept talking to the man, he subtly inspected what little surface details he could pick up from the man's soul.  It appeared to be mostly Vanguard, though there was more to it then that.  He could sense multiple souls from within the body of this person.  There was far more to him then meets the eye.

The masked man once again paused.  Then, he released a sinister grin. "It seems you already have me figured out.  I look forward to our collaboration."

Relius turned around and walked over to the sleeping white haired woman.  He was about to pick her up, but he paused and turned his head and torso to face the man.
 " Before, I take this woman, I have a two more questions.  One, who are you?  What is your name?  Second,  I wish to obtain more data on the nature of this city.  What do you know of it?"  He asked simply.


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The demon pulled out two cellphones from his pockets and began playing with them, not even paying attention to the masked man at this point.

"Now, don't roughen her up too much, I do need her in one piece. Well, if you must know, I am but a peace loving, common, ordinary, typical, everyday, normal, average, run of the mill highschool student and nothing more, but you can call me Teddy-chan. And, well, I honestly have no idea. But if you find out, do let me know alright?"


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Relius Clover

Teddy....  That is often a nickname for Theodore.  He concluded.

Relius frowned and turned away from the creature. He then picked up the woman bridal style.  With his back still to the creature, he spoke with a somewhat out of character bluntness.  His voice was flat and lacking in its usual drama but still eerily polite.

"I may learn more of this world if I manage to turn this woman into a doll."  He responded.

Medaka Kurokami

Medaka pointed in the direction of the hospital.  It was in the opposite direction that the traveled to get to the cafe.  "That way."  She said.


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Despite his dull and bored look, the demon sounded surprised. Curious.

« Doll you say?”


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While they were walking back to the kitchen, Sakura started talking about how her cooking had improved. Maybe we can see once we get started. He turned to Rin, "of course, I can't start losing now. It would look bad."

As they returned to the kitchen, Sakura immediately went over to a chair and sat down, she looked ill. "Are you feeling alright?" He walked over to her and asked her with worry in his voice.


"Here we go." The vampire said as she started runnign at a high speed in the direction Medaka was pointing, Her speed was quick as she was outspeeding cars, the wind was blowing past them. She jumped over people who were in the way, and didn't slow down in the slightest. After a while they indeed arrived at a hospital. Shinobu kept carrying Medaka, through the doors and over to a reception. "This girl is in need of medical attention, make it quick if you can." She told the receptionist.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2016, 09:43:50 PM by Thedoctor »


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Corbin laughed at Kuro's enthusiasm and winked at her before pointing up.  "Not out here.  Never know who could be watching.  Familiars, servants, lackies, and drones are apparently a thing now too.  I don't want to be caught without my knickers and my arse hanging in the breeze.  Well anymore than I just have."

He turned to Mordred and sighed.  "Yeah, Fae, puppies, and vipers of your world.  Just like I had experience with shit on my world.  Then I got here and all the rules I knew had been completely changed. Sure base experience is grand, but just because something works where you're from doesn't mean it will work on some wanker you're up against here."

He shook his head, remembering an encounter with some sparkling wanker who took being in the sun better than Corbin did.  He tried sinking his fangs into the cunt and ended up breaking both of them for his trouble.  "Sparkling cunts," he muttered to himself.


The white haired girl pouted as Corbin said that it wasn't the place to share his secret techniques, Mordred seemed to be agreeing with him. Do they have to be so serious and boring? Have some fun. She grabbed Corbin's arm while looking up at him. "And I wanted to hear cool vampire stories, oh I see, your secret speciality is that you run away." She teased him as she kept clinging to his arm. As she was doing so she heard him mutter something about "sparkling cunts". Not really sure what it was she asked him. "Sparkling cunts?" She used the same word as him despite a young girl.


While there might have been some point to what Corbin said, she felt a bit like he underestimated her. After all she had a versatile countermeasures against many terrors that stalked the night. But yeah, she didn't tell Elites everything about herself.

Once she hard that kind of phrase coming from Corbin's mouth, she pretty much could not help but sigh visibly. Swearing profusely did not make one look mature. Not that she was saintly in that regard, but that was excessive. And he said that in a front a child. Even if strong, Kuro was still not an adult. And adults should be a good example for the young ones. Hopefully he would know better now that Kuro repeated that phrase after him, and refrain from such rude language, damn it.


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Relius Clover

With the snow haired girl still in his arms, he walked over to Theodore.  There, he noticed the creature was carying two cell phones.  It also seemed that the creature's facial expression didn't change much despite emotional reactions in his voice.  It was intriguing to say the least.

"Yes.  Dolls.  In a way I am not changing much.  One could argue the human body is simply a doll without strings.  I simply make them more...... potent.  Tell me Theodore, what do you know of the soul?"


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Theodore frowned and seemed to be deep in tought, as if this was a question he needed a fair amount of consideration to figure out and was insecute of the answer.

"Uh, I guess if you say the body is a doll without strings, then the soul would be the strings? I think it's like, erm, like a computer. The hardware and machinery being the body while the software data and applications would be the soul. But why would you want to make *her* a doll? There's plenty better fish out there. Are you that desperate? It's kinda creepy, you masked pervert."


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Relius Clover

A loud bellowing laughter filled the bedroom, as Relius spread his arms out in a theatrical display, as if revealing something.  "Hahahahahaha.  Theodore, I think that is enough playing dumb.  I can see what you are.  I know your state of being.  Even my more eccentric former partner did not hide his education so.  However, I think as your collaborator, you still deserve to know my plans.  Call it, an interview.  No!  An audition!"

Behind him a purple light flashed and a robotic doll head could be seen looming behind him.  He turned to his side and bowed, as if presenting some sort of prize winning invention.

"This is my dear wife.  This is my magnum opus!  Ignis!  She was made from an ordinary woman.  Imagine what I could make from this strange discarded toy.  It would be twice as easy and twice as potent."

He stood back up straight and causally walked over to the creature.  "Now, ill ask you once more.  Who are you?"  He said, with a enormous grin plastered on his smug masked face.

At the same time, Ignis moved to block the door.


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The demon didn't as much as blink at Relius's utterly unimpressive behavior. It's not that he was hiding his education or anything, it's just that he really didn't feel like having to explain things. He didn't even look surprised at Relius's display, instead he just walked up to the robot girl, knelt before her and lifted her skirt to get a peek.

"Nice." He said boredly, yet his words were genuine praise. Well, that and the fact that despite his inexpressive face, his nose was bleeding profusely.

« Last Edit: April 30, 2016, 02:19:59 AM by francobull3 »


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The Changeling couldn't help a small smile.

"Yeah, that would probably help," Emily mused, "Lead the way then."

The Changeling resolved not to end up drinking too much though. Wouldn't do well to end up drunk again.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Rin smiled as Sakura stood to her full height and said, "Ohoho, I've been practicing for years to get better than Shirou. I'm confident in my skills! I've won prizes for my pies!"

Then Archer turned to her and said, "Of course, I can't start losing now. It would look bad."

"And of course you couldn't live it down," Rin said with a smile of her own before frowning, "Even though I need to brush up on my skills with deserts.  My skills are towards Chinese food."

Then Sakura sat down in the kitchen, looking a bit woosy.  Archer asked her how she was doing, but Rin wondered if Sakura was putting too much strain on herself.  "You need to take it easy, Sakura," Rin said as she patted the other woman's hand.  She bent her knees so she could be more eye level with this version of her sister.  "And are you okay?"

She cast Archer a worried look.  Grail or not, two Servants and Shirou's upkeep can't be easy on her, Rin thought with a pensive frown.


Corbin laughed as Kuro latched onto his arm and asked, "And I wanted to hear cool vampire stories, oh I see, your secret speciality is that you run away."  She kept holding onto his arm as she looked up at him and asked, "Sparkling cunts?"

"Aye, even though don't repeat that C-word around most company.  Some uptight sod would throw a fit," Corbin said, "Yes, but these vampires aren't like the ones in most books and movies.  These blokes have skin like diamonds so they sparkle when they go out into the sunlight.  And skin like diamonds means just as hard."


Gabriel smirked at Emily and asked, "By any chance, do you like Jazz?"