Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 78538 times)


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Count Greyskull

If he was not wearing a mask and had a face, the girl would have seen that Greyskull's was now scalding red with embarassment. As straight as a toothpick, as tense as the past, he straightened himself up and objected in a mixture of outrage and embarassment.

"Kindness? E-excuse me? I understand that you may see my mercy as benevolence, HOWEVER!!! I will let you know that I am not nice and I am not kind! I, THE GREAT AND ALMIGHTY OVERLORD COUNT GREYSKULL, AM A GREAT AND TERRIFYING HARBRINGER OF DOOM, TERROR, EVIL AND UNPOR....unpopit...unpropiton..."

 Alas, the poor but still great and amazing count Greyskull was now appearing to be stuttering, as if he had met an impasse. Embarassed and bitterly defeated by his inadequate vocabulary.

"erm, can you wait a second?" He muttered before searching in his bag for his most trusty tome, the greatest of his grimoires.

The Dictionnary!! He flipped through the pages and suddenly roared in thriumph.

"HA-HA! YES! UNPROPITIOUSNESS!! NYEHYEHYEHYEHYEHYEHYEHYEH...HYAHYAHYAHYAHYAHYAHYAH....hah....haaaa...that's enough laughing for now. *gasp* My poor lungs can only takes so much. Now then, I understand you must be in awe before a being as great and terrifying as myself, but I have decided to elect you pity. You amuse me- what's your name again?"

Umbra of Chaos

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A sound that was almost a giggle escaped the blonde's mouth before she restrained herself. This mage was more amusing than anyone she had ever met before. There was something absurdly childish about his actions and the over inflated ego he was putting on display. Her perfect bow was broken as she straightened herself and looked at the tree man directly in the eyes.

"I am Alarice the Chosen. I have no mother or father for both were discarded to carry this blessing. The land I originally hail from is called Fundament for it was the first of all lands, but now it is called the Dark Continent. What territory I personally own is called the Highlands. However, Lord Greyskull, I do wish to know if there is anything I can do to release me from my debt. It is bothersome to have one hanging over my head."


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The girl was just about to be crushed completely when Erica spotted a distinctive head of red hair that she had seen before. With him here the construct was certain that this was her sign to keep the girl around like a thorn in her side. Something to remind her of such anger so that it could be triggered again.

She was about to say something to Noel's friend when he aimed a kick at her head and yelled at her. Her eyes widened and she blurred into a series of black afterimages as she dashed to the side. She tossed the redhead in the claw to the side like a piece of garbage before speaking. "I was crushing that abnormal one. Does it require greater explanation?"


The redhead rolled on the floor like a ragdoll, which made her broken ribs hurt even more. She tried to stand up, but that only made up her cough up blood that welled up in her mouth. And now she was calling her weird or something like that. Like if she had any clue about what was normal or not.

Someone who barely started behaving emotional should be the last to talk about what was normal or not. She knew the rules of the nature and lived by them. She itched to prove she was superior when her wounds got healed and her body got stronger. She would leave Shinobu and the domesticated fox for later, this puppet would go down first.

But now, this man jumped out to fight this meatpuppet. Fine, she wasn't in any position to fight her right now anyway, so she this time she didn't take an offense at him meddling. His choice what he does with that thing if he wins. If she dies, she would just bother that whitehead dude for a fight later on.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2016, 12:14:44 PM by Kat »


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Count Greyskull

The skeletal lord cleared his throat. On one hand, she was saying all sorts of things he had no idea what she was talking about, which was exactly why he could not let this chance slip. After all, this was an opportunity to enrich his knowledge. On the other hand, he wasn't really good with girls, and she looked kinda scary...

However, this was his chance to assert his dominance! She would be his first step to world conquest!! MYAAAH!!!

"I suppose there is no harm in allowing you to clear your debt. You don't have to or anything, but if you want to I guess I sall allow you to serve me faithfully. I am in lack of loyal vassals, or vassals of any kind, and to find a suitable general is no simple task. I believe you would be perfect. Would you like to aid me in my terrible quest of world domination and b-be my f-friend?" He asked shyly.

Garou XIII

Garou eventually woke up, the holes in his body long since closed up. He felt lighter, and to his surprise he seemed to be moving much more easily. It's as if his muscles and bones were untangled and were now moving freely without any obstruction. Phew, that was so good he had actually passed out for a second. He could have sworn holes were opening all over him, but it was probably another nightmare.

He was grinning from ear to ear. This chef was a miracle, thanks to him he could now face the elites with his full strength. Even despite his missing arm, he felt a hundred times more powerful. For some reason, Petra wasn't there. Had she gone to the shitter or something? And where was the chef anyway? He couldn't not thank him, he was in debt now.

Suddenly, he heard a ruckus going on in the kitchen. Frowning, he recognised that Tony and Petra seemed to be arguing and yelling about something. Goddamit, were all girls in this city insane or what? He walked up to the kitchen, but just as he was about to enter, a knife shot at the doorframe. If he wasn't already, now he was definetely upset.

"Oi, what the fuck is going on Tony?"
« Last Edit: May 01, 2016, 03:16:41 PM by francobull3 »


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It wasn't long before Annabeth registered a familiar buzzing, indicative of the presence of another living being within the bounds of her En. Judging by the position, it was likely the pink monstrosity, waiting to ambush them. Slowly, the Hunter turned to her partner, keeping her voice low.

"Found him," Annabeth said, waiting for Ron to look at her before indicating the position with a slight nod of her head, "Flank him like last time, time it carefully."

With that, the Hunter allowed a few moments for Ron to move out a bit, as if she'd advised him that they spread out. Within those few moments, the countdown she'd started in her head since she'd asked the question finished at last, and Annabeth turned towards the buzzing in her En without warning, opening fire on the pink werewolf with a hail bullets.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Silva Dragonov

Fool. Did she really think he couldn't hear him? But very well, he'd play her game. While form was troublesome, it was one of his conditions. He still had a minute left.

Silva dodged the hail of bullets, moving precisely without a single wasted movement to dance trough the rain of projectiles, but suddenly they vanished. No, that girl had made the mistake of assuming his reflexes only stopped at dodging. Weak, weak, WEEAK!! Letting her fire so many bullets, he had managed to pin down their exact timing and get used to their speed. Now, he could catch bullets with that massive maw of his, and that in the blink of an eye!

Now then little missy, you might have to move those legs of yours if you plan to do this. His senses were sharp and wary of them by now, that dog would not catch him offguard this time.

He had one more trump card, but he needed time. Just a little more...
« Last Edit: May 01, 2016, 06:12:15 PM by francobull3 »

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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The girl was just about to be crushed completely when Erica spotted a distinctive head of red hair that she had seen before. With him here the construct was certain that this was her sign to keep the girl around like a thorn in her side. Something to remind her of such anger so that it could be triggered again.

She was about to say something to Noel's friend when he aimed a kick at her head and yelled at her. Her eyes widened and she blurred into a series of black afterimages as she dashed to the side. She tossed the redhead in the claw to the side like a piece of garbage before speaking. "I was crushing that abnormal one. Does it require greater explanation?"

The stone faced girl avoided his kick, throwing aside the red-haired girl as she did. With a second of looking closer, he noticed she was still moving slightly, so she was alive. Ragna was about to sigh in relief, until Erica, if he recalled correctly, spoke up.

"Does it...? You idiot, of course it does! You can't just run around killing people for no reason!" He barked, until he processed her comment even further. "And what the hell do you mean by abnormal?"

As he said the last part, his right arm made a fist, and a dark power radiated around it as the azure reacted to his anger.


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Sakagami Kenzo

Kenzo's eyes looked at the strongest yokai with a mixture of sadness, confusion and dumbfoundment.  He tought at least someone like her would understand, but it seemed he had been mistaken all along. No, this was definetely his karma...

He smiled and scratched his fluffy haired head in embarassement. "It's nothing. Sorry for bothering you like that, it was a stupid question."

Despite his gentle smile, he seemed to be hiding something, ss if there was something he was holding back. He stared at her awkwardly for a while, at a loss of words. He didn't know what to say, or do. However, he never once doubted the girl's words. She couldn't be lonely, and she had to be strong. So no matter how you looked at it, it was his fault.

"Do you mind if I sit?"

Oka Kurosawa

Oka nodded. She did mind. He was weird and creepy. She didn't get what his problem was, but he seemed... melancholy and depressed. And she felt like he was really strong.

Possibly dangerous.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Medaka Kurokami

The receptionist paged Dr. Bill. "Dr. Bill, we have a patient we are sending your way."  With that, a stretcher was summoned and Medakal was tentatively placed on said stretcher.  She smiled at Shinobu.  "Don't worry, I heal quickly.  Ill be out in a few hours or so."  She said somewhat casually.  Afterwards she was shipped off to the hospital room.

« Last Edit: May 01, 2016, 07:01:33 PM by yinsukin »


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Relius Clover

Relius frowned.  With the woman still in his arms, he walked over to the door Ignis was blocking and she disappeared in a flash of purple light.  He opened the door and turned his head slightly so that the creature would only see the right eye of his mask.

"I see.  Then you are of no use to me."  He said, with a somewhat indigenous voice of disappointment.


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The demon bowed politely. Despite the fact that relius had indeed opened the door, he could not roll on the floor or walk the dinosaur. Indeed, while there was indeed a door, there was no exit!

"Thank you, I do try. However, I'm afraid you don't have much in the choice department. " He replied curtly.


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Relius Clover

The puppeteer furrowed his brow as the hallway in the castle beyond the door distorted and changed.  It seemed Theodore's powers extended far beyond simple magic.  He turned around to face the creature.

"Oh? pray tell."  Relius responded, genuinely curious now.

Perhaps my original assessment was correct.  He thought to himself.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2016, 07:33:10 PM by yinsukin »


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The demon gazed at the masked man with the same unreadable expression as always and spoke without a hint of emotion or attachment.

"I'M afraid there is no value in the things you call words, nor do you have any way of confirming the veridicity of whatever I say. However, you weren't exactly in a good shape the last time I saw you. To barge into a castle to abduct its owner without any sort of protection or backup to rely on, is it truly wise?"

Sakagami Kenzo

The oni smiled meekly. She seemed to be alright with him sitting at least, at least that is what he tought she mean by nodding. So he sat down on the bench next to the girl and looked down gloomily. He was silent for a while, but after mustering a little courage, he managed to speak.

"Do you like any hobbies?"
« Last Edit: May 02, 2016, 01:18:30 AM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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It was almost almost refreshing to see the performance break to reveal the person underneath. Some people tried faking it so hard they forgot where the mask ended and where they began. And it wasn't as if what he actually showed wasn't charming in its own way, but maybe she would be able to instruct him in maintaining a noble visage? Even if his looks didn't contribute heavily in that compartment.

Alarice could play the part of the vassal well enough so long as she didn't have to do anything degrading. There was even the possibility that this could be fun! She confidently walked forwards and went down to one knee before the tree man as the dragon skull slammed its maw shut. "If you would have me then I would be honored to serve, Lord Greyskull. Should we make our way to your territory?"


"I had a reason. She made a statement that made me so angry that I still want to crush her into paste. And I mean that her soul carries attributes that do not belong to a human." The construct had finally asserted control back over her other Claw again and stared back at the man. The Mantle flexed its digits before closing into Fists and while she did not want to kill him she would defend herself. Even if that did meant hurting Noel's friend. Regardless, if things did turn to the worst she could always escape.

« Last Edit: May 01, 2016, 08:18:38 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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"I had a reason. She made a statement that made me so angry that I still want to crush her into paste. And I mean that her soul carries attributes that do not belong to a human." The construct had finally asserted control back over her other Claw again and stared back at the man. The Mantle flexed its digits before closing into Fists and while she did not want to kill him she would defend herself from the redhead. Even if that did mean hurting Noel's friend. And if things did turn to the worst she could always escape.


"I had a reason. She made a statement that made me so angry that I still want to crush her into paste. And I mean that her soul carries attributes that do not belong to a human." The construct had finally asserted control back over her other Claw again and stared back at the man. The Mantle flexed its digits before closing into Fists and while she did not want to kill him she would defend herself from the redhead. Even if that did mean hurting Noel's friend. And if things did turn to the worst she could always escape.


"My soul? What about it? I'm still a human. Better look into the mirror first before you call me weird. I live my life to the fullest, and heed my heart." Rikuyo managed to stand up, ignoring her broken ribs out of sheer stubborness. While she initially felt some satisfaction from riling up her, that got eclipse in how she was annoyed in turn by a thing like her daring to judge her. That puppet was 1000 years too early to judge her like that.

 She would have just dismissed another human or monster as misguised if they called her inhuman. But that someone so machinelike felt like she had right to decide what was humanlike or not really annoyed her. If she was much stronger right now, she would probably lash out and stomp her to the ground for such presumptions. But seems that the dude seemed to be angry too. Fine, he looked like guy who could handle that damn bluehead.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2016, 09:00:37 PM by Kat »