Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 78359 times)


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Lord Greyskull

S-she called me lord!

Greyskull's heart raced a thousand beats per second. He was genuinely moved by her actions, nothing but grateful towards her. In a thousand years, he would have never found one more suitable than her to follow him.

However, he suddenly seemed embarassed about something. If he didn't look nervous enough before, now he definetely looked nervous.

"Well, about that... I just got here."


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Corbin smiled at Kuro tugging his arm closer to her and laughed.  "Aye, they glitter.  It's really off-putting, you know?  Fine, fine, I'll take the both of you someplace where we can talk freely."

He looked at Mordred and said, "Oh they do have a weakness, and yes, diamonds can be cut, but only by another diamond." He snapped his fingers and said, "Oh!  There's a public place where we can talk.  It's Neutral Ground, and one cannot kill another when they are a guest of this place.  Like mystical stuff happens when they do."

Then he winked at Kuro and said, "They also have an amazing Sticky Toffee."


She grinned at Gadreel and said, "Technically, I don't need to take a shower every day, but I do.  Sometimes it just feels nice to be clean and apparently smell like an alcoholic beverage meant to drop a young co-ed's knickers."

The blond frowned ever so slightly.  She had spent most of her living life filthy after all, but when she first woke up as a vampire, being covered in all that blood, filth, and that . . .Roman Bastard's . . . Becoming clean had suddenly become something very important to her. 

Biting her lip she reached out and picked up a bottle of some sort of body wash that proclaimed sea salt. "And sometimes you're just covered in unmentionables and need to be clean."


"Well, maybe I should fix that," Gabriel said with a smirk as he walked with her in the Shadows. "Jazz is something that relaxes me and something I've enjoyed over the years."


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Kuro kept tugging on his arm as she listened to the both of them, apprently they were both on the same page when it came to weaknesses. She playfully tugged much harder this, hard enough to hurt a normal human, but she figured he could take it since he was one of the Elites.

"Yeah, everything has a weakness, you just have to find it." Kuro nodded in agreement to the two of them. "Diamonds can actually be cut by other materials actually, as long as they have a sharp enough edge and are thrust with enough force." She suddenly blurted out before she could register what Corbin said about them having sticky toffee. "Wait sticky toffee, really? Really? I don't have any money though. Actually the stickyness makes them a pain to eat."


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Corbin smiled at Kuro tugging his arm closer to her and laughed.  "Aye, they glitter.  It's really off-putting, you know?  Fine, fine, I'll take the both of you someplace where we can talk freely."

He looked at Mordred and said, "Oh they do have a weakness, and yes, diamonds can be cut, but only by another diamond." He snapped his fingers and said, "Oh!  There's a public place where we can talk.  It's Neutral Ground, and one cannot kill another when they are a guest of this place.  Like mystical stuff happens when they do."

Then he winked at Kuro and said, "They also have an amazing Sticky Toffee."


Kuro kept tugging on his arm as she listened to the both of them, apprently they were both on the same page when it came to weaknesses. She playfully tugged much harder this, hard enough to hurt a normal human, but she figured he could take it since he was one of the Elites.

"Yeah, everything has a weakness, you just have to find it." Kuro nodded in agreement to the two of them. "Diamonds can actually be cut by other materials actually, as long as they have a sharp enough edge and are thrust with enough force." She suddenly blurted out before she could register what Corbin said about them having sticky toffee. "Wait sticky toffee, really? Really? I don't have any money though. Actually the stickyness makes them a pain to eat."


Neutral grounds? Pfftt, even if what he said was true, just because you cannot get killed it doesn't mean you cannot get beaten up severely and then dragged out outside for a finishing blow. Every rule had a loophole to exploit. That was also a constant in the world. But she wouldn't comment on that in his presence. Appearing to be overly paranoid had its disadvantages. If they think you are not prepared, you can caught off them off-guard.

"Don't worry, me or Corbin can pay for it, right?" She told Kuro with smile. Ah, she would feel so relieved if Corbin paid for Kuro this time. No need to get into debt more over that. She didn't even got first job to complete. Speaking of a job, she had few questions to before they went.

"Hey, Corbin, do you know any spot where I can reliably arm myself? I didn't have yet a chance too but there's something I would like to get if I can. M4A1 with a shotgun attachment would be fine. Maybe a sword and a sidearm as well. I normally fight with elemental magic, but sometimes a military grade armaments do wonders as well. Especially with custom ammo."

She had her spear too, but a sword would be more handy in cramped areas than a spear. And it was her 'ultima ratio' as well. She wasn't a gun nut like some Americans, but she valued how useful a gun could be in some situations.


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"Some wandering might be fun," the half-demon remarked, "Never know what you'll come across."

With that, Dante followed along down the path, half-wishing he was riding a motorbike so he could simply lean back and relax, and the other half somewhat curious about the woman he was riding with.

"Say, how did you end up here?" Dante called out, "I just walked out my store this morning and ended up here."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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"I had a reason. She made a statement that made me so angry that I still want to crush her into paste. And I mean that her soul carries attributes that do not belong to a human." The construct had finally asserted control back over her other Claw again and stared back at the man. The Mantle flexed its digits before closing into Fists and while she did not want to kill him she would defend herself from the redhead. Even if that did mean hurting Noel's friend. And if things did turn to the worst she could always escape.


"My soul? What about it? I'm still a human. Better look into the mirror first before you call me weird. I live my life to the fullest, and heed my heart." Rikuyo managed to stand up, ignoring her broken ribs out of sheer stubborness. While she initially felt some satisfaction from riling up her, that got eclipse in how she was annoyed in turn by a thing like her daring to judge her. That puppet was 1000 years too early to judge her like that.

 She would have just dismissed another human or monster as misguised if they called her inhuman. But that someone so machinelike felt like she had right to decide what was humanlike or not really annoyed her. If she was much stronger right now, she would probably lash out and stomp her to the ground for such presumptions. But seems that the dude seemed to be angry too. Fine, he looked like guy who could handle that damn bluehead.

Ragna sighed. What was he, in charge of a kindergarten?

"You," He started, looking back at the redhead. "Sit back down before you puncture a lung or something."

Then he faced Erica again, but this time, he was smirking.

"And you, grow a damn brain. You can't just kill people when they piss you off. There's a million reasons why, you big idiot, but let me start with just one: Not everyone is going to lose against you." Ragna took note of her closing fists and kept a hand on the blood scythe. "So how about you piss off and meditate on the meaning of patience or something, maybe grow up a bit. The way you're acting right now is like a child throwing a tantrum, and I'm not your damn babysitter."

Ragna took the blood scythe off of his back and planted it in the wood floor ahead of him. He kept his right hand on it, and the dark glow emanating from it intensified.

"Though, I'd still make you say nighty night if I have to," he said with a unpleasant smile.

Cherry Lover

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Rider continued to ride around for a while, as suggested. But, as much as she enjoyed riding her bike, this park hadn't been as much fun as she'd thought it might be. She would have to take the bike up into the mountains that she'd seen outside the city later but, right now, she would rather talk to the handsome man riding along with her.

"Say, how did you end up here?" he called out as they rode around. "I just walked out my store this morning and ended up here."

"It's complicated", she replied, not wanting to have a detailed discussion right now. "Let's go and find that pizza place, and I'll explain".

With that, she rode off in search of the pizza place.


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Corbin laughed as Kuro tugged his arm quite hard, it was almost painful.  So he tightened his muscles and lifted his arm up, lifting Kuro up with it.  "You're a bit of a pistol, you know that.  This Sticky Toffee is a cake; it's a spice cake with caramel drizzled over it.  I swear it was made by some pagan deity it's so good.  My treat."

If both ladies were new to Nexus, then they were probably short on pocket money.   He wasn't a pauper by any means, but he did need to get a new set of wheels soon.  Hence his desire to work some overtime to get a nice down payment for a new bike.

Even though, I'm not going to let a potential comrade, even though she seems a bit off, and a little bit in a cold, he thought.

He then turned to Mordred, "The offer goes to you too.  As to where to get a gun?  Luckily I had my equipment when I got brought here, and I do some gun smithing myself.  I like to tinker with shiny things."


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"Well, we'll see," Emily mused, following him along, "At least the company should be decent, even if the music doesn't end up agreeing with me. Well, assuming we don't have any problems like we just had..."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Silva Dragonov

Fool. Did she really think he couldn't hear him? But very well, he'd play her game. While form was troublesome, it was one of his conditions. He still had a minute left.

Silva dodged the hail of bullets, moving precisely without a single wasted movement to dance trough the rain of projectiles, but suddenly they vanished. No, that girl had made the mistake of assuming his reflexes only stopped at dodging. Weak, weak, WEEAK!! Letting her fire so many bullets, he had managed to pin down their exact timing and get used to their speed. Now, he could catch bullets with that massive maw of his, and that in the blink of an eye!

Now then little missy, you might have to move those legs of yours if you plan to do this. His senses were sharp and wary of them by now, that dog would not catch him offguard this time.

He had one more trump card, but he needed time. Just a little more...


He just needed a little more time, and then he could see if his little trump card form would work the way they hoped. Until then Ron had to catch his prey off guard, he acknowledged to himself as he fell to all fours again. Or, at least approach it in such a way that it would try to focus on killing him instead of Annabeth.

Big, hairy, and quadrupedal once more, the werewolf began circling the long way around to the pink thing's right flank. He would leap up onto one of the larger crates that could support this form's horse-sized frame and heavy muscle weight, and descend from there facing down with his maw wide open. Latch onto a limb, onto the side of its body, absolutely anything to get rid of the filthy thing polluting his nose with its stench that he would-


If it tried to get away, he would pursue. If it tried to attack back, he would let it - and when it was stuck biting him, tearing into his bone, he would use his trump card and tear it limb from limb and kill.


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"Fair enough," Dante said, veering off to follow, "Shouldn't be too hard to find one."

With that, the half-demon cruised through the city with the lavender-haired woman for a while, searching for a suitable pizza place.

"Hey, that looks decent," Dante noted, slowing down as a curious red-roofed pizza shop loomed on the horizon, "How about we try there?"
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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"Hey!" The white haired girl shouted out as she was suddenly lifted from the ground, her feets dangling helplessly in the air, or at least they would have, if he had been the one to actually hold her and not the other way around. Kuro released the grip on one of her hands, so she was only dangling with her full weight on one arm. With her now free arm she pointed at the monster himself as she accused him with a teasing tone. "Wow what a creepy guy you are, are you planning on kidnapping me and having your way with me in a back alley?"


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Silva Dragonov

While continuously avoiding additional bulletfire, the gigantic wolf's muscles, his whole mass  and body bulged and grew as if an overinflating balloon, as if an unstoppable pressure was growing within. He knew the animal would come there, he could feel it just as the small dog could feel his presence. However, it was his last resort, a card he had no intention of dealing.

For if he did such a thing, he would no longer be able to enjoy himself, not even able to hear their screams as he tore them into beautiful shreds.

But no matter. Just as the rabid beast descended upon him, the massive hound smiled mockingly. Fool. He thought, for now that he was falling he could no longer avoid his attack, things were going exactly as planned! They had both lost to the Notorious DOG's game of wits!! Lured them in a corner where a chackmate was inevitable!

His body would take a hit, but he would endure. Yes, this had to work, it was his last resort before having to resort to his last resort. After all, it was a risky attack that would damage him in such a way that his body would temporarily weaken. If anything, it was a winner takes all scenario until he could use that.

Therefore, he had put everything he had, his whole future and destiny into this one attack. If it would fail, if they would see through it, his pride would be shattered in a way that could only be topped by him taking a direct hit. But neither would happen.

Thus, he dashed back instinctively behind a pillar that would shield him from subsequent shots and released a force unlike any other, a powerful roar ejected by his lungs that made the whole warehouse vibrate madly.

However, it was not the thunder that was most deadly, but the lightning. The bullets that he had caught were suddenly launched back at him, spat with such an overwhelming force and pressure that he had been accumulating thus far. Even if it was nothing more than plastic, it was launched with such force that it could easily shatter rock.


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Corbin laughed as Kuro tugged his arm quite hard, it was almost painful.  So he tightened his muscles and lifted his arm up, lifting Kuro up with it.  "You're a bit of a pistol, you know that.  This Sticky Toffee is a cake; it's a spice cake with caramel drizzled over it.  I swear it was made by some pagan deity it's so good.  My treat."

If both ladies were new to Nexus, then they were probably short on pocket money.   He wasn't a pauper by any means, but he did need to get a new set of wheels soon.  Hence his desire to work some overtime to get a nice down payment for a new bike.

Even though, I'm not going to let a potential comrade, even though she seems a bit off, and a little bit in a cold, he thought.

He then turned to Mordred, "The offer goes to you too.  As to where to get a gun?  Luckily I had my equipment when I got brought here, and I do some gun smithing myself.  I like to tinker with shiny things."


"Hey!" The white haired girl shouted out as she was suddenly lifted from the ground, her feets dangling helplessly in the air, or at least they would have, if he had been the one to actually hold her and not the other way around. Kuro released the grip on one of her hands, so she was only dangling with her full weight on one arm. With her now free arm she pointed at the monster himself as she accused him with a teasing tone. "Wow what a creepy guy you are, are you planning on kidnapping me and having your way with me in a back alley?"


A pagan deity? Man, it sounded suspicious. She couldn't help but have negative associations with pagan gods as some of Others liked to pretend to be deities, assuming some pagan cults were not mortals mistaking Fae for divine beings. Corbin wasn't a Changeling, so it was still extremely unlikely that he had anything to do with Gentry, but still Mordred couldn't help but be cynical about religions in which Gods walked among men. Nah, it probably wasn't anything suspicious but only her being too overcautious.

"Quite corteous of you, Corbin." She smiled. He seemed to be on the level, so maybe she should just relax and stop overthinking. "You said you have a day off, right? I won't be bothering you then about your work, let's just relax. I'm free too, it's not that they will call me soon."

Kuro of course started teasing him like the bratty troll she was, but she didn't doubt he wouldn't handle that. Kuro seems to have had bad influence on her in the childhood, though, how else she would learn to talk back to her elders like that.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2016, 03:11:05 AM by Kat »


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"Me? Have my way with a little bit like you?" Corbin asked Kuro with a laugh as he lowered her back down to the ground.  "Come back when you're five-six years older and then we'll see, but you're such a bother though.  I feel sorry for whatever poor sod you'll get those tawny little hands on when you're a bit older."

He grinned at Mordred and said, "Indeed I do have the day off.  I can work overtime another day anyway, so it's no bother.  Relaxing is a grand thing, and trust me, when you get into actual active duty, and good at a lot of things, they'll try to run you ragged.  Plus Sticky Toffee and their fish and chips . . . for such a dive it's like going back home.  Except people have better teeth."


Rin reached out her hand as well with a frown.  She met Sakura's eyes and said, "And that faker isn't here.  You kicked him out.  He can't hurt you.  We won't let him hurt you."

"Come on, I can make you some tea and you can try one of Archer's souffles.  Then we can talk about what happened, if you want to.  Only if you want to."
« Last Edit: May 02, 2016, 03:39:46 AM by Elf »