Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 72847 times)


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Mobb's eyes opened wide in shock and he nearly fell from surprize. "Eeeeeeeeh!? Wow, I... I... Erm, how can I put this. Hot sauce!?"

He hugged her close to him and whispered in her ear with the widest, snazziest of shit eating grins.

"I like the way you're thinking. Any ideas?"
« Last Edit: September 22, 2016, 02:56:33 AM by francobull3 »


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"You know, that might work for you, but that's not how it works for me," Rin said, fixing Sakura with a bit of a glare. She did take another bite though, chewing it slowly.   "And you know, apparently there are men who don't like huge chests."


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Sakura chuckled as she mercilessly slammed yet another man's arm down onto the wood with a resounding thud.

"Next." She said out to the bar in her most superior voice, trying to goad out more drunkards into challenging her for the pile of cash she'd managed to amass this fine night.

Unfortunately, it seemed she'd tapped this place out. And it was getting reaaaly late anyway. So she grabbed the heaping pile of cash in front of her, and stuffed it into the duffle bag she'd brought for this reason.

Tager was the only one who could beat her in arm wrestling, after all. These wannabe cool-guys were just posers. Totally child's play.

She began to whistle a chipper tune as she walked down the streets of the Nexus at 5 am, seemingly completely unafraid of any potential dangers the city would throw at her.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Say, you really don't want to stay a bit more as guests? Don't worry about this Sakura person, can't we phone her? If I'm not wrong about that she is your girl," Petra adressed Shirou "I can assure her that nothing will happen. I mean, if you did something that really would anger her, I would just bag and tag you and bring back to her place if you didn't come to her obediently."

Petra sounded too like she was not joking about that. "You don't see any problem with such arrangement, right Jeanne?"

Then she finally turned to the guest that arrived earlier than the duo. "If you would be so kind, any help would be appreciated, yeah." Yeah, he really seemed like a honest guy.

The secret vampire just nodded his head to his guest and possible future convert. He would get that out of the way quick, for politeness' sake of course. "Just lemme know where where the supplies are, Miss Petra."


Muramasa Katase

"I do not particularly care how you plan to kill the various creatures around us, as long as you do not intend to hang me like some sort of ornament from your mantle," the demon's tall and elegant shell said before waving her hand dismissively. "And I have gotten by quite well over the centuries without announcing my presence to all and sundry."

She cleared her throat, and then smiled. It did not look like a fake smile, even though it was.


The blond leaned up against the other Saint and whispered in her ear. "See what a nice guy he is, you should thank him later~" Her tone was teasing so you couldn't really tell if she was serious or not.

She then walked over to the couch, Liam had stood up and was trying to make himself helpful again while Shirou appeared clearly happy to see her. The short blond woman turned to Liam and spoke. "It looks like it helped him, thank you...however it's getting late and the two of us should be going. Sakura might kill me if anything more happened to him....ha-hah" The Saint tried laughing it off as a joke, not quite succeding at it.

Jeanne then finally turned to Shirou, she took hold of one his hand and pulled, intending to pull him to his feet. however she used too much force on purpose, making it so that he would fall over on his face if he wasn't paying attention.

Shirou Emiya

Shirou stood up without issue, and gave Jeanne a smug look, as if he was saying, "You're getting predictable."

He then turned to look at Petra and shook his head. "I don't think so, and please don't do that. My wife-to-be would be very upset at you, even had I done something wrong." He told Petra with complete honesty.

"And honestly I think we need to go, we've been out for quite a while now." With that said, he began moving towards the door, pulling Jeanne with him.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Oka Kurosawa

The meal continued on like this, with both of them playfully poking fun at each other until the food arrived, at which point Oka voraciously dug in, and ended up eating the majority of the food. After they paid and left, Jin informed her it was her turn to decide where they were going.

"Well, here we are!" Oka said excitedly. They were in front of a large indoor water park. "Let's go get some swimsuits!" Oka said. She was excited. She hadn't gone swimming in over a year, and was really interested in seeing Jin in a swimsuit. "Let's play!" She tugged on his hand, ready to go inside.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Rin naturally didn't take Sakura's comment to well and went on the assault. He saw no option but to step in before this got nasty. "Now, now, don't start a fight here girls," Archer admonished the two of them.

It really depends on their quality, you know, the objects I make are practically worthless, they're 'hollow' so anything that's actually complex won't work.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2016, 06:54:58 PM by Thedoctor »


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A look of dissapointment flashed on the blond saint's face for a moment as her prank failed, there wasn't much she could now...later however was entirely different matter.

She suddenly found herself yanked away by the one she'd tried to prank, the two of them now heading for the door. It looks like they wouldn't be staying after all, Shirou was rather determined to get home.

"Our Apologies, but it appears the two of us are heading back, I wish you both a a pleasant evening , free of demonic encounters~....." the final word getting stretched out as she was pulled out of the apartment in a comical fashion, reminiscent of a Chinese cartoon.

The two of them eventually returned to the mansion after an uneventfull trip, except for the fact that Jeanne had been clinging to his arm the entire way, making sure he didn't trip on his own feet.

As they walked through the frontyard She spoke to him hesitantly, her voice containing a hint of regret. "I'm-... I'm sorry for trying to trip you earlier, you...well you just looked so cute when you were stumbling around." She pressed herself against him further as she spologized, looking up at him with eyes that didn't match her words at all.


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Relius Clover

“Yeah, let’s begin.”

In a flash of purple light, Ignis appeared behind Theodore.  She wrapped every single limb on her body around him, using her full strength to restrain him.  Relius’s cocky grin faded, replaced by a neutral, almost grimacing look oozing with focus.  He placed his glowing hands on the torso of the demon, preparing to extract the soul.

However, as he reached into the insides of the creature, something strange happened.  The soul or rather the amalgamation of souls began reacting to something.  It shined with an energetic, rebellious light.

Is this because of my own interference?  No… Not mine. It should be possible to fix if I alter the frequency.

His own hands began changing colors rapidly to match those of the demon.  He then grabbed the soul and pulled it out of the body of the demon or at the very least, part of it.  When he looked at the body, he noticed that the creature called Theodore still had his soul intact.  He turned his attention to the “thing” he was holding in his own hand.

No. This is… Vanguard.  Even with all my expertise, I suppose I cannot easily shift through such a dense cluster of souls.

Relius took a deep breath.

So now, if I were to move this to the body, how would that affect the other soul?  It looks as though the light has calmed down.  No. It seems as though this other orb is craving something.  That body perhaps?

The puppeteer placed the soul in the new body he constructed.

I see so thats what happened.

It appeared that Theodore was a fusion of sorts between Vanguard and whatever this pitiful demon was. That reaction was likely simply a precursor to this inevitable phenomenon.    By touching the soul, he sped it up a bit.  By placing Vanguard in the new body, he had completed the separation.

Just before Vanguard gained consciousness, Ignis released the demon and disappeared.  Relius walked over to the doorway, getting to a safe place to observe the results.  He wanted to recorded every second of this moment within the data-banks of his mind.  Even if he could not control this phenomenon, it would be imperative to observe.

What happened next could only be described as a clash between souls.  However, the dominant soul in both personality and strength was Vanguard.  He was pretty obviously the dominant personality in that mishmash of souls even before this separation had occurred.  The demon seemed to carry the rest of the souls contained within the original body of Theodore.  All of it happened rather quickly.  There was some incomprehensible screaming as the souls seemed to gleam from within in a final act of desperation against Vanguard.  In the end it amounted to nothing, as he was easily crushed.  The souls that made up the demon scattered.

How disappointing.  I suppose demon souls are no different than human ones.

Relius nonchalantly walked over to the fleshy doll.  “Welcome back Vanguard.  I take it you are pleased with the body I have created?”  He asked politely, not bothering to hide the pride also contained in his tone of voice.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2016, 08:03:42 PM by yinsukin »


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Honestly, what was even up with her. The blonde Servant was quite an eccentric fellow to try to prank her companion like that, but really no her business. There was some sort of relief on Petra's part that she wouldn't be bothered today about reminscening her past. Too much happened today for her to be in good mood for that, to be honest.

"Okay, maybe you could drop in for a chat later. Good night." Petra bid farewell to the departing Jeanne and her companion.

"And that's thoughtful of you, Liam, but I have a sort of request. Could you call me by my first name? There's no reason to call me 'Miss', really." Jeanne's implications that she fancied Liam weighed heavily on her mind. He was handsome, polite and helpful, maybe it was worth to give him a chance if he really wanted to strike such relationship with her, that is.


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So she could conjure also melee weapons. It seemed that whatever magic she was using, it was clearly about crafting tools of war on spot unless there was more to her talent than that.

"Yes, that's why I'm here in first place. Let us put end to this horrible nightmare." Those words were full of certainty, as it wasn't the first time Julius had faced such horrible creatures. His resolve was steeled over the years he spent on carrying his own justice and protecting those who suffered from depredations of such thing, without any expectation of a reward as it would be ungentlemanly to fight for material gain. And he was rich anyway. Well, he used to be.

The moment Julius finished his sentence, the building before them restored itself as if it took no damage in first place. What kind of sorcery could cause that?

But their most immediate concern was a swarm of insectoid horrors that poured from the building. Julius though had a plan.

He lobbed the vial of holy water like a hand grenade and shot his pistol with unerring aim to break it down mid-air and splash the swarm with the power of his King and Savior Jesus Christ. In the end while he was loyal to Holy Roman Emperor and heeded the authority of his Holiness in Rome, his ultimate liege was the King of Kings.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2016, 03:40:50 PM by Kat »


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Rin naturally didn't take Sakura's comment to well and went on the assault. He saw no option but to step in before this got nasty. "Now, now, don't start a fight here girls," Archer admonished the two of them.

It really depends on their quality, you know, the objects I make are practically worthless, they're 'hollow' so anything that's actually complex won't work.

Sakura Matou

Don't say that! Sakura exclaimed. Her lower lip trembled as she reprimanded him. What you can do is amazing, the most amazing magic I've ever seen! Don't sell yourself short! Sakura looked as if she was about to cry.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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I want doughnuts!"

It all begun with a simple outburst from the blonde vampire, an outburst which might seem inconsequential to most, just an ordinary life complaint for lack of  something sweet right? It couldn't possibly be something worse, nothing about the round tasty object more commonly known as doughnut could possibly impede on someone's day.

Except it could.

You see the person who demanded it really...really like doughnuts. To tell the truth 'like' is too mild of a word to describe the burning need this blond creature experience, the craving that was insatiable.

Thus she coerced her new cute servant to go out with her to buy her some. Well, new wouldn't be quite right to use in this situation. They'd already been linked for months now. Although from her perspective as a 500 year old vampire, mere months was like the blink of an eye. It was amusing to say the last to observe all the hijinks she got into, both from her nature to 'help' people and her desire to pay the landlords, those objectives weren't necessarily exclusive upon second thought.

The doughnut shop itself, oddly enough sold nothing but doughnouts, that might not be so strange after all given the kind things you could find in this city. If only they'd give the same kinds of offer as Mr. Doughnut. On the other hand that made it so Medaka would have to pay even more for it, which was worth it for different reasons.

The blond vampire rose from her resting spot in the blue haired girl's shadow the moment they entered the shop, as sneakily as she could she hugged the girl from behind and pressed herself against Medaka's back.

"How much money did you even make during your last...." The vampire was lost for words for once, while 'job' or something of the like would be what was commonly used there, she felt that didn't quite fit. As a result she sounded a bit frustrated.


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Vanguard turned his head absently to face him.

"Oh, Relius. I didn't notice you." He said nonchalantly.

Whipping his hand down as if to scatter muck off his hand, he gave his surroundings an uninterested look before turning around to meet him, resting his hand on his hip in a casual demeanor, as if speaking to an old acquaintance.

"I suppose it is adequate, but what does my opinion have to do with anything? You are the specialist here, it is your responsibility to assess your work. You were supposed to craft a body that would please me, so tell me. Do you think this pleases me?"


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Auspicious Breeze

"Haaah, well there's no need to hurry with things here anyway. Everyone keeps telling me there's no way home," Breeze said, this time not smiling anymore. "So we can take our time, okay?"

It wasn't like there was anything she could think of that would let her get back to her mistress from this place.

"Please don't fight. I mean, not each other." Had to be clear about that one! "Because I mean mean obviously you can fight other things because there's bad stuff here, but uh, right. You know what I mean!"



"Good evenin' to you both," he added as the pair left. Liam figured he could keep an eye on those two. Later though, when he was done here.

The vampire didn't miss a beat on the tough little miss' request. He nodded his head and grinned. Liam was even life-like enough for there to be some color to his face. "Well, long as it's all right and proper with you, Petra. Now just point me in the right direction."


Muramasa Katase

Discretion was irritating, but Katase was more than capable of using it when necessary. This did present her with an interesting opportunity. "Well, we could always go and thin their numbers preemptively if you would prefer. It would be a simple matter not to get caught, yes?"

Either Mitsuba fed her the blood and souls of monsters, or got herself killed through overconfidence. The demon sword got something she appreciated with either outcome.



This time the werewolf circled around behind the two females with him. He was ready to intercept any attacks that went their way, but it turned out to be unneeded. Ron's big wolfy eyes widened and his ears went up as he saw how much firepower the other shapeshifter was packing in there. "Rrrff?"

It reminded him of that time in middle school when they cancelled afternoon classes because of explosions going off. He still hadn't ever really figured out what caused them, but whatever it was probably wasn't around anymore. The Nexus had a high turnover rate with dangerous newcomers.


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As expected, the last volley didn't really do too much to the tree, not that it was intended to. Then Rikuyo made her move, her attack slicing the oversized wicker man reject in half with a blade of aura.

Huh. Transmuter. And she already pulled some Emission back in the store. If it's anything like what I'm used to, I'd say she's closest to an Enhancer. Of course, then there's the shape-shifting...

"Hm. That'll do the trick," the Hunter said with a nod, slipping her guns into their holsters and holding out the redhead's jacket to her, "I suppose yer gonna want this back now."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses