Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 55472 times)


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She sat up on his lap as she stopped putting pressure on him, allowing him to move as he wanted to. Shirou was really concerned about his fiancee, it was probably worse than she had originally thought. "It's that bad? You know...the woman we visited earlier might be able to do something about that, if you managed to get on her good side." Jeanne added, in deep thought about the problem.

She leaned forward a bit as she looked him in the eyes once more, her golden hair flowing freely, covering her face partly. "Shirou, if it bothers you that much I won't say a thing. You have my word on it."


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Shirou Emiya

"Thank you." Shirou said quietly as he sat up and grabbed her in a fierce hug and began to cry. He held the other woman close to him, obviously extremely grateful to her.

"Thank you." He said again.

After a minute, he spoke up again. "I don't want to take her out to meet someone unless she absolutely needs it or she wants it. I want to believe she'll start getting better again with her full support group." He took a deep breath before finishing. "You'll be just as important as anyone else here. She really connected with you fast."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"But don't you take breaks like everyone does? I'm sure that if you look somewhere in your spare time, you'll find someone free and nice." Like maybe her. A bait set up, she would see if the fish take it. Talking with Jeanne made her realize that it wouldn't hurt to try to hook up with him. Being in a relationship with a dependable man would make her life here easier.


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"I naturally have experience in handling swords for other purposes than combat. I'll go and bring some oil." Mitsuba headed back to her dojo to find sword cleaning kit. A proper oil and steel wool would be enough to care of her new sword, she assumed. She carefully applied the oil and tended to the surface of the blade, cleaning it with the steel wool.


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Judging from how persistently tough those monsters were, it was as clear as a day for him that anything short of Holy Diver could be as effective. And Holy Diver wasn't a weapon with an area of effect large enough to kill them all. The count kept his cool in spite of the devastation, being well aware that there must have been another way to eliminate them.

He reached for his whip and whirled it around to hit as much of insects as they came close to defend himself.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2016, 04:36:14 PM by Kat »


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The sun was shining brighter than usual, pleasantly warming up as he laid on a bench across the pool’s ledge. Tipping his cowboy hat, he glanced at the slides through his sunglasses. He had work to do, but it was still early. There was no immediate rush, and you'd never know if it was your last day on the job, so he wanted to enjoy himself a little before investigating.

He took a sip off his coke can and threw it straight in the trash can like a champ. Pleased, he got up and walked towards the Gigantor, the most gigantic water slide in all of Nexus.  Grinning from ear to ear, he was ready for the time of his life.

So he waited.

And he waited.

And he waited.

He sighed tiredly and looked over around him. Still a long way to go. He'd been waiting for hours (five minutes), just how many days would it take until he got to ride the damn slide? (Ten minutes)

Thankfully, he was in a very good mood, he wasn't going to let a little waiting get in the way of his day off. He'd ride this slide and it would be awesome, and nothing was going to stop him. He was a sucker for cheap thrills like this, so of course it would catch his attention. He'd been riding for two hours in order to get early, and it still looked like it wasn't enough. A friendly looking couple was in front of him. He tipped his hat and called them, if only to make the waiting less awkward. Standing still and not doing anything was never his forte.

“Hey. Pretty long line, huh?"
« Last Edit: September 26, 2016, 04:37:02 PM by francobull3 »


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Auspicious Breeze

".... wow, um, I'm sensing some tension here," the former gladiator said as she looked between her cute new girlfriends. She hugged them both to try to get rid of some of that tension! "Maybe we should get going? We have a lot to do today! You know, before we go to the meeting place. I wonder if Michael found a spot for the dojo yet...?"



"For me, the convertible was a true innovation that permitted one such as I to benefit from the automobile," the giant angel said as he hunched over just a little more so he could see the streets properly. "Just follow my lead when choosing where to turn. It will become more apparent to me once we grow closer to our quarry."

Soon their travels took them to suburbia, a strange notion in this enclosed environment. When considering the sociological and economic factors that drove the development of suburban life originally it could not be any sort of organic development. More likely the residents had found themselves homesick for the trappings of their former neighborhoods and sought to replicate them in some fashion. "Left turn... right... yes, the foulness is close now."

Then it turned out they were in the parking lot for a hospital. The sight left Gadreel sighing in discontent. "This is an... unfortunate development."



"Usually don't have much time to spare," he said, wondering for a moment where she was going with this. It clicked in his head pretty darn fast, though. "Though since I shown up here I got plenty of it..."

It was forbidden for him to get into a genuine relationship with one of the living. Was the sort of thing that went all against the purpose God had for Liam and his kind if he led the living into sin and damnation just for his own satisfaction rather than as a test. 'Course, the Testament was rather fuzzy on the rightness of taking joy in the testin'.

Hell, he needed the recruits anyway, and she were the pretty sort. "I'll keep my ears open for work for ya, Petra. But on an unrelated note, would you mind if I brought you out one night to see the sights? At least the ones I've seen 'round here so far. Might find something' yourself that way."


Muramasa Katase

"Oh..." Katase's puppet seemed to shudder in some kind of sympathetic response to the attention. It had been a long time since anyone had cleaned the demon sword like this, and it was rather nice. Simple.

It almost made her feel guilty.



"... I probably should have brought popcorn, huh?" he asked himself out loud as he looked between Riku and this 'Shinobu' character. Then he shrugged and looked to this girl who was apparently Medaka. Wow, was every girl Ron met fit for the cover of some glamorous magazine?

The dog crack from the blonde vampire made him just give her a flat stare and the world's dullest and fakest 'woof' in response.


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It seemed like cleaning her main body was enjoyable for Muramasa. Good for her then, cleaning a sword was a daily routine for Mitsuba. Japanese steel should be taken with proper care.

"If you wish so, you may sleep in my house in human form. There should be few separate futons around that I kept in case I had any guests. I will go take a bath myself. There is a TV set and a book shelf in the bedroom, so if you are bored feel free to use them."


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If you are like that, then Cold War shall it be. She felt she was correct in her decision to distrust Oren. Breeze simply didn't have a healthy dose of paranoia to defend herself from anything insidious that didn't involve direct frontal assault. The changeling would protect her comrade from any possible conspiracy going on! But she had to stay lowkey for now, so she just allowed to be hugged by Breeze without voicing any concerns.

"Oh, so we finally get to meet your teacher? Count me in, of course."


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"I'd be glad if you showed me around." Petra agreed, feeling that her plan proceeded quite well already. "And again, thanks in advance. Please call me when you find something for me, then. As for sightseeing, I should be free tomorrow. You work until evening, right?"


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Was it just her or had this Rikuyo somehow become even more hyper active than the last time they had met? Wait did she just end a sentence with a contraction? The blond shook her head, as these matters were beyond her ability to comprehend and thus would better be left undisturbed.

The dog who's name was Ron or something, gave a very fake woof at being called such, she didn't miss the way the way he momentarily lost his composure as he took in her cute minion. This had potential.

Still clinging to Medaka, she pulled the blue haired vampire with her as she moved closer to the newly arrived pair. "Fighting really is all you think about is it not? On that note maybe our progeny should get more Personally acquinted." A sudden grin appeared on her face, bearing her fangs for them to see. In that instant she also changed her hold on Medaka and threw her, right at Ron.


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Her kid? Her past life maybe counted as Ron-kun's ancestor, but it was so many greats- there that not only her but anyone would lost the count. She grinned as Shinobu launched Medaka towards Ron-kun, imagining how pissed off Annie would be  if she saw the situation.

"Fighting? There's always food too." She corrected Shinobu. After all, she not only hunted for a great fight, but also for a great food. Whether she ate someone or found some delicious meal didn't matter to her as long as that was something good. Maybe the other vampire wasn't so picky to only eat doughnuts and drink blood.


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka smiled as Shinobu pulled her upwords. Even after several months, she never truly learned her reasons for the exclusive physical closeness but it always gave her a certain amount of pleasure.  She gave her normal snarky comback before letting loose a dangerous grin.

Uh oh

"Shinobu, what are you-"

Without much warning Medaka was thrown at Ron with more than enough strength to catch her off guard.  She held her hands out to stop the impact only to hit Ron and send him to the ground.  She landed on his chest with only her massive breasts to soften the impact.  She immediately sat up, making a seat of his crotch.  She rubbed her head for a second as she got reacquainted.

"Hey what was that for? I was so relaxed too."  She said, showing visable annoyance at Shinobu for her behavior while also shooting her a look.  Then, she glanced down at the man she was sitting on.  "Im sorry.  Honestly, I should be more used to things like this."  She said, moving to the side and standing up.  "Are you alright?"   


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Relius Clover

For a mere moment, the scientist was taken offguard by Vanguard’s unorthodox method of communication.  To speak directly from the soul is the ultimate combination of intrapersonal and interpersonal ability.

Oh how I wish I could disect into that soul of his. He thought to himself.  Yet on his face was only that mild smile, that one that showed curiosity and perhaps even enjoyment.

“Well I am not sure.”  The puppeteer mused, keeping his eye on the soul before him.  “I have lived such a life both existentially and physically.  In that sense, you could say ignorance is bliss.”  He responded aloud.

 “Humanity does nothing but repeat itself.  It is obsessed with the past but does nothing to change the future.  Look at this city.  A place with no discernible past but endless possibilities.  Yet, no citizen chooses to do anything aside from keep their head down feebly attempt to avoid trouble.”  He continued, sharing a bit of his own thoughts.  “Answer me this Vanguard. This world, no this universe is perhaps the most conceptually diverse phenomenon that could ever occur. Imagine all the possibilities!  Why does this society insist on being stagnant?  Why does its government desire nothing but the detainment of chaos when that very chaos is this city’s greatest asset?”
« Last Edit: September 26, 2016, 12:25:44 AM by yinsukin »


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It would have been a simple matter for Ron to avoid being hit by the busty foreign vampire being used as a projectile by a wicked blonde vampire. However, if he did that then the busty vampire would end up hitting a wall head first and either she'd get hurt or the store would get wrecked and one of them would have to pay for it. Since Ron was 1) Not a dick, and 2) Not made of money, he did the only responsible thing he could.

Incidentally, he was getting pretty good at turning his eyes back to faces now days. "Me? Oh, I'm fine. I've been hit by a lot worse lately," Ron said to Medaka as he sat back up and hunched over slightly to hide any potentially embarrassing reactions. "So, how about them mentors, hm? Always literally throwing you into crazy situations." She smelled like blood and sugar - probably what diabetes would smell like if it had a smell.