Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 73998 times)


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While the process hadn't been all too noteworthy, it had gotten a little tedious after a while. Fortunately, Michael was able to broker a deal with the man in the end, with nary a blow exchanged. Most people would've looked upon the dojo with varying degrees of disdain or worry, given the state of disrepair of the place. The immortal, however, saw not only an opportunity, but a decent way to kill some time.

Unfortunately for the immortal, judging by the time he'd spied on Hiroshi's watch while the other man was leaving, it was fast approaching time for him to get to the location that he'd designated for them to meet up at. Wondering at least a little how the time had flown so quickly, Michael made his way back to the place they'd agreed to meet at with all possible speed. Perhaps he wouldn't have cared enough to do so normally, but today was turning out to be interesting enough to provide ample reason to make an exception. Well, interesting with the exception of having to deal with that idiot to get the dojo in the first place.

In any case, I suppose I should figure out how I'm going to get enough currency together to pay the rent. And all in a week for that matter. Ah well, I'll figure something out. ...On the other hand, whatever enforcers they send to collect could turn out to be decent practice for Breeze...possibly.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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"My days are much accounted for," he said to confirm her point without actually lying to her. He very much preferred to lie as little as he could to Petra between now and whenever she found out the truth. It'd make things a whole lot less painful for the both of 'em. "So I'll be seein' you, say around seven?"


Muramasa Katase

Mitsuba was wise not to allow Katase's blade to linger outside of its sheath. The distraction of being cleaned would only keep her from her thirst for so long. So her puppet's composure returned with the end of that, and the demon was left to ponder the invitation. "I may perhaps avail myself of that. I will be needing the inspiration for a name ..."


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"I can see why a convertible would be more of your thing.  Just as a bit . . . bloody hell I will sound incredibly hipster for saying this . . . of a 'car purist', I like the hard tops.  It doesn't compromise the structural integrity as much.  However, T-tops are kind of the best of both worlds," Forest said as they drove.

She followed the fallen angel's direction and with each turn and change of street she found a knot of ice forming at her stomach.  A frown marred her features as she had an unsettling feeling about where they were going.  "Left turn... right... yes, the foulness is close now," he instructed.

Forest felt her shoulders slump as she saw the all too familiar building right before she pulled into her parking lot.  A hot lance started to burn through the unsettling ice within her as she flexed her fingers on the steering wheel.  "This is an... unfortunate development," Gadreel said.

She nodded as she put on the parking break before unbuckling her seat belt.  The engine was turned off almost as an after thought before she opened the door and climbed out, making sure that the duster was in the back seat.  She was going to need to be able to move and move quickly.

"No guns," she said as she unbuckled her holster and opened the boot.  "It'll terrify the folks and I don't want to deal with accidentally shooting through a wall into some poor soul in ICU.  Plus oxygen tanks and bullets are never a good mix."

She picked up an axe from her trunk and gripped the handle.  "Now let's make sure this sodding wanker has a very bad night."


Rin quietly ate as she figured that Archer and Sakura were having some sort of mental communication.  She attempted to ignore the fact it made her feel alone, a stranger with people who looked like those she was close to but wasn't.  The chopsticks poked a piece of meat and Rin found her appetite dwindling slightly.

Umbra of Chaos

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The girl busied herself with some mundane things as the spider wrapped up its business. She cut her nails and fixed the bed up a bit so it wasn't as messy before going back to looking at the magic. "So, is there anything else you need to do? Or was that it?"


He let out a triumphant yell as he was sent hurtling through the air at the creature. Paladin crashed into it with enough force to cover his chest in bruises, but that didn't stop him from shoving the entirety of his sword into the creature. It tried to dislodge him as its insides froze, but the warrior of Stribog was stubborn. He kept a grip on the weapon with one hand and used another to grip its main, wriggling body.

"Pulverize it!" That was the only thing he said as he maintained his grip. Tentacles dented and scratched his armor, but nothing would move him.


The Fae melted like warm butter in Breeze's hold. But that didn't stop her from giving Mordred a look and mouthing a tidbit of information. 'If you lie to Breeze and hurt her I will eat you.' And then she cheerfully smiled and sank right back into the bliss of the hold.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2016, 03:50:11 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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The blond vampire gave her minion an innocent smile as ahe noticed that Ron was hunched over, seemingly in pained after the impact. "Shouldn't you be more worried about him Medaka? He doesn't appear very well, maybe you should look him over...thoroughly." The last word added with a hint of humor.

Knowing Medaka she'd take the words to heart, so it wasn't hard for her to get some amusement out of it. Turning back to Rikuyo, her own grin was back. "Were you planning on eating him too?" She asked her.


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"No." Rikuyo answered honestly. "Dudes with real potential are like rare, shiny beetles and I'm not into women. Oh, he has a woman already, but that won't make me hold back. But I'm not jealous, so he and Medaka can do whatever floats their boat."

She only promised that she would keep him in one piece. Banging wasn't something harmful, unless
Medaka was so strong he wouldn't handle her and his regeneration couldn't keep up.


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Archer let out a sigh as he heard Sakura's misplaced praise. You should really stop idolizing me so much. Being good at using my magic doesn't mean the magic itself is actually good. I'm sure Shirou would appreciate honest praise more than something he knows isn't true." He advised her.

Sakura Matou

Sakura clutched at Rin's shoulders and shook her head at Archer. She didn't agree with his assessment at all. No, you need to stop selling yourself short. Just because your magic is super specialized doesn't make it bad at all. I honestly think your magic is amazing. And I say that as a fellow magus, and not your childhood friend. Sakura stared at Archer with her deep purple eyes, defiantly challenging the older man's deeply set beliefs. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise, especially yourself.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The girl busied herself with some mundane things as the spider wrapped up its business. She cut her nails and fixed the bed up a bit so it wasn't as messy before going back to looking at the magic. "So, is there anything else you need to do? Or was that it?"


He let out a triumphant yell as he was sent hurtling through the air at the creature. Paladin crashed into it with enough force to cover his chest in bruises, but that didn't stop him from shoving the entirety of his sword into the creature. It tried to dislodge him as its insides froze, but the warrior of Stribog was stubborn. He kept a grip on the weapon with one hand and used another to grip its main, wriggling body.

"Pulverize it!" That was the only thing he said as he maintained his grip. Tentacles dented and scratched his armor, but nothing would move him.


Sakura smirked at him. She didn't need him to tell her to do that! That was one of the things she did best! She slammed her fist into the thing's face, showering them in a mess of blood and giblets. But before the shower had even finished, she slammed her fists into it again. And again. And again. Until it stopped regenerating, she continued to create a gorey shower for the two of them.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Auspicious Breeze

Ignoring all the unpleasant stuff passing between her girlfriends for now, Breeze led them on their way! Well, once they paid for everything at least. But after that part it was mostly leading, and pointing at stuff, and asking questions about things. There were a lot of things in this city that she just didn't get. Why was there a light across the street shaped like a red outline of a hand? Why were all the buildings so tall?

Auspicious Breeze was good at distracting cute girls from bad things. Even if she had to play up her own ignorance a bit to do it - she knew it made other girls happy to have a chance to be helpful, and she really didn't know any of that stuff...

They were pretty fast though, so they didn't take too long to get to the place Michael said to meet at.


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She held him tightly as he cried against her, patting his head ever so gently. "Then we'll just have to be there for her okay" She answered him. Sakura connecting to her fast was another thing. "Maybe she just wanted more servants to boss around." She joked at that.


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Only a few of the damn vermin were struck diwn by Julius' attack, they'd need a whole lot of it or maybe something better, he didn't look like he had anymore with how he was going for the whip now. She might have to use 'that' here, not that it was an alternative she looked forward to with the prana requirements. If only I had more prana. Kuro hissed in annoyance, perhaps at the swarm or perhaps it was at her own shortcomings.

"Take this you freaky bugs!" She threw her swords at them, the blades spinning in a beautiful arc as they cleaved through the swarm.


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Medaka Kurokami

She sighed in response to Ron's comment.  Based on how eccentric Rikuyo appeared to be, Ron likely experienced similar situations like this one before.  "Yeah.  At least you have a clearly defined relationship.  I can't actually pinpoint whether im her mother, servant, partner or simply someone she likes to get physical with every once and a while."  She joked with a friendly smile.

It was at that point that Shinobu continued.  "Shouldn't you be more worried about him Medaka? He doesn't appear very well, maybe you should look him over...thoroughly."  At this point it was obvious that she was joking.  However, it wouldn't hurt to actually look over the scruffy man just in case he was harmed.  She did have a strange amount of knowledge about the supernatural after all.

She leaned in a bit, entering his personal space to check his temperature, her massive breasts clearly visible from his angle, particularly considering he was taller than her.  She put her hand on his forehead and closed her eyes.  "I am not sure what she is talking about.  You don't seem to have a fever.  I think they are talking about being turned or food?  So you are either some sort of supernatural creature or Rikuyo’s lunch."  She said, half pondering aloud. 

Then she moved on to his heartbeat, listening closely.  “So is there anything particular about your biology I should know about?” She asked politely.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2016, 08:27:41 PM by yinsukin »


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"Ah, the woes of having immature mentors, right?" he said with a sympathetic grin. This wasn't too bad. This Medaka girl seemed like a reasonable so. There was no way she would get caught up in their mentors' mad schemes for generating entertaining (for themselves). Right?

Then he was getting an eyeful of boobs again. And then a hand was touching his forehead. And she was pressing her head against his chest. He managed to tear his eyes away from Medaka long enough to give this Shinobu lady a Look over the girl's head.

"... I'm a werewolf. I heal fast," he told the concerned-but-slightly-oblivious girl pressing up against him. "So uh, yeah, I'm okay! Are you okay?"

Thank whatever gods were out there that his pants didn't bulge much. Even if this was incredibly uncomfortable.


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She thought nothing could beat the sight of the werewolf squirming on the ground, she was wrong, the look was better. The grin never left her face as she looked back at Ron, her fangs glinting in the light.

Medaka was so singularly focused on helping him she wasn't aware of the affect she was having on the poor man. She could hear his slowly but steadily increasing heart rate, a clear sign of arousal given the situation. Let's see how oblivious her cute minion was.  "Don't forget to check his legs~"

What Rikuyo said was intruiging in it's own right. She leaned closer to the other woman as she started inhaling her scent. "Have you had a taste of him yourself? Shinobu stopped for a moment, pondering on something. "Now that I think about it, did you not promise me your blood last time?"


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Gazing down at the ignited swarm, the shadowy figure from earlier couldn't help but be curious. Indeed, this was intriguing, how interestingly annoyingly irritating. This was enough to send butterflies flying all over its stomach.

"Ara ara. It's been more than twenty seconds, and they still haven't been devoured from the inside out. Even I can't tell what is happening down there anymore, but there is one thing I can say with more faith than anything in this world."

A sharp claw dug into the ice cold glass window and began to creak. Perhaps it was more furious than it looked, for those irritating insects to show more resistance than she'd have wanted to. And yet there was an unshakable faith in her voice.

"Legion has no weaknesses."

Invincible swarm, Legion

The count bravely faced the endless swarm, tearing its numbers asunder with nothing but its whip. It spun in devastating arcs with speed beyond common men, even the countless blades made from the legion itself proved no match and were deflected one after the other.

"Take this you freaky bugs!" Kuro shouted, then threw her magnificent blades at the surging wave of fiery insects from hell. The blades were spinning in a beautiful arc, the insects charging and focusing at that intense  motion with a wrath reinvigorated.

No creature, no matter how powerful, would ever rush so suddenly and recklessly at such weapons. Perhaps they never had a choice, as the blades cleaved through the swarm as easily as a cannon through butter. It was as if this absolute defense, which was designed to immediately brace itself against the most devastating strikes, was now plunging down to these attacks to their death.

That autonomy in itself was a fatal flaw.

Yes, no holy substance, no matter how powerful, would ever annihilate those insects. Of course, even a blade forged from god himself, bearing the weight of a mountain, would never hope to cleave through the swarm. However, with their united efforts, the invincible swarm's formation could be broken.