Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42326 times)


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the hospital

As they made their way to the upper part of the hospital, nothing outwardly suggested that something violent could be happening there. The staff proceeded as usual, and patient waited for their appointments. The wing where Gadreel could feel the foul presence at its strongest contained a maternity ward. Only most insidious and depraved minds could think of targeting such place, something that maybe could be expected from the twisted spawn of that cultist woman from the mall. Whatever the threat was, it must have been patient enough to possibly wait for the right moment to manifest.

But first, they had to overcome an obstacle of more mundane nature. They had to state their business through an entry phone before being allowed in. For law enforcers it be just a quick formality, but they still had to make the short call.

However, as if they were expected already, the doored opened before they could make any call or demolish the entry in emergency. Maybe when Enforcers were contacted, the staff was informed to let in anyone who had the badge on them.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2016, 04:29:13 PM by Kat »


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"My, my. How scandalous." Methuselah said in shock, holding his gaping mouth in outrage like a proper lady who just walked in a crazy slumber party.

To make things explode so carelessly, just how irresponsible could this Saber be? Those with such powers had to be careful not to cause severe collateral, if he ever saw her he would make sure to give that young lady a stern talking!

"Oh, oh!" He suddenly remembered, and grinned widely again like a highschool cheerleader. "Sir White, I got great news! Can I show you a thing? Huh?" He jumped, not even bothering to hide his great mood anymore. It was like a little kid about to show his big brother that super cool drawing he just made, you couldn't turn him down.


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"I am afraid I do not know. Every such world I have braved and explored reflected the personal nature of the fiend that manifested it. No individual is the same as another person,  and thus no common pattern can apply to such realms, except for that there is always a lord of such domains. Perhaps we should investigate those structures for any insight into the nature of the beast."

The aristocrat used his whip to strike one of hives from afar in order to pry it open, with no knowledge of what he could expect there inside.


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Joshua ? ? ?

The merciless whip crashed down on the crystal hive like justice itself. With a loud shatter the glass broke and melted like gelatinous ooze, revealing the inside to be hollow. Hollow, yes, but not empty. Something was inside, something that fell down with a loud thud.

There was no mistake about it. That brown hair, that small frame...

"No, no!" He sobbed, opening his eyes suddenly and backing away into the hive,clutching at his legs and hiding his face in fear.

The stench that was released from that hive, there was no mistake. There would never be something so foul on this earth. It was the smell... of evil.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2016, 05:21:14 PM by francobull3 »


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Damn it, and she was so close to banging Ron! That doughnut addicted jerk! Tumbling around the floor, she switched into more agile form, her muscles and height shrinking to her usual sizes. In her monkey form, she would match her speed and fight once recovered!

"Aww, ya jerk!" She exclaimed, standing up to assume stance more apt for fighting her.


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"Surely, it is. I can't wait to see them born already. Though I'm worried how raising two children will work out in this city even with help of others. This place is so much more violent than Japan..."

This sentiment wasn't entirely an act. While God Machine was insidious, it worked in rather subtle ways only using explosing violence when needed to succeed. But in this city supernaturals tend to use brutal methods for any reason and even without a reason. Well, Katase liked violence, but the Unchained worked out how to humor her without anything escalating.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself first. I'm Minato Mifune and this is my cousin Katase." She referred to her tall "relative". "She's kindly helping me running my business while I'm in this state."
« Last Edit: October 20, 2016, 02:09:42 AM by Sinib »


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She didn't decide yet what to eat particularly neither she ordered any drink. The changeling listened instead to Sakura's story and then commented: "Mountains, eh? I don't think Tibet or Andes are so thickly populated to have large cities there, but don't worry, Breeze's world probably weirder. They don't have science as we know it and other modern things we're used to. At this point I don't think I'm easy to get surprised by other people's stories."


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Medaka Kurokami

As Shinobu tackled Rikuyo to the ground, Medaka found herself looking at Ron.  Then, she found herself looking at his penis.  Then, she found herself looking back at the two, where she noticed Rikuyo taking a battle stance against Shinobu for tackling her to the ground.  It seemed as though they are rivals of some sort, so perhaps this was a routine sparring match of theirs or something. 

Once again she cycled between Ron, Ron's dick and the battle before settling on Ron.  She let out a sigh.  "I didn't even get to take off my pants."  She said before clinging to Ron's torso, her boobs pressing against his arm. "Lets take this outside."  She said with a bright smile.

« Last Edit: October 20, 2016, 01:32:25 AM by yinsukin »


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Auspicious Breeze

"Ehh? Well, I mean, the actual city of Ysyr is in the mountains too! It's a really nice place," Breeze said with a smile, ignoring how it was a nice place that mutated people who stayed there. "Are the buildings as big where you're from as they are here, Sakura? That's the part that's weird for me. And the cars..."

Definitely steak, though. She could actually read enough of the menu to pick what she wanted, sorta. Mostly. She had to squint a little.



The angel took a deep breath to steady himself when he realized precisely where they were. It would not be the first time he had dealt with something that targeted the newly born or their mothers, both very vulnerable targets in their own right. Gadreel did not grow wroth easily in his old age, but this was one of those things that he could just never adjust to.

"I do not believe our target will reveal itself carelessly, Noel. If you see any ventilation or other openings in the walls then be careful; they may be lurking within the structure itself."

At this point it was too close for him to pinpoint precisely where to look... so they were going to have to be cautious.


Muramasa Katase

Katase loved violence, thank you very much, Mitsuba. That understatement aside, it was a valid concern. A surprising one as well once her wielder brought it up. The demon's puppet frowned at the thought, and moved to stand by the side of her 'cousin.' She spared a smile for the girl with purple hair, bowing politely. "Good day to you."



The werewolf blinked as he was abruptly cock blocked by Shinobu, his sense for danger making the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. He backed up, away from the fight about to break out, just to be safe. And then Medaka was climbing all over him again. Ron just knew this would be a terrible idea if he left the two alone to fight it out and cause mayhem.

But, boobs. They were really nice boobs. "Uhh... in public?" he managed to ask, his brain still stuck on sex for the moment. "I mean, more public?"


  • Moon Cancer
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Relius Clover

Relius kept his body in the same position as before, back to the mage, glancing at him from the side.  While he did not laugh outright, you could tell he was amused. “You know, you actually did for a moment.  That sort of humor reminds me of my old colleague.” He started lightly walking away, towards one of the four doors at the corner of the room.  He left red footprints in the ground behind him as he walked.  Eventually, he reached the door.

“It is not as though I dislike the political approach.  However….”  He said standing before the door.  With a soft movement of his arm, he opened the door, revealing a room filled to ceiling with explosives.

“What am I expected to do with this?  I endured so many hours of work, slaving over this.”  He said in a voice that was almost teasing.  He finally turned around, looking to the man for feedback.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2016, 04:17:37 PM by yinsukin »


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The blond man flinched at the mentione of that incident. Stopping in his track, his features darkned for a moment. "That was nothing compared to Ikaruga. People crawling around...begging for their lives as they were mercilessly executed. It was a massacre." He said darkly, finding the topic not entertaining in any way.


A giggle escaped her lips as she saw him adopt the exact same posture she had. Like it would work right after I did it. She smiled back at him, ready for the next round. "Oh....but what makes you think those were jokes?"

She moved closer to were he was handling the tea, admiring his skill in this field. "The tea you make is so delicous, how do you even manage it? How about this, if you make me the best you can I will try not to hit yout crotch tomorrow."
« Last Edit: October 20, 2016, 05:44:43 PM by Sinib »


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"Oh no, we don't really have cars where I'm from." Sakura said, waving her head at that foolish notion. "People mostly just use public transit or walk. If you're going between cities you needed to either be some crazy badass immune to seithr or take an airship."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Completely Ignoring the the battle crazy redhead who had gotten in a stance, the elder vampire walker over to the counter intending to buy some doughnuts with the money she had quite graciously acquired from Medaka while they were tumbling around earlier. The man in charge of the place was staring into a corner, as if convincing himself that if he couldn't see it, it wasn't happening.

"I would like to have 3 golden chocolate doughnouts and 4 strawberry, oh and can you give me some with vanilla too?" The blond vampire casually asked him, acting unnaturally normal considering the events mere meters away. The owner shakily handed her a box full of them, wihich she paid for with the money that wasn't hers.

Finally the elder vampire returend to corner of the shop were the couple was, opening the box and started munching on the doughnuts.


What fell out of it wasn't something she had expected at all, but it did explain somethings. Moving forward  she grabbed hold of the tall knight and tried to pull him back. "Whatever you do don't approach him, that's a trap, we saw him die. If that was even real." She told him with a slightly annoyed, an annoyance steeming from seeing such cheap tricks being employd against. Did whomever did this actually think it was gonna work? Especially when they'd already seen the same boy die earlier.


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Lone Wanderer:

"Now, those guys are overcompensating for something," Jeremy was always for self-depreciating humor.

"Anyways, next thing up is probably employment," The large, imposing man continued, "Money brings safety, after all."

The first few days here weren't all too different from his first few days at Megaton. Albeit, he wasn't as fucked up psychologically, but still. Jeremy shook his head, forcing himself to mentally return to the subject at hand. "There are plenty of job opportunities here, I find. Find something that fits your skill set and you should be golden."


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The blond man flinched at the mentione of that incident. Stopping in his track, his features darkned for a moment. "That was nothing compared to Ikaruga. People crawling around...begging for their lives as they were mercilessly executed. It was a massacre." He said darkly, finding the topic not entertaining in any way.


A giggle escaped her lips as she saw him adopt the exact same posture she had. Like it would work right after I did it. She smiled back at him, ready for the next round. "Oh....but what makes you think those were jokes?"

She moved closer to were he was handling the tea, admiring his skill in this field. "The tea you make is so delicous, how do you even manage it? How about this, if you make me the best you can I will try not to hit yout crotch tomorrow."

Oka Kurosawa

"i'm sorry, I wasn't meaning to make fun of it." Oka quickly apologized, hugging him closer. "I didn't mean to make a bad joke, I'm just really really tense." Oka apologzied. She brought her head to rest on his shoulder. "So, let's get a move on. I think I'm going to get four scoops." She told him.

Shirou Emiya

Shirou quietly turned to her and looked at her extremely seriously. He brought his hand to her chin and looked down at the shorter woman. "Do you think I would ever not make the absolute best thing I can, Ruler?" He asked her menacingly. "This cup of tea will change your world."
« Last Edit: October 21, 2016, 07:22:30 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end