Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42361 times)


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Forest lifted up her hands in surrender at the old guard's response. 

Then the giant dark man seemed to get very quiet and very still.  He glared at them with eyes that were more fitting for the pit than outside of a hospital.  Forest felt her body twitch in response, preparing to defend herself and the old guard from this dark being before her.

Then he said something totally out of odds with that stare.

"Hey, please stop."

Yet the oppressive aura didn't stop; if anything it got more tense and disturbing.  Instinctively Forest took a step forward, putting herself between this strange man and the guard.  "So juice and coffee, no sweetener. Got it!" Then puffing his chest out proudly, he walked into the hospital, looking like he was checking his pocket as he did.

The blond relaxed, shook her head, and said, "What a character . . ."

She canted her head at the old guard and said, "Stiva was used by Aboriginal Americans for like centuries so it's not exactly untested, just something else that was stolen from them.  So, you're thinking about getting back into shape?  Maybe learn a martial art; a lot of supernaturals are unskilled because they're egotistical and think their superpowers will get them through."


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Crap, was that a well known rumor? A mistake on her part, but not something impossible to handwave. "Honestly, outsiders didn't visit the place where we used to live much because of its bad reputation and my husband died this year, so there was so much on my head. I just looked for a nice looking neighborhood in hopes it's as safe as it looked like."


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"If there's really something below, I wonder what it could be. Some sort of underground chamber? It could be as well unrelated to ruins, I mean, maybe they got ported here just above something that was here much earlier. Do you suggest we check those? Who knows what lies below." This was quite interesting indeed. Whatever was down there, maybe it was worth checking just out of curiosity.


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She felt herself get torn away from Ron, The werwolf's strength had suddenly increased. Rage...I see He was now rapidly approaching her face, probably intending to feast on her. As if that would work. While He did manage to get her off him, there was now distance between, disistance she could take advantage of with her still superior speed.

Shinobu grabbed hold of one of his arm and used it as a gymnastics bar, swinging herself around it to then slam onto his back as she grabbed hold if his neck again, this time from behind. With the added momentum he might even crash into the ground.


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It didn't work.

She didn't even need to turn around to confirm that, the lack of any impact sound confirmed it. Then she heard him, congratulating them from above. The girl narrowed her eyes as she observed the humanoid shadowy silouette. She didn't have long to do so however as she was quickly interuppted by the return. The return of the sword, not just one but countless were hurled back at them.

The best option is to attack.

A few blades matching the ones about to pierce  Julius appeared next to her flying on an intercept course to some of the ones heading to him. Hopefully he could handle the rest. Then just as she was about to be impaled herself, the girl vanished.

"No let me return it to you."

The voice came from behind the shadowy siloutte, an ominous sound accompanied it, the sound of blades cleaving the air.


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"I don't really care where we fight. This world is my battleground, I wouldn't be satisfied with any less." She said nonchalantly, recovering from the hit and standing up. How stupid, she could just continue fighting her. She pretty much lost any advantage unless Rikuyo willingly leveled the playing field or her regeneration was as good as Shinobu's.

The part about communicating with fists, well, she was wrong. She would just use her legs! Without warning, she launched another attack. She ran up to Medaka, stood on her hands and delivered a spinning kick, not holding back when it came to her speed. She felt like showing off their difference in speed before she lowered the level she was at.


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While his other men looked quite spooked, Larry gestured to them to not shoot. The way the brat tried to scold him wasn't exactly pleasant to look like, but he wouldn't be intimidated. After all, few things were really scarier at this point than his late mother-in-law, and he did have decades of service on his resume. It would be against his reputation to show weakness in front of his men. That lad finally walked off to buy drinks. Then, to his dismay, the know it all telepath started lecturing again as if she worked for an advice corner in a cheap tabloid.

"Sorry, just because something was used by pre-modern people doesn't mean it's tested. My doctor used to work in FDA. When he told me what to avoid, he warned me that this Stiva might cause cancer and that the science is still not sure about its long term impact. When facing a choice between tradition and modernity, I trust the present, not the past." The veteran dismissed Forest's claim with cold facts. "I also trust guns more than getting any up close. I'm sure my fists cannot get faster than .50 bullet. Neither would help if they could shrug off a .50. But if it's just some whippersnapper supernatural drunk on newly found power, I've dealt with those. Few decades ago, I was on night shift patrolling the city. Those kung fu movies hit theathers, and some vampiric oddball started showing off with a nunchaku and claimed he would wipe the floor with me harder than Bruce Lee would. Well, I guess also Bruce Lee wouldn't avoid .50 to the head."
« Last Edit: October 26, 2016, 07:36:44 PM by Kat »


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? ? ?


Before he could turn around, cold metal slammed into his body, cleaving his back and sending streams of blood flying away like scattered rain. However, it seemed he was pretty tough, because the blade did not completely split him. It had stopped in the middle of his spine, despite the creature's body not being any larger than a teenager's. He would have been able to follow her movements in this decaying world of darkness, perhaps a teleportation ability of sorts.

In the end he didn't even turn around, as if he was in complete control.

"Oh, good job. I didn't think you'd strike me." He said in a calm and confident tone, smirking before closing his eyes. Energy cracked around his eyes like sparks and a deep, incandescent glow began to pour from his eyes like smoke.

The blood, the insignificant droplets that stained her body, vaporized and vanished into nothing as a trembling vibration coursed through Kuro's body. It was like being filled by something, a strange uncomfortable feeling of being submerged in something. Her body slowly became heavier, the areas that had touched him began to swell while nausea and drowsiness slowly began to clutch at her body.

It was like drowning from within.


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka maintained her smile as the girl spoke. The world is her battle ground huh? How romantic.  She thought to herself as she listened to the girls deceleration.

Now that she had a moment to calm down, Rikuyo seemed to be in the same ballpark as Shinobu in terms of agility.  After months of constant sexual advances, Medaka had learned to deal with this level of agility to an extent.  As long as she can anticipate it, she can rely on her trained reflexes to deal with it.

Rikuyo rushed at Medaka with a quick burst of speed, jumping to her hands so she could use her feet to deliver attack her with a spinning kick.  Medaka waited until she took her stance, then quickly determined the limbs used for attack.  The millisecond that was determined, she tightened her arm closest to the leg and used as little movement as possible to block.  However, she was moving too fast to counter attack at the moment,  she used all her energy to watch Rikuyo, waiting for the next blow.

« Last Edit: October 26, 2016, 08:17:04 PM by yinsukin »


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She was on him again, behind him, ready to tear into his body. That was fine; he didn't care what damage she could do to it as long as he kept her from draining his energy. And in this form even that didn't matter; he didn't have to sustain the boost to his strength, just initiate it, and he'd already done that. So all she could take that mattered while he was in this form was blood. He had plenty of that.

He stumbled from the sudden impact, but didn't fall. He massed significantly more than she did like this. The werewolf snarled as he reached behind his back as soon as she was there and grabbed at the vampire's ankle. He didn't mind hurting himself to hurt her, he'd just heal from it. So he yanked her off again and this time moved to slam her back against a wall by the leg. His claws maintained the hold this time, dug deep into her flesh, so she couldn't just twist around again.

He still had enough control in this form to try to minimize her advantage in speed like this. For now.


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the ward

There wasn't anything particularly wrong with the woman's body. No sign of a disease. Instead, she was in a state of sleep. If not his supernatural senses, he would feel nothing more than that. But, something was seeping out of the woman, unperceivable to the mundane perception. Something was feeding on her mind, draining enough to force her into slumber like state, but not killing her. The process left subtle traces, and if Gadreel focused enough, he could possibly trace the source of this phenomenon more accurately.

Umbra of Chaos

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The script in the Spirit Vessel's eyes twisted back and forth as Erica examined the soul of them man that Vanguard had called to them. There was something not quite right about it. It seemed human, but she could not shake the feeling that that was not quite the case.

The man in question had a thick, luxurious mane of dark hair with bangs long enough to obscure his size. He didn't seem much bothered by it. He also wore a blue suit with a red tie that was just a bit ragged and overall he cast a rather lanky figure. "Oh? I was so very sure that I'd done so well at disguising myself. But no use trying to hide it now. Yes, I am the Huntsman. Master of both the beasts and men of this establishment. What may I do for you fine people today?"


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"I had heard much of this establishment, but to witness such a pathetic scenery... I do hope there is more than starved mongrels and amateur fodder to be seen within these premises. Blood thirsty cattle is still cattle, I'm afraid." He said in a nonchalant way, holding his arms in a careless shrug, nearly theatrically so. And yet his words were as cold as ice.

He laid a finger at the man's chest and felt its heartbeat, sliding down slowly as he spoke until it reached his waist.

"I have yet to see these self proclaimed mythical beasts of yours. This little circus you set up is quite the amusement, a pale imitation of the true legendary creatures of yore. It is fitting that fake heroes serve as  food for these fake cattle of yours, but I will not stand for such a mockery. Or perhaps the almighty beast that can satisfy me is standing right before my eyes?"


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Lone Wanderer:

"No, sorry. I tend to not stick to a single job for too long," Jeremy started explaining, "I wouldn't have enough rapport to recommend potential new workers."

He then raised his Pip-Boy and started fiddling with the dials. "I can, however," he began, "Give you numbers and directions to previous jobs I did. I wouldn't be a contact, mind you, but it is something at least. Providing you don't mind construction work?"

Umbra of Chaos

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She watched with some interest at her companion's words. Was one supposed to be this insulting to the one providing them food? Well, going by the good natured laughter of the owner she supposed it wasn't that bad. It was even louder than the sound of another fire wielder being devoured by the massive hydra nesting on the right side of the arena.

"Well, if you wished to fight then why didn't you say so earlier! Come on, let's get to it." His form went black for a mere instant before a beautiful multicolored bird made of flame took his place. It darted away and flew into the cleared out arena before shifting into a chimera. The massive body of a lion with the head of a goat sprouting from its back and a large snake for a tail awaited the duo.

Erica tilted her head at Vanguard. "Will this truly result in a better meal?"