Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 43127 times)


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"She doesn't need to apologize. If you behaved like that in the store I would have to make you leave." Malcolm was increasingly behaving hostile to the owner. It felt like he was threathening her more than she threathened him, and that wasn't good. "Should I take responsibility for him, miss..."

Then she realized she didn't know the identity of their host, and interrupted mid-way awkwardly. "Huh, we never introduced ourselves, right? My name is Anastasia. I'm sorry for his behavior."


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Mordred nodded, signalling to Breeze that she was mostly fine. But still she felt at unease about the situation. Trouble just seemed to stalk her.

Yes, please go away, she thought as Sakura told the guy that another place could have been better for drinking. She would be in far better humor if that guy just went away and she could go back to what she wanted to do. Sakura knew this place the best, so Mordred just let her handle this guy and hopefully convince him to go elsewhere.

Auspicious Breeze

Only mostly? Well, that wouldn't do. Breeze reached out to take Mordred's hand and give her a little tug. Then she whispered to her. "Hey, we should go have that talk while Sakura keeps him busy!" The purple-haired girl could take care of herself, yeah? She was really, really strong; stronger than Breeze, though probably not as skilled.


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Lorenzo Remei

The pirate immediately darted between the two, hugging them close to him. Despite the fact he was on fire, it didn't burn at all.

"Sooooo, what's the plan? Now that it's confirmed you're my hostages, you won't have to worry about paying back anything. All that's left is finding the scuba thing."


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Much like Medaka had anticipated, the blonde was indeed sprawled out over a number of chairs. She did however dispel any doubts about wether she was awake or not by speaking up when the blue haired girl had come close enough.  "Maybe you can have both of them. I do not really need to consume normal food but you might need it after all you have done."


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She grinned at him as he showed his suprise. Didn't see that coming now did he? However she intervened before he could truly bring the next slice to her, by grabbing it herself and bringing it towards his mouth instead. "Would you mind telling me who you are? I wouldn't land on the lap of just some random nobody even if it happens to be a really nice lap. so You're clearly important!" The goddess presented her clearly flawless logic with absolute certainty, fully believing every words she just said.


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The immortal had to resist the urge to yawn a little at Van's declaration. To be fair, he didn't particularly mind, given that cover duty would probably still provide some amusement. All the same, even with the delight it had been to watch Meti work, the fodder that he'd been left to chew through left him feeling a little unfulfilled. Perhaps holding off a chopper would help.

As Vanguard grabbed the sword master and climbed up the exterior of the building, Michael simply hopped back up through the holes he'd made coming in, allowing some time for his arrival to be just as they started firing at the couple. As expected, the missiles soon followed, their movements informing the immortal that they seemed to have guidance systems.

Well this should be fun.

Allowing a smirk, Michael leaned forward slightly, as if tipping forward, before exploding into motion. With an immaculate grace borne of countless repetitions, he seemed to vanish for an instant as he reduced the distance between himself and the rocket's path to a single step, his movements fluid as he moved out of the way of whatever stray shots headed in his direction. With no break in his movements, one hand drifted out, brushing along the bottom of the missile before gently applying force in just the right place to send the first missile back towards helicopter. Whatever missiles followed were redirected with similar movements, all to reduce the directions they could dodge in.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Her eyes lit up like shiny glittering stars with marvel. Beaming from ear to ear, she gladly snatched a cookie and devoured its corporeal form along with its soul, hopes and dreams. Weep ye biscuits and despair!

"Mhhhhhh! So goood~!" She nommed more than one actually, but she didn't care. Chomping a third cookie, she looked back at the lady and narrowed her eyes. On a second look, she looked super suspicious. There was just something wrong about her, something inexplicable, something that told her she might not be a normal lady!

"Uh, why do you have horns?"


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She grinned at him as he showed his suprise. Didn't see that coming now did he? However she intervened before he could truly bring the next slice to her, by grabbing it herself and bringing it towards his mouth instead. "Would you mind telling me who you are? I wouldn't land on the lap of just some random nobody even if it happens to be a really nice lap. so You're clearly important!" The goddess presented her clearly flawless logic with absolute certainty, fully believing every words she just said.


Well, if she is going to insist...

The exile took a bite of the pizza and took a moment to formulate his answer to Neptune's question. Was he an important person? In the grand scheme of things, perhaps not in his own right. Gadreel had long ago come to accept that history belonged to humanity, and that he existed to clear their path of unreasonable obstacles along its course. But this was also a matter of this alleged goddess' pride, and it would not do to insult her with excessive humility.

He swallowed his bite of cheese and bread. "Well, thank you. As to your question... I was what many mortals would call an angel. There when the first star began to burn in the sky, certainly long before their lights reached any worlds further than their own." Gadreel nodded, slowly, glancing aside a moment as if in remembrance. "And then I was told I was to watch over a young species who now call themselves humans, and I suppose you might say I fell in love."

Gadreel smiled. "So now here I am, cast out for giving them the means to protect themselves. Living among them to keep them safe from the things they can't protect themselves from until they are ready to take the stage themselves. Occasionally, enjoying a slice of a pizza. I suppose... you could say I am as important as one of finest supporting characters in another person's story could be. And apparently a comfortable lap for a goddess."


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka lightly dusted both the seat and her own jeans before sitting down on the opposite side of the table.  She pulled the chow mein to her side.  She then placed plastic utensils on both sides of the table.  With a swift thrust, she skewered the chinese noodles in her fork and brought them up to her lips.  She then greedily slurped them into her body.

"Really?  But you eat so many doughnuts.  Surely you would enjoy some fast food.  Besides, its not like you get fat." she responded casually.  In the meantime, she took a spoon from her group of utensils.Then, she placed the circle part of the spoon in the fried rice.  "Besides... you don't have to eat it if you don't want to..."  With a lightning like flick of her fingers, she slammed the handle into the table, flinging rice at Shinobu's face.


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I-impossible! What the hell, the rockets were being flung back at the helicopter. These were no humans, but monsters! Fear and panic overtook the seer, but despite the cold sweat and shivers, the pilot immediately took action and used his chopper's machine guns to mow down the missiles. The woman bit her nail, paler than paper moon white skin and sweat colder than the accursed Stalingrad.

For a second, the smallest split moment, hellfire and debris covered their sight. In that moment, their fate was sealed.


That man was truly terrifying, perhaps even more than the accursed magician. But it wasn't enough, none of this would ever be enough. Strength, skill, power, speed, all are obsolete before a God.

As the flames roared and raged before him, he saw the precious window of opportunity that ungodly warrior had created. A haunting ghost of a smile flashed on his face, and the shadows of flames met his own. Honestly, he didn't await the girl's answer, nor did he care either way. He ran across the rooftop, holding her like a weapon, and just as he reached the ledge, his stance shifted and lightning rippled through his entire body. All it took was a light step with the gentleness of a feather so send a terrifying force coursing through the building.

This wasn't merely strength, but an application of force related to polearms, a technique similar to those skilled in the casting of javelins. Applying himself upon the fork of his talon, using the fullest extent of his unbridled strength and skill, his stance and motions became one with the ledge that crumbled away as if it was sand scattered by a gentle breeze. Lightning screamed and danced around the girl, his bones and muscles screamed as they bulged and stretched beyond recognition.

Until finally releasing it all like a bow.

At that moment, in all but a few seconds, Meti became a lance of sure death. Her spine, her bones, her body, her sword, every part of her was missile shot straight for the helicopter's heart.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2017, 02:14:52 AM by francobull3 »


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The black man seemed to be perfectly capable of wrecking the mall, but one single woman proved to be more than he could chew. But nah, that was okay, it was eat or be eaten world. The redhead was bleeding here and there, she lost a sizeable portion of her chi and her bones were fractured in places. Still just a Tuesday. By now she got used to fight people who could actually damage her to that degree. Most of the time she encountered no obstacle back in Japan. For many normal people, Nexus was a purgatory or even hell. For Rikuyo it was a genuine paradise. It would be a shame if she fell right here.

Rikuyo didn't fight to win. She fought so that she absolutely wouldn't lose to people like him who wanted deny the redhead her playground. His resolve to win didn't match her resolve to not lose. She responded to his punch with the most powerful kick she could still muster in this state.


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Current Tense Forest

You want to shoot my kneecap you miserable little troll . . . Try it.  I could use some violence right now, and it would be worth the cleaning fee to temporarily redecorate with your entrails, Forest thought, but kept it to herself.  She had the urge to make him see the now infamous demon chicken of Nexus, but didn't.  Since her raids with Liam began, stories of the flaming demon chicken had become sort of a minor urban legend in Nexus.

Then his companion showed that at least she was someone who was somewhat reasonable.

Forest smiled at her and said, "It's not your fault.  I know what it's like to get saddled with someone who likes to rub people the wrong way.  I'm Forest.  Still thank you."


Rin stiffened as Lorenzo wrapped an arm around her shoulders and hugged Joe and herself close to him.  A shudder went down her spine as a hot spark of anger rippled through her at his words.  "I'm not anyone's hostage," Rin said as she shoved his arm off her shoulders.

"And maybe we have somewhere else to be," Rin said as she attempted to move away.

Cherry Lover

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In response to his question, the girl launched into a description of the alternatives, explaining that, whilst they would be unlikely to get this particular creature, the likely alternatives were also powerful. Bizarrely, it seemed like it depended on when in the day they "evolved".

Still, whilst it seemed powerful, and it was undeniably cute, Shirou was still not sure if he could afford it. $2000 was a lot of money and, whilst he could get hold of that much thanks to his new bounty, they needed that money for food and to pay the rent. Further, he did still have some concerns about how, exactly, they were meant to train these Pokemon, the girl had not explained that.

"Hmm....", he began.

Well, it does seem cute and I'm sure Sakura would love it, but it's very expensive. I don't know if I can afford to spend that much", he added, an obvious sense of disappointment at the thought of not getting the pet in his voice.

He really would love to bring such a cute and useful pet home to her, but cute pets couldn't substitute for food or for a house. He was obviously conflicted, uncertain if Sakura would even want the pet at such a price.

Umbra of Chaos

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The sword master stayed silent as she was picked up and they ascended past and through bullet fire towards the helicopter. Her sword made such lovely noise as it cut the air in two. Explosions and lightning crackled through the air. Hungry. Hungering. Hungrier.

Her blade was sheathed. Then she was tossed, hurtling through the air like a thunderbolt. Irrelevant. There was no world outside of yourself and your enemy. Quiet. Still. She unsheathed her sword. The sound of metal was the loudest thing to her.

She sailed right past the helicopter and sheathed her sword. The entire thing fell apart into four perfectly sliced pieces afterwards, each part crashing down into the ground with a furious crash.

And then she was falling. From high. With nothing to cushion her fall. Meti began to frantically wave her limbs as she yelled, "Helphelphelphelphelphelphelphelphelphelp!"


"It's because I'm a faerie! Haven't you heard of the Fae before?" Then she bent over so that her face was closer to Red's. There was something almost secretive about her tone as she leaned in and asked, "Do you wanna touch them?"


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"Maybe, but it's not something I feel like trying now," the Hunter said, finding herself leaning on him a little as the world swayed around her, the alcohol really hitting her full force at this point. As it was, she didn't find herself particularly paying attention to where he was taking her.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2017, 04:11:28 AM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses