Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 43512 times)


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The blonde vampire chose to ignore Lorenzo's act of self pity as she maintained her loving gaze on one thing, Medaka. Her hand that had up until now been resting on the deck of the ship, begun stroking Medaka's long soft hair. She really did enjoy feeling it's soft texture.

"Do you want me to propose... no I see you want to propose yourself. Is that how it is Medaka? Here I will even help you." She flipped the two of them around making her the one resting on the deck with Medaka on top of her. "You are not often on top after all~"


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The pirate was now completely fuming, not even caring that he had just gotten beat or that he was 200.1% dead. This wasn't about pity or anything like that, it was just really really awkward and uncomfortable and goddamn it no, not on his ship! He didn't even care about how humiliated he'd have been,, or about how bad he felt, or how crushing he was beaten. None of this mattered before his ultimate fury.

"Hey, you jerk! Asshole! Bastard! You lowlife scoundrel vixen! Don't do it in front of me, fucking christ! Not on my ship, I swear I'll burn BOTH of you!!" He barked hysterically, trying to shake his torso off the bag. Defeated or not, he wasn't going to let his Fiery Moon defiled by that... thing. Did they have any idea how uncomfortable it was to watch this sort of thing when you don't even have loins, or anything!?

"If you don't stop, I'll bite your HEAD off! Got that!? Medaka, this is an order from your CAPTAIN, cease this!!!" He roared, smoke nearly coming out of his mouth while he yelled at the evil, evil witch.

Cherry Lover

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Sakura and Shirou

As he waited for them to arrive, Shirou continued to play with his new pet, the unusual game of "fetch" made a lot easier by the Pokemon's super reflexes.

I'm going to have to get something sturdier than a stick to throw..., Shirou thought, remembering his last attempt at using reinforcement.

Soon enough, though, he noticed Sakura approaching, having carefully kept a look-out for her, and he quickly called the Pokemon over, taking him into his hands and covering him up.

"Senpai!" Sakura shouted as they approached, seeing him slightly later than he had seen her.

"There he is!" she said as they got closer, smiling joyfully at the sight of her beloved.


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Relius Clover

The scientist ducked down and charged his hands with magic, expecting a counter attack from the girl's blade.  Instead, she left the building.  As he stood back up, he noticed the hole in the wall was placed in a very delicate part of the buildings infrastructure.  He walked forward, only for a piece of the rooftop to strike the floor in front of him blocking his path.  He let out an amused chuckle as the rest of the building slowly came down around him.  When the dust from the collapsed building settled, all that remained was an enormous pile of rubble.

Medaka Kurokami

Just as Medaka turned her head back to face Shinobu, she found herself being overtaken by the sensation of rotation.  Her body flipped to the side, landing atop the blond's slender body.  She could just barely feel the blond's smooth legs pressed against the stockings of her bunny suit.  Her eyes moved around the elder vampire's body, taking mental photographs of each detail. She placed her hands on either side of her head and leaned in, if only because it was getting hard to even speak with her mind becoming so cluttered. 

When Medaka realized where this was going, she began sweating, both from nervousness and anticipation.  Still, the redness of her face did not diminish, kept there by a combination guilt and embarrassment. Just as she was reaching the peak of pressure, Lorenzo's voice forced its way into her ears.

"If you don't stop, I'll bite your HEAD off! Got that!? Medaka, this is an order from your CAPTAIN, cease this!!!"  He yelled, clearly distressed by their behavior.

Medaka's head perked up and the rest of her body seemed to jump.  She slowly worked her way off of Shinobu. "Yes, of course...." she said, her voice low as her eyes and head trailed off to the floor of the ship.  She stood up and walked over to the skull lying on the wooden floor. Then, she bent down, picked it up and held it close to her chest, hugging it as tightly as she could without breaking it.  "Im sorry, I have a lot to tell you," she said in a soft voice.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2017, 02:44:20 AM by yinsukin »

Umbra of Chaos

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And as she charged the beast took notice of the changes in her enemy. So instead of slamming into spikes Oren simply shifted and narrowly slipped between her legs and reverted the moment she was clear of the girl's reach. Then she started to run away again, racing away towards a nearby building to hide in.


Well, that wasn't really surprising. Still a bit disappointing but not surprising. "Well, you're in Nexus City. I think that's what people like calling now. It's like some kind of magical world that teleports people inside. Dunno how to get out yet. Don't think anyone really knows."


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Sakura Matou

"Hah, of course not, that'd be silly." Sakura chuckled again, still hiding the fact she was deeply uncomfortable with the fact he seemed to be scared of his girlfriend.

To her, that just seemed...

Wrong. It felt completely alien. Like something that shouldn't exist. The entire idea that it did made her feel physically ill.

Or maybe it was the pregnancy.

Probably both.

She still didn't know how to deal with this. Maybe she'd recommend him a relationship councilor. Counseling was helpful in her experience.

Sakura fell silent for a bit, just fidgeting in her seat, playing idly with her belly button through her clothes.


Ron smiled after first, about to agree with her, but then he sniffed at the air and tilted his head to the side. There was something off about Sakura's scent right now that he couldn't quite place now. It could be the pregnancy of course; that did all kinds of weird things to the body that he could smell. Without turning into a wolf he wouldn't be able to pinpoint it exactly; his senses were only so sharp as a human.

Was there something wrong with what he'd said? Or was there just something going on in her body? "Are you sure everything's okay?"

Sakura Matou

"Um, yeah." Sakura lied to Ron. "I'm just hungry, see!" Sakura said, clearly somewhat flustered. Her stomach felt like it was in a knot right now. No good.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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He led the two of them further in. The entrance hall had been fixed now and was laid out with a magnificent red carpet and there were even suits of armor along the walls. Two of his minions, mages presumably from the robes they were wearing, were looking over one of the armor suits and arguing with each other over something. One of them was angrily yelling to the other about something regarding stacking too many enchantments and suits of armor that breathed fire.

The rest of their heated conversation however faded into the distance as William led them on. "As you might see we're undergoing some renovations here. I had originally planned to be done by now but they just kept coming up with more and more ideas. One of them even wanted to construct a moat so that he could fill it with sharks and then put magical energy cannons on their heads. Biggest waste of both time and resources I've heard of in a while." He shook his head as he remembered that particular conversation, he had almost fed the man to sharks himself just to prove a point, almost...


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"You should do what they say you know, take the breadcrumbs when they're offered. Don't expect more compliments from Nep, yup. You're already ahead of every other male character to appear so far." She nodded to herself as if stating something obvious.

"And what other deities? There's only Goddesses in Gamindustri Gaddy. The guys who're interested in me like that are usually just creepers who hang around on N-chan and trade fake pictures of the Goddesses fooling around with each other."


"No gods? Truly?" He blinked, rather baffled by that revelation. What manner of pantheon assembled themselves with nary a male in sight? "Strange. Usually the numbers are rather even where I come from..."

To put it simply, Gadreel shrugged the revelation off after a moment's commentary. "Well, I suppose I shall take your advice and shall we say, not shake the gift before I have even removed the wrapping."


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Tch, so he could call off that thing and summon it back at his leisure then? Dealing with that individual just kept aggravating her further. The wall of the building got severely damaged by the blast. The building became too unstable to fight in. As she looked now, with her features completely disguised, probably she wouldn't be recognized if they fought in the open.

Tactical retreat, let's engage him in the open before the building falls on us.

The Unchained user her internal source of power in an attempt to rapidly rush backwards towards the entrance into the street. If he wanted to be on the frontpage of news, then he would get his wish.

Muramasa Katase

From a tactical standpoint her wielder's idea was sensible. It wouldn't even get in the way of her fun, so she provided no objections to it at first. After all, why would this Muramasa wish to be dirtied by debris if she could avoid it?

But then their opponent simply allowed the building to collapse on top of himself without seeming to escape and re-engage. The demon's steel ceased to hum, as if in anticipation. Impatient anticipation.

where are they?


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"It's simpler than you think. You put a coin into a machine, and it lets you play games which look like a painting where figures are moving and you can actually control them with buttons. You'll get used to it in no time." The changeling explained as clear as possible. To be honest, she wasn't some expert in videogames, but this looked like a chance to get back at the two and probably outcompete them at games given their lack of experience. This would make her feel a lot better after that nearly disastrous eating contest.

Auspicious Breeze

"Huuuh. Are you sure that isn't magic? Because that sounds like magic." Then the former gladiator shook her head, grinned, and grabbed both of their hands'. "Well whatever it is, it sounds like fun too! Come on, let's go while the going's good!"

Huuu. There's a lot of boys at an arcade, huh? Not that it was a reason to cancel the outing, but Breeze hadn't been expecting it when they went on through town. Oh well, she was here to have fun with Mordred and Sakura, not meet new girls! At least, that's all what she told herself as she took in the sight after Mordred found the place for them.


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And as she charged the beast took notice of the changes in her enemy. So instead of slamming into spikes Oren simply shifted and narrowly slipped between her legs and reverted the moment she was clear of the girl's reach. Then she started to run away again, racing away towards a nearby building to hide in.


Well, that wasn't really surprising. Still a bit disappointing but not surprising. "Well, you're in Nexus City. I think that's what people like calling now. It's like some kind of magical world that teleports people inside. Dunno how to get out yet. Don't think anyone really knows."

    Lonely Heart

Noire's heart sank as her suspicions were confirmed. She was most certainly in another dimension, or at the least on some faraway continent.

This was very very troubling.

However, like the perfect goddess that she was, she would never show off any insecurities or weakness, nu-uh, never.

"Oh, I see." Noire said, nodding at Jasey. "Then what nation is this Nexus a part of? What's the name of your goddess?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Sakura Matou

"Um, yeah." Sakura lied to Ron. "I'm just hungry, see!" Sakura said, clearly somewhat flustered. Her stomach felt like it was in a knot right now. No good.


She was probably just not comfortable telling him. Which was okay; all things considered they barely knew each other. It wasn't really wise to show too much weakness around new people in Nexus anyway. But if it kept up then he was going to push the point. "Well, if you're sure..."

He smiled, trying to put her a bit more at ease.

Umbra of Chaos

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"Uhh... I think they just call the whole place the Nexus, and I don't think we have a goddess either." She shrugged. "If there's one around then I definitely haven't heard about her before. Maybe that's just a thing from where you're from?"


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"You could begin with how you traded your soul away for, wait what did you even get for that? The blonde vampire spoke up from her prone position on the deck. She didn't seem inclined to get up at all as she put her hand behind her head and gazed upon the sky. Just relaxing on the ship like this felt like a good idea to her right now.


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"No no no, you're totally supposed to shake the gift before you unwrap it, it's sooo much better like that." Why did he have to be so stubborn about not taking the praise, was his self confdence that low, nah that could't be it. He looked more like the type who felt guilty about something. Yeah that must be it, he even said they threw him out, so he must have done something.

She finished her pussing and looked at him with a feeling of excitement, meeting new friends was always great. Now they just had to seal the deal the best way possible, by playing games of course!

"Now that we settled that, shouldn't you be inviting me home Gaddy? Your evil plan of taking advantage of poor little me would really be easier." The joke was too fun to end now so she kept going with it, having enjoyed his reactions so far.