Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 96795 times)

Cherry Lover

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Shirou and Sakura

Sakura sighed with relief at her response, glad that the girl's life seemed to be at least somewhat normal. She then found herself giggling as the girl rushed over to Shirou desperately, grabbing him and demanding he help teach her to multiply.

Meanwhile, Shirou had to take a moment to compose himself, surprised by the sudden change of behaviour. Then, he smiled at the girl and spoke.

"Well, I will help if you need it, but shouldn't your parents be doing that?" he replied with a kind tone.


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The priest nodded, wondering if hunting these vampires would be a goal worth pursuing.  Then, the other servant interjected, prompting him to turn back to the woman.  "I see.  I apologize.  Then if I may ask, outside of your priorities protecting your master, what is your current goal?"


Strange, the boy did not seem to be bothered by the girl in the dress.  He even jumped off her shoulder, like he wanted to be there.  Even so, Medaka knew what blood smells and looks like and the scent is fresh.  She gave the boy a motherly frown.  "Come with us," she demanded.  "That woman is dangerous."
« Last Edit: July 16, 2017, 06:59:46 PM by yinsukin »


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The vampire snorted. Just how stubborn could someone be? Picking a fight for some dress wouldn't have sounded so bad 10 minutes ago, but that self righteous dumbass didn't get her wet one bit, and there was no way a cowardly shit who hid in the back while giving her a look that smelled of nothing but killing intent could satisfy her.

Simply put, this would be a total and utter waste of time, she wouldn't clean the blood in her veins by pumping them with even more shit. Looking at her, digesting something like that might give her mad cow disease. Well, if they hit her first, that might be a different story.

"Let's go." She gave Coppie a friendly slap on the shoulder before dropping him on her back, turning tail and leaving.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2017, 07:21:55 PM by francobull3 »


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She could have unleashed her Exploit, but she had a better idea. She pulled out a phone from her pocket discretely and quickly took the picture of the two as she looked at them from a distance. She made sure Medaka wasn't in the photo. Then she would send the picture throughout the city's network. Such psycho probably had a bounty or two on her head and this was bound to get her into more trouble than just getting hit by a lightning strike or something in that vein.


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Well, Molly certainly weren't the sort who let other folk have the fun now were she? No matter. Liam stood beside her then and smiled congenially. "Well friend, it's like this. I hear talk you've been selling some real hard stuff to some folk you shouldn't be selling to. Real scum of the earth types. Now I know this city ain't got any laws about selling alcoholic beverages to any sort of people, drunk already or not, but the way I see it you still owe the community some..."

He waved a hand about. "Consideration, I 'spose you could call it. Now, if you're willing to listen I don't gotta let the little lady here do nothin' too bad to ya. Probably."


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Auspicious Breeze

"Eh?" She blinked at that. How could someone not like water? But if Sakura didn't want to talk about it... "Um, there's other things to do there too! Did you ever make a sandcastle?"

It was something her mistress had shown her before. It was really fun, especially if you had to protect it from being broken!

Umbra of Chaos

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Her office was rather homey, all things considered. There was a table instead of a desk, the room was painted with bright colors, and two chairs were ready for her guests. Several pictures were on the walls. Of her and her work. Her son too.

When they knocked on the door she called out, "Come on in! Please, just take a seat. Unless you have confidential to speak of I'll see all of you at once."


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Forest raised her eyebrow at Marcus's apparent glee about "popping her cherry everytime" and resisted the urge to punch him. 

She tilted her head at his question and sighed.  "No, they just wanted me to be more self-serving and less selfless.  Instead rushing to face the damsel and the demon threatening her, just walk the other way for once.  All, 'It's not your problem.  Why do you feel like you must help? No one would help you if you were in the same situation . . .'  Which is exactly why I helped."

She clinched her hands as she remembered the girl who had to save herself and shook her head.


Rin sighed as she walked home, her head heavy with thought.

She absently found herself playing with the sapphire necklace he'd bought her.  He was a nice guy, but completely normal.  Even afraid to go outside at night because of the place where he lived.

Sure, he was in awe of her being a magus now, but what about when he found out she had to extract her own blood to charge her gems? 

And I blabbed everything about the Fifth War to him too, Rin thought with a sigh, realizing just how lonely she was. 

Magi logic dictated she go back and erase at least that conversation from his memories.  If he slipped and said something to Sakura, then that would hurt Sakura.  Which would piss off Rider, Jeanne, and Emiya. 

She couldn't back out of a second date now, but depending on how things went, it might just be the best for both of them if she erased part of Joe's memories and end things on a good note.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2017, 02:14:38 AM by Elf »


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Marcus looked ahead, breaking eye contact as they made their way down the parking lot ramp.  Now I wish I could use that mind reading power...  "Huh, so it sounds like your the selfless type then?  Is that why you stopped me earlier?" he asked, genuinely curious.

Umbra of Chaos

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There had to be some sort of problem, Astarte decided as he crushed a thighbone between his teeth, with vampires. Some were certainly strong, strong enough to call themselves predators of the night.

He chewed on an ear. Some most certainly were not. They were more like officials who drank blood with their wine and were really good at talking to people. There was really no reason to wander about in the dark like you owned the world if you were basically a human with a smooth voice.

Oh, but at least he tasted good! All monstrous creatures did, really, but vampires were special. They were like chocolate with a creamy filling! An extra surge of life amidst the normal taste he ripped from their body.

Astarte stuffed his cheeks with both of the eyes. And soon he started gnawing the face and flesh off the skull. He could just eat it all but it didn't feel right. He liked the flavors separate. The hair was a bit greasy though.

At the very least, it was good that no one was bothering him. People would poke and prod so much when he ate a meal at home! The good people of this city knew to leave well enough alone sometimes.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2017, 02:27:53 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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"You wouldn't like what you'd see if you could see into my mind," Forest said as they walked down the ramp leading out of the parking garage.

Then she eyed him and said, "It was the right thing to do.  Plus you probably would have gotten yourself killed or whatnot."


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"Fancy spot for a picnic, eh?"

Speak of the devil, and the boy's worries somehow managed to come true. Looming on a rooftop above him, a giant mountain of a man squatted above, his wide grin practically reflecting off the moonlight as he looked down on the curious gourmet. He didn't expect to catch such a fancy sight, but then again he was the sort of guy who kept attracting trouble.

But leaving a stone upturned and not trying to decipher just what the marks underfoot meant just wasn't his style. Hah, hopefully he didn't just flip a boulder out of a volcano. If possible, he'd rather not fight against such an eerie personage.

Which was why he let his projection do the talking while he remained hidden, watching the scene unfold discreetly from a veiled window. Analyzing him first would be the best course of action.

« Last Edit: July 17, 2017, 02:39:03 AM by francobull3 »


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"But your family isn't here, what bargaining value could they possibly have?" The maid with fake cat ears crouched down next to the frightened man. "But you're here all and all ripe for the taking. It's such a shame I can't do anything until Master orders me too."

Molly leaned forward and stuck her tongue out, dragging it across his cheek. "Mhm... the texture is good." She turned her head to Liam and looked up at him. "Can I have him?" The request was simple, but damning none the less.


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Marcus sighed and said, "Ugh, I keep forgetting.  With you I have to say everything out loud since you can just read my mind."

Then, he finally turned his head to face her, just as they arrived on the first floor.  He extended his hand slowly, holding her check in between his thumb and index finger. With a grin he said, "Did you also think I would be horrified by that bestial look you get when your emotions get intense?  Personally, I find monsters a lot easier to deal with than people."

He released his grip on her face and turned his own head forward again.  Gotten killed?  By what the manager? he thought, knowing she would hear him.


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Forest smirked at Marcus's complaint about her telepathy.

When they reached the first floor he turned to face her, lightly pinching her cheek.  At his question, she sighed and said, "I never wanted to be a vampire in the first place.  You might think monsters maybe easier to deal with, but I don't want to be a monster."

Then she waved her hand and said, "Well they could have reported you and put a bounty on your arse."