Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 96794 times)


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Marcus shrugged at her comment about the bounty.  That would be a pain in the ass now that I think about it...

The exit was in sight, her car a figure in the distance.  "You don't want to be a monster?  Why not?  Monsters are cool and vampire's are hot.  Well, at least if the movies coming out these days are any indication." he retorted.


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Forest laughed and shook her head.  "The thing about monsters being 'cool' and vampires being 'hot' is pretty much a 20th century thing.  There were hundreds of years where we were hunted and killed even if we weren't hurting anyone."

Her eyes narrowed before she sighed.  "And most vampires I know are giant prats.  What, did you want me to turn you?"

Umbra of Chaos

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He was busy taking a good look at the skull when he was interrupted. Astarte gave the man a quick look and raised a finger before pulling back his hand, carefully adjusting, and cracking the skull with a nice chop. Then he peeled it open to start chewing through the brain like one would a watermelon. Then he looked up. And wiped his mouth with his arm.

"Hi! Wanna join?" He looked. And then he looked. His eyes peeled past illusion and he let instinct whisper its truths to him. Opening secrets like unlocked doors until he knew what he was looking at. A projection but where was the real one? He put in a little more effort, put in a little more blood, and sucked up the last of the brain before sucking his fingers clean.

He saw. He knew. The blood god turned to face the window. "And it's pretty rude not to talk to someone face to face. They might think you're trying to surprise them with an attack or something."


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Marcus laughed and said, "Is that a threat?!  You know, all I was saying is that it makes you unique, even more so that your a nice vampire.  Although, I can't say monsters are any nicer than humans, probably just stronger."

They were outside the parking lot now.  He kept his eye out for anything that may look like a police station.


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"No!  It's not a threat," Forest said with a snort, "I mean . . . I've actually never turned anyone before.  I know how it's done, but never found anyone I'd wanted to turn."

"And most people do not think it makes me unique.  A good majority think I'm crazy, or using my 'good deeds' to hide shit."


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Blackmore could feel a shiver run down his spine. Dozens of questions coursed his mind at the moment. Normally, someone would keep bluffing, or try to defend himself. He saw no point in it, fighting would be useless and he was already figured out. He laughed it off, laughing as if he had just been sucker punched. He couldn't say he was mad, but this might be more trouble than he could chew.

"You're sharp!" He, as in the real one, noted gleefully before walking out of the larger door, though he struggled to squeeze himself out of the way and broke some of the concrete in the process. The projection turned into a humanoid mass of pink energy and static before shattering into shards that dissolved into nothing. Just why was he so happy, he sounded like a kid who had just found himself in a candy shop.

He rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment and held his hands up. He wasn't hostile, he didn't want to be. If possible, he'd rather make friends today. He almost stepped over one of the mangled bodies, but he softly kicked it away and had it roll gently right to the boy's lap.

"Sorry, I didn't want to join these poor fellows. With a stomach like mine, even a feast for kings wouldn't be enough, so relax. Didn't think I was that sloppy though. What gave me away?" He asked him with a huge, good natured grin.

« Last Edit: July 17, 2017, 03:22:02 AM by francobull3 »


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The smile on Marcus's face grew larger, more satisfied with her snort.  "Well, you are pretty shady, so I could see that," he said in a playful but matter of fact tone.  "But I find it hard to believe you never turned anyone.  Your not going to tell me you've never found someone you wanted to live out the rest of your immortality with right?"


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"I am not pretty shady!" Forest replied before folding her arms across her chest.

Then she frowned at his second question and kept walking.  She answered, "I thought I did, and he was already immortal so that wasn't the problem.  He left though."


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The smug smile on Marcus's face faded, transforming into a melancholic frown.  "Oh," he said, looking down.  "So, is he here too?"


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"No, he's not.  I actually haven't seen him in like a couple of decades," Forest answered.  "At least I don't think he's here anyway."


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Marcus took a deep breath and said,  "Oh, ok.  In that case, i'll probably be staying at your place a long time."

They were getting pretty close to the car now.  He stopped and began scanning the area.  "So, you know the area right?  Do you know where a station might be?" he asked, looking back at her.


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Forest raised an eyebrow at Marcus proclaiming that he was going to be staying with her a long time.  Yet she found she couldn't blithely quip his statement away.  She was happy to have someone else in her compound with her.

"Of course I do.  I actually have a way to get us there faster, but I don't know if I want to implement it," Forest said with a chuckle.

Umbra of Chaos

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Strong. His instincts told him that this one might be a threat. But he didn't seem dangerous yet. So Astarte tapped his nose. "No smell. Almost nothing at all. But I can smell you, hear you, and see the connection. You should have it wear some of your clothes. Give it a scent to make it real."

Then he patted the ground next to him. "Sit? I'm Astarte." He picked some of the vampire out of his teeth. Then swallowed that too. He was always taught to never waste food.


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Blackmore whistled, astonished by his perceptiveness. "Impressive, I'll keep that in mind!" He answered jovially and earnestly, noting just how sharp Astarte was and just what this could mean. He had a million reasons to decline the boy's offer, but refusing would be rude, which was reason enough to humor the offer. He pulled a large pillow from under his coat and six large bottles of beer, though they looked laughably small compared to the massive man. Finally, he laid the pillow down and sat on it before handing the boy a drink.

"Looks like you'd need something to wash it down, pal." He added in good humor before popping his own bottle effortlessly and gulping down its contents. "Pwahhhh... Name's Blackmore. Do you come 'round these parts often?"

« Last Edit: July 17, 2017, 09:40:26 AM by francobull3 »


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Alright, out of sight, out of mind. If she didn't have to look at the skeleton man, she wouldn't get twitchy inside, then! "Good evening, Ms. Suzuko. I'll wait if the matter that my acquaintance wants to bring up is for your eyes only."