Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 96807 times)


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"I like the way you're thinking, kiddo!" She cheered with a huge grin. Truly this was a wonderful friendship, the one way she could express such a wonderful feeling was by grabbing the doll by the foot and dashing forward with so much force the ground deformed under her step.

In the blink of an eye she leapt right at the bloodied girl's face in order to savagely beat her to death with the makeshift club that was Coppelius. Each strike was deadly and precise while carrying speed and power befitting of an embodiment of beastly ferocity. Meanwhile, the broken spears began to glow a powerful crimson around the four as they came closer and closer to explode like grenades.

"Die you peeping toms, die die DIE! HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH!!"
« Last Edit: July 18, 2017, 02:05:53 AM by francobull3 »


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Blackmore looked at the boy with an inquisitive look before shrugging. "Oh well, more for me I guess. Then again, you've got some pretty sick tastes yourself." He said before gulping another bottle. His words might come off as harsh, but there was absolutely no reproach in his tone, if anything it was accepting, even friendly. "Why not freeze them for later? It's not like a fridge is a rare commodity, even around these parts."

Umbra of Chaos

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"It's not sick if it's delicious! And you can't eat it if it's not new, then it's no good. You have to wring the life out of it while it's fresh. Wanna try?" He looked over and tilted his head. But despite what he said the corpse didn't look any more appealing now than it did before.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2017, 02:16:53 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Blackmore's grin somehow widened and he laughed heartily at his earnest response. This was just too messed up, to think he was knee deep in such a mess was too much for his poor heart to handle. He just had to laugh.

"Sorry, I'll have to pass. You're an amusing fellow though, and a hopeless glutton to boot. If I can be frank, I like you. How long have you been eating with such... enthusiasm?"


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She paid no heed to the misfortune if the man who had tried to attack them, her partner handled him quite splendidly. There was no sympathy to be spared either after that transgression. "It pleases me to hear that from you." She responded in kind.

The goddess welcomed the offered hand, holding it for a moment before pulling him in. She caught the tall in a loving brace, showering him with affection. "What were your plans for this place? It doesn't appear very illegal as far as I've seen."

It was his idea to go here in the first place. Her drawing attention to them by breaking up the ring was very intentional, even if it appeared like a spontaneous action. She had a feeling it would draw out the bigger fish so to say.

Of course she didn't miss the chance to tease him back, inflaming the crowd with her burst of passion was simply an unavoidable side effect. She was mindful of her strength however, so as to not crush him.

Umbra of Chaos

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He tapped his chin. "Since I was born! Well the first time anyways. I've always been hungry since then." He held up the piece again. "But are you sure you don't want to try it? I can season it up real nice too!"


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Eerie as it was, Blackmore didn't drop his smile. He was still analyzing the whole ordeal, trying to figure out what this boy could be. Perhaps some failed experiment? Or a vampire. The thought that thrilled him the most would be if he was something beyond his imagination, something he couldn't think about in the first place.

He held out his hand politely to decline his offer. "Well, mama did always say you should try new things. But I also wasn't the sort to listen to my mama in the first place. Sorry, again, but I'll pass."

He sighed and downed another beer in one gulp, burping nonchalantly."Honestly, I'd rather have a nice dry aged steak, or a suckling pig. Slowly roasted and well spiced, sitting in a bed of potatoes. Well, to each their own strokes I guess."

He gave the kid a friendly pat on the shoulder, the sort that told him that it was okay and that he could just keep going. More food for him after all.


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Moving her leg to block was simple.  With the spears destroyed, all she had to do was retract and lower her leg, covering her stomach with her thigh.  The doll slammed into her, creating a small shockwave.  Medaka responded with a defiant glare before shouting, "Mitsu! Move, NOW!"

This may have been a trap.  The boy ignored her, instead sending dolls to harm her instead.  Even worse, this woman was dead set on trying to killing the both of them and taking the camera.

Almost on cue, the woman grabbed the puppeteer and began using her as a club, swinging madly but with a surprising amount of precision.  Seeing as the woman was attacking her now, she minimized her movements, transitioning into a semi deep forward stance, but leaning back on her back leg.  Her arms flowed in the direction of the strikes, deflecting each with the fluidity of water.  However, she could not see everything.

The broken pieces exploded, coating the blue haired girl in the force of the explosion.  The impact of the explosion struck her body like a flurry of punches, but it did not break her stance, even as shrapnel penetrated her skin.  Instead, it was a sudden realization.

Mitsu! The second the thought popped into her mind, her body was already spinning around to check on her new friend. It was then that Coppelius's body slammed into the back of Medaka's head, sending her flying past where Mitsu once stood.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2017, 03:33:13 AM by yinsukin »

Umbra of Chaos

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Well, time to do some tests now! He stuffed a handful of flesh into his mouth and felt his blood sing in his veins as he all but vanished with a burst of speed. To anyone stuck with poor human senses he would practically teleported onto the man's right shoulder. Then he swallowed.

"So what are you doing here?"


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"Well, you wouldn't be so fast to think it's fun once you meet the person taking us there," Forest said with a sigh. 

Gabriel would have a field day with this, she thought. 


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The same shiver as before made the man reconsider, but even the lightest drop of sweat on his forehead wouldn't change his stance. He'd almost fool him into thinking he teleported, but the rustling of his coat's feathers told a different story. Fast, terrifyingly so. He'd be hard to hit, and considering all these corpses he was more than an evasive fly.

By all means, this was a legitimate and real threat. Even if he seemed affable enough, perhaps even likable, this wasn't enough to lower his guard.

"I was looking for interesting things, and lo and behold I stumbled on a wonderful sight. Besides, I wanted to make a friend." He said with the same huge smile as ever.


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Marcus raised an eyebrow.  "Someone is taking us there? Who?" he asked, genuinely curious as to who this mystery person is.  He genuinely couldn't imagine who this person was, let alone why Forest was so reluctant.


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Even in this partial transformation, Mitsuba could largely avoid those shrapnels, but Medaka was so "nice" to be exposed to the brunt of the attack. Seems like the monster was overly focused on Medaka. Oh well, she could just use some overwhelming force. She really didn't care about the weird child like construct, so she would just target them both. The Unchained sidestepped with a fluid movement, avoiding Medaka, and transformed her left hand into arm cannon. A superheated stream of energy was released towards Costin and her 'makeshift club'.


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Seeing his latest conquest trying so hard to please had a charm of it's own. Beyond the simple carnal pleasure mind you, not that that the feeling of her tight throat and her wet mouth wasn't heavenly. But seeing her debasing herself like this of her own will was a pleasure of it's own. He almost didn't catch her question as he was too busy enjoying her. His hand kept a firm grip on her head, never allowing her to go too far up.

"it's wonderfull, you sure want it don't you? I can see it, you love this."


It was very obvious he wanted her to say yes and do sometime like beg for his cock and come, but that was so freaking embarrassing! The mere thought of doing so was like, making her turn beet red! At least she thought it was, she couldn't really see anything but his balls right now, which she was planting her face in repeatedly as she sucked on him. Whenever she stopped to take a breath she took in a big whiff of a mixture of his sweat and her own bodily fluids she'd leaked all over him.

This was really all just too embarrassing! As she had this thought, she suddenly had a fresh wave of lust fill her body, making her feel incredibly hot and bothered and the idea of begging seemed quite reasonable.

"It's—I love it! I love your big cock so much, I want you to release all your love into my mouth! Directly into my stomach if you can! Please!" She begged, squealing and suddenly starting to rub her crotch against him. She needed relief again. This was all too much. A brief thought that this was completely unlike her was quickly drowned by the wave of lust.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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It wasn't long before the blood god took his own bottle and popped off the cap. And promptly spat out the drink. "Ugh. Bleh." He made a face and stuck his tongue out. "They call it an acquired taste. But I don't know why you'd want to acquire bad taste."

He stuffed a hand back into the corpse and ripped out a liver. Then he squeezed and lapped up the blood and fluids. "And not really. If I can find some food I try to eat there. It spoils fast."


Her eyes quickly looked over the documents. "So you're the representative from Cheiron then? I'll admit that I was expecting someone a bit older, but this is a rather pleasant surprise. They already informed you of what needs to be done, yes?"


That was a lot of papers. And a lot of stuff she didn't really care about. It wasn't hurting anyone, was it? Who cared if some people did weird things and uncanny coincidences happen? "Nope. Can't say I know much about that."

She went over to her empty fridge and opened it up, reality shifting to reveal a Snapple bottle. Peach. No diet. And she started sipping from it.


Ooph! Heavy! Grigori let out a rather uncomfortable sound before thumping the ground with her hand. A barrier formed tight around her body and slowly expanded and shifted shape to lift the two other women and leave them on the floor next to her. "Gods, don't do that to me. This body is rather frail."


She was only chastising her a bit and this was the result? Brutae had to question her master's mental fortitude after that display, it didn't look too good. Bullying her wouldn't feel too good right now.

The blonde servant then sat down on top of her downed master, the hard bulge pressing into her once more. "Stop being so hard on yourself Master, I only wanted you to stop humping me like a dog." Needless to say this couldn't be too comfortable for Grigori at the bottom, serves her right for bringing her poor master to this state. The thought brought a gleeful smile to her face though.

"If you wish to pursue me you should be more direct as befitting of your status."

Director Olga Marie of House Animusphere

Marie quickly wrapped her arms around her Saber and pulled her close. This time there wasn't any lust involved though. She didn't even seem to notice how her cock were poking Saber, although they most definitely were. She very simply needed to hold on to something, someone. Still crying, she began talking to Saber mentally, not wanting Grigori to hear this conversation.

"You're not going to betray me, right? Not like everyone else?" The young director sniffled. "You don't hate me right? Envy me or anything like that?"
« Last Edit: July 19, 2017, 01:13:32 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end