Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 97489 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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Now now, wasn't this just fascinating? Her little orb flew over towards the bird, tendrils of fire and heat emerging to touch it. To see if they could interact with each other. They were elementals yes, that much she could tell. But they were not of the world.

Even the greatest mage could have difficulties with an average elemental. After all, they were of the world. The fundamental forces that made up existence itself. Anything that would attempt to bind them would have to contest their essential nature.

But these were made by a man. Influenced by his mana. Shaped by his will. Interesting for a myriad of reasons, truly.

"No thank you. I'm certain I'll be fine." Fire was strong here, even as the life did wane. But that was no great concern. Even if he was more skilled in that aspect she had variety. And, of course, she had the rod. The one that she had prepared for Olga before she was so ingloriously incapacitated. It wasn't enhanced enough to make a difference in power, but it was an instant barrier that she wouldn't divide her focus.


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Joe's face became hot, sweat began to form on his face.  But I wouldn't have been in danger in the first place if you guys didn't break in, he thought to himself, too scared to say it out loud.

Instead, he sighed and sat down on the couch.  "F-fine," he said, his voice stuttering at the top of his statement.  "Then, in that case, do you want company or something?"  Maybe they didn't want anything at all.  Maybe they were just bored.  In any case, he had to figure out what it was, so he could get them to leave.

Umbra of Chaos

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He stared up at the guy. Pffft. If he was gonna blow himself up that would be pretty funny. Even if getting watery tasting goop everywhere did terrible things to his appetite. "You know, if we didn't come here it would have torn into your flesh and ridden your corpse around until you rotted around it. Spoopy."

Then he narrowed his eyes at the poor guy and what looked at him did so with the unchanging gaze of something that was never human. "So you should treat your guests with better hospitality. Uninvited or not the only reason you're alive is because of us."


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"Mmkay." Lorenzo said casually before burning the corn away and making burning flowers out of their ashes.

The pirate looked up at the blue orb with some sort of fascination. Her spell was flawlessly constructed, truly, and he could definitely acknowledge her as a powerful mage. However, that flame was sloppy. There was no real connection between the woman and the fire, he could feel it, to her it was no different than a tool like a screw or a hammer. Sure, it was a commendable way to think, fire was pretty useful after all, and so was magic.

However, fire was not some thing you could bend and hammer into whatever you wished. It had a shape, a will, and it breathed and ate until it eventually reached its end and waned. It was alive. The spell was wonderful, but it had no true form or consideration for the flame's life. It was only natural that a dead fire would be devoured by a living one. His fire being alive, it could split and grow easily, but it could also merge and strengthen itself with just as much ease.

"Woah, not bad. How about this?" He added before snapping his fingers, and his birds joined together and devoured the nearby fire, growing and expanding before taking a greater shape, this time that of a majestic whale of smoke and inferno. It slowly swam through the air, mouth wide open and eyes tinted with curious glee as if it had found a new ball to play with.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2017, 04:14:13 AM by francobull3 »


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As the kid approached him with that strange, almost inhuman glare, Joe sunk into the couch cushion.  If he took the literal meaning of their words seriously, then they did not send the snake but were in fact trying to save him from it.  However, the connotation of hostile entitlement advertised that they were more than willing to finish what the snake started.

I can't tell if this is infuriating or terrifying, he thought as his body began shaking.  I can't believe im getting shaken down by a kid.  Im glad Rin left.

"I'm sorry," he muttered.


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"I mean, yeah, the police are probably more concerned about the two of us shagging in a dressing room, but there's always the whole public indecency thing," Forest said with a sigh.

"So, we were in the dressing room, she barges in on us, and then goes all Fatal Attraction on us."


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Marcus frowned, growling a bit as he recalled the encounter.  He balled his hands into a fist and growled.  "Whatever," he said, turning away from Forest.  "Maybe we can just tell them we were doing some cutesy stuff, like kissing and trying to find the right outfit when she barged in.  She proposes something.  We got interested then it devolved.  We might get some looks, but shes still at fault."

He relaxed his fist, allowing it to slide into his pants pocket.  Then, his head swung back around to face her.  "You know, I think she had some weird sex vampire powers, just like your teeth.  Whatever she did while we were kissing was..."

For some reason, he was starting to crave it, that burst of liquid that came into his mouth like Starburts.


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Forest reached up and placed her hand on Marcus's chest.  She asked, "Like what?  Tell me."

If she did something to him, I need to find a way to break it . . .


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Marcus gave Forest a confused frown as he glanced down at the hand on his chest.  It felt good to have her this close, but he wasn't expecting her to come closer when talking about kissing another girl.  Although, maybe she is into that, he thought.  Are you into that? he directed at her, realizing it was pointless to have this thought alone.

"It was a sort of liquid or something," he continued, feeling himself growing at the thought.  She would be able to feel it pressed against his thighs.  Realizing this himself, he squinted and lowered his voice as he continued.  "I think it came from her body.  It tasted like blood, but somehow better, like a good drug."


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Forest gnashed her teeth and answered, "No, I'm not into kissing other girls or watching you kiss other girls . . . I'm worried about her having some power."

Tapping her foot she frowned and said, "It sounds like she has something about her that is addictive.  Like how my bite's auto-orgasmic."


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"Well thats disappointing," he said, referring to both statements.  Hopefully it wouldn't get any worse than this.  He placed his hand behind his neck and the other around her waist.  He rubbed the back of his neck as if it were itching or something. 

"Lets not talk about this," he said with a groan.  "Its not your problem."


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Forest sighed as Marcus wrapped an arm around her waist as they kept walking.

"I don't want you to become addicted to her or intoxicated or worse," Forest said with a scowl.


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"Its alright," he said, turning his attention forward to avoid eye contact.  "I'll be fine.  It can't be any worse than alcohol.  You don't need to worry about me."

It felt nice to have his hand around her waist.  Her lower back was strong and firm, even if her frame was smaller than his.   
« Last Edit: July 30, 2017, 05:34:40 AM by yinsukin »


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He hummed thoughtfully, beginning to slowly step towards the kitchen. "Oh, decades. I'm quite the veteran - or relic, if you prefer - but I enjoy it."

It took him all of a minute to come back, gracefully setting down a new glass of chilled tea on the table before her, and pick up the conversation.

"And you, Ms? You seem young enough to not have settled deeply into any one activity, if you'll pardon my assumption, but I see some experience in you."


Like any normal person, the detective's composure was jolted into an uneasy jump in place by the sudden appearance of an imposing (and yet comically disheveled) person in the middle of the room. Proper, instinctive retreat was only prevented through the relative crampness the living room had assumed, with the casualness of its newest arrival a disconcerting contrast.

With his attention dwindled, the focus of the demon underneath shattered. Whatever engine lurked beneath the girl's skin couldn't completely trick his eyes anymore, but he had been pulled off his efforts before he could get a whole picture of what he was looking at.

Right then however, a chance to escape presented itself with the suggestion of the subject of his interest. He honed in on it as a man desperately seeking some shelter in an insane situation, and the unchained calculated. It was an opportunity, and a significant risk. But danger had already risen exponentially in this scene. He had to change the circumstances soon and leave, regardless.

"R...right, that sounds good," He answered, awkwardly stepping away from the other two people in the room and following her.
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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As he regained his bearings, Coppelius' body immediately tensed up. He noticed the stranger just now; this had gotten serious all of a sudden. Unlike the others, this one was not remotely "human". How annoying.

"What do you want, butting in? You are not interesting. Get lost."

With a swift but mechanical motion, the artificial boy produced a plethora of small dolls from his coat.
None of them seemed sophisticated or elegant like the Vermillion shadow from before. They had hardly any decoration on them and seemed to be made out of plain wood; orange-red orbs like embers smoldering in their eyesockets, they looked more like tiny scarecrows than anything else.

Without delay, they turned toward the ghastly man and charged right at him through the air, ready to fulfill their singular duty.