Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 97604 times)


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Oh she barely shows herself and those two were already trying to run away. They didn't appear to be terrified though. Why were they so eager to leave? Were they actually hiding something? If that was the case then what was it? Sakura's half hearted apology didn't take up much of her mind, she would have to properly apologize later, first she'd have to deal with whatever this was supposed to be.

Jeanne darted over to the door and blocked their exit. "Why are the two of you so eager to leave? I could almost think you are trying to hide something, are you?" She asked them in a friendly manner, if blocking the door for someone could be considered friendly that is.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2017, 07:09:12 PM by Sinib »


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The redhead glanced down at the chilled tea, picking up the glass and taking a sip with an easy grace to her movements, as if it was natural to her.

"I think veteran has a bit of a charm to it," Emily mused, offering the man a warm smile, "As for me, you could say I've seen my fair share. I did have a couple other things I tried my hand at before ending up here, but for the moment, being a healer is enough for me, just as it was back then, at first."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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"Feel free to continue with it until you are certain if it fits your preferences, Neptune." He reassured her of this with a smile, his appearance not at all once of embarrassment. He was quite well versed in this, though it was rarely with someone of anything approaching a comparable lifespan. He did hope he wasn't getting himself into trouble with this.

There was no strain in his arms as he held her thusly. She weighed nothing from his perspective, so it was simple to carry her back and through the crowd.


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Costin Andrei

The punch was so brutal, so sudden, so fast and so unexpected that it crushed the vampire's innards to the point she felt this close to spitting out her own intestines out like lightning fast spaghetti drenched in tomato sauce.

Sadly, it didn't happen. Sometimes, life just isn't fair.

But.... s-sweetie? Boy oh boy, that was actually kinda cute. D-did he like her? He was kinda handsome after all. Maybe they could go on a date or something once this whole thing was done. But would he say yes? Did he really think of her that way? But they just met, they barely knew each other? Should she maybe buy him dinner or something? Gosh, this was too embarassing! And this was so rough and sudden, she didn't even know his name!

The thought of that kinda had her blush, just a little though.

But she quickly mentally shook her head and refocused on the situation. Anyways, she tried to barrel roll her way out of his next strike, but he was too fast, and before she knew it she was held by the ankle and swung like a vulgarly massive morning star.

Even more ghastly and suddenly, her eyes were wide in excitement and her grin was so wide it almost looked like it was gonna rip out of her face with sheer childish glee as she punched the blue haired vampire just as the two impacted with additional force, practically sending her flying. Now that's what I call teamwork!! She was so happy she couldn't help but laugh maniacally like a Saturday morning cartoon villain.

"Mwahahahahahah! That's right honey! Don't forget your hips! It's all about the shoulders boy, square shoulders!!"
« Last Edit: July 30, 2017, 10:09:35 PM by francobull3 »


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Sakura began to laugh. Really, her name was Sakura, and she looked exactly the same as her? What were the fucking odds of that? She just couldn't hold her amusement in. Eventually she stopped laughing, and nudged Rin as if they were old buddies. "Hey hey." She laughed as she lightly elbowed her in a friendly manner. "Can you guess my name?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Purple Heart

He brought them through the crowd and out of the questionable fighting place, carrying her dutifully throughout it all. As they moved along the dimly lit streets she spoke up. "You  don't have to carry me all the way back If you don't want to......" A flash of light enveloped her mid sentence and she returned to her other more bubbly form.

"...But I'd totally get you checking out this sexy body of mine, the one that was voted hottest goddess of Gamindustri in the latest poll. I even beat Vert this time!" She cheerfully supplied him with information that would be worthless here. Well worthless depending on what you cared about, but semantics and all that. "And move a bit faser will ya my most awesome steed, I can't hang here all night."


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Rin found herself smiling at the girl named Auspicious Breeze's seemingly boundless energy.

"Well, considering this place, not as improbable as you think," Rin said with a smile to the bouncy blonde.

Then the Sakura Doppelganger began to laugh in a way that made Rin smile.  There wasn't the fake edge that Sakura had in her own laugh sometimes.  Then the Sakura-Double nudged Rin and Rin had to brace herself so she wasn't knocked down.

Geeze, do you know how strong you are?

"Can you guess my name?" she asked with a smile.

Rin smiled back and answered, "Well, considering the fact you're giggling at that, I'd bet, well not real money of course, that it's Sakura."


The blonde scowled and said, "No, I'm going to worry.  Especially since you're going to be living with me and probably . . . more than that.  It's sort of my duty to worry about my potential lover when he's addicted to vampire V8."

She swallowed as Marcus kept his arm firmly around her waist.  It felt odd, not bad, but unfamiliar

Umbra of Chaos

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Interesting. But not unexpected. Her command over the elements was not quite as refined as she would have liked. It was more of a dabbling. At least for her at any rate. So first off she brought her array to crackling life, not even having to shape the mana as a translucent barrier formed around her.

Now then, the perfect counter for fire wasn't quite water but it would do. A mage, generally speaking, had to constantly generate fire in a fight. With sufficient control it was possible to cause cold snaps that could simply return steam to its original state. Far more efficient.

So she cast her senses into the spiritual as water began to pool up around her. It churned around her as she began to infuse it with magic. Intent guiding it in terms of what targets it should attack and how to regather itself in the midst of an attack. The bane of mages was their own bodies. Magic could breach that gap.

"So then, how do you want to do this?"


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Heh! He knew she had more to it than that, this might be interesting after all. Considering she could control not one, but two elements with such precision, she might be an even better mage than he'd ever be. Of course, he was anything but throwing the towel. He was confident in his skills as a warrior after all.

"You really are an amazing woman. But a duel, here of all places? You sure are confident..." He praised her with sincerity, looking up to her with admiration and fervor brighter than his own flames.

This city really was filled with fine treasures, he had just arrived from meeting an emerald when he stumbled right in front of a mountain of gold. He couldn't be any happier, this would be a perfect way to let loose what he held back against Irene.

Besides, he'd be lying if he said this didn't excite him. A forest of fire and ash under the night sky, was there any better scenery for an epic confrontation between wizards? Let this duel of magic be a dance of fire and spirit, but in this and all contexts he far preferred rough women anyways. He waved his hand in a theatrical fashion, his fires grew and encroached into the ashen earth around him like mighty roots.

"My name is Lorenzo Remei, son of Ronan and captain of the Fiery Moon! You may trample on my bones to your heart's content, show no restraint!"

His familiar shone with flames brighter than ever, glowing of all colors, some real and others outside of the spectrum. The sorcery making their life split once more into countless birds, but they strengthened with fire and life and became glowing brighter and hotter than mere birds, surrounding the fire mage with a dozen of burning spears launching at her with enough power to scorch and ravage even steel within their explosive force.

"That is, if you can!"
« Last Edit: July 31, 2017, 10:27:10 PM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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The water reacted immediately, drawing off of her own perceptions and intent as a broadside of watery bullets were fired off in response to the blazing spears. A wave of heated steam barely had the chance to expand before her magic reached out, a sudden chill returning it back to a liquid.

Then they lanced out, rods of liquid streaking towards the pirate. Some came right on while other curved in mid air to attack from other angles. Some missed him entirely, flying past for reasons unknown.

"I am pleased to meet you, Lorenzo. You may call me Grigori." The spell binding this water was simple. It was an autonomous defense and retaliation system that she could guide with her will to take on new forms and tactics when needed.


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Antonia San Nicolas

That was an answer she could not tolerate. Noel can pull the trigger for all Antonia cared but as long as the blood of the gods ran through her veins, she could not be defeated that easily. At the same time Noel positioned her pistol to her chest, Antonia positioned her knives to Noel's skin, answering the officer's triumphant statement with a cool smile.

Noel Vermillion

Noel sighed, and a drone appeared behind Antonia's head, exploding a moment afterwords. "I said we're done. I've got a good gauge of your abilities now. You can't even keep up with me while I'm holding back massively."

The blond frowned.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Sakura Matou

Sakura moved quickly, and grabbed Liseth's arm. "Ruler and my talk can wait. I'm still just as involved in this conversation as you." Sakura scolded Liseth for trying to run off, and looked very worried. This idiot was going to go ahead and say something stupid that would be a real pain to try and get forgotten.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Cherry Lover

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Sakura and Shirou

Shirou's eyes widened as he noticed claws appear from thin air, inches from Sakura's body.

Oh, no! he thought, realising their terrible mistake as he summoned up his swords.

To his surprise, though, the claws did not move, instead remaining hovering in place. Sighing in relief as he realised the girl had chosen not to attack after all, he simply watched as she stood there, tears running down her eyes, before returning Sakura's embrace and apologising.

Sakura, meanwhile, had been unaware of the danger she was in, simply continuing to tightly hug the poor girl. A smile came over her face as Red apologised before finally returning the hug, glad that the girl had accepted her affection and kindness, and she tightened the hug, patting the girl's back warmly. However, her happiness soon turned to horror as she noticed blood dripping from the girl's mouth, her skin turning white as she fell into unconsciousness.

"Red!" Sakura shouted, extremely concerned, before gently placing the girl on the ground in the recovery position, beginning to check her over.

"What's wrong?" Shirou asked, also extremely concerned.

"I d..don't know", Sakura responded, tears coming to her eyes. "Blood just started coming from her mouth, then she collapsed."

"She's alive, though", Sakura said with relief as she checked for a pulse. "Her heart's beating and she's breathing."

Sakura knelt down next to the girl and continued to check her over, using her magic to see if she could find any problems. Shirou, meanwhile, paced around, clearly very concerned about the girl's well-being. Finally, though, Sakura came to a conclusion.

"I think she'll be OK", she said. "She just needs some rest."

Any normal person would have waited to consider what to do, but for Sakura and Shirou, the answer was obvious.

"I'll go and find Moko", Shirou said, "then we'll take her home. She can rest there, where it's safe."

They clearly couldn't leave the girl here, it was not a comfortable or safe place to rest. And they hadn't found out where she lived, so they couldn't take her back there either. Even if they could find out, though, it was clear that whoever was looking after her was not treating her kindly. The girl was alone and frightened, a danger to herself and to others. She needed to be shown kindness and affection, not to be discarded and forgotten. So, they would bring her back to their house, allow her to rest, and then decide where to go from there when she was awake and able to discuss it with them.

So, whilst Sakura waited by the girl, holding her hand and stroking it softly, Shirou left in the vague direction he'd seen a brown blur heading in when Red had begun to act up.

"Moko?" he shouted, repeating the call over and over as he searched. "Moko?"
« Last Edit: July 31, 2017, 11:27:38 PM by Cherry Lover »


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Lorenzo Remei

"Heh!" Of course water would beat fire, but just because she could neutralize his magical projectiles didn't mean she could neutralize the magic that was him.

Thus his foot clapped once against the ash beneath him and he quite literally danced around the water projectiles and the magician, striking over the top poses as he avoided each deadly bullet by a hair's breath. When that wasn't enough, powerful blasts of flame could parry the strikes, even if the water did always end up on top.

In a final display of blinding acrobatics, he flipped over backwards in a great somersault as countless winged piranhas erupted from his flame. The burning creatures quickly came flying around and formed magnificent glowing arcs in the night sky before directing themselves to their target.

She wasn't the only one who could make automated spells, but his was beyond an automaton.

Each creature was gifted with intelligence, they'd be able to dodge cleverly and coordinate and avoid her attacks as a group, even at the expense of one or two. Simply put, he wasn't one to fall to the same tricks twice.

Umbra of Chaos

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It appeared that accuracy was not going to be her friend here. The water that had missed Lorenzo entirely gathered together into a pulsing orb for just a moment. Then it burst into the form of a serpent, surging backwards towards them.

Too large. Too unwieldy. There was no way for it to strike the skeleton or even the spirit unless... The beast exploded, water pouring from the skies like rain upon the other mage and his elementals. Every drop cast about in a chaotic faction to make evasion nigh impossible.

Those that fell to the earth gathered back up into orbs before being fired back up in more explosive bursts of water.