Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 145541 times)


  • Moon Cancer
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Sex toys huh?

After that whole experince with the driver, Forest insisted they use toys.  He couldn't help but wonder if this was related to that small dick comment she made earlier, but whatever.  As long as she was fine being alone for a while, he was alright.

With his hands relaxed behind his head, he wandered aimlessly through the softly lit morning streets.  Despite the high crime rate in this city, he did nothing to hide his boredom, as it was clear from his body language and facial expression.  He even closed his eyes and yawned once or twice as he walked from block to block.  Then, something happened.  A girl shot passed him on a bike.

What the hell?  Was she on a bike?  She was going as fast as a car! he thought as his neck snapped to the side to follow her.  He was right.  She was in fact on a bike.

So, he coated himself in a black aura and ran after her, suddenly finding himself going at absurd speeds.  He was actually outrunning the cars surrounding him.  A smile crept onto his face.  "Heh, haven't been this strong since I got here."

It wouldn't be long until he caught up.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2017, 01:56:56 AM by yinsukin »


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"Hmm... in a few minutes I think. I'll try to get there as soon as I can." She tried to sound as reassuring as she could over the line. "See you soon Joe." She hung up and begun making her way over as fast as she could.

Knock knock.

Like she'd said a few minutes later she was knocking on his door. "May I come in?"


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Joe looked at his bathroom longingly.  Shit!  I don't have time to shower! he thought as he frantically rushed to the bathroom.  At the very least he could put on some deodorant.  A few strokes was all it took.

Knock Knock

He ran from the bathroom to the front door, still half naked from putting on the deodorant.  Of course, he slipped on his shirt just before reaching out to touch the doorknob.  Once he finally opened the door, he smiled and said, "Hi Jeanne!  I have all my stuff packed in my bedroom.  Come in!"


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Oh... well that wasn't too surprising. $2000 could seem like a lot to people. "Well, if it was as rare as you say, then you could easily get a lot more for that! Especially if it was special like your poliwag. Purebred or rare animals that aren't even half as unique as yours can go up to $5000 easy!"

Oka Kurosawa

Oka blinked in disbelief. She couldn't really believe what she'd heard just now. "Ff-Five thousand..." Oka murmered, sinking underwater for a bit to contemplate this mind altering fact. After a minute and a half she popped back up. "It was... Much much rarer than the poliwag..." Oka said, looking entirely sheepish.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Saber perked up at the mention, her mood visibly improved from the suggestion Olga made. "That will be much appreciated Marie. Do so swiftly and you will have my gratitude for it."

She then followed Olga out of the poor restaurant in hopes of her master being able to find something much more suited for her bearing. This one had been of wholly unacceptable quality.

Olga Marie

Olga had tried hard and found a super dooper fancy italian place relatively close by. Apparently it was kind of ridiculously expensive to eat there and it had a strict dress code. She wasn't really that worried about not finding a table, late as it was. No dinner rush to worry about. Even if it was kinda full, she was sure she could "convince" the manager to find them a place. One way or another. And without any fanfare, they'd arrived. She'd made sure to arrange the delivery of their clothes to their house before leaving the mall, too. She was feeling pretty fucking snazzy.

And so, they found themselves standing in front of a truely foreboding building. It looked like it was a re-purposed mansion from somewhere, as she guessed was common around here, assuming the buildings got teleported in the same way people did. Everything about the look exuded an aura of class and pomp. It practically screamed low class scum stay away, we're not interested in serving your kind here. "So, what do you think?" She asked, trying to sound casual. She wasn't sure what to do other than this place if Saber decided to reject it as well. She didn't think that they would be able to find a better Italian place than this.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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And here she thought she was going to be underdressed showing up in her casual clothes, but he barely looked like he'd gotten his shirt on in time. "Thank you sir Joe." She decided to spare him the questioning look and greet him playfully instead. That and a small part of her wanted to see if he would stumble all over himself and do something embarrassing.

She then bowed slightly in gratitude and moved on in. "Are you feeling alright? You're not hurt are you?" Her eyes scanned his body for any signs of injury as she spoke.

« Last Edit: September 24, 2017, 04:38:00 AM by Thedoctor »


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She relaxed her grip but not her glare, it appeared she had decided not to try kill him, for now. "Calm down? I couldn't care less about your stupid experiments, I'm only here because I was told to and you ruined my fun." She breathed in and then sounded far less annoyed when she begun speaking again.

"What makes you think I have to listen to you? I could go back right now and tell him that you dropped the mission and fucked off doing your own shit." She might actually do it just to spite him.


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Weird is she a foreigner?  No one bows like that, he thought to himself.  It was sort of endearing in a way.

Joe rubbed the back of his head and smiled.  "No actually," he responded, opening the door and stepping to the side so she could come in.  "Now that i've met him twice, I think he came over to hang out?  Either way, he stole my food and got my house trashed.  Thats actually why I felt bad for texting Sakura.  He wasn't even going to hurt me."


  • Moon Cancer
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Mitsuba didn't really sleep much, keeping eye attention to her surroundings in case Medaka's maker returned. Seemed like she came back after all, chatting with someone who paid them a visit. She would introduce herself after the visitor left. And of course, she intently listened on the conversation as much as she could without getting caught. Information was power after all.


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Haha, so they left him in the dust. The werewolf would have been amazed by the view if not for the fact that her eyesight could be sharpened to the extent that she could enjoy such sights without soaring through skies. "Alright, it seems like you're too fast for the guy."


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Leo I

Just as he was about to make his next move, the man left, moving towards the position of her master.  Strangely enough, now that the man was gone, he was free to attack the devil spawn.  He could go after her, take her hostage before he could get to Anastasia.  There was no time to think.  The arrows were coming fast.

A rush of wind signaled his departure from the hole, leaving the arrows with no target to strike.  They seamlessly landed in the spot where he once stood.  Rather than zigzag about, he rushed forward in a straight line, intent on cutting off his opponent.  Meanwhile, he sent a warning to his master.

Master!  You are in danger!  However, we may be able to use this.  Direct your magic towards him and I will strike him from the back.  At the very least, we can force him to retreat!

Cherry Lover

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Sighing, Sakura dragged her captive to his feet and pulled him along to the police station. There, she handed him over and, after calling Shirou to inform him that she would be longer than expected, went in for questioning herself. After some time, she managed to convince them of the truth of her story and left them her number so she could testify in a trial if necessary. After all, the man was guilty of armed robbery and sexual assault, they certainly would not let him off with a slap on the wrist. And, whilst Sakura wasn't overly-keen on the way prisoners were treated in the Nexus, it was considerably better than what the Magic Association would do to people, and it was also far better than letting him continue his criminal ways until he genuinely hurt someone, assuming he hadn't already.

After leaving the police station, she headed to get a key cut for Red, intending to wait in a cafe whilst it was being done and then collect it and return home afterwards.


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"That's horrible! You deserve far better than that." The blond raised her voice but not a Joe, her anger was directed towards the intruder. Aww he was embarrased, he looked kinda cute when he was. 

"Sigh... We can talk more about this when we get back to Sakura's place." She turned around to have a look at his apartment, it didn't appear to be in great shape. "So where's the bedroom?" She asked him trying to sound more cheerful.


  • Moon Cancer
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Joe turned around and pointed towards a door opposite to the entrance.  Beside that door was another one that led to the bathroom.  "Over there," he said, making his way over there.  Of course, he assumed she would follow.  "Actually, thats where all my packed bags are.  By the way, how are we getting there?  Did you take a cab or car?"


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The vampire hook her head at the question. "That is good to here and o I do not thinks I have any at the moment, I might contact you later if I have any." She really didn't have anything else to add and there was only so much human presence she could stomach at any given time.