Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 106598 times)


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Medaka stood there silently, maintaining her furious glare while listening patiently to her words.  Then, after a second of consideration, her lips began to part.  "Anyone strong enough to help me lift this alone is more than capable of defending herself.  You just got here, so I suppose that line of thinking is not wrong.  However, in this city, the minds and strengths of the citizens are so diverse that I couldn't assume you would not enjoy that.  Therefore, I waited to see if you would react defensively."

She couldn't help but think back to yesterday in the Colosseum.  Most would not expect someone to want to have sex with some stranger in the crowd.

"You went overboard" she yelled before taking a deep breath.  The red faded from her hair, returning it back to its natural blue state.  Even so, her face was still intense, with eyes that threatened to pierce her body with gaze alone, complimented by a disappointed frown.  "But I suppose I did not make my warning firm enough.  I will now.  Do NOT kill anyone."


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Marcus smiled back at the girl's child like pride.  "Hey, I wouldn't call her a villain," he said, closing his eyes and nodding, as if he were partially confirming that himself.  "She was pretty sadistic, but it was probably my fault."

If I was better at it, I might have actually won the race....

Now that he was done correcting that, he turned to the purple haired nurse.  "But you know, I don't think its all that bad if I can wander into a restaurant and meet a bunch of cute girls."  He pointed to their table.  "Did I interrupt something?"
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 06:43:14 PM by yinsukin »

Umbra of Chaos

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"It was pretty fun! I felt kinda bad for my pokemon when it was getting ganged up on though. Probably needs more training... and a better trainer." She shook her head a bit. "So how do I return him to the ball?"


"Oh my. You seemed so smart! I didn't think that I would have to repeat myself. You can't force me to do anything! What you can do is taking actions that would make sure that I wouldn't need to do something you disagree with." Her lightning snapped at the air like a serpent.

"For example, if I wanted to kill that running guy because he was annoying me the best thing you could do is get him out of my sight. Then everyone gets what they want!"


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Medaka Kurokami

The second Medaka heard kill and running guy, she dashed forward without even bothering to listen to the rest of that sentience.  She rammed into him, shielding his body with her own.  If the other girl did not act to attack them, she intended to throw him into a nearby alley, at least keeping him from any attacks that require line of sight.

Umbra of Chaos

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"See! You get it. Aside from pretty much killing each other we're not really going to be able to stop each other from doing things. So it's up to you to do things that work for the both of us." The lightning faded from her form as she just dropped the stone and leaned back on it.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 08:19:00 PM by Umbra of Chaos »

Umbra of Chaos

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The reach of her Messengers encroached upon everyone around. Their grasps reached for the thoughts of the strangers. As subtle as can be, they skimmed the surface thoughts, prepared to go deeper if given the chance. "Well that was an anticlimax, and this was just about to get interesting too!"

Cherry Lover

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Mostly ignoring the immature girl's idiotic and over-simplistic responses, Sakura instead chose to address the man she had healed and what he had said. She was certainly still worried about the girl who had put a hole in his hand, and his somewhat weak defence of her didn't really change that significantly.

"It's fine", Sakura replied, honestly perfectly happy to have been 'interrupted' but not wanting to openly say so to the psychotic girl, "we were just eating, your injury is more important."

"We need to get that wound cleaned out, so it doesn't get infected. Then I can heal it for you properly", she added.


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"If he was a fodder, I'd not be interested in him either. You've put up a neat display, Ray." Rikuyo genuinely commended the hybrid on how he did well in competition against her. He was worth her company. After her previous object of attention seemed have to vanished, she needed someone to focus her attentions on.

"And yup, let's get on with them. I'll send them to the police maybe, later. Got tired of my old wanted poster."

When the camera was brought out, the one of most wanted red hairs in Nexus took it in a stride, trying to behave photogenic while wrapping her arm around Ray's shoulders.


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"Geez if everyone is gonna be leaving the scene I'm off too, see you on the other side noobs!!" She said with an extra exclamation mark to put emphasis on the point. That was really important to make it more dramatic and all that.

Then she moved to leave as well by jumping off the roof like a suicidal person would. Not that she was suicidal but it was the best description available and she wouldn't have it any other way.


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"Excuse my partner's odd behaviour. She's drunk and doesn't know where's she's going." Saber gave him a curt bow alongside her apology. She pried her Master away not wanting to have her literally hang off her in the middle of a conversation.

"But yes I hope you're not inconvenienced by the unfortunate circumstances."


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"There's no need I'm fine right now." Sakura was right about one thing though, Joe really needed to keep up with them. "If you can't keep up I'll throw you on the roof and leave you there." She jokingly told him. "But really you don't need to give such a wide berth we're not having a private conversation here."


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Putting aside the foreign term he used there was still the pressing matter of having to come up with an answer as to why she was knowledgeable about demons. Well it wasn't so much an issue more than a subject she didn't want to discuss lightly. She let out a sigh at the inevitability of it.

"I've killed far too many over the years not to have a clue about them." She told him truthfully.


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Medaka Kurokami

Now that the man was cleared from danger, Medaka felt more safe speaking her mind.  Quite frankly, she didn't care about her own life as much as others, so it was worth bowing to that woman's wills to save that man's life.  Even so, a wave of frustration swirled around in her belly.

"I suppose you are right," she said, walking back towards the homicidal girl.  "However, I am far too stubborn to simply let you have your way.  I cannot stand for the loss of life, especially when it occurs before my very eyes."

Relius Clover

The scientist placed a hand on his chin, his lips stretched into an amused smile.  Orienna was preforming just as he predicted.  No, she was preforming marginally better, even integrating his order to experience the strength of the soul into combat.  She successfully subdued the green haired vampire and was now ready to take on the louder vampire, even going so far as to introduce herself.

Wonderful Orienna, he thought to himself, walking closer to the confrontation in order to get a closer look.  The second the two clashed, a powerful gust of wind enveloped the sewers, with dust and stone shooting into the air like geysers.  However, at the end, all that was left of the poor girl was a beaten mess covered in her own blood and cuts, held up by a far superior being.

"I suppose that was a quick walk," he said simply, like a child who doesn't want to leave a carnival just yet.  "But it is time we return.  Orienna!  Take the other girl as well." 


"Ahhh, ok ok! I got it!" he said, rushing up to walk beside them.  He glanced side to side, double checking their facial expressions before turning his attention to Sakura.  "So what system do you have?"

Umbra of Chaos

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She shrugged her shoulders. "You can't have it both ways, Meddy. Because you don't really have the power to stop me. So you have to work with or around me. Simple stuff." Set jumped up and balanced on the tip of the pyramid as she spoke.


She held the beaten creature. Orianna was a little scuffed up. Minor scratches to her casing that could be repaired with ease. Still, it was rather impressive. "You fought well. Fight better next time." The doll squeezed tighter as she made that statement as she lifted the exploded mess that was the green haired girl with her other hand.


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka lowered her body, instinctively taking on a sort of pseudo fighting stance.  It was a subtle gesture, noticeable only by a seasoned fighter.  She tilted her head to the side and said, "You have just met me.  What makes you say that?"

She must have been really strong in her old world to make a claim like that, or some sort of supernatural perception.  At the vary least, she was on guard.