Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 106256 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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It's all about passion! How dedicated you are to your goal and how willing you are to achieve it! "That would be telling, wouldn't it?" She slipped her staff off from her back and into her right hand as lightning flared to life across her body.

"Would you like to test my claim?"


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"Hehe, quit complimenting me. It's embarassin'." Despite her body's state, she talked as cheerfully as ever. If it wasn't for the tired, beaten look in her eyes, you'd swear she was as fine as ever.  She could hardly move her torn limbs, and the vice grip caused her to hack some blood. "Jesus...  talk about a letdown. Welp, at least my parent's ain't here to be disappoint."

Her skin burned and crumbled away, revealing a tar-black hound held by the throat instead, littered with wounds. Sheesh, fucking christ. Now she was all naked, that creepy old bastard must've been having a field day right now. Oh well, she did her best. Time to do better next time, if there'd be one.

"Oh. You should probably pack her somewhere. Poor girl might get a sunburn." Her glowing eyes shifted to the green mess Orianna was holding. "Shove her up your ass or something if you can't help it. Not like I care."


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka shook her head.  "I enjoy challenges, but I dislike senseless violence.  I don't see any reason to attack you, nor you to me.  Therefore, there is no reason to fight."

Umbra of Chaos

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"It isn't really senseless, is it? You don't want people to die and you're too stubborn to just do as I say all the time so I don't. That means you have to sight me at some point. Shouldn't you get a taste now first?" The air stank of chaos, of something sick and hateful.

Arch-Magos Winter

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Olga Marie

“Of course it’s alright!” Olga laughed merrily. “Why would I have any issues with that?” Olga wrapped her arms around Saber’s neck and boldly pulled herself close to her servant. She seemed quite content with their current situation and was even softly humming a merry tune as they walked along. She was just so happy their weird hiccup seemed to be done and dealt with.

Then, some disheveled man very rudely bumped into them in his rush to get into… an alley. Was he going to buy drugs or eat from the trash or some other insidious behavior? She hoped it was just some sort of shortcut. If he was just a commoner she’d probably have curtly accepted his apology and quickly moved on. However, she could tell that this man was a mage of some ability, judging from the amount of mana swirling around him. As such, Olga was willing to give him a bit more face. Also the alcohol and events under the table at the restaurant had put her in an exceptionally good mood.

Olga cleared her throat, and with only slightly rosy cheeks, graciously accepted his apology. “It’s no problem, just be more careful next time. We’re both fine. How about you?”

"Excuse my partner's odd behaviour. She's drunk and doesn't know where's she's going." Saber gave him a curt bow alongside her apology. She pried her Master away not wanting to have her literally hang off her in the middle of a conversation.

"But yes I hope you're not inconvenienced by the unfortunate circumstances."


"I am quite fine, thank you. Though I must say, you two cut quite a pair," the planeswalker said. Trivek nodded at Saber, shuffling out of the way a little bit. She was quite fascinating, in several regards, especially considering she seemed to be entirely composed of mana. "Are you her familiar? Or are you just friends. I'm quite curious - I haven't seen anything as stunning as you in quite a long time."

Only Niv-Mizzet's closet had possessed anything as unexpected as this woman - and quite possibly even that wasn't as dangerous as she could potentially be. He had to find out more. Trivek pulled out his notebook and started sketching.


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"I suppose not," Medaka agreed, a frown still clear on her face.  A slight breeze pushed her hair, allowing it to dance in the soft tension radiating through the earth.  "But I would feel more comfortable if we make some rules for this little skirmish.  I don't want either of us to die."

Umbra of Chaos

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"Rules? Rules?!? You don't understand me at all, Meddy! I don't care about rules. Instead I'll give you a condition. If you bore me I'll just take all my boredom out on some lonely random people instead!" She slipped her staff off her back and held it in one hand.

"Besides, we're both tough girls. Don't worry about it."


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Medaka's hair flashed red.  This girl was reminding her a bit too much of Kumagawa.  "In that case, perhaps the most sensible option is to incapacitate you," she said, starting a slow march towards the girl.  It was best to approach with caution, see if she was the type to make the first move or not.  Then, she could choose the appropriate battle style.  If she doesn't move at all, then all the better.

Umbra of Chaos

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"Now that's the spirit!" She pointed the end of the staff at the approaching girl as a sandstorm exploding into existence at its end. The directed gale of wind and sand could bash cars into balls and shred them apart in a moment.


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"Oh, it is getting lively in here! My charisma is just overflowing~"

Nero took a small twirl, grabbing the bikini from the store clerk's hand with her left while testing the changeling's rear end's firmness with her right.

"Indeed, this is quality merchandise! Now for this swimsuit... it feels strangely familiar?"


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The young vampire leaped from wall to wall, climbing higher and higher until she found a ledge to hang onto.  With one swift movement, she tore off the piece of ledge and chucked it at the girl with enough velocity to kill an average human.  Then, she used the wall to leap into the air closing the distance between the two.  Once they were in close range, this battle would be hers.

Umbra of Chaos

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Set's eyes tracked the other girl's movements with ease. Was that what she was playing at? She giggled. "Too easy, Meddy! You're making this too easy!"

The cleric of chaos simply raised her hand and staff together. From each end a sandstorm was unleashed, a pair of whirling sand and forceful wind. Could she escape? Would Medaka be able to change her direction suddenly enough to dodge?!? Set was at the verge of biting her nails in anticipation.


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It seemed the girl had underestimated her.  Perhaps she was serious when she called her dumb earlier.  She landed on the rock with an unnatural amount of skill.  Unfortunately, the sandstorm was too fast and she and the rock was sent flying.  The pebble disintegrated from the force, while her body was covered in dense bruises and cuts.  Just as she was about to clear the roof of the alley, she grabbed hold of the ledge, using her abs to rotate her body onto the roof, out of the girl's line of sight.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2017, 02:53:20 AM by yinsukin »


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The construction site was abandoned for some time, and formerly housed a gang. Weeded out, all of its history faded into obscurity, and it became little more than a convenient territory for the man in question. It was apparently meant to have been a building at one point, but the labor never finished. All that proved its existance were unfinished floors, walls and steel pillars and rows hanging ominously, a testament of human engineering.

And at the top, standing over a metal beam held by a crane reaching up to the pinnacle of the undone tower, he stood as proud as ever, the closest to the heavens he had been in a while. He held out his arms to the side, like a preacher singing and welcoming her into his heart. She was to reach the pinnacle of this tower, and he was to stop her. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Come, I await you!" He called to her, a proclamation that would ready his spirit as much as hers.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2017, 03:33:13 AM by francobull3 »


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Molly giggled in response to his boisterous challenge. Unlike him her spirit seemingly wasn't roused as she slowly started ascending the unfinished tower the normal one. Floor by floor she slowly went up, humming an upbeat tune as she practically skipped onwards.

He probably expected her to rush up as fast as she could. But this was not a game speed it was one of patience one in which she held all the advantages. She finally reached the highest point that could be reached normally after what seemed light eternity. As if to further mock her opponent Molly was more focused on admiring the view from such a high altitude, it truly was a sight to behold.

But alas she had come here for a purpose. All of this wasn't by mere chance it was all part of a calculated plan. The goal was to reach the top, but it wasn't said anywhere that she couldn't reverse it.

Thus with a gleeful smile she picked up an abandoned pipe from construction work that was lying around and gathering dust. The satisfactory feeling of her Nen reaching out and enveloping it was followed by a well placed throw aimed right at the construction cranes' metal wire that was holding up the support beam.