Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98598 times)


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"Sure, sure."  He said nonchalantly as he shoved the fish inside her throat, blocking whatever dumb words may come out of her mouth and replacing them with the fresh taste of raw tuna. "Don't worry, I'll make sure the paperwork has all the t's crossed and all the i's dotted. I'll even make them all nice and pretty, just so you can feel like you're looking right at a mirror when you're doing the thing."

"Oh, whoops." He finally let go when he realized, for quite a while, what he had done so absentmindedly. Or maybe he knew all along.


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Once again, Medaka flashed her fangs and said, "No drinking blood is real.  However, I still feel a bit insecure about drinking from strangers.  I can be a bit... impulsive when it comes to drinking blood."

She gave the girl an outstretched hand and a forthright smile.  "My name is Medaka Kurokami, a half vampire."


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"I wouldn't be surprised if he meant that literally." Jeanne commented to keep up appearances. It certainly looked like that might judging by the look of the game itself.

"Did you enjoy it? She asked Sakura after a littl pause.


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"Sometimes?  So if you do badly in some of the mini-games or if you hit certain spaces, Bowser will punish you.  Sometimes it means the board gets messed up," he said, trying to correct himself.  He wasn't the best at explaining games on the fly like this.  When he saw her blushing, his eyes widened a bit.

Oh shit she's blushing! He shifted in his seat, raising the leg facing her to block his rising cock.  Of course, that left it more open for Jeanne, but it was a risk worth taking.  I knew I should have jacked off last night!  Indeed, he had done nothing but spend his time with women way out of his league.  It was no wonder it wasn't going away.

"D-don't worry, it will make more sense when we start playing."  With that being said, he began his turn, rolling the dice that appeared on screen.  He actually got pretty far, an eight on his first turn.  Unfortunately, he did not land on any effect tiles.  "So once you two are done with your turns, we will play a minigame."


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Sakura Matou

Sakura glanced down down at his erection and quickly glanced back up at Joe. She was blushing, but she also smiled reassuringly at him with a comforting expression, as if to tell him it was ok and that she didn't mind. He didn't have to hide it. She still didn't say anything verbally to give him an out if he was to embarrassed about it, though. "Bowser's the big bad turtle, right?" She turned to Jeanne. "We better watch out for him. We can't let Joe beat us just because we're new players!"

Sakura then nodded. "Mhmmn, I think I do! It means he's interested in me, right? How was he when he groped you, was he gentle?" Sakura sounded avidly interested in the topic, far more than she was in the game.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2017, 06:41:13 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Olga Marie

The teen blushed and began to fidget, the redness in her cheeks contrasting with her otherwise pale complexion. She looked at Saber helplessly, then at Trivik. Saber had really thrown her under the bus hardcore! She didn't know if this place had foodstuff, it almost certainly didn't! It'd been an abandoned warehouse until earlier today!
"Well, unfortunately, we just moved in here, and we don't have any food right now. I could give you some gold to buy some for yourself later, though!" Olga cursed Saber under her breath in dismay. She felt bad not being able to reward Trivik the way he'd asked her to. It was terrible hospitality.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The Godslayer shook her head sadly. Grigori didn't have a clue about what she was missing out on. It was pretty sad, so young yet so unwilling to try new things, you'd never broaden your horizons that way. "You're the one.... missing out on.... nature's utmost delight." Lizzie chewed between every other word, clearly taking great delight in the consuption of the dragon's meat.

Still the fact she could reanimate a dragon was of somewhat noteworthy, so when Lizzie finished her meal she asked her what it was for. "What were you planning ot use the skeleton for exactly? I hope it's not part of some underhanded scheme."


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"Then I'd advise to not try anything. Even so close I could set off a magical spell that'd take us both down in desperation." Anastasia mentioned in a matter-of-fact tone. It's as if she didn't care about a mutual loss as long as if it was also enemy's loss. Probably saying that would ward off almost anyone from attempting anything like trying to drink her blood. The fact that she didn't raise the voice in a threat and just said it with her normal tone of voice was also quite unsettling.

"Anyway, a half-vampire? That's a new too. Will you speak in riddles or explain what's the deal with you, then?" She didn't accept her hand, just picked up the topic and continued to scrutinize her.


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The dark mage waved of her accusations of him being a coward, they meant very little to him. "It's called resource management, it's far more efficient to appear here like this. This way I can also tell if it's worth my time, and I can see now any such activity would be a complete waste. What a dissapointment." With those words the silouette of the mage disappeared into the shadows, leaving this world forever and ever.

That had been enlightening. He'd have to file her under future considerations, it was quite clear to him that she wouldn't pose any threat to his plans for the near future. There were more urgent matters to attend to now anyway, the time was now nigh. The birds had sung and all the pieces was in place. With that the wizard saint headed out to deliver unto the world his justice, the first strike and also the last. No more and no less.


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Relius Clover

A voice echoed from the darkness, answering her fearful taunt.  "I suppose you are not wrong.  Peeling back the layers of the soul is so...troublesome when you must wait to ask for permission.  I prefer a more....forceful approach."

For a moment, the darkness was silent.  However, it didn't take long for the scientist to speak once more.  "I see this mask has some personal significance to you and it seems to incur a sort of metamorphosis in humans.  Now, lets see what it does to you..."

Even before he finished speaking, the effect had already started.  All of her senses would be decided to reliving that moment when the mask was fist donned.  Every single emotion would be brought to the forefront and enhanced even beyond the potency of that day.  Only then, would he see the true potential of that mask.


What do you... the question died in the back of her mind as a wave of nostalgia assaulted her. The emptiness was replaced then with a growing rush of emotions and thoughts, and as the current painted the bleak darkness, Irene was dragged down it like an out-of-control train. Down the tracks, grinding, the path of her memories screeching into the shadow and the fire that awaited outside of the tunnel, until the intersection that collapsed her engine and turned it inside out.

The blood of an abusive criminal doused her hands with satisfaction and anxious resolve. The hardened but conflicted gaze of her aide felt like daggers at her flank, and yet she covered her face with the cold, repugnant mask of smooth, carved stone, feeling it unnaturally settle upon her features. She felt a moment of hesitation, an accusation ringing like a preacher in her ears that it was cowardice and not virtue, though its warnings were overcome by the rational, tired cynic deeper in them. And then she ran her stained fingers down the front of that man-made face, placing a streak of sticky crimson down its expressive, sneering form.

Its eyes flashed with light that knew no kinship nor sympathy as it whirred near-imperceptively, and hooks like the fangs of the devil sprung from its side. Like cruel twin tridents, the mask stabbed through her skull, piercing into her brain. It reached the key points of its workings, for an instant setting all of her nerves aflame with the consuming heat of molten cooper being poured into form, and in that moment her cognitive limitations expanded tenfold. A shrill scream that might have been a roar broke free from her throat, baptizing her rebirth.

There was no pain. No agony. There was only an extreme, soul-wrenching jubilation of want and self-hunger that inchoated through every fiber of her unrestrained being. She had seen the result of this mask, the suffering it had wrought, the power it held... and she had feared it and reeled in disgust, and now she understood - and not merely rationalized - why there those who would envy it.

The entirety of her body broke through the limiters imposed on it by the shackles of evolution, cursing her very essence in the process. But now she was irreversabily, impossibly, inherently beyond humanity, and no part of her could find it in herself to weep for the fact, at least in that moment of drunken transformation.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2017, 11:48:40 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Ah, what a shame. It looked like he was one step too late and got beat to it. He disliked ganging up on opponents he could enjoy fighting himself, it was the sort of tactic reserved for weaklings. Disappointing. Well, at least the two cuties got to show off, so honestly he couldn't complain. Avenger looked like she were having a blast already for one.

"Phew~" He whistled, marveled by her power. Such power over fire was not something a halfhearted woman with no spine could achieve. No, the desire to destroy and ravage were only second to the hate seeping from her beam of fire. In that way, she truly was an avenger spirit, one he had to tip his hat to in respect. Then there was the other woman, using her monstrous strength with laughable ease herself.

If the circumstances hadn't been like this, he would have honestly liked to clash against them one on one. Bah, this was fine too. Although he couldn't just stand there idly and watch from the sidelines like a craven cur, now could he? They were three, and there were three of his foolish comrades. Plenty of fodder to play with for each of them until their hearts were satisfied.

Then, they'd probably go clothes shopping, or steal them. Yes. This sounded more and more like a plan he could approve.

So with that, he broke down his mount into its prime component, a brilliant flame that enveloped his legs only to send him flying off over the roof like a coiling tornado of flame he stood upon, only for him to land as gracefully as a feather right in front of the metal man, arms folded back behind his head in a relaxed manner.

« Last Edit: December 03, 2017, 05:52:59 AM by francobull3 »


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"Yes, indeed! I am glad you can see the magnifficence in these golden halls of mine, i have not misudged you!"

Puffing out her immense chest even further in pride, the little woman seemed to exude warmth like the sun while her erect nipples not so subtly began sticking out of the thin piece of cloth despertely trying to contain them. Taking the headpat with almost a cat-like purring, she wallowed in the praise coming from the two other divine beauties.

"I hope to see more of your forte, as well~"

With that the blonde pointed toward the vines robbing all kinds of sounds from Rider's lips.


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Ryu: Backstory (Skipable information)

"I'm sorry Ryuji," a soft voice said, dropping a piece of paper on his table.  "You have failed all of the tests.  Don't worry though, you get to go home today."

The young blond kid glanced up at his teacher, tilting his head at her words.  "I get to go home?  But I have only been here an hour!"

The woman sighed, her eyes twinkling with pity.  "We just had you come in today to do some tests to see how we can help you.  We don't normally do this, but we are going to recommend to your parents that you are taken out of school."

Ryuji kept his head down as he was escorted out of the room, unable to fully grasp the meaning of her words.  The hallways were dark, a result of a poweroutage.  He wasn't paying attention to that.  All he could think about was how he failed the first grade.


The moment the energy clashed, one thought erupted in his mind.  She can block that?! he thought as he watched both attacks dissipate.  The second the energy was gone, fiery stakes priced his body, skewering his limbs and torso.  "Ugh!"

He summoned up what little strength he had, channeling all of his ki into his body to destroy the fire, similar to how his own ki was canceled out by her fire.  Then, he redirected the flow of ki to his legs, preparing to make the leap as ordered.


Oh godamn it, Parker thought as he saw that girl lift an elephant over her head.  However, this kind of attack made it much easier to follow through with the plan.  He held his arms in front of him, forming an X block.  Then, his arms blended together, morphing into a shield.  Even with his shield up, he could feel a sharp sting run through his body as the elephant threw him into a nearby building.  If the girl was looking carefully, she would see one or two men jump up from weird hiding spots in the store and run out of the way.

Meanwhile, Parker transformed part of his shield into a spring and used it to shoot himself off of the rounded skin of the elephants back, allowing him to get out of the way of the giant creature before the elephant could sandwich him between a wall and its enormous mass.  Of course, he still hit a wall, but it hurt a lot less.


Honestly, he expected elites, not whatever these sadistic creatures were.  However, the plan was worth executing all the same, though he knew it would not work to the same effect.  He turned on a video feed in his head, recording everything he saw.  He had fashioned all of the men who were here with radio comminiction devices linked directly to his system, allowing him to communicate with them easily.  If it got really bad, he also had a line straight to the boss.

As the pirate made his way into the sky, men lined up on the rooftops, rpgs hoisted over their shoulders.  Of course, these were not ordinary rpgs, but enchanted ones, enhanced with the boss's magic.  Not only did they hit way harder than a regular rpg, but the wielder could steer the missiles with their minds.  All it took was one command for them to fire.

"Now," Jones ordered.

A hail of rockets came down from the rooftop, littering the air above them with deadly missiles.  Around 60% were aimed at and around the woman who attacked Ryu, while the 40% went towards the girl who attacked Parker.  Knowing full well that the obvious tactic was to destroy the missiles, Jones also prepared another surprise.  He hacked a facility that is working on self driving cars.  By working through the accounts of the top employees, he managed to gain remote access to those cars, linking their driving system to his mind.  They were already on their way, intending to come from the side where there was no car barrier just as the rpgs struck the ground.  Over a dozen cars would fill the streets, making it impossible to dodge by staying on the ground.

The original purpose of the car barrier was to give the self driving cars something to crash into.  However, they ruined that plan when they broke through the barrier.  Ah well, a bit more property damage isn't the end of the world.

With all of that done, he turned to the pirate.  "Hello again," he said with a smile and a wave.  "I am relived you listened.  If you hadn't, this entire plan would have fallen apart.  The boss told me to trust you here, so I did."

« Last Edit: December 03, 2017, 05:16:01 PM by yinsukin »


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"Aww, how sweet of her." He quipped in his usual aloof cheer, and as he said that, something incredible happened. The rockets pouring down on the battlefield like rain slowed down, the fire propelling them shifted and turned and burst, launching them one against the other in a spectacular fashion. Explosions clouded the area above the four before descending on the ground as measly burning debris shining like fireworks, but not a single explosive hit mark.

The blast of these many explosives reverberated and caused the mage to lose balance, falling over on his hand and knee. It didn't take a genius to tell the rumbling mass of mana that caused this, and where it came from in the first place.

"I see! You dealt with the small-fry hoping to lure the big fish into a trap. You sly dog, that is a sweet plan if I ever heard of one. Sadly, I can't let you get a chance to see it through."

He couldn't help but be disappointed, disappointed that he had been left in the dark about this, but more than ever disappointed to tell that this was the extent of his lord's ambition.

"Is boss really so cowardly she can't afford to face them herself?" He told Jones flatly, the traces of joking pleasantness all gone from his voice.

How do you fare, Avenger?
« Last Edit: December 03, 2017, 06:44:29 PM by francobull3 »


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The hunter steadily advanced on him, his pleas meant nothing to her, He had sealed his fate the moment he had sullied her precious uniform. The crows bwgan scattering as police sirens could be heard in the distance approaching them. "No. You will pay for this. Pay with the one thing you still can." Her voice was rough almost hissing now.