Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98556 times)


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The dark mage waved of her accusations of him being a coward, they meant very little to him. "It's called resource management, it's far more efficient to appear here like this. This way I can also tell if it's worth my time, and I can see now any such activity would be a complete waste. What a dissapointment." With those words the silouette of the mage disappeared into the shadows, leaving this world forever and ever.

That had been enlightening. He'd have to file her under future considerations, it was quite clear to him that she wouldn't pose any threat to his plans for the near future. There were more urgent matters to attend to now anyway, the time was now nigh. The birds had sung and all the pieces was in place. With that the wizard saint headed out to deliver unto the world his justice, the first strike and also the last. No more and no less.


Elizabeth snorted at the small man with small ambitions as his projection disappeared. She would have to keep an eye on him. Being able to fool her was no easy feat. She didn't like being fooled. Plus he was decently strong, for a human. But first, she had business to take care of. The girl made sure to maintain the spell she'd cast on him, making sure he could only be attracted to her. If nothing else she'd blueball him until he came crawling to her begging for forgiveness. The girl sauntered over to the unconscious man in the corner of the room and began her work...


Finally, the girl emerged from the pit once more, her basic preparations complete. Those weak willed men had been nothing to her, but at least her hunger had been sated. The girl looked up at the darkening sky.

"Now what to do..." She said to nobody in particular. She stretched her wings and burst upwards into the sky.

Freedom really did feel great.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"I'm afraid you might be slow on uptake or just screwing with me. The man to whom you sold your soul. I won't repeat myself again." She wasn't the best at this interrogation thing, but she continued to pressure for answers.


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Ryu: Backstory (Skipable)

The sound of hustle and bustle filled the city streets.  The sound of cars whistling by, the chatter of people on their phones and the thunderous claps of shoes hitting the ground.  It was only natural that no one would notice or care for the blond man sitting hunched over in front of a police station, balling his eyes out in a low pitched wail.

“Stupid cops!  I can read!  I can add and subtract AND multiply! 2x2=.....4 9x9=....82!”

“It’s actually 81,” a voice interrupted him.  He raised his head to glance at the voice that interrupted his venting.  The moment he wiped the tears obscuring his vision, his broken frown evolved into a jealous scowl. It was a tall black haired man.  He looked like a model with how handsome he was.  He was standing next to a curvaceous blond dressed in a sleeveless shirt and tight jeans.

“I knew that!” he yelled defensively. Some of the pedestrians turned their heads to see what was going on.  Others simply rolled their eyes, or snickered at the outburst.

“Uh huh…” Parker retorted, averting his eyes.  Meanwhile, the blond’s eyes seemed to be fixated on him for some reason, looking at the station before returning to him. “So I figure they didn’t let you become an officer?”

The tears flowed, running down his face even faster than before.  “I..I jus-t want-ed to do something with my life!  I’m not smart, so I thought I could use my strength, be hero you know!  Heroes don’t have ta read or take stupid math tests!”

Even through the blurry vision created by his tears, he could faintly make out a hand.

“Then why don’t you become a villain?” Hazel said with a smile.  “No one can stop you from being a bad guy right.”

Ryu (Important)

Ryu kept his eye on the woman the entire time.  Even before she shot forward, an electrical aura charged in his body, preparing him to deal with her next attack.  He placed his arms in front of his face in an X block, jumping slightly to curl him self into a ball.  However, it was no ordinary X block.  His palm was intentionally sagging, open and ready to fire off another ki blast.  A large ball of energy flung from his hands, fully prepared to counter the blast.  Although it still resulted in the girl breaking his wrist and sending him flying into the wall.

Meanwhile, the cars were getting close.  The feint headlights were reflecting off of the girl's armor.


The roar of the engine was the only thing keeping Hazel sane.  She much preferred to handle things like this herself, but Jones insisted it would be much better for her to enter the battle later, after the initial strike had succeeded to maximize the chaos.  However, it seemed like things were not going according to plan.  Hazel shot forward, her form blurring as she broke through the windshield.   She reached out, prepared to grab any part of the girl's body that made itself available.

Your dead.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2017, 11:51:57 PM by yinsukin »


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They shouldn't just spoil everything, it was better to let everything run it's course. Which is why Jeanne didn't give a real response response to Sakura's question. "Maybe you will find out." Ambigous answers could also lead to the other person becoming more curious which fell in line with her ultimate goal.

"I don't think you can roll higher than that Sakura." Jeanne finally spoke out loud after her period of silence.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2017, 03:49:33 PM by Bern »


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No, not again....

The Godslayer approached Grigori with a threatening stride, her features chill as ice itself. A massive feeling of dread washed over the clearing. It was a call for death, to be pulled down and never return. The culmination of an instinct that had built over millenia upon millenia of fighting, of suffering.

"Did... You say humans?" Lizzie's voice tore through her like the sharpest of blades and swept over her like the roughest of waves.

Umbra of Chaos

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She blinked at the sudden reaction, her face stoney at the change in atmosphere. "It is far from an uncommon practice in my world. Considering the powers and magic that can be at play, being able to restore the flesh and blood to a body allows a surety in the identities of victims. It is also often used when the corpse has been mangled. Restoring at least the flesh to it so that it can be buried whole is also rather normal."


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"Hey, hey! I didn't plan to bump into you guys, if you just ran no one would've had to die." The pirate put a hand on his hip and pouted, as if unconcerned by the whole thing.

Sorry, but no. This definitely wasn't what he signed up for. Its not that he minded the methods. Hell, he was fine with waging a war for the sake of war, as long as the opponent was worthy. Its not that he couldn't be selfless, but it had to be for a cause he could get behind. This just happened not to be one of them.

"If you were trying to send this city to ruin, then I gotta say you're working it like a charm. Feels real good aiming for people beneath you, doesn't it?" He sneered coldly, mocking his so called comrades's cowardice ruthlessly. "Disgusting. Real stars don't need to drag others down to shine. It was painful to know you, farewell."

And as he spat his venom, flames spewed out of his coat, enveloping the rooftop in a blanket of flames, a veritable inferno more akin a burning sea than mere fire. The concrete began to melt as soon as it made contact with the burning magic. There were few worldly substances could boast being able to escape unscathed from his direct assault.


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She said nothing, merely continuing her advance as the blaring sirens drew ever loser. When the leaf hit the ground she kicked into motion, rushing right at him like a total maniac.

"You're mine, mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine, all mine."

Her hand was going straight for his throat so she could choke the life right out of him.


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"And do you use this for other acts, such as raising the dead against their will and forcing them to march on for whims?" Lizzie kept moving until she was right in Grigori's face
 Even if the fact she as half a head shorter lessened her threatening stance.

"I wouldn't like killing you Grigori. But don't be mistaken, that doesn't mean I wouldn't do it if I had to." She frowned yet stayed determined to see this through, to test the resolve of the other girl.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2017, 03:16:00 AM by Bern »

Umbra of Chaos

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She let out a derisive snort. "I enslave nothing. Do you know how troublesome it would be to cast such magic? The enemies I would make by binding a soul to a carcass just to puppet it about? At worst I make use of empty bones and skin. And even then, my experiments are voluntary."
« Last Edit: December 05, 2017, 06:25:59 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Relius Clover

The scientist continued to search through the cervices of the soul, going over each detail of the soul with painstaking detail.  He took peices from her memories, extrapolating on them, her anguish coming together like pieces of a puzzle.  Perhaps the most interesting facet of her soul was the sheer strength of it, the ability to avoid the gradual erosion of time.

It appears my hypothesis was wrong.  The power did not corrupt her soul.  Instead, it simply formed a few cracks....

There are times in everyone's life where dark thoughts take over, overwhelm the mind.  Everyone has their own way of enduring them.  For some they repress those thoughts, seeking to avoid their problems and distract their minds.  Others argue with themselves, using a cold logical edge to combat the burning nature of negative thought.  In her case, he would bring those memories to the surface, make those thoughts overwhelming.  By the end of this he would find his answer.

What is the true nature of your soul?


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It seemed like her answers were only infuriating the girl.  Perhaps a more comprehensive explanation would satisfy her.  "I once asked a man to revive someone I hold dear in exchange for part of my soul.  He took the soul, but never revived my friend.  However, when I went to look for him, he seemed like a different person, someone far stronger, with a cold warrior spirit.  The reason for my half vampire state is because he is keeping my soul."


Joe felt his face swell with blood.  Shoot, im way too antsy, he thought to himself, trying to keep himself in check.  Wait.. its Jeanne's turn!  Maybe if I divide my attention, it will keep me from doing anything stupid again.

"Don't worry, I don't mind," he said, using the opportunity to lean to the other side to help Jeanne.  It was probably best to treat her like someone who never played video games.  "So just press this button right here."  He pointed at the A button on the controller.  Once he was done, he glanced back at the screen.

I know its just the start, but there is something wrong about the newbie already getting ahead of me on the first turn.

Once they got the game going, maybe he could start chatting over the game.  They didn't seem all too interested in it for whatever reason.


The more he looked at the maid girl, the sweeter the sound of those sirens sounded.  The thought of dealing with cops was much less complicated than whatever was going on here, unless they had some hot sadistic cop with super powers.

Oh jeeze, I am REALLY happy I got off the ground.  If she went all nuts like that on me when I was on the pinned, i'd be screwed, he thought as a pink aura flared up around his body, granting his body her superior strength, speed and durability.  He took a casual side step backwards, swiping the arm to the side with a frown.

"You know, I think the scariest thing about this whole thing is that i'm enjoying this."  Indeed, he could still feel the stiffness down below.  Hopefully it would go away as things heat up.  "Oh and don't bother trying to fight me if you don't want to tangle with the cops.  I have all of your powers."

Megan/Sera (soft retcon)

Sera moved to call a security guard, moving out of the store.  If she had stayed, she might have been killed, or worse, lost all the people closest to her.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2017, 03:05:05 AM by yinsukin »


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The maid's eyes got stars in them as she let herself be pulled along with his swipe completely and ended up pushing her exposed breasts against his nice muscular chest.

Dealing with the police did bother her but not in the sense he was clearly thinking. all they'd amount to was ruining the mood completely and she wouldn't have that, no not all.

She looked up at him, amused that he was still trying to act so though but otherwise she didn't appear threatening anymore. "Or how about you save me from the cops and then I'll reward you~"


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The movement was met with surprisingly little resistance.  In fact, she managed to move her body to press against his own, her breasts rubbing up against his chest.  Shit that felt good.. he thought, his bulge twitching with approval.

He lowered his eyes at her, taking a step back just to be safe.  "Uh huh," he said, his voice seeming to evaporate into a dry groan.  "I may be impulsive and horny, but im not dumb.  Didn't you just try to choke me?"

The suiren's were getting really close now.  He would have to make a decision.

Cherry Lover

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Rider continued to moan as even more vines wrapped around her breasts, squeezing them roughly as the other two girls talked. She could tell that the blonde girl was proud of her creation and, judging by the way her nipples were poking out of the cloth, pretty aroused, too.

Now that they were in this world, there was nothing stopping the two girls from having their wicked way with her. The thought of them dominating her, using her, hurting her was such a turn-on. Her panties were absolutely drenched with her juice.

"Y..yes, please, Emily", she said in response to the blonde's statement, desperately wanting more. "Show me what you can do with these tendrils."