Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 52498 times)


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"If you disappoint me, I'll be the garbage woman. And define going easy." Her definition of going easy was still more than majority of people could handle. "I think it's medium difficulty now if I don't try much."

Her opponent was a swordsman, hence she decided to try first how hard it was to disarm him. Maybe even literally if his arm wouldn't withstand what she planned to do. She threw a 'light' punch (by her own standard) in Raikou's direction, but instead of hitting the guy directly she used her internal energy to generate something akin to air pressure, aiming to knock out the sword with a powerful gust of 'wind'.


  • The God Tongue
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"W-whaaaaaa!!!" The helpless pirate cried out when he was suddenly, and without any warning, launched away with what he could only describe as a super gorilla strength. He was shooting away with fantastic speed, something that would honestly cause anyone reasonable to panic.

Damn, she was strong. Was this the sort of power that all gods had?

In that case, he had to be stronger than a God. Hahahaha!

The burning pirate used powerful jets of flame to reposition himself, soaring the air like a majestic fiery bird, drawing burning shapes in the sky as magnificent as they were simplistic. By that he meant, a shape, which was that of a burning heart directed at all ladies in the world. By soaring he also meant, temporarily losing control of his trajectory and desperately trying not to land face-first in the dirt.

Eventually, he landed on a tall sort of tower and gave his audience a kiss with a magnificent pose that did manage to draw some applause.

The kids must've thought he was a performer of sorts, and well, they wouldn't be entirely wrong!

"Phew~" He sighed when he realized all his bones were in place. "Fine, you win!" He ceded to the two ladies, they were just too strong for him. Tactical retreat, or well, advance, considering he closed the distance in a remarkably short time by using that same fiery boost.

"So, how about we try the rides already?" He asked the two as he finally landed back where he came from.

Umbra of Chaos

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There were dangers. Yet all of them were irrelevant. It was already in action. "...on a white horse, and she comes conquering and to conquer." And she shone white like a miniature sun.

Ice fully formed closed in. And the White Rider fired a single arrow before her and charged. Where the arrow struck a brilliant pillar of light bloomed, carving straight up into the sky as Victory sped forwards. The attacks fizzled when they struck the pillar, but the Rider's horse leaped straight through it without concern.

The light of glory radiated off of her, as if each point on her crown was a star. Victory trotted slowly as Conquest smiled, her radiance blistering. "Haven't you children learned? You can't kill the Messiah."


  • Moon Cancer
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"Wow, that was a really strong shove. Again, looks like you ain't bluffing about being a goddess." The werewolf admitted. She wondered if she had any drawback to that, just like the werewolf's strongest form had certain catches to it. Honestly Lorenzo deserved some praise for not crashing to the ground, but she'd just keep silent about that. Bullying skeletons like him was simply fun. "Yeah. Hopefully they're automated and you didn't scare off the crew that is perhaps supervising it."

She could witness from that far how some people started leaving the park to avoid a trouble. A very prudent choice, honestly.


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"Relax, such a cold look doesn't suit your face. You'll have your fun in a bit, but time is of the essence."

The giant wasted no time and knelt over the corpse to check its pulse. Dead huh? Well, it was about time. Idiots that didn't know when to drop dead were the most irritating of them all. But its body was pretty interesting, maybe he should keep a sample. They could still make use of its genes at least.

So he grabbed the beast's head and, once that was taken care of, got back up and kicked the useless corpse out of his way. "We have to go. Can you use that sensing ability of yours to find a clear way?"


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His eyes widened behind the tinted lenses, but his arm swung down diagonally in an instant. The black sword scattered the wind with a choked whistle, making Raikou's hair and clothes whip up as dust flew.

Whoa now.

The hybrid clicked his teeth into a smirk, and while the feeling of the shockwave was still running up his arm, he rushed in with a sweeping strike.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2017, 11:42:09 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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"Maybe I should have used my sword..." She responded to Salmon while Lorenzo was busy flying around. The skeleton did eventually return though. She did however catch the other girl and ruffle her hair for fun. Equal treatment and all that, you have to be a fair goddess.

"That sounds wonderful, but I would require you to carry us both there." She purposely let out the fact she could fly herself, it was the skeleton bully day after all. "Here I think you've earned this after that brilliant show you put up." She moved closer and put the pirate hat back on his head where it belonged.


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The glare only intensified at his words. A step was taken and another one. With almost mechanical precision the maid moved onwards. Her gaze became completely crazed for a second before returning to it's previous state. Then she came to a halt and took a deep breathe, in and out.

"This better be worth it or you're next." That had been close. She'd almost lost control there. With some focus she spread her aura out once more and begun walking down a path to the left.


  • Moon Cancer
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Leo I

What a monster.

Lightning cracked around the man, dancing around the surface of the ground like a hellish storm.  The dust dissipated instantly, as if making room for the warrior.  An intense light worthy of Micheal himself spawned from a tear in space.  In its place, a mighty halberd shone even among the warm tone of the dawn.  In the midst of this visual assault, Leo couldn't help but feel he was fighting the flaming arch angel himself, or at least a weaker version of him.  Somehow, that thought made approaching him feel even more deadly.

In contrast to the demon's flashy display, the pope merely reached into his coat and armed himself with a jewel encrusted knife.  Even with its modest showing, the knife still found a way to glimmer in the morning sun.  He continued along his path, taking a strong step forward every time.  His footing was as strong as his stare.  It was as if he was squaring up to fight someone with every march forward.  However, it was plain to see he was fighting himself.

Anastasia, this battle lies in your hands.  Accept my faith and let your spirit guide you towards the future, he sent to her.  From this moment on, I cast logic aside and let my soul slumber in the cold hands of fate.  God shall be my blanket and you will serve as my pillow.  In my rest, you shall think and I shall dream, for this battle will soon transcend logic itself.

The priest closed his eyes took a deep breath, holding a firm grip on the blade even as his body expanded and contracted.  The wind that left his mouth blew like a powerful gust.  "Amen,"

The strange thing about prayers is that they do not always calm the spirit.  In fact, the priest's soul had never been so restless.  Fear crawled through the surface of his skin and his eyes narrowed with stone faced determination.  Yet his footsteps only became stronger.  The steps that shook the ground rose in magnitude and his stance became even more firm that usual.  In response to the man's declaration, he simply said,

"Both death and life are balanced by god's plan.  Such an arrogant statement will be punished."
« Last Edit: September 21, 2017, 01:35:05 AM by yinsukin »


  • Moon Cancer
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Leo I: Pre clash (Occurs directly after last Lucy post)

For a brief moment, Leo's entire body was filled with rage.  The words echoing through the streets were a blasphemy worthy of Lucifer himself.  He snarled at the girl, for once breaking his heirarchy with his master and issuing the closest thing he ever would to a command.

Purge her, he sent, his thoughts bubbling with rage.

Arch-Magos Winter

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Oka Kurosawa

"Mmm!" Oka made a happy affirmative noise. "I'd say so, anyway. Some people like to disagree." She sounded a bit pouty and annoyed at the fact not everyone agreed with her nomenclature. She thought they were just foolish, personally. They were all obviously pokemon.

"And well I need some now, you know? I don't want to wander around back alleys like this one." Oka had been fidgiting with the little ball he'd given her and finally asked a question about it.

"Why don't you just have a phone? Or try to sell stuff like this if you design it? I'm sure you could live somewhere better than here." She gestured around at the trash and stench around them. She felt like she needed to take an hours long bath and scrub herself clean just to feel nice again. Bluhargh.

"Phone?" He was genuinely puzzled by the word. "I don't know what you're talking about. And I really can't sell what I just made. It's... linked. Relies on a bit of my own magic to keep functioning. So as long as I'm near one of the spheres, it will function. Handy little things, even with their limits."

"Do you have somewhere better I could live then?"


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Vanguard's eyes flashed with genuine scorn, a hatred reserved for those high above their heavenly thrones had been grasped straight at the core by that man. There was no way his somber body of steel and machinery would find any mercy for him.

"Don't you dare speak of fate to me, boy."

Thunder roared blindingly, covering the entirety of his frame and weapon, seemingly morphing it into a mass of lightning more than a physical construct. His blade wept for the taste of that man's neck, a shared sentiment with its one true wielder.

He didn't even bother wasting breath, aside a deathly creaking of mechanical gears there would be no sound from his steps or from his deathly swing.
And then, there was a boom, a radiance of white as blinding as the sun drowned the scenery in all its unholiness. His back was turned, the warrior could not bear witness to the Antichrist's advent. But his heart and soul could feel her all the same, and that was the one thing that meant true. For the first time, he felt true love, the sort that could not expressed in the flesh but through the heart's devotion.
So let it fall down, this obsolete world, and paint it in the brilliant white of the devil himself it it must. He would step over such convictions a thousand times if it meant reaching the throne of heaven and dragging them all down.

Before the man's displayed resolve, before the shine of his blade, the ghost of a smile appeared on the vanguard's face. No, that wasn't right. There was no way such a thing could ever truly smile. His expression was as grave as ever. It only made his charge all the more terrifying. His blade was swung like thunder, the swing's arc impossible and the might and speed unparalleled.

If her light was the signal of the finale, his blade would be the final curtain that would fall upon the world.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2017, 02:23:38 AM by francobull3 »

Cherry Lover

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As soon as the weapon fell from the man's hands, Sakura ordered the shadow familiars to stop attacking. After all, now that he was unarmed and bound, the man was no real threat, and she had no desire to cause someone unnecessary suffering. Nevertheless, when she heard his response, her eyes narrowed.

"Laughing stock with who?" she said, suspiciously.

The way he was acting was certainly very suspicious. She was reasonably sure he was just trying to talk his way out of trouble, rather than being someone who had genuinely needed help. Regardless, she knew she had to hand him over to the police and, so, she used her tendrils to bind his hands behind his back, before wrapping the shadow repeatedly around his body to ensure he was securely restrained. Then, once he was unable to move effectively, she would de-summon the shadow familiars.


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Oka Kurosawa

"Mmm!" Oka made a happy affirmative noise. "I'd say so, anyway. Some people like to disagree." She sounded a bit pouty and annoyed at the fact not everyone agreed with her nomenclature. She thought they were just foolish, personally. They were all obviously pokemon.

"And well I need some now, you know? I don't want to wander around back alleys like this one." Oka had been fidgiting with the little ball he'd given her and finally asked a question about it.

"Why don't you just have a phone? Or try to sell stuff like this if you design it? I'm sure you could live somewhere better than here." She gestured around at the trash and stench around them. She felt like she needed to take an hours long bath and scrub herself clean just to feel nice again. Bluhargh.

"Phone?" He was genuinely puzzled by the word. "I don't know what you're talking about. And I really can't sell what I just made. It's... linked. Relies on a bit of my own magic to keep functioning. So as long as I'm near one of the spheres, it will function. Handy little things, even with their limits."

"Do you have somewhere better I could live then?"

Oka Kurosawa

"I mean, no, but I know you could find some cheapo place or just squat somewhere, you know?" Oka asked uncomfortably. "I'll pay you a fair and reasonable commission for any pokemon you find and sell me, though. With your magical skills you could definitely get a job too!" She pointed at him melodramatically, striking a pose. "Anyway, I need to get going on my search. I'll keep in touch."

And with that, Oka jogged away towards another alley, in her desperate search for a pile of sludge.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Damn, just how was he supposed to say no in the first place? Their combined cuteness alone was on par with war weapons of mass destruction. His flames almost glowed red when she put the hat back on, there was simply no way out of this.

"Hmph. Ask, and you shall receive!" He pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and burnt it high in the air. The flames and sparks flew out and converged before melding into three magnificent two legged birds that seemed like the burning mixture between a chicken and an ostrich, each large enough to carry them at top speed.

"Voila~" He bowed and waved his arm to the loyal steeds.