Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 29673 times)


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Wow, Nep was right. She was kind of a pervert, but it was awfully nice of her to give a lowly pirate like him a show. It was a pretty pleasing view all things considered, the kind of view that brought his finger to his boney cheek so he could ponder on all the things he would be able to do with a brand new body.

He gave Nep an absolutely non-sneaky thumbs up, his head filled with the most impure thoughts you could think of. The foolish demon might be playing with his head, but it was already filled with all sorts of perverted thoughts. One or two more didn't really make a difference to him, or maybe he didn't notice it was being fiddled with because of that in the first place. Both were entirely valid guesses.

"Heh. Well, I can't say no to a cute noble demon like that now can I?" He crossed his arms and allowed himself a pleased laugh before continuing off, honly to hold a finger before her.

"Honestly, I haven't heard a deal this fair in a long while, and I kinda like you. Let's not get too hasty though, I still have one condition."

He took a lithe step towards her and whispered something in her ear, as if hiding some crucial information from an invisible audience. It was... a strange proposal. Not an unusual one, and likely not impossible. But of all the outrageous proposals he could have made, this was different from what someone might expect.

"This isn't too much of a problem, right?" He told her cheerfully, holding out a hand fully ready to shake hers.


Elizabeth's face hardened. "No." She said coldly. "Know your place." Her tone would broach no argument. She pushed him to the ground and glared at him. She was almost having second thoughts from the pure impudence of his request. Her tail swatted the air angrily, but didn't escape from Neptune's grasp just yet. "If you don't make any real suggestions I'm going to decide myself."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Woah woah. Woah woah woah woah woah. Okay, that got ugly really quick. Well, he sort of had it coming, playing his luck like that, but he couldn't help but feel she was being unfair. Who wouldn't at least try to ask something like that? If you looked at it from his shoes, he might never get to ask something like that. Irritable women would be the end of him.Then again he didn't dislike rough mistresses.

"Something that'll stand out and looks appealing will do." He told her frankly. "Maybe something cute looking so girls might want to handle me more nicely. I'll really owe you one for that, big time."
« Last Edit: January 14, 2018, 04:24:33 AM by francobull3 »


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Raikou shook his head under the raw scrutiny of the huge troll. Reaching into his pockets, he summarily left a handful of bills at the table and waved off the stunned bar-goers and employees. "Keep the change," he said, finding his way out the door and after the girl.

He didn't have to walk much to find her, walking loudly over her steps and bellowing for her. "Hey! I don't think we're done."
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Woah woah. Woah woah woah woah woah. Okay, that got ugly really quick. Well, he sort of had it coming, playing his luck like that, but he couldn't help but feel she was being unfair. Who wouldn't at least try to ask something like that? If you looked at it from his shoes, he might never get to ask something like that. Irritable women would be the end of him.Then again he didn't dislike rough mistresses.

"Something that'll stand out and looks appealing will do." He told her frankly. "Maybe something cute looking so girls might want to handle me more nicely. I'll really owe you one for that, big time."


Elizabeth nodded and grabbed him by the neck with her tail, suddenly breaking away from Neptune and lifted him up with it. "Cute huh?" She smirked at him. Enie meenie miney moe, will he be a boy or girl? Which would I like more? Elizabeth came to a conclusion rapidly, and flesh began to grow upon his body all over him, sprouting from nothingness and wrapping itself around his bones. The muscle and sinew quickly overtook his flames, snuffing them out as she bound his soul into her undead construct. She even made sure to construct him all the normal human internal organs so he'd be able to feel like a relatively normal human. She wasn't some hack who only cared about appearances, after all. Of course he'd function fine without it if need be but it'd hurt him a bit. Make him feel uncomfortable.

His face formed and then its form warped, in fact, his entire body did. He'd been a genric humanoid blob with eyes, nose, and a face that was completely unremarkable until this point. His skin color turned darker until his entire body was a nice shade of tan as if he'd just spent ages on the seas or a beach. Breasts blossomed on her chest as her face shaped itself to become distinctly feminine, her new body following along.  The distinctly topless girl was proudly show off to Neptune as she put her down with her very bare and very large breasts. They even surpassed the goddess's own ones by a little bit.

"Tada~" Elizabeth exclaimed with a flourish. "What do you think, my cute little goddess?"
« Last Edit: January 14, 2018, 06:08:53 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Are you ready?" She fired his own question back at him in a more challengng tone than she had held previously as she took her place facing the team of five. No one showed up to help lone blond making it obvious that she would face them alone, yet in spite of that she faced them with an unnatural confidence that was almost frightening to behold.

She suddenly held up three fingers to Joe and then waited for them to make a move.


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What happened was something truly bizarre, something truly out of this world. It took a moment even for her to process what had just happened her face scrunched up in annoyance and a bright white light surrounded her form. It came suddenly and out of nowhere and it completely enveloped Neptune.

But just as briefly as it had appeared did it go away, leaving Neptune looking exactly the same only with an even more annoyed expression. "All out of juice huh..." Snapping out of it, Neptune walked over to the now naked blond girl who used to be her captain.

She was utterly naked, that was the one thing that stood out most, but that put her in a real bind since she had no clothes to give her, not that it would matter with how ridiculous Liz had made her. Neptune sent an annoyed glare the waiting the demon. "Did you really have to make him a girl? And why did you make him bigger than me? It sounded like she took the second question even more seriously than the first.


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"Huh, you don't know her? Maybe your family got separated at some point. Hmmm, it does sound like you were raised in different countries." Anastasia reached another conclusion that seemed to have satisfied her enough to drop the subject. "I'm Anastasia, a mage formerly serving in a military of a kingdom. Currently not employed in any mystical or military sector, but I do have a potential apprentice."


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They weren't cool, and certainly he wasn't full of shit. He certainly he would have his eyes on him, vigilant for any signs of seeking trouble.

"I am not a bounty hunter. I do it because I feel like so, I do not do it for money." He answered firmly and without hesitation. Unless it was for sake of paying off debts, he would rather do odd jobs than kill monsters for money as if he expected some kind of reward for such behavior. Maybe others could do it for a sake of reward, but he did not seek fortune through his exploits. Even his idea of looking for the treasure stemmed more from a concern that it could contain things dangerous in hands of villains. In other words, if he remained in his world and died in his world, he might have become a saint material if not for the secrecy that was vital for his vocation.


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"Spirits reform as long as they're not destroyed within the spirit world, but I guess I'll have to issue an official apology if they take too much casualties from mere scouting." Well, she had a rite for that, just specifically designed to apologize wholeheartedly to fickle spirits. "And they couldn't be traced to me easily since I'm not leaving any imprint on them. I'm summoning beings who are born without my involvement whatsoever and reside within the spirit realm as if it was their native grounds. Unless she has some magic to force questions of such alien creatures, it should be safe."

After her explanations, the werewolf took out a piece of chalk, kneeled down, and started drawing a  summoning circle. What she could use as an offering, hmmmmm. Something shiny, maybe? Without further ado, she took off an earring from her ear, and put it in inside the summoning circle. She chanted softly as she the circle seemed to react subtly to her ministrations. She besought crow spirits to manifest in clouds for the sake of subtlety and relay all they witnessed by dispatching a small messenger that would materialize on her shoulder and whisper to her ear. The golden earring vanished into thin air, as if taken as a sign that the covenant was sealed. It wasn't a cheap earring, to her lament, but she needed to do the job properly.


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He twisted his body impossibly at the last moment, using the stakes as support platform, as if he knew where they would come and where they were aimed and could see them before they came to him. But there were too many, the assault was overwhelming. He managed to avid a fatal strike, but more stakes and flames came. In the end, his body was torn apart and burnt to ashes, along with everything else.

In the end, there was nothing left.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2018, 07:05:24 PM by francobull3 »


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The jump surprised him, as did her weight, but it was fine. What wasn't was the fact the kiss broke off too soon, leaving the demon wanting, needing for more. "Hey.... that is discrimination. For shame." He said, striking her face to uncover the hair off her eyes with one hand while his other roamed her body under her shirt, only to move to her rear passionately. He kissed her again, once, twice, more and more passionately each time, then moved to her neck, going as far as to hold onto her even tighter and tighter. Though he could have used all his strength and hardly caused a scratch, he bit her sensually before whispering.

"Perhaps we should move to somewhere more private?" He said so as if he had an ounce of shame with his reserved voice, but he was already past lovers caresses and had already began touching her more greedily. Fingers stroked her with a gentle but hungry way, moving towards her wanting depths at a glacial pace until she would ask him top pleasure her herself. Perhaps he should just take her here and there.


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"Ah!" The skeleton gasped as he was grabbed so suddenly. For the first time in longer than he could remember, he felt something, and because it was so long ago he couldn't tell what it was. He assumed, since its what he could see, that this sensation was the muscles and organs visibly forming over his body's bones. His sence of balance was shook, and he had a hard time standing for a moment, overwhelmed by the sensations. He could feel the air blowing, the fabric of his coat, the harsh wood  of his ship.

Gasping for air, he drew his first breath, and then another, and after a while he realized he was the one breathing, and that the reason everyone looked so tall was that he had  tripped and fallen on his knees.  This was so much, all at once, he felt the need to take in these sensations slowly. He looked at his tanned arm, touched it. It wasn't as toned as he remembered, but he didn't care. He could feel his arm being touched, and he could feel the sensation of touching it as well.

His chest felt like it was burning,  painfully, in a way no flame of his could ever burn. His expressions shifted incredulously and he grasped his chest in order to feel his heart beating. For a moment, he just focused on that, for the entire time he only focused on that, as if he was in a different world. It was only when he finally noticed Nep and heard her puzzling words that he noticed how soft his chest felt. It was almost like his fingers could sink into it...

Eh? The pirate blinked, oblivious to the fact he was groping himself, but upon the realization he touched his face, and realized that it was wetter than it should be. It was strange, he thought he had forgotten how to cry.

"Haha..hahaha! Oh my god, oh my god! I can't... I love you!" He jumped on the poor demon, oblivious to the fact he was topless, and their bodies and breasts pressed against hers as the pirate held her in a tight hug. "Thank you, thank you!" He began to take deeper, more controlled breaths, smelling  himself and  the air around him, grasping for each sensation as if it were gold.

Umbra of Chaos

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"Oh, you're a mage! What sort of field do you study?" Aurelia suddenly grew interested in the conversation. Her eyes were bright with excitement now, curious about the newcomer.


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"Ah!" The skeleton gasped as he was grabbed so suddenly. For the first time in longer than he could remember, he felt something, and because it was so long ago he couldn't tell what it was. He assumed, since its what he could see, that this sensation was the muscles and organs visibly forming over his body's bones. His sence of balance was shook, and he had a hard time standing for a moment, overwhelmed by the sensations. He could feel the air blowing, the fabric of his coat, the harsh wood  of his ship.

Gasping for air, he drew his first breath, and then another, and after a while he realized he was the one breathing, and that the reason everyone looked so tall was that he had  tripped and fallen on his knees.  This was so much, all at once, he felt the need to take in these sensations slowly. He looked at his tanned arm, touched it. It wasn't as toned as he remembered, but he didn't care. He could feel his arm being touched, and he could feel the sensation of touching it as well.

His chest felt like it was burning,  painfully, in a way no flame of his could ever burn. His expressions shifted incredulously and he grasped his chest in order to feel his heart beating. For a moment, he just focused on that, for the entire time he only focused on that, as if he was in a different world. It was only when he finally noticed Nep and heard her puzzling words that he noticed how soft his chest felt. It was almost like his fingers could sink into it...

Eh? The pirate blinked, oblivious to the fact he was groping himself, but upon the realization he touched his face, and realized that it was wetter than it should be. It was strange, he thought he had forgotten how to cry.

"Haha..hahaha! Oh my god, oh my god! I can't... I love you!" He jumped on the poor demon, oblivious to the fact he was topless, and their bodies and breasts pressed against hers as the pirate held her in a tight hug. "Thank you, thank you!" He began to take deeper, more controlled breaths, smelling  himself and  the air around him, grasping for each sensation as if it were gold.


Elizabeth laughed at the girl's surprising attempt to transform. So she was a goddess after all? Amusing. This piqued her interest greatly. The succubus grabbed Lorenzo's cute face and gave her a hearty kiss to say your welcome. She made sure it felt extra stimulating to drive home the effect of his new body. "I hope our relationship will turn out for the better, young lady." She licked her lips and turned to Neptune. "If you have a problem I can make yours bigger, you know?" She told her as she stepped back and redirected her attention to her. "Neptune, you're an interesting girl. But I don't understand why you have an issue with my masterful craftsmanship. Did you secretly have a crush on him?"

Her tone was teasing, but the slightly condescending and superior glare she'd been giving them both was somewhat muted towards Neptune. Even a weak goddess was a million times higher on the food chain than a lowly human.

"I assume you don't have any problems, Lorrie? This is your last and only chance I'm giving you for tweaks~ Anything more will cost extra." She never turned away to face Lorenzo and continued to take in Neptune. "Of course, you can offer tweaks as well." She told her. Her tail gently swayed behind her as she considered this girl's antics. Truly bizarre.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2018, 10:53:28 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Ohhh, it's really nothing much. I'm just really, really good at creating and manipulating ice and icestorms. And I have some theoretical knowledge about other magic I've picked up while travelling. I can also swing a sword and fire a crossbow and a gun, but that's unrelated. In the end, I'm more of a soldier who is a mage than a mage." Anastasia admitted that without any sense of inferiority. It was simply a fact.

"I assume you're mages too? I don't think a mundane person would be near a source of magic unless it's a sheer coincidence."