You know what, with my lacking in time even without viruses EATING ALL OF MY SHIT and the office whores making me work more than is legal at things that aren't even my job, I'm thinking that it would be more helpful and fair to all parties involved to have Ran and Lawrence fade to black, and give Magos back his character while I futz around with all of my shit miles away from my computer.
Though honestly, with my current shitty schedule (and the reintroduction of work that isn't shoveling(+shoveling)) and gf and my best bro going to paris soon so we have to get wasted every other night and marathon breaking bad on the nights where we don't get wasted, well...
I was considering the idea of dropping out of the RP. Settle the ongoing stuff (namely the banging and Satoshi's arresting and subsequent whatever the fuck), and then stop slowing people down because I'm busy as fuck.
In a perfect world my characters would just sort of be there somewhere and once things die down on my end I could rejoin, but that'd be the GM's call.
If not, then saturday is the only day where I really have a clear schedule and I'd be able to sit down and make an actual post. The other days I'm miles from my computer, and when I get home I'm in bed, or getting ready to go somewhere. This'd really slow things down for whoever's in the room with one of my characters though, which'd suck for them.