"Aye, that'll work, lass," Lancer said with an approving nod, "Appreciated."
Abigail nodded and said, "Now, you can talk to him and he'll understand. He can talk back to you, so please don't get too shocked when he does. It makes him self-conscious. And don't call him a bird brain. He gets really sensitive about that."
She took a step back and wrapped her hand around the quartz crystal around her neck and focused.
Corbie, can you help me help some nice people out, please?
Forest nodded at the idea of Abigail lending them a familiar that would help them find Calico. She raised an eyebrow as Law armed himself with a .45 and said to herself, "Somehow I'm not surprised."
Her eyebrow raised even more at Abigail's spiel about being nice to her familiar.
"Werepumas? Halloweeners?" Lancer asked, his expression inquisitive, "What's that about?"
Forest frowned and said, "The Halloweeners are just a bunch of punks who like to go around and harm people, cause mischief and whatnot. A bunch of unruly hooligans. Werepumas though. . . . they're almost worse than werewolves. Same impulses, but with the craziness of a cat. And barbed penises."
"What's Nexus? Is that the name of the city we're in?" Shirou asked.
"And, if you're not from this universe, then why are you here? And what happened to the Rin from this universe?"
Rin nodded and said, "Yeah, apparently this whole area is called Nexus City. I only got here a few hours ago. I was just walking to the Clocktower, hoping to go out and get a cup of coffee or tea with my adviser's really cute assistant, even dressed up and I'm here, and its freezing and I have to find away for everyone to get home so everyone can go back to their Sakuras, Shirous, Riders and their Rins."
She bit her lip, not wanting to say she wasn't exactly eager to go home. She could learn things here and maybe distance herself from a constant source of heartache.