Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 75702 times)


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Her cute minion was reacting so adorably to her teasing, she did of course expect the question, it simply made it easier for her to continue. How to answer the question was different matter however, perhaps....she should talk about the previous one she had turned. Considring who Medaka was and how she looked, that could prove rather entertaining if done in the right way.

"If I have ever been attracted to them? I could tell you about the previous person I turned. I am quite certain he would take a liking to you....with how short your skirt are and how much of those enormous breasts you are freely showing off, you would be quite to his taste. Now that I think about it his harem did lack a student council president, oh that's right I didn't tell you." Her hands had started to lazily rub the lower end of Medaka's back after moving from her ass.

"My previous underling had quite the harem, even if he would vehemently deny it....As if your average high school boy has a girlfriend. lusts after the class representative, takes bath with a vampire, molest a ghost and gropes his own sister....Oh you wanted blood did you not." Shinobu suddenly changed the topic mid sentence and tilted her head sideways, baring her neck for Medaka.


The blond saint tried her best to ignore the drunken behaviour Shirou was exhibiting, the way he was not so subtly ogling her assets wasn't the appopriate response to what was going on right now.

With the strange appearance of the demonic being and their encounter with another servant, the situation was tense indeed, although it seemed both of the men was unaware of it, one being drunk and the other probably frightened.

She couldn't ignore that Shirou had outright called attention to Petra being a Servant, that had to be smoothed over somehow, the other saint already looked angry. She guided Shirou over to the couch and sat him down before turning back to Petra.

"I come before you as a servant of The Lord and I wish to extend to you all the respect you so deserve." Jeanne bowed in reverence to the brown haired Saint. She hoped that the woman would understand she wasn't there on Grail War related business, that however didn't make the act itself any less genuine as she did possess a fair amount of respect for who the woman was. 


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Emily offered a little smirk at Gabriel's offer.

"Ah, yes," Emily mused, "The perks of befriending a spy. Well, I don't think it needs to be said that whatever help you can provide will be appreciated."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Mitsuba, early night

Wake up Muramasa. Maybe we will fulfill the second part of our deal sooner than we thought Mitsuba thought as she grasped the sword. The girl was fall asleep, exhausted from helping her out with cleaning up the mess. Eliminating her would be easy enough with proper care. But she had to wake her partner up first.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2016, 12:47:59 AM by Kat »


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Muramasa Katase

The demon sword was slow to be roused within her sheath, because she still deep in a trance as she integrated the power of Benizakura and the shards of Kenzo's soul that she had collected hours before. It was all so much, full of a pain that was all her own rather than her victims', but in the end that just made Katase hunger more.

Tell me everything.

Vengeance would satisfy the weapon for a time.

Umbra of Chaos

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"They aren't that bad. I've gotten some before and they hurt a lot less than people say they do, and I've been told that they look nice on me." She twirled a bit with that and beautiful sparks of light spiraled off of her figure. But she sighed and pouted a bit. It's not like she could make him get some funny tattoos.

"Well, I'm not a big fan of coffee. How about we go to the mall instead? We can get whatever we want there!" She sounded excited, but there was something in her voice. It was almost intoxicating. It tugged at the edges of your mind and prodded at any lingering desire in hopes of bringing it forwards.


The Fae made many appreciative sounds as she eyed the clothing from next to Breeze. So many clothes though... Oren had to wonder how they made so much. She nodded in agreement with Breeze's statement. It was pretty impressive! "Maybe they did an enchantment? I heard of some mages enchanting entire piles of fabric so that they wove themselves into clothes back at home, but I don't know if they do that here."

But then the dark haired girl considered the fighter's request. "Weeelllll, I don't think there's anything as nice and convenient as what you have right now," she said as she playfully slipped a finger under Breeze's clothes and tugged at the cloth, "but I can try to find something. Meanwhile, you can pick for me, Breeze!"

But the Formless One did direct a glance towards the other blonde as well. "Do you want us to pick something for you, Mord? Or are you fine picking by yourself?"


She was just about to relax when she heard Sakura's voice right in her ear. Liseth shrieked. Loudly. Then she shrieked again when she turned her head to see a spider right on her shoulder. Her shirt went flying along with the arachnid across the room as she tore it off and stood up on the bed. "What the fuck, Sakura? That was not okay! You're not putting bugs on me!"

Liseth took a few moments to try and relax because she absolutely hated having bugs on her. It was revolting. And kind of scary. She slowly settled down and took a seat on her bed before deciding to consider what she was asked. "Well, uhh, now that that's out of the way."

She paused. Phrasing things well was never her strong suit. "It's just that it wasn't real comfortable being there. It's not anything you did but it was just the fact that you all knew each other well. I wasn't a part of that."

Liseth wanted to stop. She really, really did, but she didn't want to offend someone who had only been nice to her. It was almost like she felt obligated to tell her. She hated feeling ungrateful. "I'd rather be by myself with all my things than be an outsider with other people. I don't know if you get that but it's why I left."

She frowned and looked down at the bed. She didn't have any problems being alone. That was a choice. She could choose to be alone in her room playing video games all day. That wasn't a problem. Other people couldn't make her be alone. That was her choice. But isolation was different. People could isolate you. It was something they had the power to do, even if it wasn't intentional. And there was no part of her that would ever choose being isolated over being alone.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2016, 02:49:08 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Crap, her cover was blown up before the two. At least maybe Liam didn't figure out who she was yet. Anyway, she had to act before the Frenchwoman said even more!

"Come with me, we need to talk." The brown haired woman grabbed the blond haired woman and told her in no nonsense manner. She should tell her to be careful about her identity as the most urgent thing to do.


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The girl is fast asleep after helping me clean up the mess. I honestly didn't count on that, but it could be our unique chance to defeat her for once and all. This psychic power of hers thankfully is not about reading minds. We have a good chance to eliminate her tonight. Any questions or it's all that you need to know?

Mitsuba approached this problem in very professional manner, fitting someone who was literally made as a weapon of assassination. If Muramasa had any input regarding the plan, she'd have to consider it before taking the action.


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Medaka Kurokami

The moment Shinobu offered her neck, Medaka took the chance, biting and sucking on it to relieve her urge.  A sister loving pervert only reminded her of her older brother, which naturally took her out of the mood a bit, which thankfully cleared her mind a little a bit.  Her face was no longer pink, though her back muscles still tensed a bit before relaxing as Shinobu rubbed it.

"I see.  Well if he ever came to this city, I certainly wouldn't mind the gaze.  However, he seems a bit promiscuous for my own tastes.  But I trust your judge in character.  Why did you fall in love with such an eccentric man?"  She said, turning her torso to her and looking at her with big curious eyes.  "Was it just physical or?" She placed her hands just above her breasts and leaned in a bit as she listened, her enormous breasts barely meting the blond's.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2016, 11:58:39 AM by yinsukin »


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The situation uunfolding infront of him was amusing to say the least, Sakura was attempting to feed her sister while she was refusing and trying to slip out of her younger sister's grasp by twisting her body. Maybe it would be prudent of him to assist Sakura before she lost hold of the suspected imposter, yes it was time for him to step in.

He stepped closer to them and blocked Rin's route of escape with his own body. then he took hold the spoon that Sakura was trying to feed Rin with and brought it to the struggling woman's mouth himself. "I'll be really disapointed if you refuse my cooking like this Rin, are you saying I'm a bad chef?"


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Did she have to flip like a switch, she went from complaining about being bored to overly excited in the blink of an eye. Oka quickly rushed into the restaurant essentially dragged a waiter with her, the poor man looked stressed enough as he was. Jin calmly followed her in and sat at the table she had chosen.

"You should calm down some more or you won't be able to digest the food, or enjoy it at all. Eating is supposed to be a pleasure you know." He told her with a straight face, not entirely amused by her sudden mood switch. Then he gave the waiter a slight bow, to apologize for his girlfriends eagerness.


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"Nah, maybe do yer 'trick' first, it'll show you brute forcing won't get ya anywhere." Rikuyo said, crossing her arms and speaking in a manner that implied a degree of disappointment in the bounty hunter.

Gah, just put some thought into it. Did she honestly have no other idea than throwing rocks at them? Unimpressive. Humans can do better than that, get yer shit together.

This was the train of Rikuyo's thought. While she didn't have yet a clear idea how to deal with this foe, she was sure she could think of something in case Annie didn't come up with anything smart. She wondered if that was the reason why the Mother didn't choose her after all. Children of Great White Wolf and Moon Goddess were meant to be only strong but clever and adapting to changing situations. Maybe Ron-chan would do better than her, she wondered.

Speaking of Ron-chan, he was nearly finished with his meal. He clearly had lots of strength to fight those if he wanted to help out. She planned to fight one of the two once they dealt with those spirits and so far she was more impressed with the werewolf's performance.

Nicholas Cage's worst nightmare

Once the swarm gathered together, it became more just than a collection of its constituent parts. It could think and react like one superconsciousness. It was able to recognize the threat that the human posed by charging the rock with spiritual energy. There was a one thing that the swarm could do to avoid the rock. Disperse. Having already synchronized together, this wouldn't impede the hive mind from adapting to the situation even if scattered. A fraction of its constituents could get hit by the attack, but the majority would continue. And adapt.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2016, 11:46:09 AM by Kat »


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Auspicious Breeze

The former gladiator giggled at Oren's daring actions, but had to pull away to look more closely at some of the clothes. There were so many of them that she wasn't sure where to start. None of them looked like the styles Breeze had seen back home in Ysyr. More obviously mutated slaves wore clothing that concealed everything on their bodies, even their faces. The less mutated someone appeared, the fewer clothes they needed to wear. Sorcerers like her mistress had perfect bodies, and were allowed to wear as little as they liked. Naked was popular in the Months of Fire!

So Breeze went for the really short stuff. Oren and Mordred were really pretty, so they deserved to show it off! Plus it would be nice to see. She grabbed some of the really small skirts and the nice soft sleeveless shirts they had for Oren to try on first. Oh, but how would Oren get it on over her horns...?

Well, they would figure that out together. "I found some things! Wow, they make a lot of really small clothes..."



"Do not be concerned," the exile reassured her with a smile and a red flush on his face that matched his hair. His voice was steady despite the excitement from before. "My energies will replenish themselves soon enough, and my body is already back to pristine condition."

Indeed, there was nary a mark on Gadreel to suggest any damage had been done. The only clear evidence of Forest's predation was the clear smell of the mess made within his boxers. "You were correct about the... undergarments, by the way."


Muramasa Katase

The blade was well pleased by this, and within the chorus of souls that formed her mind a filthy satisfaction arouse. There was little to be done against her beloved's murderer now except reciprocate. As long as Mitsuba was quick and quiet enough to do this without getting caught all would be well.

Just do it quickly before she can wake. Power such as her's will not avail anyone else after we devour her, but before then all would be lost if you fail.

Were such an event to occur the Muramasa would need to seek a new partner after this 'Misaka' inevitably failed to dispose of its steel form.



Now something just weren't right about that. What exactly did the busty blonde girl mean by all that stuff with Petra? Well, it weren't Liam O'Mailey's need to figure that out just yet. He'd have time with the girl he'd escorted home to get all the particulars later. He turned to the only living man left in the room and frowned.

"I think you oughta sit down, son. I know an old remedy for this kinda thing you've got goin' on," Liam said to... was the boy kinda Irish too? He certainly had the hair for it.


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She was just about to relax when she heard Sakura's voice right in her ear. Liseth shrieked. Loudly. Then she shrieked again when she turned her head to see a spider right on her shoulder. Her shirt went flying along with the arachnid across the room as she tore it off and stood up on the bed. "What the fuck, Sakura? That was not okay! You're not putting bugs on me!"

Liseth took a few moments to try and relax because she absolutely hated having bugs on her. It was revolting. And kind of scary. She slowly settled down and took a seat on her bed before deciding to consider what she was asked. "Well, uhh, now that that's out of the way."

She paused. Phrasing things well was never her strong suit. "It's just that it wasn't real comfortable being there. It's not anything you did but it was just the fact that you all knew each other well. I wasn't a part of that."

Liseth wanted to stop. She really, really did, but she didn't want to offend someone who had only been nice to her. It was almost like she felt obligated to tell her. She hated feeling ungrateful. "I'd rather be by myself with all my things than be an outsider with other people. I don't know if you get that but it's why I left."

She frowned and looked down at the bed. She didn't have any problems being alone. That was a choice. She could choose to be alone in her room playing video games all day. That wasn't a problem. Other people couldn't make her be alone. That was her choice. But isolation was different. People could isolate you. It was something they had the power to do, even if it wasn't intentional. And there was no part of her that would ever choose being isolated over being alone.

Sakura Matou

Sakura scowled at Rin's antics. Why wouldn't she just play along? She just wanted to feed her one bite, damnit. She was planning on freeing her afterwords. Sakura tried not to show any outward signs of upset, and prepared for round two. She wouldn't lose! Suddenly, Archer came up from behind, and aided her in a combination attack, putting the spoon directly on Rin's mouth.

"Tehehe." Sakura giggled.

The spider Sakura was possessing in the hotel scampered around with unbelievably agility, running back up her, and took a contrite looking bow, if spiders could look contrite.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. And of course I understand it." She chuckled light heartedly. "I'm not my sister, after all. My only friends are my lover and my two servants. I honestly feel uncomfortable talking to strangers too, believe it or not." Sakura said in a convincing manner. "But anyway, you've met Rin, so you might know she won't accept you doing this. She'll probably yell at me for letting you leave in the first place, make me tell her where you are, storm out, and come get you. I'm sure neither of us want that, so maybe we could find a better solution than doing whatever you did. I have a guest house out back, seperated from the rest of the house. Would that be more comfortable for you?" Sakura asked.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2016, 08:16:19 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The blond saint tried her best to ignore the drunken behaviour Shirou was exhibiting, the way he was not so subtly ogling her assets wasn't the appopriate response to what was going on right now.

With the strange appearance of the demonic being and their encounter with another servant, the situation was tense indeed, although it seemed both of the men was unaware of it, one being drunk and the other probably frightened.

She couldn't ignore that Shirou had outright called attention to Petra being a Servant, that had to be smoothed over somehow, the other saint already looked angry. She guided Shirou over to the couch and sat him down before turning back to Petra.

"I come before you as a servant of The Lord and I wish to extend to you all the respect you so deserve." Jeanne bowed in reverence to the brown haired Saint. She hoped that the woman would understand she wasn't there on Grail War related business, that however didn't make the act itself any less genuine as she did possess a fair amount of respect for who the woman was.


Crap, her cover was blown up before the two. At least maybe Liam didn't figure out who she was yet. Anyway, she had to act before the Frenchwoman said even more!

"Come with me, we need to talk." The brown haired woman grabbed the blond haired woman and told her in no nonsense manner. She should tell her to be careful about her identity as the most urgent thing to do.


Now something just weren't right about that. What exactly did the busty blonde girl mean by all that stuff with Petra? Well, it weren't Liam O'Mailey's need to figure that out just yet. He'd have time with the girl he'd escorted home to get all the particulars later. He turned to the only living man left in the room and frowned.

"I think you oughta sit down, son. I know an old remedy for this kinda thing you've got goin' on," Liam said to... was the boy kinda Irish too? He certainly had the hair for it.

Shirou Emiya

Shirou watched the cute girl named Petra pull Jeanne away from the other man, and he followed along dutifully, unwilling to leave Jeanne's side. He was sure Sakura would be mad at them both already, and he didn't want to make it worse by allowing himself to leave the only protection he had right now. He certainly couldn't fend for himself, after all. So he shook his head at Liam, and quietly followed Jeanne and Petra. In his alcohol ridden mind, this seemed to make the most sense right now.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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How much longer will this man prolong his search? while his concern was nice but it was also unwelcome. Therefore the white haired girl decided it was high time to end the pleasantries and get down to the heart of the matter. "The longer you wait here, the more your pray will slip out of your grasp. I'm fully aware of the risks Julius."

She scooted back on the horse to allow for another person to take the reigns of the horse. "Don't worry, I don't plan to die today, and if I do...I'll come back and take you with me." The girl was grinning at her own joke, the count wouldn't find a more self absorbed kid if he tried.


The blue haired girl enjoyed her share of the crimson liquid, however it seemed like something about the story she had told unsettled Medaka. Shinobu came to this consclusion by how Medaka's face became less red and the way her back tensed for a moment as the blond rubbed it.

As The newly made vampire had her filled she leaned closer to her, her massive breasts coming down on her like a great pillow,...pillow? She was thinking too much about him. Fall in love with him? As if she could love someone like that, hah. Medaka's question made her tense for a moment before her teasing smile resurfaced, as she met the girls gaze, with eyes that seemed to be gazing into the distance.

"Physical in what sense Medaka?, I think you will have to be a bit more detailed about what you want to know."