Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42546 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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Her eyes narrowed at his all but erratic behavior. Did he truly believe in such nonsense? Still, she had sworn her services to him in repayment for the plethora of souls that the Spirit Vessel had churned into pure aura. With another purposeful sigh she floated over and opened a drawer full of money. Erica picked up a handful of bills and shiny coins. Loot from the disruptions she had brought to an end.

"Let us move immediately, then. I still do not see a point. I purchase other food from existing establishments." But she moved by the door regardless.


Oh. Well then. The man bowed his head for a brief moment in apology for his sudden interruption before raising it again. "My apologies, miss. You just seemed to look very much alike. Identical, almost. Although she was quite a bit taller and of a slightly different build. Do you know each other? Her name is Sakura."


At the order Lucy simply smirked, almost as if she was being rewarded rather than proving anything. First off were her shoes. Then she slipped her shirt and her tiny shorts. Almost entirely exposed she seemed rather pleased with herself. It was always fun to show off a bit, and slowly pulling off her black and white stocking and removing her black panties and bar.

Smooth skin and pert breasts entirely exposed, Lucy gave William a smile. She held her arms out a bit so that nothing was blocking his vision. "As you can see, that is no trouble at all, master."

Cherry Lover

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The look of confusion on Sakura's face deepened at his words. A girl who looked like her and shared her name? Surely that couldn't be a co-incidence. Had she perhaps met this man before, perhaps when he was not wearing the suit of armour.

"Erm, well...", she began, her confusion obvious. "My name is also Sakura. Are you sure we haven't met before, when you weren't wearing your armour?"

Sakura stopped for a moment, suddenly coming to a realisation. A medieval-style knight existing in the Nexus wasn't entirely beyond the realms of possibility. It was, after all, an odd place. But, the fact that he was wearing his armour meant that he was probably ready for a fight. And, from the look of the armour and shield, he seemed like he was of the more heroic persuasion so, if he was indeed intending to fight, then perhaps someone was in real danger. Of course, her impression could be mistaken, but the lives of innocent people were not something she could willingly risk.

"Actually, why are you wearing that armour? Have you just been in a battle? Is someone in danger?" she added, tensing up slightly as she prepared for the possibility of a fight or, indeed, a rather less positive reaction than she expected.

Umbra of Chaos

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With some good natured laughter Paladin waved off her concern. "No, no, it's nothing as worrisome as that. I am a paladin of the order of Stribog. Wearing this armor is my duty as an emissary of his will. I have surrendered everything from my life before I put on this armor and am not allowed to remove it in the presence of others."

"Furthermore, you are far too small to be the Sakura I met. But I suppose that is a concern for another time. I am Paladin, and I am here to safeguard the people of this city." He held out his hand in a friendly, open manner.


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Sakura glared at Mordred with a face laden with suspicion. She didn't think she was telling the truth. Not even a little bit. She considered herself a good judge of character, and what she saw was not the truth. Her gut told her so.

And if Sakura trusted anything, it was her gut.

She shook her head. "No, I don't think so."

"I'm pretty much positive you're trying to dope yourself up somehow or other. That herb doesn't smell like anything I know about."

She suddenly flashed a happy smile, apparently changing her mood within an instant. "But, if it was, you'd almost be at your limit, right?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Boss smiled at the girl. He'd let her play a bit longer, as long as it suited his needs.

"I am glad you asked. The truth is, I am here to make a friend." He said confidently before handing her an envelope. "Friends should help one another, right?"

Inside was a professional cover letter describing his skills. Presumably he had worked as an information agent for some time, and knew his way around building security and breaking it. He could gather things that were hard to find, and knew his way around places that were hard to get around. No matter how you looked at it, such an ally was indeed useful.

Sakura Matou

Sakura looked at Boss with a curious and inscrutable look after she read it. It would be impossible for him to ascertain anything about what she was actually thinking. She took a sip of water. Nodded. Continued reading.

Eventually, the purplehead put the letter down. "So you say you're an intelligence expert. What are you basing this on?" Sakura asked him flatly.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"That's more like it." He said before rolling his face on a towel and draping his body on dark drapes like a cloak. Quite fashionable for rags, he thought before following her to the door and picking her up again like a turkey on new year's eve.

"To tell you the truth, it's something I've wanted to do for a while." He added in a weirdly cheerful voice, like a father about to show off his son a cool trick. It's not that it was unpleasant, but coming from that man, it was odd. Something simply didn't seem right.

"It's a traditional recipe of my people, my wife's specialty in fact. Honestly, I never managed to get it right, but something tells me I might just make it this time."


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His bullet seemed to have been trapped or stopped by this sorcerous burst of air. The force of the air bubble was pushing him towards the wall and it seemed that without any way to attack the monster from afar his end was near.

But, the bullet was still there.

Remembering that his companion would also die if he failed her, he mustered his heroic resolve and punched the bubble with a mighty strike, breaking his arm in the process and punching the bullet back in the direction of the creature. Only someone that lacked sanity could think of such a manner of an attack, and Julius wasn't exactly right in his head.

Cherry Lover

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Sakura sighed momentarily as the weird man started to talk about his "duty" as a paladin. Even after a month in the Nexus, she still hadn't gotten used to how this world seemed to be populated with supernatural beings who have been taken straight out of various fantasy stories. Nevertheless, despite his obvious weirdness and strange obsession with wearing his armour, he sounded promising. After all, whilst Sakura didn't really read all that much fantasy, she knew enough to know that paladins were generally on the side of good, albeit rather too wedded to the idea of obeying authority and acting honourably for her liking.

Sakura's good feeling was confirmed when he introduced himself, claiming his name was "Paladin", which surely had to be a codename of some kind, and then claiming he was there to protect the people of the city. Despite his obvious weirdness, and the fact that he seemed to have somehow found some kind of doppleganger for her, he seemed like he would be a useful ally for her and Shirou.

Smiling despite her confusion, she took his hand and shook it firmly.

"Hello I'm Sakura. I don't know why there's a near-clone of me running around, but nice to meet you anyway", she said.

She didn't explain what she did just yet. She couldn't truly claim she safeguarded the city, she lacked the power to do that, and she knew that many people were rightly wary of bounty hunters. Many of them were far more interested in the money than in protecting people or administering justice.


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Joshua Knvar, demon child.

There was once a boy with dark brown hair who was very lonely. All must eventually meet this boy, so they shunned him. He was not normal, he was not human. Sealing him, they confined him in a dark tower with no entrance or exit, hoping he would never come. In truth, he was as human as any one of us. He simply happened to be born with a special ability, a gift that put him above common men.

Cast him aside.

No one knows when or how, but a woman entered his world of darkness and fell in love with him. In secret, they would unite once every new moon and make love. It was only natural that she was to be impregnated by the sealed being. She would not survive childbirth, for in fact she was nothing more than a tool, the ultimate stroke of the demon's plan to avenge himself for his years of confinement. She would be his sacrifice, while the child would be his vessel. At last, he was whole. He was free.

But what about the baby? The answer was obvious. If the woman had indeed been a catalyst, then it was possible that the demon and the child swapped. In the end, there would always be a demon child.

For the sake of his dead mother, who could never hold him in her embrace, for the sake of that demon who had taken everything from him, for the sake of ending this system full of contradictions, he would create a new world. A better world. This tower would no longer be an old world of darkness, but a world over heaven!

The bullet was struck by the hero's fist of justice, tearing through the crushing pressure once again. It was impossible, nothing could breach his ultimate shield of air. But sometimes it is the unlikeliest heroes that banish the greatest evils. Just as it looked like it would slow down, the holy bullet showed no signs of stopping.

Crippled by his multiple blows, he could not react in time again, and a shocking blast of holy metal was enough to blast cleanly through his chest and plummet him backwards, smashing into a wall so hard the entire castle shook. Even by himself, no human should have this much power. Was this the strength of a god? Aah, how unfair. How unfair! In that case, he'd become a monster stronger than god!!

"No...not yet..."

The hole in his chest was so smooth and polished it seemed surreal. Was this the end? The beast staggered again and again, spewing blood and falling on its knees, panting pathetically as it drew its last breaths. Would it die, like this, without even seeing the sunlight once? Would the crimes of his father be unpunished forever? No. Not yet. He would not die, not now not EVER! They were nothing but impediments, if only they could just dissappear.

But it didn't matter, no matter what he lacked, he could always make more! It was all so useless, useless, useless, useless!

"I SAID NOT YET!!!" He roared. Even without a heart, even with his very soul crumbling before its Holiness, the beast did not give in to despair. Gritting its teeth, four insect eyes bulged to the point they looked like they'd pop and a surge of purple energy unlike anything in the world shook the castle once again, making walls, stairs and the entire world crumble and crack open bit by bit.


And suddenly, the purple light cracked on the very castle walls, and they grew. Oh yes they did, with such strength and vigor that they seemed to pop out like impaling spikes with earth shattering force. Dozens of spikes emerged all at once, pillars of crystal shards were growing tremendously with such power that they struck like bullets from all directions.

 There was no way to defend from this onslaught, the demon's last stand that put his very life on the line. The one way to stop him was to charge head on without hesitation and destroy everything..


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His legs weren't battered, so even in his sorry state he could manage it. The count couldn't hold both crucifix and his whip with his left arm broken, so he held the symbol of faith with teeth now, and the whip with his remaining arm. Other followers of the faith maybe would've balked about what he did, but this was a special situation. He couldn't fail, he had to put everything on the line. Even if it could be the last act of his life, he would still achieve a victory for the sake of the girl that lied now helpless in coma.

His time spent on infiltrating Beasts' lairs where the very enviroment was the enemy taught him well how to avoid such deathtraps. There were some deathtraps on his way to the monster, but steadily closed his distance with determination that surpassed sanity, using his whip to take advantage of the very elements of the enviroment that tried to kill him in order to move from one point to another and swing from one spike to another. Ignoring limitations of his battered body bloodied from being scratched by some of spikes, he was finally within the range to smite the beast. However, the final spike pierced his other arm to immobilize him despite his best efforts.

He was close enough though and his still had his legs. Taking advantage of his height, he delivered a powerful kick that smashed the monster's body with the strength of 10 men.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2016, 04:10:22 PM by Kat »


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Auspicious Breeze

She had been so focused on her meal, through which she was maybe... wow she wasn't sure how close to done she was right now? Well she'd been so focused on it that she missed the situation with Mordred starting. But now she was frowning at both of them. "Well she is from another world. It might be some weird herb they use for tea there. I'd give Mordred the benefit of the doubt here!"

Breeze nodded, knowing that her girlfriend wouldn't cheat in a fair contest like this. She'd only do that if something really important was on the line, like someone's safety, and it wasn't now, so Mordred didn't cheat. Logic!


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"I'd like to make a deal. I am sure someone as powerful as you must have rivals here and there. Wouldn't you want to prove my claim in a more direct manner?"


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"I'd like to make a deal. I am sure someone as powerful as you must have rivals here and there. Wouldn't you want to prove my claim in a more direct manner?"

Sakura Matou

Sakura chuckled at the man in front of her. "Well, you see, I just question the usefulness of an intelligence expert who can't even scout out me enough to find out I am in fact, in no need of additional intelligence agents."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Average Joe

It was his day off.  He was on his computer streaming some shows and checking his favorite dating app when he got a hit.  A cute woman with black hair and a slender build.  "I swear.  This better not be another bot."  He said in eager anticipation.  They messaged back and forth for a little while, mostly casual conversation before they decided to meet in a cafe.  He found out that this girl apparently owns a restaurant and is an experienced housewife with children.  Joe looked at his screen and pumped his fist to the sky in accomplishment.  "YEEEEES!  I got a date!!!!!"  He screamed, jumping out of his seat.  Then, he paused, looking back at his screen.  "Wait.... She has kids... SHIT!"

He paced around the room, thinking of the ramifications of his decision.  Damn it.  I have to stop clicking yes to every pretty girl I see.  She has kids!  Im 26!  I still have a few years before I want to get tied down!  Well if I get involved with her maybe I can quit my crappy job and work in the restaurant with her...  His thoughts transitioned to explicit sexual fantasy's about working in a restaurant; the lovely woman in nothing but an apron, nice lit candles, several different positions....

"Yup.  Im going."  He finally announced to no one.

Joe walked up to a nice cafe about 2 blocks from his apartment.  It was a relatively new store that was quickly becoming famous for their sandwiches.  He was dressed buissness casual, a longs sleeve collared shirt and black slacks.  He pulled out his smartphone.  Looks like I got here early.  I guess ill check the menu until she arrives.  He thought to himself.  He looked up the stores menu on his phone, checking to see what might be worth eating as he waited eagerly for this Minato to arrive.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2016, 11:28:06 PM by yinsukin »

Umbra of Chaos

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If Erica had cared at all about material wealth she was sure that she would have felt some sort of dismay at this point. The empty space in her home had been filled up with a variety of top quality ingredients and her kitchen had all but been commandeered by the poorly dressed man.

"What exactly are we creating?"


"And I am glad to meet you as well, Sakura. However, I'm afraid that I must cut our meeting short. I've deviated from my patrol for long enough, and something here is making me feel rather uneasy. I encountered a monster earlier which I slew with your counterpart's help, but I have the suspicion it wasn't an isolated incident."  He looked over her head for a moment and his posture tensed up for a moment as he thought he saw... something.