Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98484 times)


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Anastasia looked at Rider as if the Servant bumped her head too hard or suffered other kind of damage. Even if that was technically impossible for a spirit to receive such lasting bodily injuries.

"The Aether from which I draw my powers also doubles as the domain of gods, regardless of their nature. I don't work divine miracles, but if something prevented them from interfering, my ability to cast spells would be also affected. After all leylines would exhaust themselves without energy from the Aether leaking into the material world. And Ruler is a priest of his god. If he can work miracles in the god's name, then your claims are already on shaky ground."

To what lengths she would go to deny divine interference? There was a stark difference between Anastasia who just tried to avoid serving goals of Gods and Rider who actively denied them.


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The pirate was just about getting to the interesting part when he was suddenly interrupted. He was so offended that he went out of his way to cross his arms and puff, pouting away. She was riding a giant bird of fire under the curtain of the night, all while listening to an epic and tragic tale. Couldn't she read the mood?!

"Hmph, rude. I told you, I don't know much about this place. Unless you're looking for a catalog of places to eat or drink, I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint."

The clouds were already passing them by, and entire streets could be looked at from up there. At the very least, there was a background to work with. But this time, his tone was much more solemn, grave. She probably wouldn't like what she was going to hear.

"You probably know the basics by now, this place has a bunch of folks from different places, worlds and even eras. Vampires, werewolves, mages, and thinks I don't even have a name for... It's pretty much a banquet of who is going to blow your face up first, and the drinks are expensive to boot. Does that sound like fun to you? Cause it sure as hell doesn't to, putting it simply, pretty much any sane lad out there. Well, I guess you'd have no problem dealing with most trouble, unless you're all talk and no walk. Oh and by the way you're stuck here."

Olga Marie

Olga sighed, really annoyed at how bad her lucked had turned out to be. Of course everybody she met didn't have particularly useful information and seemed to be a newcomer just the same as her. "Of course I'm stuck here, we already figured that much out. All I can do is pray that nothing too terrible is going on back home." Olga sounded worried and deeply disturbed by the possibility it wasn't. "The only good thing I can see about this is the opportunity to learn more about this place and about exotic magics."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Sakura Matou


Sakura had headed home after the abrupt and frankly baffling phone call. She hadn't been quite sure how to follow up after it and had decided to simply shrug it off and go to sleep.

The next day however, was a different story. Sakura had awoken fairly early, and after a quick breakfast, had headed out to the house with Archer in tow. She felt weird asking Jeanne to tail her around after the scolding she'd received earlier. So the young woman found herself at the door of the property in question and prepared to knock, pausing just before she did so in order to take a deep breath to compose herself.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry to impose, but I need to talk to you about the rent situation." She politely announced herself as she began to knock.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Olga Marie

Olga sighed, really annoyed at how bad her lucked had turned out to be. Of course everybody she met didn't have particularly useful information and seemed to be a newcomer just the same as her. "Of course I'm stuck here, we already figured that much out. All I can do is pray that nothing too terrible is going on back home." Olga sounded worried and deeply disturbed by the possibility it wasn't. "The only good thing I can see about this is the opportunity to learn more about this place and about exotic magics."


"Well, look at the bright side! If there's a place where you can start fresh, you won't find any better than here." He said with a confident wave of the hand as he showed off the entire city. Honestly, most people bitching about their home or whatever were either pussying out or straight up lying.

Being taken in the Nexus was the best thing that happened in his life in a long time. Like hell he'd be able to get someone so stuck up in their ways that they ran away from such a golden opportunity.

"Well, you know what, I got a deal for you. See, I'm kinda working part time here and surveying the city. It might take a while, but I wouldn't mind sharing my intel with you. Different locations, which places to avoid, quick routes.... yknow. Heck, I could map it for you, free of charge."

Arch-Magos Winter

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Oka Kurosawa

Oka had left early that morning, yelling something about finding some pokemon for a client who wanted them for waste disposal. She was excited some big wig had finally noticed her! And the best pokemon she knew of for this job was of course, grimer and muk. Of course she had a few of them already, but the order would require many more than just a few!

So Oka did the only logical thing, and headed straight to where one would expect to find a living pile of sludge: straight to an alleyway full of trash and dumpsters. The girl began throwing them open and kicking them, trying to startle any pokemon residing in there to come out and attack her.

While the mage had been considering Blackmore's offer, he really had no idea if working for a man like that would be any good for him or not. So, as such, he'd retreated back into the only place he knew at the moment was safe; His precious dumpster.

Which was why when a purple haired girl threw open his dumpster, he happened to be still inside. "Hmm, another visitor?" Trivek popped his head up over the top of the dumpster lid, staring down at the girl. "Are you with Blackmore?"


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The preist nodded his head, a silent sign of agreement with his master.  There really was nothing more to say at this point and while he did not agree with everything she said, the main idea was still something he could support.


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Oka Kurosawa

Oka had left early that morning, yelling something about finding some pokemon for a client who wanted them for waste disposal. She was excited some big wig had finally noticed her! And the best pokemon she knew of for this job was of course, grimer and muk. Of course she had a few of them already, but the order would require many more than just a few!

So Oka did the only logical thing, and headed straight to where one would expect to find a living pile of sludge: straight to an alleyway full of trash and dumpsters. The girl began throwing them open and kicking them, trying to startle any pokemon residing in there to come out and attack her.

While the mage had been considering Blackmore's offer, he really had no idea if working for a man like that would be any good for him or not. So, as such, he'd retreated back into the only place he knew at the moment was safe; His precious dumpster.

Which was why when a purple haired girl threw open his dumpster, he happened to be still inside. "Hmm, another visitor?" Trivek popped his head up over the top of the dumpster lid, staring down at the girl. "Are you with Blackmore?"

Oka Kurosawa

Oka jumped back and assumed a fighting position. "Why are you inside a dumpster!?" She shrieked, her voice shrill with surprise. "I don't know any Blackmores!" The puppet on her head started shrieking with her, copying her actions and waving black shadowy arms about above her head.

Wormy, behind her, looked perfectly calm and unperturbed by all of this. The giant glowing bug hovering above the ground looked extremely chill, buzzing softly as he hovered.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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« That will be agreeable. » He told the maid bluntly. Suddenly, one of the puppets reached in a drawer and handed Molly an electronic device. With that, this concluded their business for today.

« We will keep in touch. For now, rest and recover to the best of your ability. I will be needing your assistance soon enough.»

Days later, the faithful maid would receive a message. Just as promised, she was given a task to perform at a certain location, though its exact whereabouts should come of no surprise by now. News of a coliseum's construction had already circulated.

"An associate of mine will be waiting for you there with further instructions. Make sure you are dressed to the best of your ability, and don't forget to bring it with you. "
« Last Edit: August 29, 2017, 07:30:58 PM by francobull3 »

Arch-Magos Winter

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Oka Kurosawa

Oka had left early that morning, yelling something about finding some pokemon for a client who wanted them for waste disposal. She was excited some big wig had finally noticed her! And the best pokemon she knew of for this job was of course, grimer and muk. Of course she had a few of them already, but the order would require many more than just a few!

So Oka did the only logical thing, and headed straight to where one would expect to find a living pile of sludge: straight to an alleyway full of trash and dumpsters. The girl began throwing them open and kicking them, trying to startle any pokemon residing in there to come out and attack her.

While the mage had been considering Blackmore's offer, he really had no idea if working for a man like that would be any good for him or not. So, as such, he'd retreated back into the only place he knew at the moment was safe; His precious dumpster.

Which was why when a purple haired girl threw open his dumpster, he happened to be still inside. "Hmm, another visitor?" Trivek popped his head up over the top of the dumpster lid, staring down at the girl. "Are you with Blackmore?"

Oka Kurosawa

Oka jumped back and assumed a fighting position. "Why are you inside a dumpster!?" She shrieked, her voice shrill with surprise. "I don't know any Blackmores!" The puppet on her head started shrieking with her, copying her actions and waving black shadowy arms about above her head.

Wormy, behind her, looked perfectly calm and unperturbed by all of this. The giant glowing bug hovering above the ground looked extremely chill, buzzing softly as he hovered.

"Why wouldn't I be inside a dumpster, especially one I live inside? It's rather cozy, and doesn't smell too bad since I had an elemental hose it out. Nice and safe and dry." Trivek said. He examined the strange girl a little closer, focusing on the floating bug-thing behind her. It looked rather... fluffy. "I'm Trivek, Guild Mage of the Izzet of Ravinica. I would invite you inside to talk more if you're looking for something, but it'd be a little cramped. So I suppose we can just talk like this. And stop screaming please."


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"I've had my reasons and I don't feel sorry in the slightest. Get used to the fact that people are not always honest." She declared that without a shame. "But to humor you, I'd say it was partly a whim and partly my wish to see how useful you can be as an ally."


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"Righty there Master Vanguard, hearing you loud and clear. I do hope for your sake their will be prey, the wait have been so boring~" she stuffed it in a bag and left the apartment empty. No one would be coming back here, not after what she did to to the previous owner.

She approached the entrance to the magnificent colosseum with a cheerful skip to her step. Her maid outfit looked brand new as she had taken the time to fix along with Vanguard's request. It clung to her body in a way that made it apparent out was tailor made to fit her perfectly, looking both incredibly cute while also not restricting her movement if she needed to react fast. Naturally it was the choice to go with.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2017, 09:19:36 PM by Thedoctor »


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A cloud of smoke puffed out of the man's lips as he waited, just lying against the wall and looking out for any troublemakers. He was used to jobs like these, but he wouldn't mind a troublemaker or two right now. It might be ironic for someone on guard duty to say, but peace and quiet was boring.

All of a sudden, he noticed the girl and grinned widely, dust and ash dropped on the ground along with the cigarette before he spat it on the ground, crushing it underfoot.

"Hey, you must be the one bossman's talked about. Nice to meet ya." He told the girl with a wide grin before extending his hand to greet her properly.


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He was tall way way too tall, that was the first thin Molly noticed about him. He was a smoker too apparently going by the cigarette he crushed under his heel, with the smell clinging about him he must have been doing that a lot. Still he was way too tall.

"I'm the marvelous Molly, at your service~" She did a cutesy pirouette as she introduced herself then she accepted handshake, but not without adding her own twist. Deciding to test the man Vanguard had put in charge here she squeezed his hand as hard as she could.


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"Hah, you sure are eager. Nice, very nice..." He grinned while looking the girl over, practically scanning her. He was worried that he'd have to handle another boring old geezer, but it seemed luck was on his side this time around. This might not be such a bad job after all.

"You'll probably get to hear my name during the announcements, so I'll save the surprise for later." He handed his pack over to Molly. "Want some?"


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"Ther is no one to be seen here." A soft voice was heard from the other side of the closed door. It was obvious this person had no intention of opening up for them any time soon.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2017, 10:19:29 PM by Thedoctor »