Author Topic: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters  (Read 33556 times)

Mordalfus Grea

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Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« on: November 19, 2013, 03:45:16 AM »
Okay this thread is for other people to ask questions of existing characters in Cross Effects, just to be clear it isn't Ran asking Rin a question its a user asking character a question in which the character must respond in character. However other characters that typically accompany the character, characters that are played by the same person or a some other character altogether can interupt, they can interrupt or hijack the answer.

For Example

Quote from: Question Response
Quote from: Question
Dear Rin are you a Tsundere?
Rin: *Sputters and blushes* No! I am not
Shirou: *Stands in background with a sign reading "Yes. Yes she is", hides the sign every time Rin looks at him*

You get the idea. You can use the method I used in the example or you can use the same method used in the Cross Effects RP

First Questions From me

Dear Forest: What would need to happen or who would you need to meet to go all fangirlish on your tenants?
Dear Archer: If you had a chance to "accidentally" bump Rin and Hakuno in a way that would cause them to accidentally kiss, would you do it for the sake of teasing them?
Dear Raida/Rider: Have you ever thought of getting a Job at a strip club as a dancer? With your attributes and skills I bet you could so totally manage it.
Dear Sakura: How does it feel to be in close proximity to three versions of your father?
If you must address me as something, it is not MG! Please address me as Mord if you need to shorten my name

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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2013, 06:12:08 AM »
Sakura: The corrupted one makes me sad, the normal one is mean and the live one still identifies as Shirou Emiya meaning he isn't really my dad. In short utterly depressed is a decent way of putting it. They make me depressed.

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2013, 06:23:08 AM »
Hakuno: Are you looking forward to the mandatory frilly dresses being a magical girl will entail? Or do you not really enjoy that stuff.


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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2013, 07:52:39 AM »
(Eh, some of these skits might come out a bit dumb, but it's worth a shot)

Archer: I-isn't that a bit lewd?
Archer: (thoughtfully) Although...
Rin: Y-you wouldn't seriously do it, would you?
Hakuno: (mutters) Wouldn't be the first time...
Archer: Never said I would, now did I?
Rin: You're thinking about it though. I can see it in your eyes.
Archer: (blushes a little, but tries to hide it) You can't say that for sure.
Rin: It's a little obvious. Honestly, some things never change.
Rin: (smirks mischievously) But... Who says you have to bump us together on purpose to get me to kiss Kishinami-chan~
(Rin grabs Hakuno by the arm, pulling her in for a kiss. Hakuno just sighs, an exasperated look on her face. As she said before, this hasn't been the first time.)
Archer: W-wait!
Rin: Aww, you feeling left out?
Archer: Hardly.
Hakuno: ...
Rin: I know... how about a threesome!
Hakuno: I-I don't know if I'm ready for that...
Archer: I don't think she's ready for that.
Rin: It's OK, once I find Archer's darker self, that shouldn't last long~
Hakuno: ...Are you being possessed by Ruby right now, Rin?
Archer: H-hold on, Hakuno got asked a question!
(He quickly snatches Hakuno away from Rin, putting his arms protectively around her)
Hakuno: So you do care.
Archer: I'm just trying to protect your innocence from being taken too soon.
Hakuno: Uh huh.
Hakuno: I don't know if I'm looking forward to the dress, but I'm not dreading it either. It could be worse, though it is kind of embarrassing. I do worry about people looking up my skirt when I'm flying around though.
Ruby: (appears as if out of nowhere) Aww, come on, the outfits are fun! Plus even if you're kind of old, you still look so cute in it~
Hakuno: You're only here just now? (To herself)...I look cute in the dress?
Archer: (whispering) Be glad she wasn't.
Ruby: Aww, Archer's just ashamed to admit that he wants a glimpse of Hakuno-chan's panties~
Rin: Pervert.
Archer: I never said anything about Hakuno's panties.
Rin: But we all know you were thinking it.
Archer: Didn't you just try to make out with my Master?
Rin: T-that was to prove a point!
Archer: So who's the real pervert then?
Hakuno: (quietly, to herself) I think I'm going to leave now...
« Last Edit: November 20, 2013, 04:02:41 AM by Alice »

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Mordalfus Grea

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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2013, 08:38:21 AM »
(It was funny, Alice and that is a good thing. Now I gotta wait and see if Mike[?] answers Raida's question)

Dear Lawrence: So if you're connected to that car of yours, do you feel it when you hit some poor critter as your drive?
Dear Redheaded Driver: Do you have a name we can call you aside from Redheaded Driver?
Dear Rin: So how many times when nobody was around did you end up making out with Saber?
Dear Hakuno: So is Rin your Girlfriend now or is Archer your boyfriend?
Dear Taiga: If someone gave you a Tiger plushy, how would you respond?
Dear Satoshi: Do you have an pet peeves we should know about before certain lines get crossed?
If you must address me as something, it is not MG! Please address me as Mord if you need to shorten my name

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Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2013, 02:42:12 PM »
Dear Lawrence: So if you're connected to that car of yours, do you feel it when you hit some poor critter as your drive?
Dear Redheaded Driver: Do you have a name we can call you aside from Redheaded Driver?
LAWRENCE: Well, I feel the impact, yeah. And the car is my memento mori, so I do feel a rather strong connection to it. I'm attuned more to the human side of ghostly affairs anyway, so honestly all I do feel is the impact.
DRIVER: It was once my anchor to the mortal realm. Every death it causes brings me joy.
LAWRENCE: ...I should probably stop driving it so often then. I think you get off on the insects hitting the windshield. It'd explain why you usually keep quiet when I'm driving.
DRIVER: I like the noise the big ones make when they hit it at high speeds.
LAWRENCE: That's kinda sick. Anyway, the next question is for you -

DRIVER: Steve.
LAWRENCE: Seriously!?!?!?
DRIVER: No. I am the Redheaded Driver. That is my name now. Whatever I was before doesn't matter.
LAWRENCE: In truth, he probably forgot his mortal name. It happens a lot to vengeful ghosts apparently.
DRIVER: Ghost? I am a Geist. Names don't matter to me, only that their blood is spilled...
LAWRENCE: Maybe I should call you Khorne.


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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2013, 05:05:49 PM »
Taiga: Plushie? Like a stuffed animal? Well if that's what you mean aunty already gave me one. His name is Gawain.

Satoshi: I'm over two thousand years old, so yeah I have stuff that annoys me. If I listed them all you'd probably die before the list finished.

That said here are the big twelve, I'd sing them but I have no back beat.

one, Certain girls of Germanic d- screw it, almost everything Rin Tohsaka does, from the attitude, heroic deaths to reading in the dark, basically everything pisses me off. Stop it! You're screwing up your eyesight.

two, Threatening my friends and family, you'll be sitting around fine and then me everyone I can find in the five minutes I'm not tracking your ass down will break into your lair and Shoryuken your balls.

Three, people who take issue with me not choosing to start a fight, seriously those people annoy me.

four, I have been 'murdered' in basically every non sexual way possible, I cannot die, therefore the use of or implication there of suicide  is off limits, especially if you are a certain heroic spirit counter guardian.

five, Gilgamesh, just Gilgamesh.

six, people in my kitchen, incidentally my kitchen is wherever I'm cooking.

seven, vampires, the self entitled shits not the problem solvers. Humans are not cows fuck holes.

eight, Aiming for my throat in a fight.

nine, assassins, life is precious  and you can't even face the life you take.

ten, Nero, the Roman, not the chaos although he's annoying too.

eleven, the over abundance of incredibly beautiful women I am aquatinted with and the fact that I have a moral code.

twelve, people who invade the privacy of others.

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2013, 06:02:41 PM »
Satoshi - Why aiming for the throat? And why Rin? And why the hell does a moral code keep you from getting laid?

Cherry Lover

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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2013, 06:54:12 PM »
Rider: Not really. I'm sure I could if I wanted to, despite my height, but I'm not an exhibitionist. Gyrating in front of a bunch of random men who can't even touch me isn't my idea of fun. For a partner, sure, but not for money.

If I was ever in real need I would do it despite all that, but I've never been in need of money. And, Sakura would insist on paying for anything I wanted that badly.

Rin: Hey, if you've got plenty of money, how about you buy me a few jewels?

Rider: If you really want money, my offer is still open. A jewel for every hour you can last....

Rin: Erm....


I think I'll pass....

Rider: Really? I'll pay you very well, and I promise I won't cause any permanent damage. *Moves towards Rin*

Rin: Erm.... *Runs away*

Sakura: Rider, have you been harrassing Nee-san again...?

*Shadow tentacles approach Rider*

Rider: *Gulp*

Anyway, here are some questions from me.

Rin: What are your feelings for your sister, and how close are you to her now? Do you still feel bad about failing to help her as a child? And, do you regret not having the chance to grow up alongside her?

Also, how do you feel about Rider? Do you find her attractive? If she offered herself to you with no conditions attached, what would you do?

Mille: You mentioned knowing of Shirou in your timeline, but do you know of a Matou Sakura, or a Tohsaka Rin? Or, if not, have you heard anything about the Matou or Tohsaka families?

Satoshi: Which of the many girls you know are you most attracted to? And, if you find it frustrating to be unable to pursue any of those women, then how did you feel when Rider said she would allow you to do whatever you wanted to her if you defeated her?

Dark Archer: How do you really feel about Sakura? What would you do if you met her again?
« Last Edit: November 19, 2013, 06:55:17 PM by Cherry Lover »


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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2013, 06:56:03 PM »
Satoshi: Regeneration is fine but pain hurts and you can't even scream it off when your throat gets trashed. Rin dies a lot. Having a moral code prevents me from having casual sex because I respect the women around me. There's a much longer answer but that's the jist of it.

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2013, 07:01:11 PM »
Satoshi - There has to be more reason for that than to dislike Rin.

And will anyone send any questions my way ;_;


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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2013, 07:10:45 PM »
Satoshi: I don't dislike Rin, I dislike what she does, especially the stuff that gets her killed.

As for the girl I'm most attracted to, that's a loaded question if I ever heard one. I'm mostly fine about not pursuing the women I know, I was looking for the grail so it was a job requirement, now I can freely pursue that stuff but I'm immortal so I'm not really going to rush. As for Rider, meh, I mean if I was normal at the time it would have been more meaningful but Angra gunks up my senses like having serious fever so I didn't really care that much with Angra jamming the fuck you button the whole time.

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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #12 on: November 19, 2013, 07:19:01 PM »
Lawrence: What kind of car do you drive, what kind of car do you wish you drove and why haven't you gotten rid of your current car to get it?

Deep psychoanalysis going on here, tread carefully.

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #13 on: November 19, 2013, 07:21:22 PM »
Lawrence: What kind of car do you drive, what kind of car do you wish you drove and why haven't you gotten rid of your current car to get it?

Deep psychoanalysis going on here, tread carefully.

LAWRENCE - '71 Firebird, '71 Firebird, and because I sorta died for it. That and the Driver would fucking kill me if I got rid of it.  It's important to me.

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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #14 on: November 19, 2013, 07:27:51 PM »
Lawrence: What will you do if/when the car stops working, then?