Author Topic: In Character Game Thread (Depricated)  (Read 246988 times)


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1710 on: July 30, 2018, 06:02:17 AM »

"How altruistic," Noah said, his voice bordering on the edge of sarcasm.  As she spoke, her condition was written out on the glimmering piece of paper.  The beast had signed herself over to him, so now it was time for him to present his conditions.  Meanwhile, he dug his fingers into the sleaves on her pants, feeling those tender thighs for himself.

"Very well," he said, grabbing hold of her legs and taking her off of his shoulders.  It was extremely easy considering how light she was.  "Then my conditions are the same as before.  You will not be the one to end my life, rather the one to avenge it in the case of my untimely death.  Second, in order to fulfill that contract of love, I shall give you access to my deepest desires.  Third, you will do what you can to watch over me and if deemed in line with my desires, protect me."

Noah pushed the girl onto the couch, straddling her legs.  "Is this acceptable?"


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1711 on: July 30, 2018, 06:22:50 AM »

He was only met by the unearthly penetrating eyes of the angel herself, they seemed sharper than the sharpest blade yet completely vacant at the same time. A complete mystery that could not be solved in single mortal lifespan or perhaps even ten. She had let go of him, allowing him to indulge in his desires for as much as he wanted. "Yes I accept them. I trust that is all there is that to that boring ordeal."

Her essence was still leaking out and embracing him, in fact the closer he got to her, the more intense the feeling became.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1712 on: July 30, 2018, 07:05:47 PM »

"I think we're done here for today. If you have any further questions regarding our planned joint venture you can find me at my residence, just ask people around for directions if you need them, the Harrington mansion shouldn't be too hard to find."

With that said, she pushed herself off the table and made her way out of the workshop. She'd manage to scout it out adaquately now and had no more need to play around with the owner.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1713 on: July 30, 2018, 08:30:44 PM »

It was at that moment, staring into those unearthly eyes, that Noah finally had a revelation.  Just as he said before, destiny was not something he handed himself over to willingly, but this seemed to be a match made in heaven.  The fallen angel.  A deviant of god's plan was now beneath his body and now had access to his soul.  This girl was nothing like how she first appeared.  Her cute face and innocent appearance was just one face of a woman with a much more sinister identity.  At least, that is what many would think if they had realized her identity.  To Noah, this was just a woman who understood the same truth of mankind and therefore, could understand him.

"Then the contract is complete!" he announced, snapping his fingers which caused the contract to disperse in an explosion of light.  He turned to Nana.  "Go get her."

The snake woman nodded and walked away.

Noah returned his attention to the angel, feeling himself harden in response to being touched by her essance.  Even with his thick kahki pants on, she would be able to feel him growing into inner thigh.  His hands extended forward, wrapping around her chin.  He stared back into those eyes as intently as any mortal could, allowing them to overtake his sense of self.  That is when his inhabitions finally fell.  He locked lips with the fallen angel, frantically attempting to remove his suit while he savored the taste of her lips.

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1714 on: July 30, 2018, 11:17:54 PM »

"Well, the thing that interests me the most is that you seem to have a layer of flesh on top of your body. I'm trying to parse out what's under, I'm thinking scales but I can't be a hundred percent sure. It seems really cool!" Liseth didn't want the girl to think she was bothered or disgusted by it! It was actually really interesting. Breeze either wasn't human or this was some enchantment or mutation.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1715 on: July 30, 2018, 11:42:51 PM »

"Well, the thing that interests me the most is that you seem to have a layer of flesh on top of your body. I'm trying to parse out what's under, I'm thinking scales but I can't be a hundred percent sure. It seems really cool!" Liseth didn't want the girl to think she was bothered or disgusted by it! It was actually really interesting. Breeze either wasn't human or this was some enchantment or mutation.

Auspicious Breeze

The color in Breeze's face drained at the mention of it all. How... how had this girl recognized it? Nobody noticed it before! Her mistress' sorcery had been pretty much perfect about not letting it show that her skin was anything but her skin! Liseth would notice that the camera was shaking a bit now, the former gladiator's hand trembling.

There's nothing 'cool' about it.

That isn't what she said, of course. What she said instead was, "What makes you think that?" She forced her hand to stay still again, and tilted her head stiffly to the side.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1716 on: July 31, 2018, 01:31:49 AM »

"Fufufu, of course, I am justice, child. Strength is justice. Morals and conviction without the strength to back it up is utterly meaningless. Or perhaps I should say folly. The weak purporting to work to uphold justice is at best, childish fancy."

The pink haired succubus walked in as if she owned the place, an air of superiority and an oppressive air of power following behind her. She flicked a long silky lock of hair as she regarded her trusted subordinate laying in bed with this woman. "Are you having a good time playing with her, Vanilla?"

She leaned over the two of them. Her perfect body glistened as if it had just been oiled, and her form seemed to give off an irresistable air. Suerte would want to reach out, to touch her, to be stepped on by her, to worship her. A simple test, to see whether she could maintain her composure.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2018, 01:35:11 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1717 on: July 31, 2018, 01:47:39 AM »
Jackie and Jill

"Ack!" Jackie yelped, trying to rip off the invisible force with her hands.  It was a futile effort and the girl was tossed into a wall.  Meanwhile, a hail of bolt like energy came down from the roof, only to be intercepted by several bolts of yellow light.  The two energies collided in an explosion of red and yellow.  Realizing she cannot close the distance without being creative, Jackie struck the wall with a swift backfist, shattering the wall.

Spotting the shadow, Jill leaped back up on top of the trashcan, pointing her finger at Thea with a smile.  A rocket seemed to spawn from her finger, flying at the psychic girl with the intent to kill.


Seeing that Thea had everything under control, Tsumiko continued the barrage, but moved the target of it towards Jill, intent on holding her down. However, this was a mere feint to distract from her real plot. The shadow suddenly undulated an grew rapidly, a gargantuan black creature made of liquid shadows bursting forth from the ground and growing to the size of a large car. It began to chase Jill, swatting at her with its tendril-like arms.

Meanwhile, Tsumiko called forth the image of another sword, bringing it to the forefront of her mind.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1718 on: July 31, 2018, 01:48:10 AM »

The tails were persistent though and kept up their assault despite the narrow escape, there was no way to hide now that she was in the Kitsune's sight. They would perform their task and they would perform it admirably, as admirably as a tickling barrage could be conducted.

"My liege I can confirm that they do that, I've been there a few when I was getting exotic herbal catalysts. But isn't it more worrying that your forces have been compromised by an entity you know nothing about?

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1719 on: July 31, 2018, 01:48:49 AM »

Ohhhhh, that was not a good reaction at all. Liseth had never managed to get herself into an issue like this, but if she had stumbled into it then she should be able to get back out! "Well, I have a lot of sensors that let me detect a lot of things about people to a really tiny level. But uh, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm sorry if that was too personal."

Her face was tinged red in some semblance of shame as she looked away from the screen a bit. "But I was telling the truth." It really was interesting! Cool even. Preferences had become a tad weird to Liseth recently. Sure there was the occult being interesting, but not she had this deep seated urge to just break open every secret and look inside until she could do anything and everything. It also came with really weird feelings towards that mystic generator masquerading as science in one of the nuclear power plants but everything came with some quirks.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1720 on: July 31, 2018, 02:02:37 AM »

The voice echoing through the room was enough for her to instantly tense up.  It wasn't so much the person, but the speech itself.  It was earily close to the philosophy of the man who killed her parents.  Still, she wasn't sure it would be wise to fight now, not with Vanilla still here.  Plus, she didn't want to hurt someone who is so important to her.  Besides....

She's even hotter than Vanilla!

It was strange, feeling attracted to someone like this.  Whatever spurred on her body to want to fight this woman didn't go away, but it intensified her lust.  Her mind couldn't help but race with stupid questions like, what kind of weird shit would she like?  Would I even be into it?  WHO CARES?! ID DO ANYTHING TO FUCK THAT! STEP ON ME MY QUEEN!  It was not like she could hide it either, not with her massive cock growing with each image that flashed through her mind.  If she wasn't careful she would get fucked... and.... good.... and...

The cowgirl shook her head and stood up, her rock hard shaft standing at attention with her.  "Well while I don't disagree with what you said, I can't say I like how you said it.  Are you saying the weak cannot ever hope to contribute to keeping the peace?"


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1721 on: July 31, 2018, 02:21:37 AM »

Ohhhhh, that was not a good reaction at all. Liseth had never managed to get herself into an issue like this, but if she had stumbled into it then she should be able to get back out! "Well, I have a lot of sensors that let me detect a lot of things about people to a really tiny level. But uh, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm sorry if that was too personal."

Her face was tinged red in some semblance of shame as she looked away from the screen a bit. "But I was telling the truth." It really was interesting! Cool even. Preferences had become a tad weird to Liseth recently. Sure there was the occult being interesting, but not she had this deep seated urge to just break open every secret and look inside until she could do anything and everything. It also came with really weird feelings towards that mystic generator masquerading as science in one of the nuclear power plants but everything came with some quirks.

Auspicious Breeze

Breeze shuddered a bit as she felt at her sides a bit, feeling her skin crawling from having the reminder still echoing in her head. It was only the apology that kept her from really holding it against Liseth more, enough to say, "It's okay. You didn't know. It's not really something I like being reminded of..."

The second part was what made the Solar frown in confusion though. "But since we're on it, what exactly do you mean by 'cool'?"

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1722 on: July 31, 2018, 02:26:34 AM »

"It's awesome and interesting, different and unique, I'd bet it's really pretty too!" She admittedly gushed a bit. It was hard to be apologetic when it just didn't seem so bad! Everything that Liseth learned just made things more fascinating, especially when so many of her biases were out of the way.

Sure, something human had her squirming in her seat in relative embarrassment but the girl's eyes were practically aglow. 


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1723 on: July 31, 2018, 02:34:53 AM »
Jackie and Jill


That level of firepower is not enough, Jill thought as she turned her attention to the assailant from above.  She pointed one finger at the second wave of attacks, firing beams that counteracted the strikes from above, making "pew pew" noises the entire time.  The feint wasn't hard to figure out, if only because most experienced fighters don't try the same tactic twice, without switching things up.  Plus, the thing she was using to sneak up on her was the size of a car.  With her other finger, she silenced the shadow monster with another rocket.

"Your going to have to do better than that." Jill shouted.  Of course, that was a bluff.  Even if she could keep the girl on the roof's onslaught at bay, the second they finished with her partner, they were both done for.  But for now, she had to make sure that creature was down for the count, so her eyes remained forcused on that.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1724 on: July 31, 2018, 02:48:40 AM »

The voice echoing through the room was enough for her to instantly tense up.  It wasn't so much the person, but the speech itself.  It was earily close to the philosophy of the man who killed her parents.  Still, she wasn't sure it would be wise to fight now, not with Vanilla still here.  Plus, she didn't want to hurt someone who is so important to her.  Besides....

She's even hotter than Vanilla!

It was strange, feeling attracted to someone like this.  Whatever spurred on her body to want to fight this woman didn't go away, but it intensified her lust.  Her mind couldn't help but race with stupid questions like, what kind of weird shit would she like?  Would I even be into it?  WHO CARES?! ID DO ANYTHING TO FUCK THAT! STEP ON ME MY QUEEN!  It was not like she could hide it either, not with her massive cock growing with each image that flashed through her mind.  If she wasn't careful she would get fucked... and.... good.... and...

The cowgirl shook her head and stood up, her rock hard shaft standing at attention with her.  "Well while I don't disagree with what you said, I can't say I like how you said it.  Are you saying the weak cannot ever hope to contribute to keeping the peace?"


Vanilla shuffled out of the bed and bowed, kneeling respectly on the floor in front of her liege. Well, as respectfully as a naked succubus with two cocks could. She lowered her head reverentially, as if she was worshiping her. "Yes, she is--" Elizabeth waved her hand, and Vanilla respectfully stood up and stepped back away from the bed. Elizabeth's wings flapped a bit, and she floated up into the air, sitting down on what appeared to be air and grabbed the girl's tent with her feet, smooshing the head in between her toes and using the soles of her feet to slowly stroke it.

"Ultimately, yes. The weak cannot possibly hope to stand up against the mighty. Any case where they seem to is merely the strong ceding the right to rule to the weak. Just take a look at this adorable little city. The actual government holds no power. It's a complete farce. Why?" She asked, leaning down towards Suerte, her large and delectable looking breasts hanging in front of Suerte's eyes, A glimmer flashing in her impossibly complex eyes. "Because they hold no power, of course. They can't enforce their will. Worthless." She sat back up. "Where does the power lay? The chiefs, of course. Because they're stronger than the average human. Because they have political connections and knew the right people. Because they have power."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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