Author Topic: Swole City  (Read 24198 times)


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #255 on: April 09, 2020, 09:28:20 PM »


Yusho... Mira... what would they think of what I'm doing right now? he thought, looking at the flyer in the window.  This was the cheapest one, one of those gyms that promised to take a person beyond their human limits.  Of course, it was still far more expensive than a regular gym, almost as much as he paid for rent.  Maybe he could never get powers like Yusho, but he could be strong like Mira maybe.

Plus, he was sick of being tired during those workouts.  It would be cool if they no longer made him break into a sweat.

"Damn it!" he groaned aloud, thinking about the cost again.  You can't make your money back just being strong right?  Was it really worth it?  "But I... I want to be strong."
« Last Edit: April 11, 2020, 03:25:35 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #256 on: April 09, 2020, 10:40:32 PM »

"You're so much better than I expected too Master~" Lily's eyes shone with adoration, however that quickly shifted to annoyance as he flipped her over onto her back. Her legs held firm for a second but the tugging of her tail made her thighs quiver and eventually give out letting him push them all the way up. Even as she made a show of trying to push him back her her strength diminished by the second made that impossible.

She cried out as the next thrust split her wide open, it reached all the way in and bumped into the entrance to her womb. "Fuuuuck, you're so big!" He wasn't even the biggest she'd ever taken, but when you were as small as her everyone was big, but no need to let him know that. And she could feel that it was what he wanted to hear.


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #257 on: April 10, 2020, 10:33:45 PM »

Yusho... Mira... what would they think of what I'm doing right now? he thought, looking at the flyer in the window. This was the cheapest one, one of those gyms that promised to take a person beyond their human limits. Of course, it was still far more expensive than a regular gym, almost as much as he paid for rent. Maybe he could never get powers like Yusho, but he could be strong like Mira maybe.

Plus, he was sick of being tired during those workouts. It would be cool if they no longer made him break into a sweat.

"Damn it!" he groaned aloud, thinking about the cost again. You can't make your money back just being strong right? Was it really worth it? "But I... I want to be strong."

Sakura Edelfeldt

Sakura had been wandering through the bodybuilding district for a couple hours, looking aimlessly for the best gym the city had to offer-she wanted to buy Edelgard and herself a membership. The bronzed elven woman didn't seem like the sort for whom therapy would be particularly helpful. She was far too taciturn and guarded, and in addition to that, she had trouble giving enough information to string together a coherent sentence.

She shook her head and grabbed the end of the brilliant purple braid, fiddling with its soft end. No, Edelgard needed to be willing to help herself before she could begin to be helped. So the least she could do was help her burn off some of the stress as a workout buddy.

"Damn it!" She heard a man exclaim as she walked past him-she turned her head and stopped, watching silently what he would do next. She walked up next to him and silently began to look at the promotional poster pasted upon the window.

She was wearing a tank top with a flower print on her chest over a tight sports bra. It left her midriff revealed, showing off her pride-her firm muscles brimmed with power and strength. The bottoms were entirely too tight, gripping her ass in an unrealistic manner and showing off the hardened curves of her legs.

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Re: Swole City
« Reply #258 on: April 10, 2020, 11:40:59 PM »


Roman's pupil's darted to the side, taking in the woman's shape in an instant before turning back.  That must be one of the famous fit girls he had heard about here.  Her body was like Mira, curvy, strong and pretty.  It was strange, he felt nervous but not paralyzed.

What is she doing here?

Roman's pupils darted towards her once again, before following her eyes to the poster.  Oh, she's looking at this gym?  What is hers not good enough?  Oh, I bet she's looking for something cheaper.  Maybe after you use the special equipment for a while, it stops being worth it...

"Sup," he said, tilting his head back in that 'sup bro' kind of way.  Hell yeah, nailed it.  No reason to hit on this one, I don't want her to crush my bones.


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #259 on: April 10, 2020, 11:53:01 PM »

Sakura noticed his eyes tearing off her clothes and fetishizing her figure, but she didn't react-if she cared about things like that' she'd dress more conservatively. She'd worked hard for the body she had, and she was proud of it. If he wanted to check her out, it was his prerogative. She only acknowledged his existence after he addressed her.

She turned to look at him, eyeing the man up with her vibrantly red eyes. He was a usual guy, one whom was probably just here to hit on her and try to get laid. After this would come the pickup line. She couldn't wait to see how he fucked that one up.

"Sup." She responded after a second, recomposing herself and hiding her mirth. She didn't want to be too rude-he hadn't really done anything wrong yet.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2020, 12:11:38 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Swole City
« Reply #260 on: April 10, 2020, 11:58:16 PM »

Perfect! he thought, not noticing what laid below the surface.

"So uhh... what brings you to this gym?  Here for the free spa?" he asked, turning his head to her and raising an eyebrow.  "A strong lady like you probably needs the more expensive gyms to get a good workout."

There was no way in hell she was here just to workout, no way in hell.


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #261 on: April 11, 2020, 12:05:51 AM »

"You're so much better than I expected too Master~" Lily's eyes shone with adoration, however that quickly shifted to annoyance as he flipped her over onto her back. Her legs held firm for a second but the tugging of her tail made her thighs quiver and eventually give out letting him push them all the way up. Even as she made a show of trying to push him back her her strength diminished by the second made that impossible.

She cried out as the next thrust split her wide open, it reached all the way in and bumped into the entrance to her womb. "Fuuuuck, you're so big!" He wasn't even the biggest she'd ever taken, but when you were as small as her everyone was big, but no need to let him know that. And she could feel that it was what he wanted to hear.


"Oh I bet I am," Richard said, ignoring the idea that maybe this is just dirty talk.  In this moment, he let himself belive his own hype, even after Lily brought reality to him just a little earlier.  He kept thrusting harder and harder.  "Its so tight and warm....  Lily you feel so good!"


He could feel it and she would too, he was throbbing inside of her, twitching even.  The pressure was hitting its apex but he could only slam his hips against her thick ass cheeks harder, growling as he squeezed her legs as tight as he could.  In that moment he didn't care.  He would use her like the sex doll he paid for, squeezing those delicious powerful thighs with all he had.  The same was said for her tail too, crushing in in his fingers to deliver the best orgasm his body could.

"I'm going to cum Lily.  Your going to take all of me and your going to like it."


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #262 on: April 11, 2020, 01:32:14 AM »

Perfect! he thought, not noticing what laid below the surface.

"So uhh... what brings you to this gym? Here for the free spa?" he asked, turning his head to her and raising an eyebrow. "A strong lady like you probably needs the more expensive gyms to get a good workout."

There was no way in hell she was here just to workout, no way in hell.


Sakura cocked her head and raised an eyebrow. "I'm looking for a nice gym, actually." She replied. "One that gives me the most bang for my buck. Wasting money on stupid things isn't really my style."

She eyed him up idly, checking how how built he was.

She was sort of disappointed, but everybody needed to start somewhere. She wasn't the sort to deride someone attempting effort and commitment. "I'm just a bit dubious of their claims that you can get significantly stronger super fast, frankly."

Sakura sighed.

"Everything in this city seems to be crazy, though. So I can't exactly just dismiss these claims out of hand." She dramatically threw out her arms and shrugged, thrusting her chest forward just a hair and putting her left foot slightly in front of the other. The air around her began to sparkle faintly for several seconds until she broke the pose and returned to her normal stature.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Swole City
« Reply #263 on: April 11, 2020, 03:46:21 AM »

"Well its what I need more than anything," Roman said, keeping his eyebrows raised at her flamboyant display and adding a tilted head.  "I want to get strong, so I'm willing to believe in it.  Besides, this district has many people who have broken the "human limit" here."

Weird, was she checking him out just now?  No that didn't sound right.  Maybe she was sizing him up?  Did that mean she was going to fight him?  Well, he had been lucky so far.  Still, it was probably best to be nice then, just to avoid too much conflict.

"So do you think this one is stupid then?"

The building in front of them was pretty modest.  As they looked into the window, they could see several fitness model bodies sweating and grunting, pushing massive weights.  Even the girls were able to use 100Ibs.  Even so, physique wise, Sakura outclassed just about everyone in there, even if only by a little bit.  The price on the poster was reasonable, one of the cheapest in the entire city, that much could be confirmed with a quick internet search.


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #264 on: April 11, 2020, 04:03:19 AM »

"Well its what I need more than anything," Roman said, keeping his eyebrows raised at her flamboyant display and adding a tilted head.  "I want to get strong, so I'm willing to believe in it.  Besides, this district has many people who have broken the "human limit" here."

Weird, was she checking him out just now?  No that didn't sound right.  Maybe she was sizing him up?  Did that mean she was going to fight him?  Well, he had been lucky so far.  Still, it was probably best to be nice then, just to avoid too much conflict.

"So do you think this one is stupid then?"

The building in front of them was pretty modest.  As they looked into the window, they could see several fitness model bodies sweating and grunting, pushing massive weights.  Even the girls were able to use 100Ibs.  Even so, physique wise, Sakura outclassed just about everyone in there, even if only by a little bit.  The price on the poster was reasonable, one of the cheapest in the entire city, that much could be confirmed with a quick internet search.

Sakura Edelfeldt

She nodded. "With enough effort, it's possible. Anyone can get strong. What I'm dubious about is the claim that some of them are making-that you can make immense gains in days." She looked inside and took a good long look at the workers-it wasn't that impressive, frankly. Nothing looked fantastical, and it looked way too expensive for just casual workouts-she wanted more. "Well..." She scratched her head sheepishly, trying to think of a nice way to say it. "If you're a beginner, I guess it'd be ok... I'm looking for something a bit more intense, though."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Swole City
« Reply #265 on: April 11, 2020, 04:08:33 AM »

"Well supposedly what matters is not the workouts, but these fancy rooms," Roman said, nodding in slight agreement.  Annoying as it was, she was right about him being a beginner.  "Apparently, they allow you to keep working out all day and make a bunch of progress.  The only ones who really take advantage of that are those gym rats who can stand working out all day."

And so he thought maybe he could just work out all day and get strong enough to surpass his human limits.  That would be easy right?


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #266 on: April 11, 2020, 04:11:35 AM »
Sakura Edelfeldt

Sakura furrowed her brow. "Working out all day doesn't sound fun at all." She muttered with a shake of her head. "Having a life is pretty important too."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Swole City
« Reply #267 on: April 11, 2020, 04:14:31 AM »

I don't have a life, is what he was thinking.  But all he did was sigh and say, "Yeah well it doesn't sound all that bad to me.  Go in weak and scrawny, come out muscular with the body of a true chad."

He said that, but he couldn't help but think back to Yusho's words.  He couldn't help but wonder if that would be considered a devils deal or just working hard.


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #268 on: April 11, 2020, 04:21:44 AM »
Sakura Edelfeldt

In a single, blindingly fast motion, Sakura pulled her tank off and tossed it to the side, where it promptly dissolved into the pavement.

She was absolutely ripped. Her muscles brimmed with strength and power, there was no fat on her stomach, and she even had an eight pac. "I wouldn't have wanted to get strong that way, but-do you have any power? Like at all?"

Her voice sounded fairly interested in him all of a sudden.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Swole City
« Reply #269 on: April 11, 2020, 04:34:04 AM »

Oh shit.

Roman stared at the girl's body, feeling a familiar stiffness in his pants.  It was hard not to when he was seeing so much more skin.  His eyes tracked along those enormous breasts before sliding down those massive arms.  They were twice the size of his own.  She looked like she could crush his head between her hands.  His eyes wandered downward.  Good lord she didn't just have a six pack but an eight pack.  He'd break his hand on those if he tried to fight her.

Roman glared at her, biting his lower lip.  "No...." he said, practically growling at her.  "I have.... nothing"