Author Topic: The District of Columbia  (Read 47360 times)


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #495 on: December 22, 2020, 05:20:34 AM »
Roadrunner, Pegasus Scout Vehicle of 5th Company
South of Phillipsburgh

The wind whipped around Sergeant Emily McKinsey's face as the Roadrunner tore down the highway. It was a simple joy for her, to have everything from the shoulders up sticking out of her armored steed's cupola. This feeling reminds her of when her father took her out around Dunham with his motorbike.

"Auspex is picking up contacts1 Three, maybe four footmobiles at ten o'clock, two hundred meters out!" Speer's voice over the comms broke her reverie.

McKinsey looked in that direction, but could only see woods. Time for a closer look, then. She pressed the communication device's button and barked "Pierre! Bank left! Head into the treeline!"

The scout commander glanced at the sister-Pegasus, the Raptor, as the Roadrunner made its way towards the forest. "Pegasus-2, hold back! Cover our escape path!"

Aye aye, ma'am!" her counterpart, Sergeant Bethany Schmidt, affirmed. Though they shared rank, McKinsey held seniority and thus called the shots.

Emily ducked back down into the scout vehicle's hull, locking the hatch as she did so. "Park up ahead and kill the engine, Pierre." she ordered, "Can you get any better readings, Speer?"

"No, ma'am. The trees are mucking up any clearer Auspex readings. I'll take a look around with the thermo."

"Do that. I don't want to accidently shoot up some hunters. Tanaka?" McKensey turned to the gunner sitting in the turret, "I want you to also switch to thermo."

"Y-yes ma'am!" squeaked the rather mousy specialist.

"Ma'am, I think this is them!" Speer turned to her commander, "I-I mean, it's not a hundred percent clear but-Oh, damn! The camera's going haywire!"

"M-mine, t-too!" Tanaka added.

"I thought I told you two to make sure everything was up to task this morning!" bellowed Emily as she once again rose up behind Tanaka's seat, magnoculars in hand.

"I did! I did!" Speer called back as the sergeant flipped open the cupola's hatch.

Emily grumbled a response back to her subordinate. Whelp, nothing to do now except to take a look with her own eyes. She barely brought the magnoculars to her eyes when a sudden blur of movement dashed right by her, startling her. "Shit!" she yelped, almost stumbling back into the wheeled tank as she fumbled for her sidearm.

"Wha-what is i-it?!" Tanaka heard her shriek, looking up to her NCO with a worried look.

"I=I don't know!" McKinsey shouted as she stumbled back into the crew compartment, closing and locking the hatch, once again, above her.

She only got a look at whatever it was for a split second, but her mind was quickly analyzing what she briefly saw - blue and steelcolored outfit, golden hair. Wait, could it be? "I think it was Americana! Pierre! Back up, back up! Take usback tot he highway!"

As Pierre started up the Pegasus, McKinsey tried hailing the other armored scout vehicle "Schmidt! Schmidt! Americana just ran passed us! She probably didn't recognize us, and she's heading your way!"

"Schmi-....-ca jus...recognize...your way!"

Sergeant Bethany Schmidt couldbarely understand anything Emily was saying over the static over the radio. "Say again, Pegasus-1? I didn't read that. Over."

"Ma'am, auspex is picking up a footmobile running our way, ten o'clock! Contact in five seconds!" her assistant driver called back to her.

"Gunner, take aim at the tree line!" Schmidt didn't hesitate, shouting the order as she rose up to her cupola's periscope.

Sure enough, a person emerged from the treeline, a person any Dunham citizen knows all too well. "HOLD FIRE! HOLD FIRE!" Beth frantically yells, stopping her gunner from making the biggest mistake in their unit's history.


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #496 on: December 22, 2020, 06:00:17 AM »
Serrulata Syn

The shadow stood, motionless, as Americana and her attackers retreated from the threat and opportunity created by her arrival. She watched, her black cloaked head bending to the left while the machine's corruption seeped into the land. The soil, the trees, the leaves, the pieces of crushed machinery scattered by the figure's ambush - all of it filled with a pollution so thick it caused matter to rot - or perhaps, to spasm as if in the throes of some manner of cancer. Her hands, sheathed in a flexible black metal, slowly unclenched at her sides.

One step forward, then another, one of those very same hands stretched out before her. A piece of the closest machine viciously wrenched itself free from the tainted husk, and came to rest over an open palm. "Quite the diversion to put out there. But there is more to your poison than just words, isn't there?"

The distant sound of tank treads and engines brought stillness to the shadow once more, if but for a moment. When it was clear their motion had ceased she began to stash the sample away amid her sinister garments, and vanished back into the trees in a shroud of darkness and sensory distortion.

"Let us see what secrets you have to offer..."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #497 on: December 22, 2020, 03:57:12 PM »

He put a hand up at Suerte's comment cooly. "Now, don't give me too much credit - Woah!"

Yet even getting yanked like that, he managed to look cool. That is, if adorable was the same thing as cool... which it very much isn't.

"Hey,  don't just... goddamn, if you say embarrassing things like that, I'll start getting heartsick for real." It looked like a troublemaking son who just got the first hug from his aunt in years. It felt like that to him at least.

"Seriously, seriously, I'm fine. Quit worrying so much" J-jeez... He looked away and tried not to smile. "Guess it's just kind of awkward, seeing you like that. You haven't changed a bit." He hesitated a bit before returning the hug.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2020, 03:58:51 PM by Kotomine_Rin »


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #498 on: December 22, 2020, 04:22:16 PM »

Evan began laughing. "Heheh....HAHAHAHA!"

Swinging back and forth, he glanced at all the women surrounding them.  He took his hands off of her hips and moved it back onto the skin of her upper back.  "So then I am actually dancing with the doll of a hammer?"  Those cool blue eyes drifted towards the tip of the hammer, its head and its hilt.  Then, his eyes met hers.  "Well you are the prettiest hammer i've seen.  Still, don't you think this is a little impersonal?  I want to dance with the real you."

Then he smiled, chuckled and said, "You know, that raises more questions than it answers.  Why does a hammer generate lightning?  Once again, why doesn't it hurt me?"

As if one could imply that because something wasn't real it couldn't hurt anyone.  Then what was a lie?  Evan chuckled at the thought.


Thorra puffed out her cheeks in a slight pout. "Even if that's technically true, you don't need to characterize it like- I'm still as alive and real as you or anybody else. My human body may be a doll, but it's just as much mine as yours is your own."

Thorra rested her hand against his back and pulled him closer into a sudden waltz, swaying back and forth with their bodies practically pressed against each other. "This is as personal as I can get with someone I just met. And-your second question-that would be my divine powers at work. I'm an up and coming demigoddess just trying to find her way in this world. It's nothing like anything I've ever experienced before."
« Last Edit: December 22, 2020, 10:17:02 PM by SINIB »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #499 on: December 23, 2020, 02:37:42 AM »

"A goddess?  I am honored then to be considered worth a dance," he said, the cloth of his suit touching what little covered her top.  Even then, his eyes never looked down, only into hers.  "If thats the case my apologies.  That sort of thing is far beyond my critical range."

Despite the change in form, he adjusted smoothly.  Turning her around, he gave the DJ a thumbs up, letting him know that things were going well.  The DJ smiled and gave a thumbs up back before making a crude hourglass shape with his hands.  Evan chuckled and leaned into Thorra, shortening the already short distance.  "But then again, even between us humans, we barely understand each other as much as we pretend to.  You can spend 25 years with someone and still learn new things about them."

"I think its time we gave them a grand finale," he whispered.  With the couple so close and the music so loud, no one would hear the conversation between them. "That lightning doesn't hurt anyone right?  This time I won't lead.  Lets do this last one together."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #500 on: December 23, 2020, 03:18:23 AM »

Suerte looked at the two of them, her pupils switching back and forth between the two as they talked.  She thought back to the dojos in her world, the training she went under to grow strong enough to fight her father's killer.  That sort of solidarity was nice, the feeling of being united in the pursuit of strength, self betterment.  Still, they were acting like they hadn't seen each other in years.  It was rare to see such solidarity.

"You know, you should cherish that sort of thing...  I miss the boys back home and the yelling."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #501 on: December 24, 2020, 07:23:16 PM »

"You brat... You are supposed to say I have gotten even more beautiful, still the same bad manners, how unbelievable...." Despite her seemingly harsh reprimands she didn't let go of him, no the blonde was far too occupied with taking his scent. She'd really missed this, it was such a shame to have someone that promising walk out.

But enough was enough, she'd reel him back in somehow. Valerie glanced over at the other blonde and a plan started hatching...

"And here I thought you still had a thing for blondes, could have fooled me with how you were chatting up blondie over there. I was even about to congratulate you for finally developing some taste, hmm about that....." She looked at Suerte directly and then continued speaking. "There are some fun games we could play together with sweet little Marc here... and double the blondes would be double the fun..."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #502 on: December 25, 2020, 01:42:43 AM »

"A goddess?  I am honored then to be considered worth a dance," he said, the cloth of his suit touching what little covered her top.  Even then, his eyes never looked down, only into hers.  "If thats the case my apologies.  That sort of thing is far beyond my critical range."

Despite the change in form, he adjusted smoothly.  Turning her around, he gave the DJ a thumbs up, letting him know that things were going well.  The DJ smiled and gave a thumbs up back before making a crude hourglass shape with his hands.  Evan chuckled and leaned into Thorra, shortening the already short distance.  "But then again, even between us humans, we barely understand each other as much as we pretend to.  You can spend 25 years with someone and still learn new things about them."

"I think its time we gave them a grand finale," he whispered.  With the couple so close and the music so loud, no one would hear the conversation between them. "That lightning doesn't hurt anyone right?  This time I won't lead.  Lets do this last one together."


"I'm not a goddess just yet, but strength and power aren't the only things which define a person's worth. Intelligence, wit, charm—they're just a few of the things that can make a person interesting. Part of what makes people so much fun is the fact you can always find out new things about them. I'd consider it a feature, not a flaw." Thorra's soft bosom pressed up against his firm form, and she held tightly onto his hand, filled with anticipation and not a small amount of nervousness. Despite her natural abilities, she wasn't exactly sure what would be appropriate here—would going too over the top be seen as uncouth, or dangerous? She didn't want to make anybody uncomfortable or to get herself kicked out, after all. So, the hammer hesitated, thinking for a moment about how to wow the crowd.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2020, 02:17:34 AM by SINIB »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #503 on: December 25, 2020, 03:26:11 AM »

If Marc was embarrassed, he sure didn't sound like it.

"Ah come on, don't say stuff like that, it's seriously embarrassing... or is that your plan all along? You... villain." He shifted his head back, trying to squirm out of the hug - but he clearly wasn't doing a very good job. Or maybe he didn't really try to, considering how his hands were still attached.

Maybe he was a little embarrassed after all though. She could feel his heart thumping a little harder.

"Did you just... did you just smell me? Mon dieu. Um, now now... oh que vais je faire. Uh, miss blonde? A little help here? Uh, I'm pretty sure she means Uno. Yes! Uno! And you know what they say right? Twice the pride and double the fall... so help me oh please. Anyone have mercy on my poor criminal soul."

He tried to reach out his hand to the cowboy girl as if begging her to save him. But maybe...

Those hand signs...

Was he calling her in for a group hug? It'd almost come off like reverse psychology. It's not like it'd be that perverted, and if it made him happy...

The two ladies combined gorilla strength... he'd break! He'd love it, but he'd definitely die!


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #504 on: December 25, 2020, 02:57:26 PM »

Did she just....

Suerte giggled, stood up and said, "Well... I do think I owe him something after making him see me cry like that."  Although, in reality, she just wanted to erase that image of her weakness in his head.

The cowgirl pressed her chest up against the young man's surprisingly muscular form.  Running her fingers through his red hair, she stared at him, her brown eyes staring at his.  "No hablo francesa, pero hablo espanol y ingles.  But don't stop.  A red haired man speaking French is...."

Suerte moaned in approval.

Then, she turned to the poor man's savior and executioner, her hands resting on his chest.  "So how should we play with him then?"

« Last Edit: December 25, 2020, 02:58:35 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #505 on: December 25, 2020, 05:27:25 PM »

"Well as I said, that sort of thing is beyond my critical range.  I am a regular human, no more no less.  God's are far beyond what I usually handle."

The hand on her back drifted back down towards her hips and he leaned in so close that his lips were practically kissing her ear.  The crowd could see his lips move, but not a single soul heard even a peep other than thorra herself.

"But lets see what a rising demigoddess and human can do together yes?  Those smiling faces in the crowd, lets give them something they won't forget, a reason to smile even on their saddest days, the simple memory of an unforgettable night."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #506 on: December 26, 2020, 03:56:35 PM »

That moan was a bit disappointing but soon enough they would see that blonde moan for real, Valerie was sure of this. She did shift to the side however so that he could experience both of their bouncy bosoms pressing up against him at the same time.

"The best way off course, we tease him and tease him." Her hand slid down to his inner thigh and the Vampire King begun caressing it, she slowly worked her way up...

"We tease him to the brink, over and over. Then you will know the intoxicating power of having a man begging for your touch like his life depends on it."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #507 on: December 26, 2020, 04:45:36 PM »

"To tease him huh?" Suerte said, her eyes lowering.  "You say that like I wasn't already doing that."

Suerte began tugging on his shirt, giving her a peek of the muscular body hiding behind the tight fabric.  She pushed her hips out, just to give him a better look at the cleavage barely cupped by her way too tight dress.

"If I touch you right, will you cum in french?"


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #508 on: December 26, 2020, 05:14:03 PM »
Roadrunner, Pegasus Scout Vehicle of 5th Company
South of Phillipsburgh

The wind whipped around Sergeant Emily McKinsey's face as the Roadrunner tore down the highway. It was a simple joy for her, to have everything from the shoulders up sticking out of her armored steed's cupola. This feeling reminds her of when her father took her out around Dunham with his motorbike.

"Auspex is picking up contacts1 Three, maybe four footmobiles at ten o'clock, two hundred meters out!" Speer's voice over the comms broke her reverie.

McKinsey looked in that direction, but could only see woods. Time for a closer look, then. She pressed the communication device's button and barked "Pierre! Bank left! Head into the treeline!"

The scout commander glanced at the sister-Pegasus, the Raptor, as the Roadrunner made its way towards the forest. "Pegasus-2, hold back! Cover our escape path!"

Aye aye, ma'am!" her counterpart, Sergeant Bethany Schmidt, affirmed. Though they shared rank, McKinsey held seniority and thus called the shots.

Emily ducked back down into the scout vehicle's hull, locking the hatch as she did so. "Park up ahead and kill the engine, Pierre." she ordered, "Can you get any better readings, Speer?"

"No, ma'am. The trees are mucking up any clearer Auspex readings. I'll take a look around with the thermo."

"Do that. I don't want to accidently shoot up some hunters. Tanaka?" McKensey turned to the gunner sitting in the turret, "I want you to also switch to thermo."

"Y-yes ma'am!" squeaked the rather mousy specialist.

"Ma'am, I think this is them!" Speer turned to her commander, "I-I mean, it's not a hundred percent clear but-Oh, damn! The camera's going haywire!"

"M-mine, t-too!" Tanaka added.

"I thought I told you two to make sure everything was up to task this morning!" bellowed Emily as she once again rose up behind Tanaka's seat, magnoculars in hand.

"I did! I did!" Speer called back as the sergeant flipped open the cupola's hatch.

Emily grumbled a response back to her subordinate. Whelp, nothing to do now except to take a look with her own eyes. She barely brought the magnoculars to her eyes when a sudden blur of movement dashed right by her, startling her. "Shit!" she yelped, almost stumbling back into the wheeled tank as she fumbled for her sidearm.

"Wha-what is i-it?!" Tanaka heard her shriek, looking up to her NCO with a worried look.

"I=I don't know!" McKinsey shouted as she stumbled back into the crew compartment, closing and locking the hatch, once again, above her.

She only got a look at whatever it was for a split second, but her mind was quickly analyzing what she briefly saw - blue and steelcolored outfit, golden hair. Wait, could it be? "I think it was Americana! Pierre! Back up, back up! Take usback tot he highway!"

As Pierre started up the Pegasus, McKinsey tried hailing the other armored scout vehicle "Schmidt! Schmidt! Americana just ran passed us! She probably didn't recognize us, and she's heading your way!"

"Schmi-....-ca jus...recognize...your way!"

Sergeant Bethany Schmidt couldbarely understand anything Emily was saying over the static over the radio. "Say again, Pegasus-1? I didn't read that. Over."

"Ma'am, auspex is picking up a footmobile running our way, ten o'clock! Contact in five seconds!" her assistant driver called back to her.

"Gunner, take aim at the tree line!" Schmidt didn't hesitate, shouting the order as she rose up to her cupola's periscope.

Sure enough, a person emerged from the treeline, a person any Dunham citizen knows all too well. "HOLD FIRE! HOLD FIRE!" Beth frantically yells, stopping her gunner from making the biggest mistake in their unit's history.


In all of her tanker girl's heads, their Avatar's panicked voice ran through them telepathically. It was strange, truly-they'd never heard fear in her voice before. Not at the weekly sermons, not while visiting with her, never. "Retreat! Pull out of Columbian Territory! We're not ready for a war with them, nor can we afford one, with these new arrivals! Fall back!

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #509 on: December 26, 2020, 05:55:27 PM »

A less experienced man would have jolted, but the french pretty boy had his fair share of experience. That wouldn't help here. Valerie was almost a mother to him, even though they weren't related, he never really looked at her as a woman. It had been years, and everyone heard stories of that lord's escapades.

But that's what they are, just stories.

"Oh don't worry honey, my eyesight isn't that great." H..heh. hose were some outrageous cannons pointed at him, his magnum was seriously going to go full throttle. Wasn't this a little fast? They could give him a bottle of wine first, buy him dinner...

His eyes shifted away from his former sensei, and his poor heart was thumping like a drum. Not fair... That warm touch was awakening fetishes he didn't even know he had. And there he thought he was a respectable young man.

The thing about stories is, if you don't tell your own, you become part of someone else's. "Good grief, what do will you do? I am helpless, hapless and trapped."

They could see his ears reddening, even playing along, he couldn't hide that much. That and his foxy glances were as adorable as they get. "I could show you around my house if you want."