Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 74388 times)


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"Iunno, let's get a table before we make any decisions." She looked around, and noticed a sign labeled "Please Seat Yourself." "Hmmm, do you want to sit outside or inside?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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While it wasn't that cold outside it was still winter, on the other hand they had Oka's pet he thought while looking at it. "We could try outside, there's more room here for wormy and he could keep us warm right?"


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The Changeling re-entered the room only to find that the situation had gone from decent to bad in what little time she'd spent outside. What little time she had to spend wondering how things had taken such a complete 180 passed all too soon as they both seemed to notice her presence.

"I'll be fine, it's just..." the Changeling trailed off after a moment, unable to help glancing at the many draconic likenesses scattered throughout the room, "Yes, that would be nice, Bellitanus. Thank you."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Fiona Bacarra

Her arms outstretched to the sides Fiona walked down the street, balancing on the curb as her eyes were closed. One foot before the other, her heels clacking on the ground as she hummed a happy but soft tone, like something you would sing to a young child.

Her were lips up in a large smile, and her hood hid the top of her head and most of her hair twitched slightly. Occasionally, as her cloak swayed in the breeze, a bright red pony tail could be seen, so red that it matched the roses in her hair. If one were to look closely they might have been able to tell that the swaying of her skirt was caused by more than the wind, but rather something below it.

As she walked, a crow landed on the sidewalk next to her, tilting its head as it looked at her, cawing to draw her attention. “Ah! You’re back!” She said cheerfully, before giving a small hop and landing in front of the bird and kneeling down. “Hehe, thanks for your help.” She told the bird, holding out her hand which had a couple of seeds in it, ignoring the odd looks she was drawing from the occasional person that was on the fairly empty sidewalk.

After finishing the offering the bird simply stared at her before cawing one again and flying away, leaving the girl who knows had a frown and drooping eyes. She let out a soft sigh and her visible hair seemed to become a couple shades darker and the occasional swaying of her dress and twitching of her hood stopped, “Nothing huh…” She mumbled softly as her head drooped.

Sighing again in exasperation she raised herself back to a stand, crossing her arms over her chest after she patted down her dress, an intense look taking over her features. “Hmm” she hummed, as she kept her eyes closed.

“What am I going to do now?” She whispered to herself.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2016, 11:06:42 PM by Knick »

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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Alpha walked into the restaurant after Mordred, and was greeted by an ornate design, with one of those restaurant floors littered with walls for privacy and authenticity. An asian woman in a chinese dress stood at the welcoming booth, and she bowed as we walked in.

"Table for two?" She asked in an exagerrated chinese accent.

"Three," Alpha replied, pointing back at Noel.

"Follow me," she said, walking off to one of the many booths. Alpha kept her eyes forward, an empty stomach spurring her to ignore her surroundings.

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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Kenzo dashed off, angry at Micheal, leaving Akatsuki in her own little bathing area. No doubt, he was mad they were playing in the bath so much! Tenryuu also got mad when she'd do the same, but Nagato would always let it slide.

Thinking about old friends, Akatsuki lowered herself into the spring, the hot water stinging at her injury, a bite on the shoulder.

If the bath was anything like the ones at home, an injury of the like would take an estimated... seventeen minutes to properly heal up.

Akatsuki got comfortable, closed her eyes despite the nearby chaos, and started waiting.


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Darcy Hugh

Darcy raised an eyebrow at the sudden shift of mood, but didn’t scowl at all despite her insulting coldness. He knew her look, he had seen it so many times, but he was confused. She was old, there was no doubt to his intuition on that matter, but she could not be a vampire. So what exactly was he dealing with?

“Man, learn to take bloody joke will ya? You can’t do it right without the rest of the instruments, for fuck’s sake. Even an amateur could tell there was something missing.”

Damn, for a wallet she sure had a big mouth. For a moment, or many, he wondered if he should shut it for good, but he digressed. She was clearly wealthy, powerful, and a mage as well. Her friends might come after him… if she didn’t fry him herself.

So much for getting on her good side., wherever that was. The only side that bitch probably had was asshole.

“Well, whatever. If anyone needs me, I’ll be at the pub, babe.” He said with his usual flirtatious and cheery attitude before leaving.

Umbra of Chaos

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Lumen nodded but there was the slightest bit of unease in her movements. This place was really big. There had been more people looking at her in that moment than there were people in her entire village. The vastness of it all was a bit disconcerting. "That sounds fine but you may need o pick something out for me. I was never good at buying clothes and finding the right colors has always been an issue. But after that what should we do with our... friends?"


The Old God massaged her head for a moment and while it was no less graceful than any of her other movement it did speak of her frustration. "I cannot begin to comprehend how you deal with him. Such open vulgarness and boasting. Even the illusion of humility is better than none at all. At least it is less irritating."

It was almost startlingly mundane for Urthemiel to voice her complaints. Perhaps that would make the Changeling more relaxed. Nevertheless the mage simply held her hand out to Emily with a calming smile. "Let's get on a move then. It would be nice to find a place to relax after all this."


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Lycodrake Aptera

Nexus City, as the residents called it, was an expansive place that maps could not contain. The orphan dragon had wandered around the city, avoiding conflict as best he could and holing up where it was warm on the cold nights. He still had no real idea of who or what being controlled the Nexus - city and phenomenon both. Humans reacted to his presence oddly compared to his world. Fear rather than wariness. He didn't like that, so he had made it a habit to be polite and careful around them.

Today was just another day of trying to learn more about the Nexus and doing what he could to help others. This wasn't entirely selfless, because without something active to do he would get bored - and boredom allowed to homesickness and depression. Neither of which would help him get back home, if possible.

So it was that, as he plodded on the streets of Nexus, he came upon a flock of black birds flying from a central point. A red shade to them drew his eye more than his liking for avian meat. Nothing else about them seemed out of the ordinary to his keen eyes. The movements marked them as ravens - soaring in some places, compared to a crow's rapid flapping. This, he decided, would be interesting to look into.

He trotted, his talons clacking on the street, in the direction the corvids had come from to find a human girl wrapped in a red cloak. The smell of roses wafted off her easily.

"Hello? Who might you be?"
« Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 12:45:30 AM by Lycodrake »
Spoiler for Best -monogatari:


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Fiona Bacarra

Fiona heard a gravelly voice calling out to her, shaking her from her thoughts. Opening her eyes she turned to look at the person talking to her, only to freeze.

A tail, claws, large jaw and white scales were what she saw. And at that moment all rational thought left her. And with her blessing she ran.

…right into the dragon, wrapping her arms around his neck and almost spinning around it, grasping it in a tight hug. “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.” She began to blabber out. “A dragon, a real dragon.” Her face rubbed against the dragon’s scales, “So smooooooooth. THIS IS SO COOL!” she all but yelled, lost in her excitement.


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Lycodrake Aptera

The young human ran at him with an expression of awe and curiosity before wrapping her thin arms around his neck and rubbing into his scales. For a second his pride at being a mighty dragon was wounded, but set aside quickly in favor of remembering how young children, almost regardless of age, tended to be super excited about seeing lions, often rubbing the male's mane and wanting to touch the soft paw-pads. He could forgive the invasion of his personal space in such an occassion.

Her silver eyes were vivid and the roses in her auburn hair were alive. The smell of roses and soil was thick upon her. How interesting. But what does one actually say in this situation? She was still swinging around his neck a bit, so he tried to make eye contact - his violet to her silver. "Ah, um, it's very nice to meet you, too, miss. I am Lycodrake Aptera - what is your name?"
« Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 01:10:40 AM by Lycodrake »
Spoiler for Best -monogatari:


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Fiona Bacarra

“Hehehehe” She let out a happy and blissfully laugh as she continued to rub her face against the dragon’s scales. So impossibly smooth, it was amazing. None of the stories said something like this. It didn’t have wings either, but it had for legs.

Was it a variant of a eastern dragon? No, that couldn’t be, they lived in or around water, or loved to be on mountain tops. Had to be western… but it didn’t have wings.

She barely noticed the sounds coming from the dragon’s mouth as a thought came to her, before talking, “Are you a Lindworm? You got to be, you don’t have wings. Does that mean Jörmungandr is real? If you’re a Lindworm wouldn’t you be poisonous? Please don’t bite me, that wouldn’t be nice. You do have teeth right? You haven't attacked me so your obviously nice. Oh, do you know any other dragons? How about eastern ones, oh oh, or a fire breathing one with wings. Oh man, the guys are going to be SHOCKED when I tell them dragons are real. Hahaha.”

And she kept going, completely ignoring the dragons words, not even waiting for answers to her questions, the excitement reaching its peak.


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Lycodrake Aptera

It would appear she knew many types of draconic beings by name, despite never having seen one before. Learned, then. Also very talkative.

He decided to attempt to politely quiet her, clearing his throat - a sound most like a gravelly growl. With his frame, it would carry the impact of a wolf's howl, though muted. "I am in fact a dragon, miss. Please don't demean me by my lack of wings, it's quite rude. I do have teeth and would prefer to not set them against you - you seem like a kind, friendly sort." He paused, "And yes indeed I know other dragons and serpents."
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Fiona Bacarra

“Ahhh” She sighed happily, before suddenly an unsettling sound came from the lizard she was holding onto. Immediately, she backpedaled away. Before coming to a stop, finally letting the dragon’s words reach her. could talk? It was only then she remembered that it introduced itself. was intelligent, and could talk English, a HUMAN language. It was only then the inplications of what she did actually hit her. It was a dragon, but it was fully aware, intelligent. It understands whats she did more then an animal could.

It. Was. Mortifying. For the love of god she was 22! And she acted like a child.

“Huh? “Ah… umm… I’m sorry? I’m really, really sorry.”

“It’s just… I have never seen a dragon. Only ever read stories. I guess I was a bit excited?” She forced an awkward laugh, trying to wave it off as if nothing happened.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 02:04:50 AM by Knick »


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Lycodrake Aptera

At least he didn't outright frighten her, he thought. Getting her attention was the intent, which seemed to have worked. Her embarassment was welcome recompense for her admittedly rude behavior and invasion of his personal space, but he was forgiving - ignorance was a trap all beings can fall into.

"Apology accepted, miss. Most of the humans I've encountered here haven't seen a dragon before me, either. To me, that's a rather odd thing, having grown up with humans coexisting with all sorts of beings. Now if you don't mind?" He paused, making a gesture with his right digits. "My name is Lycodrake Aptera. What is your name?"
Spoiler for Best -monogatari: