Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 74390 times)


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"Well, I doubt we'll do any goddess smacking or the like, you know," Corbin said, "But maybe some teamwork building might be good for someone like you."


"I would like to try to get Sakura back to her home though, and me to mine," Rin said as she put another kettle on to boil.

"I don't know if I could save you though," she said in a soft voice.


The vampire blinked as she watched the two women leave and Greyskull tag along behind them.  She hadn't been invited, so she couldn't just run off after them.  The cloud of night was still around her, and se noticed that people were giving her a wide berth. 

Sighing, she wondered if she should just get back in her car, head home, and then begin the lonely cycle that had become her existence when coming to Nexus.


"I doubt a four star chef could make a proper pizza though," Saber said as she sipped at her coffee.


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Fiona Bacarra

“Hehehehe” She kept laughing, trying to make the tension that now filled her body go away, slowing her laughing slowed, until ultimately it stopped and she sighed, and grabbed her arm nervously.  “Fiona” she introduced herself, her voice much softer than before, “Fiona Bacarra. It’s nice to meet you.” She shuffled awkwardly, unsure what to say.

Just why did she have to go make a fool of herself like that. Even a dragon was more composed then she was, there was no end to this embarrassment. She just wanted to run away and hide.


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Friend!? F-Friend!!!??? Greyskull would've blushed if he could. He was so happy. Well, this was only natural. He was, after, all, the great Count Greyskull. It was only natural for one as great as him to be popular and have many friends. Lucky him!!

But then, he realised something. He looked back and noticed his date was just standing back. No, no, no, no, no. He couldn't have.... did he mess up?

His clothes were rather lacking, hardly fitting a dating style. Did he not put enough bone cologne? Or maybe too much bone cologne. She didn't think he was lame... did she? Because that would be bad, he already felt bad though.

Myah! He thought in frustration.

So the poor skeleton, in a poor attempt to regain her heart, waved at her and urged her to come. He needed something, anything, and quick!!
« Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 03:01:10 AM by francobull3 »


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Lycodrake Aptera

Her awkward laughter subsided at her introduction and she hugged an arm to her body. He loosened his posture and sat, curling his tail at his feet - hiding his menacing talons. "There's no need to feel ashamed. It's very nice to meet up, Fiona, especially someone learned. If you don't mind me asking, are you friends with the red-tinted ravens I saw come from this area?" A topic away from her embarrassment would be best for both of them.
Spoiler for Best -monogatari:


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Forest blinked as she saw Greyskull beckon to her to join him.  Shrugging, she walked at a brisk pace to catch up.  She slid her hands into her pockets as she fell along step with Greyskull.


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Fiona Bacarra

Fiona blinked as she stared at the dragon, “Red-tinted… ravens?” She asked before a look of clarity appeared on her face as she realized that he was talking about her crows. Why would he ask about…? Oh no, “Y-you…” She gulped, “You didn’t eat them, did you?” She asked full of worry for her friends now.

Oh no, oh no, oh no. That's bad, that's really bad.

She really, really hoped she was wrong.


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"I would have beaten her if I had been at full power...I have never actually fought in a team... I think" She said. "So how long will it take to get there?"


"Save me from what" He asked her with a confused expression.

Cherry Lover

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Rider continued to smile as heard Sakura let out a small laugh, glad that Sakura had seemingly cheered up significantly. Once Rider had updated the background picture, the three of them stood there chatting happily until the taxi Sakura had ordered arrived. Then, they climbed in, Rider taking a seat next to her beloved master in the high-class taxi. For a moment, Rider was surprised that Sakura had ordered what was obviously a very expensive taxi. After all, she was generally very frugal with money. But, then, as frugal as she had always been when it came to her own expenses, she had always had a tendancy to splash out rather more on her family, especially the children. So, Rider figured that she had just wanted to make this special for Shirou, and had spent accordingly.


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"So, you're not at full power?" Corbin asked as he stared at her with wide eyes.


Rin blushed and answered, "F-from your contract."


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Lycodrake Aptera

Oh. Well he had thought about it, if he was absolutely honest - poultry remained a favorite choice for his palate. "No, not at all. While I admit to eating birds - I am a carnivore after all - I noticed they were different and was curious who or what had changed them. If change is the correct work, of course. After all, Nexus City seems to be the strangest place of all. Birds turning red could be normal here."

He rolled his shoulders in the aproximation of a shrug. "I digress. No, your bird...friends? are safe and sound in the air. Corvids are quite smart, if greedy. Though on greed I have no room to talk, given my species' stereotypes." This last part he said with a small snort of laughter.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 03:54:13 AM by Lycodrake »
Spoiler for Best -monogatari:


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The vampire smirked at his surprised expression. "Indeed I am not, I could leap from one continent to another in the blink of an eye."


"Ah yes the contract, I need to something about that."


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Fiona Bacarra

“Hahaha, ya right.” She laughed along; not really getting what was funny. “Funny, ya.” Ok, shut up now, “Hahaha.” Oh god shut up, don’t piss off the dragon. “But ya, they aren’t friends… no, not at all, who would have birds for friends. That’s not depressing at all.” Foot meet mouth, “I just… really like birds?”

Oh sweet merciful god, please help me.


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He gave a low whistle and said, "So how do you get to be full power?"

And to make sure that you don't get that way unless everyone is fucked.


Rin rubbed the one remaining command seal she still had.  "You can contract with me.  I can promise that I won't burn though my last seal," Rin said before looking away, "If you want."


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Lycodrake Aptera

He could only really tilt his head in befuddlement at her response. What does one really say to that? "Well, my god-mother likes ospreys and owls a lot, and I hear corvids are used as messengers by some goddesses northwest of the region I live in. My home city has a lot of bird-watchers, too, though they mostly look for doves and eagles. I tend to use the stars."

He stopped himself. "Well, where I actually come from, that is. I'm not a native to Nexus. Speaking of friends? They're not here with me, though one of them is a jerk 99.9% of the time. Nor is my god-mother. It's kind of lonely." He cast a downtrodden look at the ground, scuffing it with a paw.

Oh right don't get depressed. The moment you get depressed and homesick is basically a step closer to giving up. Don't do that. Bad self.

"I was mostly asking if they were your friends because then they'd be off limits for if and-or when I wanted to eat." Yes because that's not weird to a human not from your world. Way to go, Aptera. "Um, I can go to one of the woods and hunt deer if you'd prefer me to? Also corvids are vengeful."
Spoiler for Best -monogatari:


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Fiona Bacarra

“Sorry, I’m just… I just haven’t been home in a while is all, I guess I am a little on edge.” She smiled at the dragon, “And thank you, please don’t eat them, they have it hard enough with all the snow.”

Crows weren’t meant to live in this weather, but somehow they were making it work, along with all the other wildlife that seemed to make this city home. It was incredible, and made her smile inside. In a way it eased her heart a bit, allowing for her to calm herself down. Slowly she walked closer, clearly having regained some of her confidence.

“Also, don’t worry. I am sure you will find your family again soon. And they definitely have you in their thoughts.” She understood that feeling, but it was different for her. She could always feel the garden, the place where all Cycle Druids are bound, and the place where they drew their powers from. We were always together because of it, not matter how far apart we were. While it was not strictly true, it was something, a white lie she could tell herself to let her sleep at night.

In a way she guessed it was unfair. Unfair that she could find at least some comfort in that, when anyone else in her shoes would probably be lost. But… maybe she could help someone. Well, a dragon, but it still counts.

Hiding her hands behind her back for a moment, she called forth a simple red rose. And then, with her command and her blessing she crushed it, releasing a soft smoke that dispersed immediately, with a smell no doubt overshadowed by the scent of roses she carried with her.

“I am sure it will be fine.” She said to him, a smile on her face and hoping the power of the rose would fill him with some happiness. She couldn’t… she couldn’t do much else. "So don't worry. Everything will work out in the end, it always does. You just have to believe."