Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75149 times)


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Lycodrake Aptera

"Well, you're not wrong, William. Any information would be better than no information..." There wasn't much else to say, though, because he also found Bellatanus' reasaoning sound.

Oh, well if Bellatanus knew of one and was willing to guide them in exchange for a favor, that was simple. "Hm. What would the general idea of this favor be, Bellatanus?" He was not so foolish as to completely trust the regal woman. For all the signs she gave as being at least mostly neutral, neutrality rarely remained when dealing with a person in power, imagined or actual - you were either for them or against them. He would prefer not making enemies, but he would not be shaken out of his morals so easily.
Spoiler for Best -monogatari:

Umbra of Chaos

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The idea admittedly had merit but Lumen understood a bit of how magic worked. Having the head of a god associated with knowledge can really help with that. "Even if you did that the spell would have to be mobile and anchored to me, and if it is then it will inevitably decay.

However, there was something about this line of thought that caught her attention. She examined her clothing and the ones she had just purchased and considered a different approach. "Although, I suppose if you can attach the spell to my clothes like you did with Forest's clothing it would work for a little While. It would be about fair, I think."


The cultist's hand trembled with anger. She would not be bullied by some stranger who thought that she could arbitrarily dictate who was dangerous or not. "You have no right to dictate what will happen to me. Just because you're strong or think you know what's going on doesn't give you the authority to make people listen to you. And it definitely doesn't mean that everyone who thinks they know about someone dangerous can just barge into their lives and force them to comply. Just... leave me alone. I don't want any trouble."

Her statement did little to hide the grimace on her face. The baby was becoming agitated and even excited at the tense atmosphere and its kicking was becoming more frequent. She was sure that it had already caused some internal cuts with all of its energy. That along with the irritation of having some deluded vigilante badger her in an alley was wearing on her nerves. There was a part of her that wanted to rip off the woman's face and use the rest of her as meal for the child, but it was a silly thought. She wasn't that prone to violence.


The Old God's tone was rather pleasant and relaxed all things considered. The stakes of this interaction was so very low that even the potential for stress or other issues were nonexistent. It was all quite simple. "It won't be anything too egregious. The chance to utilise some of your blood for examination would be the worst it could possible be, and I assure you that it would in no way used to harm you. That I am certain of. Only the worst of circumstances could have me oppose a dragon. It would be foolish to engage in such a conflict regardless. There is so much more to lose than gain."
« Last Edit: March 18, 2016, 02:21:50 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Forest tilted her head at Petra's words.  Methinks she's protesting too much about something.  Not about being Christian, but something she doesn't want known about her.

She resisted the urge to read the woman's mind to find out, but did blink at her offer.  She looked over to try to see where Lumen and Greyskull vanished to.  Truth be told, she'd love to get back home, get a good shower and a kip before making her rounds in the evening.

"What about you though?  Do you need a ride anywhere?  I mean the wards on the duster are pretty heavy."


"You should order coffee for her as well.  It might make her more agreeable," Gabriel said, smiling at the other woman with the knowledge that the redhead was eyeing him.

Cherry Lover

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Rider returned to the table, glad that she had calmed Shirou down somewhat, at least for now, and also glad that he was taking Sakura's current state seriously. To her surprise, though, when she approached, Sakura and Jeanne were nowhere to be found. Shirou, too, evidentially noticed this, looking around the room for them before addressing her.

"Do you think they're playing a joke on us?" he said.

Rider smiled, quickly determining that Sakura was in the toilets. And, judging by the large mana signature, so was Jeanne.

"Hmm, I don't know. They appear to be in the toilet", Rider said. "I'll ask her."

Sakura, what's happening? she said over the mental link, sure that everything was fine but wanting to double-check anyway.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2016, 06:39:10 AM by Cherry Lover »


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Sakura Matou

Sakura turned away and waited for Jeanne to tell her she was done.

"So…what do you think Sakura?" She heard Jeanne ask from behind her. Sakura quickly whirled around and looked at her servant.

She definetly got advice on clothes from Rider. Sakura thought. The clothes looked cute on her, and she couldn't help but notice that they showed off her body's natural assets pretty well.

Sakura nodded at Jeanne. "They look good on you." She began. "I think you look adorable, Jeanne. The blues of the shirt and pants look good together."
 "Jeanne and I are doing stuff in the bathroom, we'll be out soon, don't worry. We're both fine." Sakura tried to brush Rider's comment away. She didn't want to let her know what had happened. That would be bad. "It won't take long."
« Last Edit: March 18, 2016, 04:16:46 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Count Greyskull

The skeleton grinned under his mask. He knew exactly how to pull this off.

“Wonderful! Now, if you’d excuse me, I’d need you to close your eyes and block your ears just for a tiny moment.  Can you please do that for me? It’s very important.”


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Shirou’s boots crunched on the snow that covered the sidewalk, compressed into an icy layer that threatened to make him fall, requiring that he concentrate on each step to keep his legs from sliding out from under him. It might have been annoying, but right now he was grateful for the distraction.

He wished he could say that he was no longer bothered by places like this. He knew it was silly, this was far from his first time in such a place, and it wasn’t like he could hear or smell the carnal acts going on within the establishments that lined the street. Hell, it wasn’t even busy right now. That came well after the sun went down. But even so, the mere knowledge of what these businesses offered made him uncomfortable.

Still, the situation demanded that he swallow his discomfort and soldier on. The women who worked here were good at collecting secrets, and right now he needed any scrap of information he could get, even if it was unlikely that a dragon would bother visiting a (mostly) human brothel.

The freelance magus made a quick 360 scan out of habit, but his eyes only found two strangers having a strained conversation. His head turned back to the sidewalk for a moment, before swiveling back to double check what he had just seen.

A blond man wearing clothes that somewhat resembled Church uniforms stood talking to a young woman with shoulder length white-pink hair. Nothing exceptional, except that the woman’s face was extremely similar to Saber’s. But that couldn’t be possible, he had only just seen Saber yesterday morning, and he doubted that the former servant would care for such a drastic makeover.

Or would she? They had been… close, a long time ago, but he had changed a lot since then, and Saber had been making a life for herself here as well, it seemed. As good as it had been to see her alive and well, they didn’t really know each other anymore.

Before he knew it, the archer found his feet taking him across the empty street and over to the pair, his curiosity getting the better of him. Besides, any priest found in this sort of place couldn’t be up to any good.

“Excuse me,” he said in english, his eyebrows scrunching up as he concentrated on the words. “Forgive my… rudeness, but you look familiar. What is your name? I am Shirou Emiya.” Hopefully they wouldn’t take offense to his interruption, but judging by the lady’s expression, she hadn’t been pleased to speak with the priest anyway.


She turned around to face the man who thought she resembled someone. Crap, she thought she researched her Cover thoroughly. Was it a mere coincidence or something even someone so paranoid like her overlooked. She didn't let her emotions manifest, but she was on edge. What this stranger possibly wanted of her? What if she "knew" her, and she would behave out of character from his point of view? He looked as if inflicted with stigmata or glitches, too. Possibilities were many. A stigmatic or even Unchained who found out something and could use it to blackmail her?

"I'm Mitsuba. I'm afraid we've never met before, and I don't have any relatives here, so maybe it's just a weird coincidence. Are you really sure I look familiar? Maybe it's de javu?" She questioned the man in turn, with accomodating smile on her face. She replied to him in Japanese. Maybe the priest didn't know the language of the Yamato people, so he wouldn't overhear their conversation. Also, this Emiya person was clearly a Japanese person or playing the part of a Japanese man. Who knew.


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They continued to kiss passionately for a while, until Oka suddenly grabbed his hand and pulled it in between her legs. Jin smirked as he felt Oka press his hand against her soaked panties. He quickly slipped his fingers inside of them, his fingers teasing her wet folds. "Of course I do Oka."


Jeanne blushed as she heard Sakura's praise, feeling a bit embarrassed from it. Taking a breathe she managed to collect herself before she started undoing her braid nervously, it was clear that she was obviously still affected by the praise Sakura had given. Despite that she still managed to undo it surprisingly quick, as she did her blonde hair flowed free. Her hair was incredibly long, flowing all the way down to her butt and even appearing to shimmer a bit in the light. although that might just be an optical illusion.

Jeanne shook her head, enjoying the feel of her hair swinging around freely before she decided to test something out. For the first time in their contract she decided to contact Sakura through their link, and she decided to do it for a mundane question. "H-Hello Sakura.....Do you think I should keep it like this or cut it a bit." She said through the link, obviously referring to her hair.


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Forest tilted her head at Petra's words.  Methinks she's protesting too much about something.  Not about being Christian, but something she doesn't want known about her.

She resisted the urge to read the woman's mind to find out, but did blink at her offer.  She looked over to try to see where Lumen and Greyskull vanished to.  Truth be told, she'd love to get back home, get a good shower and a kip before making her rounds in the evening.

"What about you though?  Do you need a ride anywhere?  I mean the wards on the duster are pretty heavy."


While she didn't finish her shopping, she could do it anytime after that. Especially if Forest was in particular hurry.

"You mentioned your place, right? Is your offer still valid? And if that duster is so heavy to inconvenience you, maybe I really should be the one driving. People would ask less questions if someone mundane looking was driving the vehicle. No offense, but people will be spooked needlessly by a shadow driving a car in the middle of the day." She offered to the vampire. She could at least do that in return for a place to stay.


The vampire jumped as fast as she could, high up into th air when she saw dinosaur-Rikuyo charge her. There was something strange going on however, usually when a person jump they will eventually come down, However even after several seconds had passed there was no signs of her coming down. If one looked up they would see Shinobu floating in the air, well not floating but more like being carried by the black bat like wings that had grown out from her back.


So she could transform too. However her gimmick worked, she was confident that she could tap on more "lifeforms" than the vampire. After all one of the living couldn't possibly have less lifeforms on her disposal than someone not truly alive. Now how she would handle the fight. She could just transform into something else or just jump very high. Muscles of her legs were strong and she was at her peak. So she launched herself towards the vampire like a spring, propelling herself with her chi.


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Rikuyo looked up at her and suddenly launched at her like a spring at high speed, the vampire was almost impressed if it wasn't for one thing, jumping against against a person who's flying is almost pointless as they can just dodge. The blonde girl did excatly that, Just after she noticed Rikuyo jumping she flew sideways dodging the path that Riku was on. Once Rikuyo reached the peak of her jump and started falling down the blonde vampire flew back right at her, aiming to strike her while she was helpless in the air.


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Oka Kurosawa

“Mhmmmm” Oka moaned as he felt around. She sat down on his hardening member and began to grind her butt on it as Jin continued to play with her. All the while, she continued to make out with Jin with great gusto, feeling around in his mouth with her tongue.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Sakura watched Jeanne slowly unbraid her gorgeous blond hair. She shook her head at Jeanne’s question. ” No! Your hair is wunderbar!” Sakura began to slip into German as she got agitated. ”I love it, it would be a tragedy if it got cut, Jeanne!” Sakura grabbed her hands and smiled. “A woman’s hair is her strength, you know?”

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Rikuyo looked up at her and suddenly launched at her like a spring at high speed, the vampire was almost impressed if it wasn't for one thing, jumping against against a person who's flying is almost pointless as they can just dodge. The blonde girl did excatly that, Just after she noticed Rikuyo jumping she flew sideways dodging the path that Riku was on. Once Rikuyo reached the peak of her jump and started falling down the blonde vampire flew back right at her, aiming to strike her while she was helpless in the air.


Her opponent probably figured out that her current form was 'weak' mid-air, but she had ways to compensate for her weakness. She could have slow down her fall by using her tail, or...

The redhead simply gambled on firing chi blast in Shinobu's direction as a way to potentially kill two birds with one stone – damage Shinobu if it connected and get closer to the ground so she could land.


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Jin slipped one of fingers inside her pussy feeling her tightness as he moved it around. The grinding of her butt felt good on his now hardened cock, he kissed her back and then said to her. "Tell me what you want."


Jeanne was surprised at the random German that come from Sakura, but it was forgotten in the excitement she felt. The blonde girl suddenly jumped Sakura and hugged her tightly, their breasts squezzing against each other as she spun the other girl around. "Thank you Sakura, your hair is cute too~"


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And so it was revealed that this woman had no connection to Saber, despite their extremely similar appearance. It was quite eerie, but stranger things happened in the Nexus. At least Mitsuba hadn’t taken offense.

“Ahh, no worries, it was just a coincidence after all,” Shirou said with a relieved smile, thankful that she understood Japanese. “But since I’m already here, would you two mind if I asked you a strange question?”


The Knight of the Lake awoke slowly, an old hill of swords and red voices gradually fading away as he gained awareness. Right. He was in Arturia’s apartment, sleeping off the horrors he had endured last night. He sat upright on the sofa, only then realizing that someone had covered him in a blanket.

“Arturia?” He called out softly, not wanting to wake her if she happened to be asleep like he had been.


“‘It’s a big one,’ he said,” the portuguese woman grunted, drawing out the word “big” in an irritated drawl. Her cropped salt-and-pepper hair was just barely long enough for her bangs to get in her eyes as she dashed through the old woods near the Nexus city at reckless speeds. For a language instructor now in her fifties, this would normally be far outside of her comfort zone.

“Sustained phenomenon dashing around at the speed of sound, yeah right. Either the equipment is severely malfunctioning or the man’s hallucinating.” And yet here she was, chasing an impossible lead instead of regaining her strength. Since when had she become this foolhardy?

My sister is trapped somewhere back home, with no one to save her. I can’t afford to ignore any possibility.

It was only after an hour of fruitless searching that she finally found her quarry - or more accurately, it found her. Something burst from the trees and was upon her in an instant. She barely had time to brace her feet on the ground as best she could before it slammed into her with the force of an eighteen wheeler. Brigida was blown clear off her feet and rolled through the foliage several meters before flipping back to her feet. The anomaly, for its part, careened through the forest at insane speeds before eventually coming to a halt somewhere out of her line of sight.

Brigida grit her teeth in pain and rage, but even those feelings took a backseat to her elation. Perhaps this really would be worthwhile. Her lips twitching up to form a grim smile, she ran after the anomaly.

“Whatever you are, you better be worth getting run over.”
« Last Edit: March 19, 2016, 01:35:57 AM by Kaze »
YOLF: "Do ghosts have aids"

YOLF: Even if God forgives you, you shall not forgive yourself for being here [in CE].