Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75720 times)


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Jin grunted as well as he felt Oka get on top of him and slide his cock inside her tight pussy. He grabbed he hips and pulled her down hard until he bottomed out inside her. "Of course Oka, we're only getting started." With that h raised her and dropped her again.


Jeanne kept rubbing Sakura's back slowly and pulled her slightly closer while her other hand was stroking Sakura's hair. "Your hair looks natural and beautiful Sakura." Jeanne shivered a bit as she felt the prana from their connection flowing through her. "I can tell, It's really intense." She breathed out heavily close to Sakura's ear.


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Darcy Hugh

Darcy shrugged. He never heard or saw a real dragon, or heard of anyone that saw a real dragon, so this is a first. However, if there's anything you learn in his line of work, it's that anything is possible.

"Dunno about this Shendude or whatever, but I get the feeling he's a big fish, or lizard. Bah, either way, she has a point. Cmon, messing with a dragon? Get outta here, that's crazy! You're crazy! Why in the bloody hell would you look for him anyway? Did he steal your princess or something?" He asked with a huge, smug grin.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2016, 11:08:45 PM by francobull3 »


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Fiona Bacarra

They were the wind. That was what Fiona felt like as Oren dashed with wild abandon, free and boundless. They were moving so fast the Garden was not able to properly take hold in the area around her. It was like she was being carried by her blessing, but she wasn’t getting tired. She was able to enjoy the feeling with everything she could without worry.

With her scythe being held to her arm in its gun form, she held onto the makeshift harness that had wrapped around Oren’s elegant form. It was amazing. Free, that is what she felt like. She was not even aware how much time passed.

And that is until they burst into the foliage, and for a brief moment she saw her. A woman with short hair, her head turning to look at Oren in shock, and then impact.

Oren kept going, bulldozing into the woman, as Fiona let out a startled cry and pulled on the harness, and yelling at her to stop.

Eventually she did, and they came to a stop some ways away. “Oh god, oh god, oh god.” Fiona’s hand not holding her weapon gripped the cross hanging from her neck. Fiona told Oren panicked, “We need to help her, make sure she is ok!” Fiona told Oren in a panic, as the world around them continued to shift, being filled with roses, thorns, and phantom wolves and crows.


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With a raise of his eyebrow, he observed the two, leaving them free to talk as he stayed silent where he stood. Though it was unlikely whoever this was wanted his blood, it was still interesting to see beings so different making a deal.

<So... think he's in any actual danger?> Doubtful. Clearly if this... being wanted to, it could simply do as it desired by force. <And if.. "it" didn't want to?> ... Point. Though it is illogical.

His right hand tugged his shirt outward before his magic started silently siphoning the wine out of the glass and back into the bottle by the use of a funnel of wind created by William's basic magic. Though not a sound escaped thanks to a thin vacuum around the entire process.


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 Sakura Matou

Sakura continued to blush at Jeanne’s advances, unsure of how to properly react to them. “Ehehe, yeah.” Sakura glanced back towards the door. “Anyway, I think Rider and Shirou are waiting for us, so let’s get back to them.”

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Jeanne slowly let go of Sakura as she heard what she said. "They probably are..." She said softly still flushed from what just happened. She brightened up quickly though and grabbed Sakura's arm gently taking them out from the bathroom, there was a noticeable spring to her step. 

Umbra of Chaos

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Even with her hands over her ears Lumen could still hear relatively clearly and considered that whatever came out of Greyskull's mouth was probably better off not being remembered. She only opened her eyes and took her hands away from her ears when the undead tapped her on the shoulder.

Lumen opened her eyes and examined herself carefully. It was strange to see the uniform, normal color. In fact, it was almost unnatural. She rubbed her hands together to try and get use to the feel of the dust on her skin and stretched a few times just to see how it would be like. Then she walked a bit away to make enough distance to move around with enough force and speed to crush bones and shatter concrete but the dust remained. That just left one more test.

The divine woman abandoned any grace and swung a leg into the air with great power. The water in the fountain below followed suit and with a sweeping gesture of her leg a bit of it reached her and splashed onto her leg. With a bit of surprise and unexpected relief a bit of the dust washed away to reveal the oceanic limb under it.

The Patchwork turned back to look at the undead and smiled at him a bit. It wasn't a very large one but it was genuine. "Don't worry about it. It was great, Greyskull." Then she lifted the leg again and the fountain unleashed another torrent with a bit of water conveniently managing to wash the dust off of Lumen. She felt better now. Cleaner and oddly enough even more satisfied than she was before the dust.


Erica took into account the information given to her and quickly made a few orders before paying for it with her blood money. The redhead's lack of disagreement meant that there were no objections and a much smaller chance of problems. Well, problems from the altered one of course. The blue eyed girl did encounter the issue of only receiving a single spoon for the sundae she purchased for the both of them.

The construct wasn't socially inept enough to eat it all, but she didn't want to surrender the only way she could acceptably eat in public. Control over the spoon would be necessary. After delighting herself with the dessert she raised a spoonful of the ice cream and moved it towards Emily's face.


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Rin lifted the spoon to Archer and said, "Here, try some.  This is actually the first time in years since I've made ice cream.  I think it turned out pretty well."


Forest smiled and said, "Thank you Petra, but you need to finish shopping first.  Take your time, I can wait.  Besides, I can always kill time at the cosmetic counter anyway.  Besides,  I offered the two Lovebirds a place to stay too."

She frowned and said, "I just hope that Greyskull can fit in the backseat with all of his foliage . . ."


"Oh dear, two girls and one spoon.  Quite the conundrum," Gabriel said with a smile.

He winked at the redhead and prompted, "I believe this would be where you say, 'Ahhh.'"


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The Hunter pouted a tiny bit at the reduction in Ron's ministrations, but her back was feeling good enough as it was that she couldn't really muster herself to complain any more than that.

"Well, if all goes well," Annabeth noted, "We might be able to move past containment, maybe get you to be able harness your new strength."

With that, the Hunter allowed a bemused laugh at Ron's question, leaning back a bit further as she registered something poking her butt.

"Hmm, let's see," the Hunter mused, "I'd say about three."

"Wait, past containment of what now?" Ron asked with a blink and a stare. Then he frowned and looked away, toward his bathroom's mirror. He couldn't see anything of himself from this angle, but he could imagine ... "You mean that... whatever I became? What did I even look like, anyway?"

A three, huh. Well it's not like I haven't done all-nighters before.

He shook his head. "We're going to need coffee for this one."


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Tohuw Balagan and The Vanguard

Tohuw had traveled a fair pace, hopping merrily like a merry bunny. Finally, it seemed they had arrived. No one would interfere this time, hopefully. There was nothing but rocks and more rocks and stone.

He laid his bag somewhere over here, maybe over there, and walked away. Before long, an enormous body of metal as emerged, an orb of blue light shining in its helmet.

It seemed the damage it had taken earlier had been reverted, courtesy of someone. When those swords hit him, just before dying, he had the time to form a new core with what little life he had left and imbue it in his armor. To fight back would have only delayed the inevitable, but he did not think he would have noticed.

And yet, the demon spared him and carried him here, but why…?

“I’m surprised. I never thought you’d actually spare me. How scandalous for a lapdog.” Vanguard snapped.

The demon raised an amused eyebrow and turned to face his old friend. A huge, casually friendly grin curled on his lips.

“Dog you say? Yes, I guess that is correct. Looks like you had managed to get a new body. How have ya been pal? Eating well?”

Vanguard shook his head. “It’s no good, I messed up. I guess even something so simple turned out to be more troublesome than I expected. Well, it’s not like it would have changed anything anyway, but I had hoped I could have made a choice.”

“Aw, at least you tried. Can’t say I expected to see your ugly mug again, tin man. For a glorious hero, you sure took your sweet time.” Toe quipped back.

To that, the massive behemoth shrugged.

“What can I say? Reception was rather poor, but it looks like I ended up finding a good signal in here. Still, I can’t fathom why you would have spared me.” He said, almost mockingly. There was a long silence, the two circled each other like vulptures. Finally, the demon broke the silence with nonchalance.

“Do you know the game Tetris, Vanny-chan?” Toe asked with a cheeky, teasing tone.

“Now then, there’s no way I’d know something like that.” He replied calmly, shaking his head. But it was all wrong. This pretense of calmness was nothing but a farce. Both knew how much the other wished to leap at the other and ravage about.

Right now, there was no demon and no hero, only two madmen staring at each other.

 “Right. The blocks keep moving from the top, and full rows make the blocks disappear. I love making four lines disappear at the same time. More precisely, I don’t want to do anything besides that. My heart is stolen just thinking of that moment when all the messy fragments disappear. From the point they started interfering, I already ruined the row. It’s true, letting you die there would have given me many advantages, it would have been much better for everyone. But I don’t like that kind of play. It’s much better to just remove the battery and reset.”

Toe took a few steps forward, his smile growing proportional to the throbbing in his side. This body, he had not fed it in so long. It would not last longer, not with that damned injury. Only one thing crossed his mind at the moment, it was to devour that fiend. Only he could satisfy him, other souls weren’t enough!

But then, he had to be the one to kill him.

If Vanguard still had that body, it would have been smiling in turn. “My my, you’re becoming more like them every time you open that mouth of yours.”

The considerable distance between the two lessened as they circled each other like vultures. The tension was enough to drive even the crows from this battlefield.

Tohuw grabbed his cane and allowed it to release a red smoke-like light. The world seemed to twist and turn grotesquely, as if reality itself was literally warping. Dozens of missiles appeared behind the white-clad man, ready to fire forth and devastate all in their path.

Vanguard took a fighting stance, a brilliant light like the sun shining from his fingertips and shaping into a dazzling weapon of unsung glory. Lightning cracked around the massive armor, ready to burst forth and strike mercilessly.

The demon smiled wickedly before speaking, no longer trying to hide his malice. “Then let’s end this-“

-Evil bastard!
-Evil bastard!

And the two opposing forces suddenly charged forth, clashing with all their might. And the winner takes it all.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2016, 03:44:55 AM by francobull3 »


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"Hmm..." the Hunter allowed a moment to consider it, "Kinda like a wolfman. Big, and looking actually pretty strong by normal human standards."

Annabeth eased herself a tiny bit lower, resting her head against Ron's chest as she glanced up at him a little wistfully.

"Coffee?" she mused, "Sounds nice, but I don't think I'll actually need it. Might have some anyway, though..."

All things considered, if Ron knew how to make good coffee, then all the better. It was starting to look more and more like she'd been quite lucky to find someone to stay with.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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It had been only a few days since the exile had set a boot-covered foot on the pavement of this strange, nonsensical, wonderful city. What marvels, the shining towers of man! What scents and flavors, strange anachronisms of architecture and fashion! A skyline that could have both the Tower of Tokyo and pointed spire of Empires! Fine women in colorful kimonos, and colorful men in fine coats! To say nothing of the culinary delights that awaited him if his olfactory senses spoke true... Ah, there was much to recommend this place even if there was no explanation for it to be found.

Nobody even gave him a second glance when he walked by with blade sheathed and gun holstered by his sides - well, perhaps an unfair assessment. There were plenty who viewed him twice, but for much more appreciable purposes than fear of his armaments.

He would appreciate and recommend this more were it not for the higher purpose he was forced to neglect by staying here. Dark tidings had come from the lands of the Hellenics, the Romans, the Britons and the Rus - an army unlike any witnessed before. Armor and aircraft moved in lines and columns behind shambling cadavers and beside twisted creatures for which he had neither label or description fit to be put to word. They had conquered what was now called Europe, from sea to sea to Eastern mountains. The islands to the north, perhaps, were still preserved against the forces of Revelation who besieged them, but he was uncertain as to how long such would remain the case.

The angels of Heaven had descended to Vatican City on wings of fire after the humans failed to defend themselves. They were 10,000 strong, an entire legion adorned in armor of light with swords of divine wrath in hand. In ages past such a force would have been unstoppable, a cataclysm which no foe could stand against.

Against the Army of Revelation they were merely victims, easily targeted and readily disposed of in unholy ways which forbade their return to the worlds of the Creator. The instruments of Man had grown mighty once more, where angels grew not at all. He had likely known some of those destroyed that day, kin as they were to him. It had been so long, he could not place names to them.

So it was that the exile Gadreel made his way into and through the human 'shopping center' or 'mall', which had now displaced the taverns and forums of old as sites for socialization used by many in previous civilizations. He would assess the commodities of the inhabitants of this place, this 'Nexus', and plot out his next move. He could, perhaps, find a way home once he cleared his head of the abhorrently familiar gloom that threatened to overtake him at the thought of never returning.

Gadreel started with one of the most important potential commodities to explore - darn, this venue had no weapons for sale! Wait, maybe- no, that was an ornamental replica of a curved blade wielded by islanders with poor iron deposits.

Alas, I shall have to content myself with the other most important commodity worth exploring.

So the exile went to look at the perfumes and cosmetics, knowing that even the act of observing and sampling them would be enough to bring him ease - even if he could not afford their purchase. Gadreel approached with his long strides, spared the woman behind the counter a white smile, and began to inquire as to the brands and fragrances available.


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Shinobu was pretty surprised as she saw the energy blast that was suddenly heading her way, Throwing all caution to the wind she did the least sensible thing and flew as fast as she could, right into it. The vampire disappeared from Rikuyo's view for a moment as she was obscured by the blast. 

Suddenly something unreal broke through the blast. It was Shinobu, her body a bloody mess of broken bones and even having holes right through it. While the injuries were closing it wasn't the fact that they were closing that was unreal, it was her expression, there were no signs of pain, only determination and a lust for blood.


Even if Rikuyo could withstand that much damage, she did feel pain. But pain served its vital purpose, it was a danger alert, the redhead would only fight harder in spite of the pain in order to survive her ordeals. Maybe corpses did not feel pain, but she didn't feel at disadvantage.

The blonde haired vampire charged as fast she could, but the blast served its most important role. It propelled her back to the ground where she could fight on her own terms. The very edge of the forests, where she could fight without visual obstructions, where she could battle to her limits and beyond. Her feet planted firmly on the ground without crashing, ready to launch another counterattack when the vampire was in range.

How to make a moving corpse not move anymore? That was the challenge she had to face. There must have been a way. She suspected that the blood fueled the vampire just as much as lifeforce fueled herself. There should have been limits even to someone already dead.


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Archer tasted the Ice cream that Rin offered him, it was sweet and refreshing. "It's nice and it complements the soufflé's rather nicely."


The Blonde vampire kept flying straight towards Rikuyo, her wounds having closed now. The blast had sent the red head back to the ground and she had quickly retreated tp the edge of the forest. Shinobu kept up with her at a distance until Rikuyo suddenly stopped and turned around ready to face her.
The vampire merely kept flying straight into Rikuyo at full speed trying to crash into her.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2016, 03:40:39 PM by Thedoctor »


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The Blonde vampire kept flying straight towards Rikuyo, her wounds having closed now. The blast had sent the red head back to the ground and she had quickly retreated tp the edge of the forest. Shinobu kept up with her at a distance until Rikuyo suddenly stopped and turned around ready to face her.

The vampire merely kept flying straight into Rikuyo at full speed trying to crash into her.


Taking on her head on? Shinobu probably would took advantage of her switching to more physically powerful form, and at this point becoming an ultimate lifeform would be simply overkill.
She might have not been able to endure the hit, after all. So if she wanted to settle like this, she would do the same. She enveloped her body in a visible aura, planning to blast herself through Shinobu. After all, she half suspected she would be still talking after reduced to a body with person sized hole in her.