Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 74920 times)


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Darcy Hugh

Darcy listened carefully at the two, but seemed to be struggling. In truth, he understood quite well what they were saying, having learned a fair deal of languages. Such a skill was only necessary for his line of work. Even so, he had been out of practice for a while, but despite that he gave a huge friendly grin and held out a friendly hand.

“Sure, go ahead. Name’s Darcy.” He said in surprisingly (by fake Gaijin standards) fluent manner, with a thick Scottish accent.  His breath practically reeked of smoke and alcohol, but not in a bad way. It was the sort of strong smell that left quite an impression.


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Oka Kurosawa

“I want you to take me and ravage me, take me as hard as you can, right here, right now!” Oka told him to his face. She smiled, quivering in anticipation.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2016, 04:24:20 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Rider returned to the table, glad that she had calmed Shirou down somewhat, at least for now, and also glad that he was taking Sakura's current state seriously. To her surprise, though, when she approached, Sakura and Jeanne were nowhere to be found. Shirou, too, evidentially noticed this, looking around the room for them before addressing her.

"Do you think they're playing a joke on us?" he said.

Rider smiled, quickly determining that Sakura was in the toilets. And, judging by the large mana signature, so was Jeanne.

"Hmm, I don't know. They appear to be in the toilet", Rider said. "I'll ask her."

Sakura, what's happening? she said over the mental link, sure that everything was fine but wanting to double-check anyway.


"Ok, don't worry about it, Rider. Whatever they're doing in there, I'm sure they'll be fine." He sat down and began to silently eat his food.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Cherry Lover

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Rider frowned at Sakura's evasive-sounding reply. She was about to follow it up, to try to find out more but, before she could, Shirou replied to her.

"Ok, don't worry about it, Rider. Whatever they're doing in there, I'm sure they'll be fine", he said, before sitting down to eat.

Rider considered the situation for a moment, before deciding to just let Sakura's evasiveness go. She doubted that Sakura was in any danger, especially with Jeanne around, and she saw no reason to unnecessarily discomfort Sakura if there was something she would prefer to hide, especially when Shirou was not worried.

"OK", she said, also sitting down at the table. "I asked her, but she didn't really explain what was happening. She seems fine, though, so let's just eat."

With that, she too tucked into her food, waiting for Sakura and Jeanne to return.


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The Hunter all but melted at his touch, little moans escaping her lips as his fingers worked every last bit of tension from her shoulders. Annabeth found herself more or less incapable of supporting herself, and thusly decided to lean on him more to compensate. Unable to help a contented little hum, she allowed a smirk at Ron's statement.

"Well, considering everything that's happened to you recently," Annabeth mused, glancing back at him, "I'd say your luck's taken a turn for the better, though not without a few hiccups, granted. Even so, I'd say it's working out pretty well so far."


"You have an interesting idea of luck," said the werewolf, a lifting of the eyebrow saying all it needed to say about what he thought about that. Probably. He hoped. He didn't have that much luck, of course.

How unfortunate for Annabeth that leaning back like she was meant, eventually, Ron just couldn't find the space to work on her back anymore. He ran his hands over her shoulders, clutching and rubbing at them with the tips of his fingers. The feeling of her pressing back against him, himself poking against her bum... distracting conversation was in order.

"So, uh, scale of 1 to 10. How likely is it we're gonna actually sleep tonight?"

Damn it, that wasn't the best question if he was hoping for a distraction.


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Sakura Matou

Before Sakura could respond, Jeanne had already rushed her and swept her off the ground. Sakura blushed slightly as their breasts pressed together and their faces got uncomfortably close. She's so excitable. Sakura made a mental note of this. It could be useful to know all about her personality.

"You really think so?" Sakura brought her hand to her old ribbon, touching it as if it was some centuries old family heirloom. "Thanks." Sakura smiled at Jeanne, waiting to stop spinning.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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"Okay?" The Patchwork covered her ears with her hands and shut her eyes. Her only real comfort when doing this was the fact that nothing very bad could happen in such a short period of time. The fact that she could just turn the skeleton's tree suit into a crushing prison in a moment also helped. It would all probably be fine.


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Jin smiled as he saw her state of arousal. "I'll take you hard just wait a moment. " He said as he moved to retrieve a plastic package from a drawer close to the bed, said package contained contraceptives, in this case the ones called condoms. Opening the package he slid the condom onto his hard member. "Think you can be a good girl and get on it? " he asked her as he leaned back on the bed.


Jeanne eventually stopped spinning Sakura around after completing several laps in the room, she was still hugging her tightly though. She subconciously ran one of her hands through Sakura's hair. "It's really soft too." While she was saying that her other arm which was around Sakura's back and holding them together slid lower towards the lower end of Sakura's back, her hand rubbing it softly. Jeanne's excitement was almost tangible, her cheeks were a bit flushed and she felt almost ready to burst with energy.

Jeanne suddenly stopped moving the hand that was on Sakura's lower back as she realized how embarrassing it was. "S-Sakura...I'm sorry for intruding on you like this. I just feel so incredibly full on prana since we contracted, it's almost too much to handle." She admitted to her a bit embarrassed about it.


Shinobu was pretty surprised as she saw the energy blast that was suddenly heading her way, Throwing all caution to the wind she did the least sensible thing and flew as fast as she could, right into it. The vampire disappeared from Rikuyo's view for a moment as she was obscured by the blast.

Suddenly something unreal broke through the blast. It was Shinobu, her body a bloody mess of broken bones and even having holes right through it. While the injuries were closing it wasn't the fact that they were closing that was unreal, it was her expression, there were no signs of pain, only determination and a lust for blood.


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Friggin' priest wannabe. She felt the urge to switch into Tohoku, Kansai or even the dialect of Ryukyu to throw his balance off. But her other interlocutor could not comprehend those ones, so that felt pointless. "What kind of question? I hope it's not too strange." She frowned a little, as if signaling to Emiya-san that she wouldn't appreciate dumb one. Her paranoid nature still didn't buy that the meeting could have been a coincidence, but if he insisted it was a coincidence as well, she wouldn't explore that issue for now.


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The Hunter pouted a tiny bit at the reduction in Ron's ministrations, but her back was feeling good enough as it was that she couldn't really muster herself to complain any more than that.

"Well, if all goes well," Annabeth noted, "We might be able to move past containment, maybe get you to be able harness your new strength."

With that, the Hunter allowed a bemused laugh at Ron's question, leaning back a bit further as she registered something poking her butt.

"Hmm, let's see," the Hunter mused, "I'd say about three."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Count Greyskull

Greyskull nodded before working his arcane art. He raised his hand and let mana flickering around his fingertips, flickering like light glowing in horrifying hues, colours beyond those birthed of the three primaries, hyeroglyphs of a forgotten time were inscribed in the air.

It was grotesque, obscene. No creature of this earth should be allowed to tamper with that kind of power. Grim words in an ancient tongue echoed forth, a language that could instill fear into the hearts of daemons and abyssal fiends alike.

"D e d u s t."

Almost instantly, the dust in the room collected around his hand, like powder swirling in a myriad of colours, only for the skeleton to cast his arm forward. The dust surrounded the girl and engulfed her in a swirl of colour, a layer of dust so thin it could barely be felt which etched on her skin like fire.

Soon, it spread to her whole body. A final flick of his fingers caused the dust's colour to shift and impregnating skin with new colour.

Or rather, giving such an impression. It was only the dust, really. Her skin had not changed one bit, and neither her body. The spell did not act on her, but on this thin layer that would absorb light and reflect it in particular ways to give off the impression that her body was no different than any other's.

Because it was completely clad in this thin layer, it was not truly visible. As long as the magic dust was bound to her, her true form would not be visible. When he said the illusion would overlap her, it meant it litterally.

Finally, the skeleton cleared his throat and tapped her shoulder nervously.

"Tadaam! It's, erm, done. Do you like it?" He said, trying to hide a tinge of excitedment behind his embarassment, or vice versa.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2016, 04:56:59 PM by francobull3 »


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Oka Kurosawa

Oka smiled impishly and slowly took off her panties, throwing them on the floor before she climbed on top of and lowered herself onto Jin’s hot throbbing rod. She grunted as the object intruded into her, and lowered her body down on top of Jin’s. “Take me now.” She whispered in his ear.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Shirou blinked in mild surprise that the priest - Darcy - also knew japanese, albeit with a strong accent that he guessed was european. Mitsuba consented to being questioned as well, although she was rather reserved about it.

“Have either of you two seen any dragons lately? There’s one named Shendu who I’m trying to find.” He had no idea if Mia was even still alive, wherever the dragon had taken her, but he’d be damned if he didn’t do everything in his power to find her.
YOLF: "Do ghosts have aids"

YOLF: Even if God forgives you, you shall not forgive yourself for being here [in CE].


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Sakura Matou

“It’s-it’s fine, don’t worry about it.” Sakura tried to hide her embarrassment, and failing badly, her face red with a mixture of joy and mortification. Sakura touched her hair. “Shirou’s always liked it, but don’t you think it looks a bit unnatural?” She tried to ignore the fact she was rubbing her back, it felt good, but, it was a bit...she didn’t know how to put it.

“And don’t worry about intruding on anything, it’s fine, totally fine. I’m a sort of conduit for the Holy Grail, so I always have incredible amounts of prana. I guess that’s one thing that Grandfather did that wasn’t totally awful.”
« Last Edit: March 19, 2016, 09:34:41 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Shirou blinked in mild surprise that the priest - Darcy - also knew japanese, albeit with a strong accent that he guessed was european. Mitsuba consented to being questioned as well, although she was rather reserved about it.

“Have either of you two seen any dragons lately? There’s one named Shendu who I’m trying to find.” He had no idea if Mia was even still alive, wherever the dragon had taken her, but he’d be damned if he didn’t do everything in his power to find her.


Her mind stiffened at the mention of that name. She has heard enough rumors about who the boss of Asian District was. Whether it was just too powerful cryptid or genuinely a dragon, she didn't want to take her chances. Even if she was immune to fire in her true form. Her expression also revealed anxiety, as it would be only appropriate to express fear when Shendu got mentioned so casually.

"Are you out of your mind? If you gonna take on him, forget it. Even if you get through his gangs, you don't stand a chance confronting him. Forget it, better reach for something reachable." She pierced Emiya with her serious eyes, trying to get into the stranger's stubborn head. "And if you tell me you want to just find him, then sorry, even interacting with him is a bad idea. Just keep low profile like everyone sane does."
« Last Edit: March 19, 2016, 10:04:58 PM by Kat »