Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 72411 times)


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The hero who deep in heart dreamed of nothing else than saving as many people as he could, nobleborn and commoners alike, could not help but paused for a bit when he saw the white haired girl comforting the child in a distress. Only someone kind at heart could smile like that. This didn't change his mind that bringing her here was possibly not wisest idea, but he vowed to protect that smile like a true gentleman and knight would protect that of his younger relative's.

Of course, he didn't expect the child to vanish just like that into nothingness. What was the reason for this disappearance? He felt that obviously his companion wasn't to blame. In fact, he felt that something ominous and menacing was staring him at the moment. Something in that building was to blame, even if he didn't see that.

"Unforgivable... Whatever evil did that, I shall mete out the punishment!" Overcame with grief and sorrow at what happened, the count cried tears of a man.


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Setting up Muramasa as her Cover's husband would only offend her feelings. And the sword posing as a male friend or subordinate would only cause rumors about her. So she had no choice than be another widow, her husband likely slain in a war or dead from a calamity who got her pregnant before he passed away. But, the children still would need a family, so she had a proposal.

"You could be always my female cousin or another relative of that gender whom I graciously took under my roof and helps me with running a modest establishment." Mitsuba suggested as a solution that could work out without potentially offending the sword. "People won't question why we're living together."


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Huh, she really wasn't that comfortable with public displays of affection like those two. She didn't know if she would convince Breeze, but she still made her case.

"A jacket with a hoodie could work out well when it rains. Don't tell me that you like running around like that in the rain too. Your clothes would only get wet, you know."


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As Shirou Emiya awakens in an unfamiliar territory he takes a moment to collect himself and scan his surroundings."Where am I?" He wonders, "I don't think there's anyone nearby" his four kilometer scan of the area suggesting such results.

He recalls that he was having dinner with Saber,Rin and Sakura, after recalling that and realizing that he's alone his immediate first thoughts are worry about the people he cares about, preparing himself for the worst Shirou reinforces his legs and sets out to look for other people.

"Is there anybody here at all?"After getting ready to take a small break and continue searching afterwards he starts to hear the taps of a metallic footstep."Trace On" he invokes his unique aria to himself and creates Caliburn in his hand as a safety measure he finds.....her. The woman who fought with him throughout the Holy Grail War and the woman he loved more than anyone else. Dazed by seeing her valiant figure in the moonlight just like that first night. Dropping his guard and his weapon all he can mummer is "Saber?!"   


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The blond haired saint continued to hug Petra and whispered into her ears that she could possibly be attracted to women. That was bollocks though, and if she felt any uncomfortable it was because the thought that other women could hit on her wasn't something she fancied.

"Hmmphh, a friend? You seem like interested in me more than in your friend or Liam. See, I can 'joke' too." Petra quipped after Jeanne released her. "Unless you miraculously turn into Jean d'Arc, sorry, not a bit of chance."


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Muramasa Katase

"That would remove any questions of impropriety," Katase conceded, not bothering at this point to move the male puppet she was speaking through except to speak. "I believe I have someone appropriate for this task. Hold me out so that I may manifest her in more... detail, than this shell."

Once Mitsuba did as she instructed the blade was quick to convert the demonic power used to give shape to the male puppet into reinforcement for the new female one that rapidly assembled from the skeleton and out. This one was taller, a touch more meaty than her usual preferred body, with long brown hair tied back into a ponytail and a lovely floral kimono. She appeared with her fingers wrapped around the hilt of the Muramasa, and soon smiled for Mitsuba.

"Is this good enough for a cousin, Mitsuba-san?"


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Rin looked adorable with the cat ears, of course she started throwing baseless accusations against him, maybe her self confidence was just that low. Archer sighed as he thought about how he should respond.

"And tell me what you're basing that on exactly? What's so wrong about wanting to see something cute? Don't you agree Sakura?" He turned slightly to the other sister as he adressed her.


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Annabeth kept firing as the bees made their retreat, the reduced power on the bullets making it far less taxing to fire this many of them. Then a number of them dropped dead on their own, the Hunter's momentary intrigue answered when she registered the blast of aura headed their way. Before she could shoot it down though, Rikuyo batted it out of the air, sending it hurtling towards the tree she'd shot a branch off of earlier.

Said tree then proceeded to get very angry at them, lighting up like an oversized matchstick soaked in gasoline.

...Fucking hell, a wicker man reject? What's next, a giant spirit boar?

"Ya know, that's pretty hard to believe right now," the Hunter shot back, taking aim at the thing when Ron, still in dire-wolf form, charged headlong at the thing, teeth bared and moving more like a horse-sized furry missile than a wolf. Allowing a sigh, the Hunter honed in on her targets for a moment before opting to fire away at the thing's branches to render it figuratively toothless, starting with the one's closest to Ron's approach.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Auspicious Breeze

Her face lit up all warm and rosy from the attention, and supporting Oren's weight like that was easy. Breeze didn't stumble even a little bit from it! Nope, she just kept standing straight up and smiling. "Aww, you're sweet!"

But Mordred did have a point. It was pretty chilly out there, so it would be kinda weird to go out in just this. Not that it bothered the Solar much, but people would look at her funny. "Should I wear something else over this then, Mordred?" she asked, tilting her head toward Oren's face and blinking at her fellow knight.



"Your fiancee know you go drinking with a nice lil' lady like that, then?" the vampire asked him with a bemused look. "She's a mighty understandin' sort if she do. Good on you, in that case."

Of course if it were adultery, he'd be paying this lad a visit later. With a hammer. Adulterers didn't need working kneecaps.


Muramasa Katase

"I normally present myself as the woman you saw before," Katase said while her puppet presented the slightest of shrugs. "But if you have a preference for the sake of your new 'Cover,' then speak now. Otherwise I will simply return to that default."

In all honesty the demon sword would prefer not to take that form again. That was the form she first spent time in with Kenzo. There were now memories associated with the feeling of being that girl that she did not wish to linger on. It was... difficult, despite their time together being so short.

Perhaps because it was so short.



A deep growl escapes the 'dire' wolf's throat, laden with meaning that only spirits could pick up on. He'd take on the entire forest at once if it wanted to pick that fight! Come on then, who else wants to be my prey? I'm just getting started!

He was, perhaps, getting just a little too into things. So Ron did a very canine thing and attacked the giant burning tree with his face full of razor sharp teeth.

Shirou Emiya

"Of course she does. She's the most wonderful and adorable person alive. I'm the luckiest man alive to have a woman as perfect as her." He said, completely seriously. "She's not the jealous type. She knows she has me wrapped completely around her finger, you see."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Mobb nearly jumped and fidgeted before nodding and carrying on. "Y-yeah! Sure! That sounds great!"

Shit, this is bad... she doesn't sound impressed at all! It seems like I have no choice, I have to use "that".

The bangs of his hair seemed to crawl in the air as he glanced around nervously. Tangled like broken fingers, they almost seemed to grow into tendrils while the same purple aura of earlier covered him.

He then grabbed his ear and began to fold and twist it, turning it like a corkscrew until it entered his ear hole.

"H-hey! I can also do this, look!"

« Last Edit: September 17, 2016, 03:47:46 PM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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Ignoring the spider was hard but possible. For the most part. It still made her shudder a bit. "Yeah, it's pretty handy, isn't it? Since I don't think there's any real way to track people her I can splurge as much as I want to!" She was just a bit excited about having all that freedom.

It wasn't that Liseth was dying to use her powers. It was simply the knowledge that she didn't have the absolute freedom to use them which bothered her. She should at least show some small bit of gratitude. "Hey, has your spider eaten yet? I've got something for it..."

She took the pillowcase off a pillow, shook it a few times to make sure it was nice and empty, and then she reached in. When she pulled her hand out it had a small sack that had squeaking noises coming out of it. She tossed the captured mouse right in front of the spider as she backed away a bit. "Here you go."


The Fae looked pretty amused at the thought that someone wouldn't want to see Breeze all nice and wet. She leaned in close so that her breath could tickle the other girl's ear as she whispered, "You know, I and a bunch of other girls could really appreciate it if your clothes were nice and soaked. Clinging to your body and showing off while leaving just enough to the imagination."

Oren kissed the edge of Breeze's mouth as if asking her to kiss back. Then she gave Mordred a passing glance and a slight tilt of her had that practically asked, "Why aren't you joining us?" She didn't think that she seemed too possessive. Breeze was nice, and warm, and easy to share.


All that the blue eyed girl gave at the twisting was a glance. She didn't even seem that surprised. In fact, she didn't look surprised at all. Instead she stopped and put a finger to her lips. "Well, if you wanna impress me you should try carrying me to the mall. It would be even better if you were running!"


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So she did have a sense of humor, well she'd better train the delivery though as it did come of as a bit stiff. But that was a topic for another time, they'd taken enough time and should really go back in, she just hoped there wouldn't be more naked women and demons in there when she got back.

"Please don't make wishes like that, knowing who you are they might come true." Jeanne jokingly complained as she held open the door to the aartment, offering the bown haired Ruler to go in first.



The young girl jumped back as if stung by a bee when the boy suddenly disappeared into thin air. How could such a thing happen? Then she felt it.

A menacing gaze.

whoever was responsible was still here, watching, watching them like prey. the count beside her went on some cliché spiel about "punishing unforgivable evil" or some other thing like that. while he did the young girl got ready.

A bow was conjured up in her hand, from it a hail of deadly arrows were released towards the window where she felt the evil presence was coming from, even if none of them hit, the sheer force behind them would cause a ruckus that would draw out the culprit.


Oka leaned her head againt his, thankfully she stopped crying, he didn't want to see her feel so sad, it felt ´wrong.

"I refuse to answer for the meal that'd might be fun. If you think you can handle all that food." He challeneged her. The meal did indeed look huge, he had no doubts that she would take it if he phrased it like that though.


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Auspicious Breeze

She did want to please Mordred rather than make her all uncomfortable, but Oren had a good point too there. A good, fun point. After a moment Breeze picked up Oren, gently put her down next to Mordred, and grinned at them both.

Then she rushed off into the clothes, and looked for something that'd just go great with the top and bottom. She came back wearing a black jacket over the shirt, and posed with her fists held up. "And, I'm back! How's this go with it?"



The vampire managed to whistle without extending his teeth. Not that he couldn't get some dandy tunes out of fanged whistlin', mind you. "You got it bad, son. You hold on to that feelin' now, you hear? Don't go straying from that path."

Liam considered breaking the kid's elbow just to be sure, but it didn't have the same panache. He seemed like a decent enough sort that the mobster couldn't justify it much anyway.


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The apartment

A hail of arrows shot forward only to crash into the windows, annihilating all in their path with terrifying power and accuracy, leaving naught but a burning crater in their wake. There were only faint traces of the dark presence of earlier, as if the sudden assault severely weakened it, and no sight of the figure that was staring down just a few moments earlier.

If it hadn't been killed by the piercing projectiles, the blasts and explosions would have torn it apart. Either way, there was no way it would live for long.

The door almost seemed to widen in response, as if grinning from ear to ear, laughing at the futile efforts.

« Last Edit: September 17, 2016, 06:23:17 PM by francobull3 »


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The mobster was extremely flustered at this point. Was she making fun of him!? Damn, he'd show her...

"Nah. There's no way I can do that, silly! I can barely lift my spirits up in the morning, do I look like some pro bodybuilder to you?" He asked, flexing in order to drive the point further.

After a while, he realized he was being very silly and cleared his throat.

"Ahem, I can do this though." He said with some level of confidence. He took a dime from his pocket, flipped it on the palm of his hand and stuffed it in the hole that had now replaced his ear.

A strange, metallic taste filled Lucy's mouth before she could even realize there was a coin inside.


Tch, it seemed there wasn't enough time. This conversation was turning largely uninteresting anyway, there was no problem with recalling Slim Shady at this point. The figure simply sunk back into the shadows and vanished without a trace.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2016, 06:41:42 PM by francobull3 »