Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 74673 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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Paladin reached up and grabbed the bloodstained clothing without a hint of concern and gave the girl a nod and one of those customary motions where you hold your hand out and raise a thumb. Then he went to go put the clothes into the washer. It was a fascinating machine, truly. Far more efficient than the magical contraptions back at home. And once all that was done he simply returned to writing in his journal, although, just in case, he did ask, "Do you require anything else?" Just to be polite.


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"Nope, thanks." Sakura said as she climbed into the freezing cold shower. This guy is quite a weirdo She thought as she lathered up her entire body with soap, making sure to completely clean every single crevice of her body of the gory filth. It didn't take her very long. After about twenty minutes, she turned the water off, and climbed out, grabbing a large towel and drying herself off.

"How much longer until they're dry?" The woman called to her friend through the door. She didn't want to wait in here for too long, after all."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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He put an arm around Oka's shoulder as the terrorist approached them, luckily he didn't appear to be in a mood to kill them. Then of course something had to go wrong, the kid named Malcolm decided to be smartass and told the obviously dangerously man off, before turning his back to him and nonchalantly began walking away

Is he trying to get himself killed?

? ? ?

The little blond brat definitely had his attention after that stunt, it was as if he had no care for his life at all. common sense would tell you to not him off, yet this boy had done so in such a brazen way, it was almost commendable. He completely lost interest in the couple as his attention was fully occupied by the arrogant brat.

It was most likely the pitfalls of youth trapping him, causing to commit such an error. It could be overlooked, and it wasn't like he had planned to kill the boy or anything. However, as a responsible adult it fell on him to  educate the boy on proper manners.

In a flash he was behind the arrogant boy, grabbing hold of both the boy's arms with inhuman force as his foot met the kid's back forcing him to the ground.

"And who gave you permission to just walk away boy? You shouldn't interupt adults when they're doing business, or did your parents teach you nothing?" His voice was calm, unnaturally so in fact, more fitting of a person discussing a topic they found incredibly boring yet had no choice but to partake in.

Umbra of Chaos

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"Hmm, not too long. It should only be a little longer." He was proven right by the beeping of the machine. Paladin reached into it and pulled out the dry albeit freezing clothing. Then he approached the door and stuck the hand with the clothing into the smallest gap possible. "Here they are."


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They were just screwing around with him, weren't they? Rikuyo was sure that werewolves couldn't catch any sickness. "Nah, he's just horny, but he doesn't want to admit it coz his woman might be around the corner and blow out his brains with a gun. Hey, Ron-kun, do you want to sleep with Medaka, then? Go ahead, I can wait for my turn." Unlike Annie, Rikuyo didn't object to Ron sleeping with as many women as he could handle.


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Mobb looked shocked and covered his mouth in outrage at this scandalous proposal. "But that's so mean..."

He grinned devilishly and gave her an affirmative thumbs up. 

"Count me in."


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He put an arm around Oka's shoulder as the terrorist approached them, luckily he didn't appear to be in a mood to kill them. Then of course something had to go wrong, the kid named Malcolm decided to be smartass and told the obviously dangerously man off, before turning his back to him and nonchalantly began walking away

Is he trying to get himself killed?

? ? ?

The little blond brat definitely had his attention after that stunt, it was as if he had no care for his life at all. common sense would tell you to not him off, yet this boy had done so in such a brazen way, it was almost commendable. He completely lost interest in the couple as his attention was fully occupied by the arrogant brat.

It was most likely the pitfalls of youth trapping him, causing to commit such an error. It could be overlooked, and it wasn't like he had planned to kill the boy or anything. However, as a responsible adult it fell on him to  educate the boy on proper manners.

In a flash he was behind the arrogant boy, grabbing hold of both the boy's arms with inhuman force as his foot met the kid's back forcing him to the ground.

"And who gave you permission to just walk away boy? You shouldn't interupt adults when they're doing business, or did your parents teach you nothing?" His voice was calm, unnaturally so in fact, more fitting of a person discussing a topic they found incredibly boring yet had no choice but to partake in.

Oka Kurosawa

Oka's eyes widened as the idiot's speech just kept going on and on, as he turned and began to leave, the dark man predictably went and smashed him against the ground. Oka's pinky twitched in a certain way, and Haunter grabbed both her and Jin, pulling them away as fast as he could. Oka pulled the other Pokemon back into the balls as well.

She wasn't going to waste the chance the moron had given them to escape.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Malcolm Kimberlee

Well, that could’ve gone worse, he thought to himself. At least the girl had wised up enough to get the memo, but damn that hurt. That’s right, if you have the guts to get mad, get mad. Despite his brazen speech, he was as calm as ice.

It was as if gambling his life made him feel even more alive. No, he definitely gambled his life, a foolish gamble and he knew it. Letting his sentimentality get the best of him, just how stupid can one be?

The only reason he was still alive was because of luck, but that didn’t seem to bother him. No, that wasn’t quite right either. But letting that asshole do as he pleased and get even an inch closer to that girl was something he could not do. And now the limp dicked dipshit was just in his range, the concealed rope around his arms extended rapidly as he filled his entire body with magic energy, wrapping both of their limbs together with steel-hard rope.

My parents always told me not to get involved in what doesn’t regard you. Then again, I’ve never been good at listening to others. I don’t care about law, or politics, or justice or even you. I have my own values, my own laws, and I don’t expect anyone to protect them but myself. I know I have no chance of standing up to you, I know that far too well. I’m just a foolish little man, but even a foolish little man can fight in his own foolish little ways.

“See, this is why you don’t let your emotions get the better of you. Now they've got away." He sighed nonchalantly, his lips barely curling up in a condescending grin.

Damn, if only he could shut up. He’d dug his own grave real good there, but for some reason he just couldn’t stop. It was as if some force was driving him to say these things, an impulse he couldn’t understand.

Yeah, the security’s shit, no one but ourselves can protect what we hold, because we can only hold so little. This whole dump is one major shithole, no law is gonna change that. But yknow, this shithole is all we have. This is my, our city, and we gotta stick together. The old bartender lady who always serves me her homefried specials when I look down even when I say I ain’t feeling it, the drunkard oafs who are always too cheerful to restrain a joke, the ugly whores who always serve drinks with the brightest smiles, the greedy gamblers who are always ready to pull one on ya.

The orphans, the vigilantes, the clerks, the  outlaws, the buisnessmen, the police. All of them, all of us, we fight for our own justice, our own laws, so we can live and fight another day. This city, its people, they are some of the best, most hard working people I’ve ever met. Sorry, but I guess I simply can't afford to care anymore.

It was almost thrilling, this gamble. To put his life on the line like this, to give shit and fight against something far beyond him, it was what he lived for. Even an outlaw with no standards ought to have principles, and even if it meant dying he would uphold them. He spat on the ground and looked back to meet his eyes and stare his death face to face.

“Rip my arms all you want if you please, but once done with that you better snap my neck real good, otherwise I’ll drag you down to hell with my teeth. Don’t look down on Nexus city, you self righteous hypocrite.”
« Last Edit: October 02, 2016, 06:18:34 PM by francobull3 »


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He was suddenly janked off his feet by Oka's ghastly pokémon. They were quickly dragged away as Malcolm served as bait for the dangerous man. They were dragged all the way to the  entrance of the waterland before he shouted out.

"Wait I need to pick up Yukianesa!"


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Sakura apologized to Rin for the undeserved squeezing of her shoulders, seeing that he decided that this time was as good as any. "Regardless, I was going to pick up a book I'll be doing that, again. See you later." He spoke out loud, before walking out of the kitchen.


She grabbed his hand and pulled herself up, thanking him for it. "We should really head in now before it gets cold." She said as she appraoched the door.

Opening it, she waited for him holding it open for the second time that day.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2016, 03:45:34 PM by Thedoctor »


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Now she was sure that she had to devise a plan to get Oren out of the picture before something happened to her and Breeze. She swore she would gather evidence, catch her redhanded doing something nefarious and lock her up or kill her if she resisted arrest with lethal force. Her track record regarding fights here though meant that she'd rather be safe than sorry and maybe she could get Noel on her side when she gets proof.

However, Breeze was in hurry, so she had to follow her or she would lose track of her, but still was wary of what that villain could do attempt.


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Medaka Kurokami

Apparently the mindless screaming of Ron must be ignored if what Shinobu said is correct.  Without any hesitation she grabbed center of his shirt and savagely tore it off, checking his chest.  There was nothing there.  His body was in perfect shape.  Without thinking, she sat on his torso, grabbed the tip of his pants and tore those off as well. Just like Shinobu said, there was a bulging of his genitals through his undergarments.  Still, how would she even fix a problem like this?  At the very least she would have to tear off his underwear as well.  Even if she did she would have to gaze upon a swollen penis.....

Before she could finish the job, Rikuyo spoke up.  "Nah, he's just horny, but he doesn't want to admit it coz his woman might be around the corner and blow out his brains with a gun. Hey, Ron-kun, do you want to sleep with Medaka, then? Go ahead, I can wait for my turn."

Wait.... What?

For a moment time seemed to stop as she realized what she was looking at was an erect penis.

She shot Shinobu a glare, one that the elder vampire was more than familiar with by now.  Then, she turned around and looked at Ron.  “Is this true?”  She asked sternly.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2016, 05:43:38 PM by yinsukin »


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It didn't take him long to reach their meeting spot, a fairly out of the way spot tucked away at the edge of town. A sparse few trees decorated the area, though they shade they provided would be unnecessary in this season. Nonetheless, the immortal took shelter under one of these trees and sat down for the moment, settling in in preparation for a long wait. Michael was pleasantly surprised, however, when that wait turned out to be not nearly as quite as he expected.

Just a bit before he'd figured they'd be back, Michael soon caught sight of Breeze and Oren, along with a newcomer. In addition to the groceries, Breeze had seemed to finally have acquired a shirt, though he had a feeling that this was more due to Oren or the newcomer rather than Breeze's own idea, and Oren some decent clothing...for now. For that matter, there was something that felt a, for lack of a better term, about the newcomer. Not the biker outfit, which admittedly seemed quite fitting on her, but something else...

Shaking his head in dismissal, the immortal looked over the blonde that wasn't tanned one more time, taking in what he could.

Well, at least she seems well trained by normal standards. Probably a spear-user judging by her hands and the way she carries herself...There's potential of course, but she seems almost...suspicious of something...Perhaps Oren got up to something again? No matter.

Allowing a smile, Michael stood up and made his way over to the three, palming the small stick just in case, ignoring the whispers of destruction that flitted through his mind as a result.

"Not that I don't admire your initiative," Michael said with a good-natured chuckle, "But I must say I wasn't expecting you to make another friend so soon. Of course, if she wants some training as well, then I'd be happy to accept another student."

With that, he turned to the newcomer, that smile still on his face.

"In any case, introductions. My name is Michael," he continued, holding out a hand for her to shake.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Ron was, in fact, about to finally just put his foot down and stop her. Metaphorically, anyway - he wasn't going to literally put his foot down on Medaka or something like that. He had some friends back in high school who might have liked that sort of thing.

Then Rikuyo, bless her heart, finally got the point across to the girl. The werewolf sighed, exasperated, even with his face red. "For the record? I did try to tell you there's nothing wrong with me."

He reached for his clothes. Then he realized that, besides boxers, he didn't have any left. So Ron looked up at the vampire sitting on him and twitched slightly. "So yeah, sure, it's true. And you're making it worse. Like right now."
« Last Edit: September 30, 2016, 08:01:54 PM by Aiden »


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The blond vampire reached out towards Medaka with a hand, stroking her blue hair slowly, with great care and affection. "Yes Medaka, I am afraid you are the cause of his problem."

Looking down at the werewolf's boxers they were indeed tru to his word bulging out even further as she spoke. He was raising a rather big flag down there.

She leaned closer to the younger vampire and whispered to her. "It looks like you are causing him quite the bit of pain here, So maybe you should help him with that."