Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 74678 times)


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She followed Shirou in, not suprised to see that Sakura ambushed him with a hug, she felt let down as she was seemingly excluded from the happy reunion. Rain clouds gathered above her head to announce the oncoming bout of despression that struck her, she looked truly pitiful as she stood there by her lonesome.

"It went well...until Shirou made me drink something that got me drunk, the mercilessly made fun of me like a twisted monster, he stole my virginity  too, he was the cruelest of the cruel." She said with a fake voice accompanied by dramatic gestures.

Sakura Matou

"Pssh." Sakura chuckled at Jeanne's antics and reached out, patting her on the head. "There there." Sakura told her solemnly. "I'll make sure he suffers for these evil deeds. Just you wait!" Sakura responded to Jeanne with an equally dramatic voice and facial expressions.

"Preeetty impressive though, don't you think Jeanne? He somehow managed to outdrink a hardcore drinker, going from your story, tehe." Sakura poked Shirou's forehead. "Now how'd you manage that, you scoundrel?"

Shirou sighed and shook his head. "It's truely a mystery, isn't it." He told them as he carried Sakura inside. "Maybe I used some secret black magic from before the dawn of time to coerce her."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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He waved off her concern. A door was only a door. It was not something that was difficult to fix, especially when the damage seemed all but negligible. Besides, he had done far worse when he had gotten his blessings. "Well, when I am not ridding the streets of beasts I usually meditate or pray. But when I find myself without work I do volunteer at various establishments. After all, the purpose of the law is to make the world and its inhabitants better. Even if I am not enforcing it I work towards its goals."

But then Paladin noticed that she was already making preparations for her departure. He let out a soft chuckle. "Yet, I am fairly certain you have better things to do than striking up some conversation with an armored zealot just to be polite."


Sakura had just left her with the giant spider. Nope. Not staying in this room tonight. She engaged the arachnid in a staring contest before it simply crawled off the bed along with the mice bag. Then Liseth carefully, calmly picked up the blanket, pillows, and her clothes before running over to the door and opening it right back into the mage's home.

"Goddamn spiders, fucking insect mages. What's wrong with out of sight out of mind? I don't ask for much. I can stand their presence as long as I don't have to see them." She curled up on a chair, slapped on a sleeping mask she pulled out of the pocket of her shorts, and tried to rest.


"Oh, I'm not in that much of a hurry, haha." She smiled at this strange man. He was odd but charming in a weird way. She liked him. Platonically. She liked him platonically. He said some stupid things though.

"Heh, the law of the world is there to oppress the weak. I'm surprised you're such an idealist, Paladin." Sakura told him. She wasn't being mean or condescending at all, it was as if she was simply stating a fact.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Mobb Boss

Mobb puffed his chest in pride and posed with a big toothy grin.

"Yessir! Erm, I mean maam. I'd need a way to get a clearer view though. I can't just go and insert things in whoever's mouth like that, otherwise I'd be so silly strong I'd become king of the world. No, the universe!"

He hugged the girl with one hand and turned her over, pointing to the building adjacent to where she had just pointed.

"Damn, if only there was a way to get to the rooftop over there. You don't happen to fly, do you?" He said jokingly.

"But before that, I gotta say, this is all well and fun, but I can't just go around doing this for free, no matter how much I like you! I'm not gonna go around ask you for money, you're probably worse off than me, sleeping in dumpsters and all, but with great power comes great responsibility, yadda yadda. Think you can do a small favor for me, just to keep things even?"
« Last Edit: October 02, 2016, 07:45:07 PM by francobull3 »


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She expected someone older looking when she imagined who could possibly train Breeze. Not a geezer, huh?

"So you are Breeze's teacher? I'm Mordred, I recently joined local government's agency as one of their resident soldiers. If you can provide me more training, then I'd be grateful." She introduced herself formally, shaking Michael's hand.


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? ? ?

The kid thought he was some kind of hero, nobly sacrificing himself to let the other two escape. What a fool he was, it was only proper to enlighten him on just how much of a mistake he'd made, if only for the satisfaction of seeing his regret. The chain that linked them together was off little concern to him, something so trivial could never bind the darkness.

"Taking hostages was never part of my plan, I was planning on letting them go after I was done talking, but you just had to go and throw a tantrum like a petulant child." His boot pressed even harder into the kid's back.

He was about to break free, when he was rudely interrupted by a short blond woman, presumably from the police force going by her uniform. Giving orders to him? How utterly pathetic, the woman didn't look like she was capable of harming a fly.

With an astounding show of strength he flexed his muscles and snapped the chains before delivering a lightning fast bone shattering kick to the boy, sending him flying away into the distance.

"Why is a cute girl like you here? Are the Police truly so desperate? Their situation must be graver than even I had predicted." He began to brazingly stride towards the tiny blonde as he spoke.


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Having left Ron in Rikuyo's care for the moment, something she was already feeling like she'd regret doing, the bounty hunter went back to what she'd been working on before she'd first spotted Ron with the crazy redhead. Thankfully, unlike her last client, this latest one didn't seem all too keen on trying to shortchange her. With her latest paying job completed, the bounty hunter figured that she could get to work on finding another one. All the same, after the mess in the forest, the Hunter wanted nothing more than to take at least a bit of a break.

With that in mind, she went on her way, looking for a place to take a bit of a break. Maybe a nice little cafe or something, though things like coffee and alcohol had been markedly less effective of late. Likely a side-effect of the healing factor that she'd developed...

What's even happening to me? I mean, learning Nen is one thing, but this...

Putting it aside for the moment, the Hunter continued on her way.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Well. Um. Hot vampire girls making out on top of/next to him. That wasn't something he saw everyday. His eyes went wide like dinner plates watching Shinobu and Medaka kiss and touch each other, not caring that they were in public or that he was pretty obviously watching. He wouldn't have thought vampires would smell aroused much, but they were definitely proving Ron wrong there.

Curse his canine sense of smell. It wasn't long before it got to him.

Then Medaka's comment about boobs got to him more. "Hey, I resent that; I like all kinds of boobs equally!" Then before he could think better of it he went out of his way to 'prove' it. By groping. He didn't really come to his senses until after he realized where his hands were, at which point his face was a tomato again. "Like uh... that."

He quickly tried to pull his hands away.


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The blond vampire relished the feel of Medaka's hand on her, however before she could truly enjoy it, the wonderful sensetion was cut off. Opening her eyes she saw that the werewolf had cut between them, now feeling up her Medaka. This couldn't go unanswered.

She wrapped her arms around the Ron's waist, her hands ending up dangerously close to the werewolf's boxers as she leaned agaisnt his back, her soft breasts pusing against him through her clothes. "Touching Medaka like that, what a naughty one you are..." She leaned in further, breathing in his ear as she whispered the final part. "...They feel better when she's naked." Leaving it to him to figure out the implication of what she said.


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? ? ?

The kid thought he was some kind of hero, nobly sacrificing himself to let the other two escape. What a fool he was, it was only proper to enlighten him on just how much of a mistake he'd made, if only for the satisfaction of seeing his regret. The chain that linked them together was off little concern to him, something so trivial could never bind the darkness.

"Taking hostages was never part of my plan, I was planning on letting them go after I was done talking, but you just had to go and throw a tantrum like a petulant child." His boot pressed even harder into the kid's back.

He was about to break free, when he was rudely interrupted by a short blond woman, presumably from the police force going by her uniform. Giving orders to him? How utterly pathetic, the woman didn't look like she was capable of harming a fly.

With an astounding show of strength he flexed his muscles and snapped the chains before delivering a lightning fast bone shattering kick to the boy, sending him flying away into the distance.

"Why is a cute girl like you here? Are the Police truly so desperate? Their situation must be graver than even I had predicted." He began to brazingly stride towards the tiny blonde as he spoke.

Noel Vermillion

Without a second thought, as soon as he started breaking out of the role, Noel began to fire at him. She saturated him with explosions as fast as was humanly possible for her to pull the triggers. Without a word, she began to run back as well, attempting to keep her distance from him.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The girl's presence didn't even register in his mind, or rather, he didn't note on it. All that existed was that man, the rope and the gun. Nothing else in the universe seemed to matter, and on that moment he stopped smiling.

Malcolm gritted his teeth. That's right, use your monstrous strength and break out. But to do that, you're going to have to hold me. His hand was still in his pocket, and in that split second the monster was flexing, the rope tightened around him and fixed him in place. He had gambled on this as well, the possibility that he would rely on brute force. Now it was confirmed that he had no teleportation ability, so he could only reach him if his path went towards him. His bones screamed in pain, but it was okay. It was perfect.

In a split second the man had become a mighty pillar, and Malcolm was tied to him.

His hand was still in his pocket, with his hands grabbed like this by the rope he didn't have to worry about recoil, even in this position. If he pulled the gun out, that monster might see it coming and dodge, which was why he had bet everything to lure him into this position, this moment. This was just a second, a split second. What would be faster, the rope or his finger? This was a gamble, it was all a gamble. This duel could be the last of his life, thus it would be the best of his life.

His heart stopped as the rope shattered and his finger immediately pressed on the trigger at the same time.

"GAH!" He choked out in a gasp as his stomach was blown to pieces by a mighty blow. The bullet flew out of his pocket, tearing a gash alongside his grazed leg as soon as the kick landed, aiming for the man's kidney as Malcolm was blown away.

« Last Edit: October 03, 2016, 04:49:37 PM by francobull3 »


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? ? ?

A lesser man would have buckled under the pressure of this one moment. He was anything but, there was a reason he was one of the youngest people to have ever been granted the rank of Saint. This was nothing, they were but mere flies before him.

The moment the two of them fired at him he saw, he saw it all and then he acted. The man's back ben backwards at an unnatural angle as he quickly flipped over to a handstand, the kid's suprise bullet missing him by a hair's breadth. The moment his hands made contact with the ground, he pushed himself off, launching himself into the air, his body twisting around at high speeds as he dodged the explosions sent by the blonde woman.

He landed and struck a fabulous pose. "How rude of you to not introduce yourself before shooting miss." He said as he adressed the blonde.


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Noel Vermillion

The emerald-eyed girl unblinkingly continued to fire away wordlessly to him. She didn't think, thoughts would only lower her efficiency. She simply listened to the guns, doing what they seemed to want her to do. And so she continued firing, beginning to compensate for his incredible agility.

She was sure at least some of them would hit.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Haha, ya had it in after all! Don't you worry about Annie~" Rikuyo "reassured" Ron, seeing that he was losing his inhibitions with time. And again, her sense of hearing didn't fail her. "Hey, gonna strip, Medaka? I'll do it myself anyway even if ya don't." Rikuyo already put away her shirt when she was saying that and proceeded to completely strip herself off clothing. Now Ron had first occassion to see Rikuyo completely naked, her tail wagging here and there like a dog's.


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Corporal Mathew Blackburn:

The once proud soldier was brought low over the last few months.

The Dragoon used to keep his appearance up to expected standards, but what was the point anymore? Stained fatigues, a five-o'clock shadow, somewhat filthy skin - he'd be flogged if he were back with his regiment. If the regiment still existed, anyways.

Mathew was aware now how his insanity got the better of him. He knows that there are no 'Nids in the city, that the group of people suddenly turning into them were still people. He knows that he chopped some civilian in half and gunning down another shortly afterward.

Such a weak man...

Mathew has taken to wandering the streets from time to time. He would only keep his Hellpistol, leaving his armor and Volleygun in the Leman Russ/home in the shantytown underneath a bridge. The reason for heading out this time was due to the shortage of booze. After shoving what little bit of money he had into a pocket, he crawled out of  the hatch of his vehicle. Time to get some whiskey.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2016, 07:17:30 PM by MissingMandible »


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Oka was in a real to get out of there, was she that scared by that man? As they came to the entrence he noticed that a blonde woman in a uniform rushed....wait who is she?

He got distracted for a moment and noticed that Oka was heading to get they're stuff. "Okay then..." He picked up his stuff as he was still thinking about the strange woman he had seen.


"Oh yes a magic most foul and vile, it defiled me thoroughly." She said as she followed them in, Sakura being carried by Shirou. I've been teasing him the entire time, he must feel really frustrated right now~ She told Sakura mentally, while giving them a cute smile.