Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 74671 times)


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Rikuyo's canine ears twitched like a dog's as she did hear what Shinobu was telling to Medaka. A grin formed on her face, as she told to Ron: "Hah, I wonder what they're scheming. Maybe you should fight back. Unless you really, really want to play along~"

Either outcome should be amusing. If he chooses to fight, she could finally see how he would fare against Medaka.


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Medaka Kurokami

"Oh I see.  You should have just said so to start with.  I am sorry. I really thought you had some sort of disease."  She said, sincerely.  She made eye contact with Shinobu.  "I am not so naive that I do not know what is going on here.  I just preferred to be safe than sorry.  All that matters to me is that Ron is safe."

Then she looked down at Ron.  Her eyes became clouded with mischief as she wore a confident smile.  In a sense she resembled Shinobu, perhaps a consequence of spending so much time with her. She laid flat on her belly, pressing her massive breasts into the torso of the werewolf.  She looked into his eyes, taking in whatever reaction came afterwords.  "However, I can keep going if you want.  I am kinda curious what the real deal feels like and it seems to make to make our mentor's happy. But I wont force you."

She gently crawled up a bit and whispered in his ear.  "So, what do you want to do?"

« Last Edit: September 30, 2016, 11:47:29 PM by yinsukin »

Umbra of Chaos

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The girl nodded proudly before holding out a hand towards the guy. "Yep! It's just the right mix between humiliating and painful to not get into too much trouble with. Unless someone wants to escalate. Then we can get... creative. So do you think you could get a brown haired girl if she was in that apartment up there from here? Or would you rather just mosey on over to somewhere else?"

She pointed out the specific place with her free hand.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2016, 07:33:46 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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"Hmm, not too long. It should only be a little longer." He was proven right by the beeping of the machine. Paladin reached into it and pulled out the dry albeit freezing clothing. Then he approached the door and stuck the hand with the clothing into the smallest gap possible. "Here they are."


Sakura took her clothes back from the man and carefully smelled them. "Hmmm... I guess they're fine." She said to herself before she put them back on. After she did that, she threw the door open, nearly ripping it off the hinges with her inhuman strength.

"Shit." She muttered under her breath. "Sorry, I'm not completely used to having so much strength..." She turned and inspected the door. Other than the small dents in the wood from her fingertips, it seemed mostly fine. Yeah. "It looks like it's fine though, thank goodness."

Sakura looked around the man's house. "So um, what do you do other than hunt monsters?" She asked, grabbing her duffle bag as well and getting ready to go.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Noel Vermillion

The short woman ran into the swimpark as fast as she could, nimbly dodging a purple-haired woman and a blond man as she entered, Bolverk already materialized. This entire situation made her want to cry. She'd wanted to come her soon, and now there'd been yet another terrorist attack. She quickly arrived near the scene of the crime, and saw two men apparently wrapped together in a rope.

"Freeze!" She yelled at them, pointing her gun at the two. "Drop your weapons and put your hands in the air. Make any suspicious movements and I'll shoot!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Sakura Matou

Sakura began to wave at Archer, but quickly stopped, perking up as she realized Shirou was finally coming inside. She smiled and began to tremble with joy, quickly breaking away from Rin and darting out of the kitchen towards her Shirou.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Sakura apologized to Rin for the undeserved squeezing of her shoulders, seeing that he decided that this time was as good as any. "Regardless, I was going to pick up a book I'll be doing that, again. See you later." He spoke out loud, before walking out of the kitchen.


She grabbed his hand and pulled herself up, thanking him for it. "We should really head in now before it gets cold." She said as she appraoched the door.

Opening it, she waited for him holding it open for the second time that day.

Shirou Emiya

As soon as Jeanne opened the door, before he could even say a peep, Sakura came bursting through it, jumping at him. Without thinking, he caught his wife to be by reflex and somehow managed not to fall.

"Ohhh, very impressive Senpai, always ready for me even when you least expect it." She said to him while simultaneously nuzzling him, rubbing her face against his. He smiled at her and walked inside, holding the door open with his foot, waiting for Jeanne to come inside.

"Did you accomplish your goal?" Sakura asked them both, but mainly addressing her question to her blond servant. "I hope you found some to your liking."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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He was suddenly janked off his feet by Oka's ghastly pokémon. They were quickly dragged away as Malcolm served as bait for the dangerous man. They were dragged all the way to the  entrance of the waterland before he shouted out.

"Wait I need to pick up Yukianesa!"

Oka Kurosawa

"Right, sorry. I need to get my bag as well!" Oka said quickly, the cool she'd been showing earlier rapidly disappearing with their escape. She say a blond policewoman run by them inside, presumably to deal with the issue. "Let's grab our stuff quickly Jin and run."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Well, he certainly didn't find Medaka unattractive. That much was particularly obvious once she climbed onto him like that. It was moments like this that made Ron curse himself. Not for his libido doing what it did, but for what he chose to do the moment afterward.

He swallowed, mouth dry, and gently put his hands on the sexy vampire's hips. Then the werewolf gently tried to push her off of him. "Sorry, I uh, I'd normally say yes. Because I'd be stupid not to. But um, I have a girlfriend right now and I'd have to run that by her and I'm really sorry about this."

How well this worked would depend on how much Medaka as willing to accept a no. He'd never actually run into a vampire before so hopefully they didn't have hypno-eyes or something.


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She was quite impressed to see how much the girl had grown, when she started seductively crawling up the werewolf, her technique was pretty good. Ron however put his hand on Medaka's curvy hips and pushed her away, rejecting her advances in a boring manner.

"Rejecting Medaka-chan when she's begging you, how dissapointing, but in that case..."

Shinobu launched herself at the blue haired girl, the blond vampire's body pressing against Medaka, her soft boobs colliding with the other girl's more massive ones. Her lips meeting the younger girl as she gave her a deep kiss, full of lust and passion. It was sure to give the werewolf a nice show.

"In that case I will just have to take her myself then." She declared as she pulled away from the kiss.


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Rin raised her eyes as Sakura flaunted away to be with her intended and Archer went to go find a book.

Finally released, she rolled her still aching shoulder and drug her chopsticks along the plate.


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Even if Ron-kun lied there all defenseless and ripe for taking, they'd rather do unnatural things on top of him. Did becoming vampire make you homo? Then how lucky she refused Shinobu's offer back then! She just sighed in disapproval, and then commented: "If you ain't interested in him, just move aside, I can't reach him while you do that on top of him."

Umbra of Chaos

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He waved off her concern. A door was only a door. It was not something that was difficult to fix, especially when the damage seemed all but negligible. Besides, he had done far worse when he had gotten his blessings. "Well, when I am not ridding the streets of beasts I usually meditate or pray. But when I find myself without work I do volunteer at various establishments. After all, the purpose of the law is to make the world and its inhabitants better. Even if I am not enforcing it I work towards its goals."

But then Paladin noticed that she was already making preparations for her departure. He let out a soft chuckle. "Yet, I am fairly certain you have better things to do than striking up some conversation with an armored zealot just to be polite."


Sakura had just left her with the giant spider. Nope. Not staying in this room tonight. She engaged the arachnid in a staring contest before it simply crawled off the bed along with the mice bag. Then Liseth carefully, calmly picked up the blanket, pillows, and her clothes before running over to the door and opening it right back into the mage's home.

"Goddamn spiders, fucking insect mages. What's wrong with out of sight out of mind? I don't ask for much. I can stand their presence as long as I don't have to see them." She curled up on a chair, slapped on a sleeping mask she pulled out of the pocket of her shorts, and tried to rest.


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka was about to respond to Ron's rejection when Shinobu leaped on top of her and started viscerally making out with her.  They landed just beside Ron.  Once again caught up at the elder vampire's pace, the blue haired vampire found herself enjoying the passionate kiss, closing her eyes and exploring the blonde's lips with her own. She wrapped her arms around her lower back.

In a way she was used to this sort of thing.  Shinobu had spent the months showing her affection like this.  Yet for the most part, she often got caught up at her pace.  However, this time it wasnt about her, it was about Ron.  She would enjoy getting his attention.

Shinobu pulled away from Medaka.  "In that case I will just have to take her myself then."

“Maybe if his girlfriend was here, she could join.  I have a feeling she has smaller boobs like yours.  I dont think he likes big boobs all that much.”  Medaka said, lightly squeezing the elder vampire’s breasts.

« Last Edit: October 02, 2016, 02:35:01 AM by yinsukin »


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She followed Shirou in, not suprised to see that Sakura ambushed him with a hug, she felt let down as she was seemingly excluded from the happy reunion. Rain clouds gathered above her head to announce the oncoming bout of despression that struck her, she looked truly pitiful as she stood there by her lonesome.

"It went well...until Shirou made me drink something that got me drunk, the mercilessly made fun of me like a twisted monster, he stole my virginity  too, he was the cruelest of the cruel." She said with a fake voice accompanied by dramatic gestures.