Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 43387 times)


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The armored knight seemed to suggest to celebrate their victory. But did he really deserve such a break? His stay here seemed to had been a string of pyrrhic victories. Monsters and villains were vanquished and punished, but he was unable to save many. The best he often could do was to arrive after the damage was done and defeat the culprit. But, even if he was not satisfied with the outcome, turning down the offer would be downright impolite.

 "I would be honored to celebrate together with such a valiant knight." Even if his mood wasn't too good, his words were true. After all, Paladin was a courageous and honorable man. "Do you wish to join the festivities as well, Lady Emiya?" Julius also turned to Sakura who was resting at the time. She really deserved some break after this hard fought fight.


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So the hugging continued. She should have gotten used by now that Breeze just attracted more women into her presence, as if she generated her own gravity. She also had to tolerate her polyamorous attitude to relationships, though as long as Breeze was devoted to her enough when Mordred had free time then the changeling was okay with that.

"You're are really lavish with praise..." Mordred commented, fortunate that her skin was already so red that nobody would notice blushing. "But if you met me half year ago, you wouldn't get to see me like that. I took that form after I ended up here. It's still sometimes odd for me to walk around with a tail, but I'm getting used to it."


"Well, I'm so glad you did! That tail is the cutest little thing!" She exclaimed releasing one arm leaving her easily lifting the two up with one, and reached down to feel the tail, stopping only a few inches short. "So uh, do you mind me feeling it?"

Auspicious Breeze

This was so weird. Someone was stronger than her! And lifting her up like this! It was kinda cool. "It's so scaly, but... it's really cool."


Did she look like some pet? The changeling was not sure if she should let Sakura touch in case she squeezed it, however, Sakura asked nicely and it would be unfriendly to just shun her like that. "Okay, but don't do something clumsy, just because I have a tail it doesn't mean I can grow it back..."


"How rude!" Sakura exclaimed indignantly to Mordred. "Do you think I'm some mindless gorilla who can't control their own strength? Sure, I can't do it perfectly, but I'd never rip anyone's arm off accidentally!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Instead of following after him as asked, the adorable creature simply ran in front of Shirou, wagging its tail like a dog and making noises. For a moment, a look of annoyance came over Shirou's face, but he rapidly buried it. After all, he didn't want their relationship to start off on the wrong foot and, besides, the creature was just too cute to be mad at. So, instead, he stopped walking, looking down at the creature with confusion.

"Yes, boy?" he asked, kindly, bending down to give his new pet a quick stroke. "What is it?"


The pokemon bolted ahead before he quickly turned around and bolted back, leaning forward and wagging his tail at Shirou.

"Kyu kyu yku!" He cried out, before he ran up to Shirou and stood up against his legs.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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He shook his head at his girlfriend's joking attitude, this was a serious matter. There was a crazy man in a mask swinging a chainsaw wildly. That laughter of his, oh god that laughter.

 "I will try to." He jumped out of the way of yet another swing of the chainsaw.  "I'd love to... but I strike one down and two more appear." He backhanded the chainsaw guy as he sidestepped the attack and then immediately ducked to avoid a blow from the next assailant in line.

"This is gonna take a while."


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There were so many annoyances right now and her blue haired minions attempt to try and cling to her frame was the final drip in the bucket. The elder vampire had had enough of this. With an annoyed outcry she pried Medaka off from herself and threw her like a cannonball right at the jovial pirate called Lorenzo.

"Can you not even steer properly, you utter buffoon!"


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka blinked, only to find herself flying through the air upon reopening.  She scratched her head as she flew through the air, wondering what could have made Shinobu so annoyed.

"Hmmm.." she mumbled as her body continued on its course towards Lorenzo.


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Then Erica simply started eating everything. There was still that element of refinement in her, after all not even the smallest stain could be seen on her clothes, but she seemed just as ravenous as when she started.

It wasn't long before the blue haired girl had finished the dish in its entirety. She sat pleasantly content in herself with her hands over her stomach as she looked at Noel. "Thank you for the meal. It was wonderful."

She was almost overwhelmingly happy in her own self-contained way.

Noel Vermillion

"I can you know, well, make you food again, if you want. I really love cooking, so it'd be no problem at all, if you'd like that, I mean..." Noel said, excited at the prospect but also wary of getting shot down. What if she was just being nice to her!? That would be too cruel! She'd probably cry.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Lorenzo Remei

If skeletons could sweat, Lorenzo would be sweating right now. Was if even possible for a thin cute little lass like her to be this crazy strong? Medaka was being hurled at him by the crazy blondie like a cannonball. But a true man would never let a cute lady take the fall for him, especially not a comrade! No, even if she fell off the edges of the universe, he would always be there to catch her!

So he braced himself and caught Medaka, letting out a slight oof at the impact.

"Of course I can milady, but you see, I was simply stunned by the beauty of your eyes." He said nonchalantly, smiling seductively at her. With a clean starlike sparkle shining on his perfect skull, it was impossible to resist the temptation, it was enough to send any maiden's heart aflutter.

Now getting to hold a lovely lady like this might not be so bad, but throwing things at the captain and questioning his great skills were grave offenses. He would have to teach her the error of her ways, teach her how to be a real pirate!

He looked back down at Medaka and chuckled, his evil plan soon into motion. He gasped, almost in shock, and whispered.

"Could it be that your friend over there is jelly?"


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Joe took another sip of his tea, eating some more bubbles and said, "Wow, no wonder your so strong.  It sounds pretty rough over there.  If it was really that strict, you must have not had time for romances to begin with."

He sucked some more of his tea, only to realize he was both out of bubbles and juice.  "Oh shoot, im out already?"  He glanced over at Rin.  He was curious to see where she was with her drink.  Now that he ha rested up a little bit, he had an idea of where they would go next, given she had the time.


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Not that fixing her wound wasn't helpful, but Mitsuba guessed that making him lower guard due to any injury was out of question. Also that act provided him with another hint to their powers, what was done was done. She had to focus on winning this or getting away in the worse case scenario. His attack was quite telegraphed as she vaguely knew that she could expect another phantasm of his to manifest. Manipulation of materialized objects seemed to be his style of fighting. The fist was large enough that atttempting to move out of the way could not work. So it was time to put Muramasa to a test. Mitsuba planned to slice the giant fist into bits.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2017, 10:40:05 AM by Kat »

Umbra of Chaos

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"Well, she is rather pretty. Almost unnaturally so, wouldn't you say? But it isn't magic. My Messengers tell me so. So she's becomes an object of interest to me for now. Is that a good enough reason?" She walked a few steps behind William. Almost seeming subdued if not for the smirk on her face.


"Yes! That would be wonderful!" Her entire body was rather animated as she finished her food. She noticed that there was some strange liquid leaking from her eyes as she finished up but that was irrelevant. It wasn't as if such a thing meant anything to her. "Thank you..."


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Gojira's form didn't even budge when someone ran into her. Her eyes looked down upon the shorter being, almost a glaring, while her lips tightened. Such impertinence!

The Queen of the Monsters opened her mouth, eager to chew this female newcomer out and teach her her place. But her stomach spoke for the transformed dinosaur, grumbling its discontent for all nearby to hear. Goira's cheeks quickly flushed red - contempt deflating into embarrassment. "Just...Don't let it happen again!" She sputtered, before storming off to hide how flustered she was.

Unbeknownst to her, the bag carrying her fish had ripped open, and the Queen of the monsters was now leaving a trail behind her.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2017, 05:25:43 AM by MissingMandible »


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Sakura stared at Ron's face, taking in his body language and noting that he was still hiding stuff from her. No matter. Not for now, anyway. They'd only known each other for a few hours, being too prying would be highly inappropriate and rude. She'd only act if she found out about him being abused like she was suspecting.

"Well, I'm really glad you like it!" Sakura said with a smile. "How do you feel about 1200$ a month, utilities and internet included?" Sakura asked him, sitting down on the couch. She was clearly exhausted right now and needed to sit down. Could probably do with a small snack as well.


Well, on the one hand that was a lot of money. On the other hand that was everything included and Ron wasn't exactly the sort who would pay taxes now that he had superpowers anyway. Or before, even; most of his income had always been off the books. And it wasn't like he needed to worry about medical costs; his body handled everything on its own.

So after a few moments of counting things off on his hands and doing the math he started to nod a bit. "I'm definitely liking the sound of it. The look of it is nice too."

Ron noted she looked a bit tired, so he had to ask. "By the way, not to pry, but how far along are you anyway?"

Sakura Matou

"About five months. I should pop within the year!" She said, clearly happy about the prospect of giving birth to her child. "And that's great, I'm so happy to hear that! But before we start talking about a contract, do you mind if we stop at a fast food place real quick? I'm really uh, craving a nice burger and fries right now."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Neptune awarded the tall man with a bright smile for his answer as she took the time to pick her swords up and put them back in her inventory. It would look like they disappeared into thin air with no tell of how she performed this trick.

"Oh yeah I enjoyed that too Gaddy and don't think I forgot!" The purple haired girl came closer and closer until she was close enough to grab hold of his shirt, which she did in an attempt to try and shake him. Despite her best efforts, she only succeded in banging herself against him. Her eyes never faltered however, as she kept going.

"I remember it clear as day, how you promised to buy all the premium pudding in the store to celebrate our friendship!"


The watcher had mere moments to return his blade to its sheathe, the weapon somehow perversely satisfied with the spilling of whatever that creature had consisted of, before he was being struck by the body of Neptune. It was not the first time someone had made the mistake of believing they could shake his body about only to learn otherwise in a more difficult manner. "We shall see."

Gadreel made her release him, gently. "First we must move forward and ascertain where such pudding may be located. I know a number of likely sites ..."


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Forest in the Present

The blond raised an eyebrow at Malcolm and snorted.  "If I was a vampire, why the hell would I open up a bar?  Considering what I know of the suck-heads of Nexus, I'd either have a harem of pretty men to drink from or selling sex in exchange for blood," Forest said to the shorter man.  "And I sure as hell don't have a harem of pretty men to cater to my whims."

"As for the windows, it actually saves on heating and cooling.  Once this is packed with people who are dancing and whatnot, I'll have to have the air on even in the winter."


Rin shrugged and replied, "I made times for dates.  Even though they really weren't fun . . ."

One aquamarine eye twitched as she gripped her cup before she shook her head.   Then she chuckled at Joe's fore lone discovery that he had finished his drink.  "Looks like you're into instant gratification," she said with a chuckle as she held up her half full glass for his inspection.